Isobel the Guru

Rebelling Heart

Isobel is watching my every move as I start my Skype call with Chansung; I look over my shoulder at her. “If you want to talk to them you can.” I say smirking at my friend.

As someone answers, I’m assuming Chansung; I look back at my screen as the video feed loads. “Noona!” I hear his voice and Wooyoung’s, then of course the others all coming to view as the two boys grin at me. “Oh, who’s that?” Chansung asks looking at me very surprised.

I smile at Isobel as she takes a seat. “My very good friend, she kidnapped me before James could pick me up, I’m staying with her.” I explain easily.

“I see why you weren’t planning on leaving.” Isobel says chuckling. “They’re fine.”

“Nick” I remind her smiling, “Anyways, Isobel this is Chansung, Junho, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, Min-Jun and Nichkhun.” I say introducing her to each of the boys and pointing them out to her.

After a bit Isobel excuses herself to let me talk. “Noona you don’t really talk about your old friends.” Wooyoung says pouting slightly.

“I know, a lot of things changed for me, and for them.” I say sighing a bit. “Though if you want I can totally give you all the details on my life.” I say jokingly.

In the end I ended up telling them about a lot of things of my life, but then again it was strange to talk about all the old times, Nick and I ditching Rebecca and Dean all the time. When Isobel first moved here, all the trouble that we all soon got into. It was strange, but not un-welcomed. We talk for about an hour before lack of sleep was starting to get to me. “Noona remember to text us!” Junho says as we end the call.

“So which one are you in love with?” Isobel asks as I head towards the guest room. “It’s one of them obviously, and you rarely date so seriously.” She says following behind me as I enter the room and collapse on the bed. “Come on tell me, besides I don’t even know what they do.”

“Nichkhun, I love him.” I say flipping over to see her watching me. “What?”

Patting my leg she smiles at me. “I’m worried about my friend, if I’m right I know you won’t be staying here with all of us, and like I know we won’t always all be together, but for the longest time I thought that we’d all be a drive away, not a flight away.” Isobel gets up and stares at me a moment longer. “I get that you want to go back, I get that you were happy there, but what I don’t get is why you couldn’t tell us goodbye.”

“I wouldn’t have been able to go.” I tell her simply, sitting up on the bed I stare at my best friend. “I know I keep doing things that don’t really make sense, and that I left without a word, then I never called or did anything to let you guys know I was okay, I should have, but honestly while I was there I wasn’t a Kang, my mother wasn’t controlling my every move. I was doing something that I found myself loving.”

Isobel smiles at me again. “This time you don’t have an excuse, when you go back I expect phone calls, Skyping, texting, I don’t want to feel like I lost my best friend again.” She says walking back over to me and hugging me tightly. “And don’t think I missed you avoiding telling what your friends do.”

Rolling my eyes I stick my tongue out at her as she pulls away and waits with her hand on her hip. “Look you can’t tell anyone, my relationship with Nichkhun and all of them would be shot down, I could and would probably get fired for how I am with them all” I say as she nods her head. “They’re Korean Idols, so they are a bit famous.” I say mostly telling the truth, but I’m pretty sure she gets the idea.

“So you’re telling me that those six guys who are all very attractive are huge on this Korean entertainment scene.” She say pushing me over to sit next to me. “I have no idea where you get your luck, but I hope it all works out.”

“Me too.” I mumble while resting my head on Isobel’s shoulder. “I’m going to get some sleep and then you can grill me on my love life tomorrow.” I say pushing off her and grabbing the closest pillow. “So shoo, I’m sure you’re tired too.” I say yawning.




“What’s wrong with letting her have her own life?” I hear my dad ask calmly. “Soojin, she’s happy.” My mother would of course be here trying to get dad on her side.

“Temporary, that whole life is just temporary, they’re pop stars; how long can all of that last for her? The life she could have is disappearing, if she doesn’t accept James’s proposal then what will she have? With James her future is secured.”

“Not her happiness, Soojin, do you even hear yourself? This is her life. Let our daughter make her own way, besides we both know she’s never had any interest in taking over.”

“Because she hasn’t had the perfect opportunity.” My mother argues. “If she had the proper motivation she could do it.”

“And the board? I head that they aren’t particularly keen on having her take your place, besides didn’t we start all this so that she could live the life she wanted? To have the opportunities do what she is already doing?” He asks keeping his voice even.

“Elijah, she’s twenty-four now, with a job as a personal assistant to a group of talentless men who get up on stage and dance for preadolescent girls.” She says spitefully. “Is that what you wanted for our daughter?”

“Is she happy there? Does she smile, laugh, is she actually participating in life? From what I’ve heard since the accident she’s blamed herself, and has been doing all that she can to fix something that wasn’t in her control.” Dad is angry, I can picture his face; I’ve seen it a few times, it sort of scrunches up and his voice gets to be a bit ragged, like it sounds right now. “When we started Elite Industries, it was you and me, both dreaming to give the children we wanted to have the best future possible, she has that.”

“Ease dropping is a very unbecoming habit.” I hear a snide remark, turning around I see Laura and Josie with Rebecca and James walking behind them. “Never thought we’d have to see you again.” Laura snipes while glaring at me.

“Oh goodie, just the four people I wanted to see.” I say sarcastically. “What are you three even doing here?” I ask while crossing my arms. “Last I heard you lost your job my mother had generously given you.” I say raising a brow to Laura. “But wait; don’t tell me James so graciously is taking care of that?” I ask as James and Rebecca join us.

Josie sneers at me, the same looks that Laura and Rebecca are giving me. “It’s nice to see you again.” James says smiling at me. “Last time seems so far away, I even hear I missed your birthday.”

I shake my head at him and turn around to enter the room, I have no intentions of getting into a huge fight right here in the hospital.

As I walk in my mother purses her lips. “Sweetie” She says obviously angry from her conversation with dad. “When did you show up?”

“Sometime while you were insulting my friends and the person I love.” I say easily, biting back any remarks I close my eyes. “Look, mother the last thing I want to do here is fight.” I say calming down. “I came back to L.A. to see dad and to try and figure something out with the both of you in a civilized way.”

My dad looks at me for a moment as though he’s considering something. “I can see why your mother is so determined to get you to take an interest in the company.” He says smoothly, and I frown at this, but he shakes his head. “I won’t force that on you, and neither will your mother, though as far as your life in Korea, that isn’t my business or your mothers.”

“Honey” My mother says snapping her head to him.

He holds his hand up to her and then looks at me carefully. “As far as your life in Korea, calling once a week for now will do to satisfy me that you are handling yourself.”

“The Chan’s are expecting to join the companies and to make all agreements sound with a marriage.” My mother says frowning at her husband.

“And I am positive that you have another way to keep everything under control without gambling your daughter’s happiness and the rest of her life.” He says easily, turning back to me he points to the chair by his bed, I quickly take my seat by him and wait for him to address me. “This boy in Korea…” He leads off for me to continue on with.

“Nichkhun Horvejkul, he’s in a boy group.” I tell him slowly, I’m trying to get a feel for how this conversation will go, as far as dad has said, me being happy is what is important.

“Though his job isn’t…ideal, I think it’d be fair to let you make your choices. I’ll be discharged next week, and I will be clear for travel in two months, your mother and I will go to Korea and we will sit down and have a dinner with these men” He says cocking his head slightly. “From there we will see how things will go.”

I nod my head accepting whatever he says, I already know that there isn’t a point in arguing with him, after all he’s and my mother together made one of the most lucrative companies in the United States. “I’ll arrange the dinner, though as far as I know right now they will be preparing for a comeback.”

“Well, all the more reason for us to meet them then.” My dad says dismissively. “Your mother and I have things to discuss; we’ll have to reschedule our lunch for another time.”

Again I nod my head, taking this as my cue; I get up and leave the room after telling them both goodbye. I remember that part of my father clearly, the business end of his personality, but I’m also very much aware of his family side, the softer side. As I leave I ignore attempts from James and head straight towards Isobel’s car I borrowed.

As I get in I see a rather irritating sight. “Is there really no end to you five?” I ask while glaring at Dean. He’s now taken to leaning into the window of the car. “I’m not in the mood Dean.”

“Is that any way to greet me?” He asks cockily. “Now, now no need to be so hostile with an old boyfriend.”

“There is a reason for that too.” I snap while pushing his arm off the car door. “Shouldn’t you have moved on by now?” I ask him putting on the aviators in the middle compartment. “After all the last time we actually were dating was nearly ten years ago now.” I say rolling my eyes.

“First loves don’t have to end tragically.” Dean says while running a hand through his chestnut colored hair and looking at me the same way he has every girl. “We could head back to my place and revisit old memories.”

“Like hell, it was a mistake being with you, one I’m not keen to repeat, anyways I have better things to do than to sit here and chat.”

“So hostile, sweetie.” He coos as I start the car.

Placing both my hands on the steering wheel I glance at him. “If you don’t move, I will drive over your feet, so get away from the car so I don’t have to explain to your mother what a total douchebag you are.” Dean takes the hint and backs off, driving out of the parking lot I head back to Isobel’s apartment.

As I get out and head up stairs I open her door and head to the kitchen where I find her comparing juices. “You sound royally pissed.” She says as I set my bag on the counter. “And you are back very early from lunch.” I shrug my shoulders as I hand her the keys. “Hey Moe and Mac are having a barbeque tonight, you have to come or Moe says he’ll shave your head.”

“What time?” I ask turning around to take my seat at the counter, I watch as my best friend pours her a cup of juice finally. “I ran into James, Laura and company, plus Dean.” I say as she watches me from her spot.

“Dirty es, they have been kissing James’s since your mother introduced us to him; she was probably trying to get us to like him to persuade you.” Isobel says twitching her nose. “God I can’t stand him, god I just want to smack that self-satisfied ’s face off his head.” I smirk as I listen to Isobel insult James, then Laura, Rebecca, Josie and finally Dean. “Seriously, that came here trying to get me to tell him where you were. It was creepy.” She says shivering for emphasize.

“I can believe you; he wanted me to head back with him to his apartment to revisit old memories.” I say rolling my eyes at the thought. “Like hell I would.” I mutter sighing heavily.

“I just want to voice my opinion on that. I can’t believe your first was with such an -hat.” She says patting my hand sympathetically. “I’m so glad you got over your Dean phase and moved on to much better.” She says twinkling her eyes at me. “So I can’t help but notice that you didn’t spill all last night.”

I head back to the bed room and strip my clothes off, Isobel no stranger to being follows me and picks out some clothes. “Come on, I told you everything.” She says pouting at me very cutely.

“I met this other guy while I was in Korea, he saved my life.” I say as I pull on a floral zip front corset, then my skinny jeans, as I finish getting dressed I sit next to Isobel. “At first I thought I’d be with him even now, but he left to go on tour. He’d been in the same group as the others.” I explain. “Nichkhun and I just got really close and then we started dating.”

“And before you knew it you both her in love.” Isobel say grinning at me. “You really changed while you were over there.” She says resting her head on my shoulder. “I remember right after Dean you swore off those kinds of relationships, not only that but you basically play mother to a bunch of guys.”

“So?” I ask poking he shoulder gently, getting up she walks over to her closet and pulls out a pair of jean shorts that are tattered at the ends then a pink vintage Avengers tank, plopping back down next to me she smiles. “What?”

“For the record we all think Korea did you a lot of good, and we’re glad that you found your niche, what we wished happened was we all got a heads up.”

“You all will when I go.” I promise resting against her. “Do you remember senior year and that really crazy party you took us too in New York for the spring trip?” I ask smiling softly.

“The guys that you hung out with for weeks after?” She asks smirking. “That was the first time I saw you fall in love with a way of thinking.” My friend says poking me gently. “Rebelling with all that you got to get what makes you happy.” She says wrapping her arm around me.

“Isobel, when you meet Nichkhun you’ll understand why I just couldn’t come back even after everything.” I whisper sighing heavily.

“Well that guy better be worth it all; have you slept with him?” Isobel asks perking up, slapping her arm I roll my eyes. “Oh my god, you totally did!” She squeals excitedly. “Was he good? Did you like it? Was it safe, when was the last time you did him? What position was it?” She rambles on and on about it.

“I am not telling, that is way personal and if you want to know so badly you can ask him.” I say rolling my eyes, which I immediately regret saying as she pushes me to the ground, slams her door shut. It takes me a moment before I realize, she can Skype him, text him or even call. “Isobel, don’t you dare!” I scream getting up and opening to door, running down the hall I see her calling him via Skype.

Nichkhun of course would answer and is completely surprised seeing Isobel and then me tackling her. “Everything alright?” He asks as I struggle to keep Isobel’s mouth shut.

Biting my hand I yelp in pain. “Since you two have obviously have had , what was it like, miss tight-lipped over here won’t tell me anything.” Isobel says holding me back. I’m horrified as she continues to ask him very inappropriate questions.

“Isobel, seriously?” I yell finally getting over the shock, pushing her out of the way I cover my face as I see not only Nichkhun, but all of them in front of the screen, Nichkhun’s face is just as surprised as mine. “You better hide, I am going to throw you on the grill tonight and I bet Mac will help me!” I yell as Isobel takes off in a random direction, I turn back to the mostly awake boys.

“We can talk later right?” Nichkhun asks smirking at me, though the guys are glaring at him, particularly Taec. “I think I have to go out and hide, but see you soon right?” He asks as Chansung slaps the back of his head. “Yah, it was consensual!”

I cover my face as I turn bright red. “Two months from now, dinner with my parents the six of you.” I tell them trying to ignore the obvious looks. “We can talk more about that when I get back.” I say as I wave to them awkwardly.

“Noona we have a lot to talk about apparently.”

Nichkhun glares at Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung. “Some things are between couples and not every single friend.”

“Her blonde friend knows.” Taec argues.

I roll my eyes. “Isobel like to think of herself as a guru.” I clear up. “She prides herself on knowing when people around her have had .” I say shaking my head. “Trust me, she does not count and I haven’t said a word to her.”

“Let’s not talk about this like it is normal, please.” Wooyoung says frowning. “I’m just going to pretend this didn’t happen. Goodnight, Noona enjoy your time with your friend.” He says turning around, looking back he smiles at me. “We miss you some come back soon.”

“Yeah, it’s hard making breakfast for these idiots.” Min-Jun whines playfully. “And as your oppa I’ll be sure to smack some sense into Khunnie here.”

Nichkhun grimaces, so I figure the best thing I could do is say. “I’m the one who really wanted it.” I blurt out laughing a bit. “Don’t give him such a hard time.”

“I did not need to know that.” The guys all say leaving, Khun smiles at me and winks “We’ll talk later?”

“Yeah, hopefully without Isobel attacking you with questions.” I say shaking my head. “Sorry, she knocked me down before I realized what ran through her mind. Anyways, you better get some sleep, I’ll text you later tonight my time; we’re heading to a barbeque.”

“Sounds like fun.” He says yawning; he glances away for a moment before he rolls his eyes. “I was going to ask Chansungie.”

“Then ask!” he hisses from somewhere else in the room.

Nichkhun rolls his eyes and looks at me, concernedly. “Chansung and I both agree that you sound like something happened, he wants me to get you to promise to talk to someone about.”

I nod my head, they would of course notice the little bit of distress. “Saw a lot of people I’m not a fan of today, and Isobel and I have already talked about it.” I say smiling. “I’ll catch you guys up later, I hear Isobel.” I say smirking as we say goodbye and I run off towards her bathroom.


So updated again~!
AND as I talked about earlier, I have my Chansung fic poster guys.
> u >


> >Liberation< <

In the plans I've made for it, the idea is for it to be a ficlet to be honest
maybe 10 chapters or so.
Thought I should let you guys know. c:

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Thank you!
Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..