
Rebelling Heart

“Hello Noona.” Jinyoung says grinning at me, just waving politely. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Hyungs are always bragging about you.” I was at a loss of words; both of them are so young and already idols. I guess I just forget how young some people start to pursue their dreams.

“Yeah, we were worried that we’d never meet you.” Jaebum admits grinning. “Are you alright?” He asks as concern crosses his face, I’m probably doing that sort-of-there-sort-of-not face again.

Smiling at them I shake my head. “I’m sorry; I hadn’t realized they were doing that. Trust me if I’d known I would have introduced myself before.” I tell them shaking my head at Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung who are happily grinning at me interacting with the younger guys. “I’m sorry I haven’t heard your song yet.” I tell them sighing. I really don’t know what to say, I mean they seem nice enough and Chansung and the others seem to get along with them well enough. So they can’t be too terrible.

“We could show you!” Jinyoung beams happily, tapping Jaebum’s shoulder with more force than necessary.  “It’ll be a lot of fun!”

Laughing I nod my head, this only causes Jaebum and Jinyoung to smile at me. “Oh you guys are too adorable!” I coo seeing their faces light up, this only seems to egg them on, smiling even wider they seem to send a gloating glances to my boys.

“You’ll come to the practice with everyone then?” Jaebum asks me taking a seat next to Chansung.

Wooyoung happily slings an arm around my shoulder. “Of course Noona would never miss it!” He boasts gladly. “That and I don’t know how anyone else would let her live it down.” He adds in a darker tone.

Rolling my eyes at Woo I smile at Jinyoung and Jaebum “Don’t worry I’ll be there.” I tell them smiling reassuringly, “Anyways though Junho says you both were in a drama before you debuted as idols.” I comment trying to keep the conversation flowing.

Jaebum blushes lightly while nodding his head. “We did, it was mainly to help us debut for our music though.” He says quickly.

The six of us turn our heads at hearing Nichkhun’s voice “Ah! There you are! I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to wake up.” Nichkhun says taking a seat next to Jinyoung; of course he has a very smug smirk gracing his face. “Have you eaten yet?” I’m not even going to ask why he’s wondering about my bodily needs.

“We just ordered.” Junho explains pleasantly. “We got something for everybody.”

Nodding my head I sip my coffee happily. “I think one is entitled to sleep in one day without causing a ruckus.” I tell him leaning against Chansung.

The six of them just laugh my statement off. “So you’ve met Jr. and JB.” Nichkhun says airily. Since last night he seems to have a different air around him, something superior perhaps?

“Chansung-hyung told us that she’d be around today.” Jinyoung says excitedly. “Though, we were hoping to meet her before lunch.” He jokes smiling at me.

Nichkhun smiles at this, teasing me seems to be fun. I really shouldn’t be surprised, not in the least bit. “She’s normally up before everyone else. It’s a little strange isn’t it?” He asks as the others join us, them all looking like they just woke up themselves. “Ah the rest of them have awakened as well!” Nichkhun cheers.


Watching 2PM practice for JYPNation was fun; they did their old and new songs, dances and told when they could run wild. I’ll admit though the group I’m really waiting for is JJ Project. Hearing footsteps from behind me I turn to see Jenny coming closer and eventually taking the seat next to me, neither of us saying anything.

Watching everyone’s hard work for this show has me mesmerized, they’re trying their very best while preparing for the show. “We were so excited to see you sitting here!” Min says over the music taking a seat next to me on the other side. Glancing at Jenny she nods at her. “Hi.”

Jenny simply nods her head keeping her eyes trained on the stage. Fei on the other hand sends periodic glares her way every now and then.

As JJ Project begins their practice I find myself smiling and giggling with the girls at how adorable some of the dancing is, their practice being the last for the night.

Getting up I run over back stage to pick up the boys up, running into Jinyoung and Jaebum. “I love Bounce.” I tell them smiling. “It’s really good. I like the dance too.” I tell them seeing the boys.

“Noona!” Wooyoung cheers seeing me, running over he engulfs me in a hug. “How was it? Your first JYPNation practice?”

“I can’t wait till the concert. I know everyone will wow the fans.” I say while hugging the man back. “Though I think it’s time to head back to the hotel.”

“We can go hang out there!” Taecyeon says happily pushing us to walk away.

“Bye!” I shout to Jaebum and Jinyoung as I’m dragged away.

“Noona you can’t become their biggest fan.” Chansung says smiling at me. “You have to be our biggest fan.”

Laughing I nod my head at them. “I know, besides you guys should know that I love you all best!” I say looping arms with Chansung and Junho as we walk through the venue, dropping their arms once I hear the cheering. I know better than to test the luck of not getting spotted with them. The coordinators have already requested that the idols not be so affectionate with them when fan could see them.

“We saw Jenny sitting next to you, did she tell you?” Junsu asks me once we’re in the car with our driver, sending him a quizzical look I shake my head. “Jinyoung-sshi pulled her from her debut. She’s going back to Japan for saying all that rude stuff to the staff.”

“Oh” I mumble shrugging my shoulders, I can’t say I feel bad for her, but I glance at Junho. “Well I suppose that’s not the worst thing that could have happened.”  Sighing I close my eyes resting my head back. “Though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t happy that she is leaving.” I mumble. “You guys practice peer-pressure too much.”

“Only for you.” Junsu beams, well at least it sounds like it. He has that gloat-y sound to his voice. “Anyways tonight for dinner Minjae-sshi said we’ll be eating with everyone else.”

Opening my eyes I smile at them, “Oh so I can eat with Fei, Jia, Min and Suzy!” I say excitedly.

“Yeah, and you can eat with the guys.” Junho says smiling at me. “Though I imagine you miss having time for girls.”

“Like I’d hate spending time with my favorite people in the world?” I ask him smiling. “Besides I’ve had a lot of fun in Japan with you guys.”

“Noona all we’ve done is practice.” Chansung whines. “You’ve gone off to get things while looking around.”

“Ah, you see I’ve gotten to go shopping.” I say happily. True, I haven’t gotten to spend as much time with them as I would like, but I’ve been able to shop and get some nice clothes and such. Very nice, after all by this coming summer I’ll have been here for a full year. “Anyways though I’m sure we can go out and explore later and if not we can go do stuff when we get back home.”

“Ah you do think of home with us!” Junsu giggles, yes giggles, hugging me from behind, well the best one can in a car.

“She isn’t a doll, you can’t yank on her.” Nichkhun snaps, turning to look at him we all blink at him in confusion. He has never been so moody that he’s snapped at one of the guys just messing around with me. “What?”

“Nothing.” We mutter all glancing at each other trying to pinpoint the real offender in our ranks. “Anyways we’ll have a couple of hours before dinner.” Junho says casually.


Sitting in my room I settle down with a magazine, lightly reading through it, until I hear a knock. Getting up I open it to see Nichkhun and a book. “Hi, are you alright?”

“Yeah, the guys are just being loud, mind if I read in here?” He asks me sighing, rubbing his head in the process, opening my door wider I smile at him. “Thanks, I’m not disturbing you right?”

“Nope, I was just reading too.” I tell him gesturing to my magazine. “So you’re welcomed to read here.” Shutting the door I take a seat back on my bed with Nichkhun sitting on the other side casually, opening his book to his page.

Scanning the page of my magazine for where I stopped reading I continue to read about economic wellbeing of companies worldwide. I know super fun, but it relaxes me. My dad told me that these things are important to the survival of people. So I read not just them but the newspaper or other articles of importance to the world. You have to stay up to date, know what’s going on.

“That’s some pretty interesting reading material you have there.” Nichkhun comments glancing over at the page I’d been reading. “Did you major in economics?”

Shaking my head I smile at him. “My dad did.” I mumble quietly, here I am spilling more to him. “He’d read this kind of stuff to me when I was little. I thought it was the best thing. Getting to hear my dad’s voice and him sounding so excited by all the numbers and things going on in the business world.” I say sighing happily. “I’ve taken to reading more since…”

Nichkhun studies me for a moment. “What did you major in then?” I silently thank him for not pressing more on the subject.

“I majored in Marketing and a minor in Entrepreneurship” I tell him simply. “Something I haven’t used once since I graduated.”

The tall male seems to find this amusing “So you could run a successful business?” He asks me curiously. “That seems not like you…”


Nichkhun smiles at me, setting his book down on his lap, his legs crossed and stretched out almost to the end of the bed. “I mean you’re more creative and fun loving it seems to me. I can’t picture you in a suit and running some kind of business. You strike me more as the wild type.” Grinning Nichkhun pats the top of my head. “That and you don’t really seem to care about that kind of stuff. After all you said so yourself, you haven’t used either since you graduated.”

“Touché.” I say smiling at him. “You make a lot of valid points mister observant.”

Nichkhun simply beams. “What else do read?”

Shrugging my shoulders I gesture to the newspaper. “Normally online though.” I explain to him. “My parents told me time and time again that you need to know what’s going on in the world and read plenty of different sources.” I tell him casually. “They’re right too.”

“Rightly so.” Nichkhun agrees. “Do you talk about your parents to Chansung?”

Shaking my head I bite my lip looking away. “It’s comfortable telling you, I know if I were to talk about it with the others it’d be the same, but I don’t feel so much on edge that and it slips out with you.” I tell him glancing at him.


Shaking my head again I stop short. “A couple of times, briefly, not as in depth.” I admit sighing I glance out the window before meeting Nichkhun’s eyes. “Something the matter?”

“Not really, why do you ask?”

Sighing I give him a pointed look. “The car, on the drive back to the hotel. You seemed pretty moody.” I tell him curiously.

Nichkhun runs a hand through his hair. “Nothing in particular. Besides I think I’m making progress with something rather important. It would seem I’m not out of the race quite yet.”

Confused I pout at him. “You boys and talking cryptically.”

“Like it’s better to want a hippo to attack people with?” He counts sassily.

Grinning at him I nod my head. “There are lots of people that would be missing a few limbs.”

Nichkhun just laughs at me. “I’m not sure if I’d ever understand your logic, but I am getting to understand you more.”

Staring at him I feel myself blushing, I’d made him laugh so happily. It was pretty nice hearing something so…Whoa, no let’s not dive into that jar of crazy. Hearing another knock I get up seeing the others. “Yes?”



Now I know I'm a little late (one week)
But with the site being unstable I decided to wait till I posted
I got stuck, I worked my way through it so this chapter is a bit shorter than what I've been writing
Also, I won't be able to update again until at least Monday.
I'm going to the zoo :D
I freaking love the zoo, I know I'm old and I love the zoo ;^;
BUT other news for your guys that is totally irrelevant to the story
I finally got my hair dyed red(dish). It's pretty awesome.
I was so happy I decided to sit and write out this chapter.
Anyways my summer is nearly over, and I'll be starting school in a couple of weeks, so my
updating may become a little less.
I only have half days (yay c: ) but we'll see how that goes
plus I've started another story ._.;;
I'm just super active aren't I? ha-ha, anyways
Enough of my rambling...
Comment? <3

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..