It's All About The Choices We Make

Rebelling Heart

While Taec and I enjoyed an afternoon of hanging out in my apartment the boys decided that I shouldn't be spending so much time alone in my apartment and are demanding I stay with them for a few days until I figure something out to do.

Which leads to me leaving Taecyeon while he makes dinner for us while I pack to stay with the boys for a few days, sighing I couldn’t help but feel like this was all some sort of plot to get me to cheer up. I really do love them. As crazy as they can be, each and every one of them care about me.

Sitting alone in my room I stare at the closet realizing, Jay’s things are gone, everything of his is gone, and in place of his things are mine. The clothes I’d left at his place. A sick twisting feeling in my stomach as I continue to look around my room. All the little traces of Jay were gone, like he’d never been here. Though I look on my dresser, the two neatly wrapped gifts that Jay and given me are sitting there.

Slowly I get up and pull them into my arms. Sitting on the bed with each one in front of me I slowly pick up the one meant for my birthday. Unfolding the a piece of paper stuck under the ribbon, reading it I feel tears falling faster, it was like he’d broken up with me all over again.




                I know things have been rough, and we haven’t exactly worked any of it out, but I just want you to know how much you mean to me. That you’re the most special girl in my life, the only one I’ve ever felt so comfortable around. The first one I’ve ever fell in love with. There I said it. I fell in love with you. I love you, and I don’t care if it’s too soon, or that you don’t feel the same way. I love you and that will never change.




Taking deep breaths I peel away the wrapping paper coving the box. In the box is a necklace, one that has me throwing my hand to my mouth, tears falling even faster. On a gold chain is a pendant, a raindrop crystal, at least I’m hoping it is, I don’t know if I could stand if it was anything else. Blinking the tears down I take both boxes and place them up in my closet, a note falling as I place them out of sight.

“Noona are you alright?” Taecyeon’s voice calls from the living room; I hear his footsteps getting closer until the door opens. “Noona what did we tell you about crying alone?”

“Not to.” I whisper hugging Taecyeon. Feeling his arms wrap around me he kisses me lightly on the top of my head.

“Let’s get your bag packed.” He mumbles helping me up, pulling out a bag he stuffs some shirts and pants in, grabbing a couple of jackets me smiles at me. “Now get your lady things and we can head back to the dorm after dinner.”

Nodding my head I smile at him weakly. “Thank you Taec.”


Taecyeon suggests we stop for hot chocolate, partly to make the guys jealous and to warm us up. I giggle as he makes funny face at me as we walk up the stairs, my bag on his shoulder, and our hands wrapped around our hot chocolaty beverages. “Cut it out you goof I’ll spill my chocolate!” I giggle pushing the door open.

Entering we see Chansung and Nichkhun both pouting about something. Wooyoung, Junho and Junsu all seem to be picking sides. Sighing Taec and I make our way to the living room taking a seat on the couch. “Noona tell hyung that you’ll be fine with us!” Junho, Chansung and Wooyoung argue. “You can lodge with the young boys!” The three of them cheer.

“Older boys.” Junsu cheers throwing his arms up and pulling Taecyeon to Nichkhun’s and his side.

Smiling at them I let out a laugh. “How long exactly do you plan on keep up this team thing?” I ask them smirking. Not that I was opposed to how they were continuously breaking up into age brackets. Younger versus the Older. “Besides Taec you told me that they had everything sorted out.” I say glancing at him.

“With it being winter it really isn’t a good idea for anyone to sleep on the floor.” Nichkhun says shrugging his shoulders. “Besides we think that you spoil them too much.”

Glancing at Chansung, Wooyoung and Junho all looking at me pleadingly. “He’s just jealous!”

Raising my brow I glance at the younger boys. “Who is?” I ask glancing now at the older boys.

Junsu and Taecyeon’s eyes dart to Nichkhun, him staring at me. I see; someone let something slip to him. “Why exactly is said person jealous?” I ask the group diplomatically.

Nichkhun stands up taking a seat next to me. “Said person is the only person who hasn’t been to your apartment or out on any of the excursions you take the others out on.” He says looking away from while grabbing my hand. “Said person is also…” He say pulling me up and running down the hall with me. “CHEATING!” He yells as he shuts the door to his room locking it.

Staring at Nichkhun is disbelief I smile at the older male’s tactics. I had to admit that was sneaky. “THAT’S NOT FAIR!” A chorus of voices calls from the other side of the door. “TRAITOR!”

Laughing I take a seat on Chansung’s bed. “That was very impressive.” I muse watching Nichkhun calmly take a seat opposite on his bed.

“I’d like to think so.” He says grinning triumphantly before becoming serious. “Did you really take Taecyeon to your home?”

“I took him to my apartment.” I tell him shrugging. “We could go tomorrow if you want, and go out on all those little excursions you seem to be missing out on.” I tell him shrugging my shoulders. “I didn’t mean to leave you out.” I whisper quietly.

Smiling at me he just beams happiness. “Well if I’m getting all my time tomorrow I suppose we should get some shut eye. I’d like to take full advantage of my day with you.” He says sending one of those flawless smiles.

Chuckling I nod my head glancing suspiciously to the door with the boys still whining outside of it. “My things are still with Taecyeon.”

Getting up Nichkhun opens his closet gesturing me to choose a shirt. “I’ll keep my eyes closed.” He promises as I take a shirt then handing me a pair of sleeping pants. Smiling I nod my head, I trust him, partly because of him always ranting about my honor and partly because of his younger sisters that he’s so fond of. Nichkhun goes to his bed; sitting on it he faces the wall and puts his hands on his eyes. “Just tell me when you’re done.”

Smiling I quickly change into the borrowed clothes. “Alright you turn.” I tell him getting on Chansung’s bed hiding under the covers so he can change. Hearing him chuckle only made me smile. I wasn’t feeling so shy or uncomfortable, was it that really was getting used to being around these beastly idols? I think so.

“You can look now.” He says, hearing him settle on his bed I pull the covers down. Nichkhun sighs in annoyance towards the door. Giggling I pick up the attention from the door to me. “What?” He asks happily, the annoyance leaving his face completely.

“Your hair. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so messy.” I tell him getting out of the bed, walking over to him I push down the hairs sticking out in random places. “I hadn’t realized the Thai Prince could look so goofy.” I deliberate jokingly. After I’m finished I glance back at the door, I need to finish getting ready for bed. “Do you think we could slip in and out unnoticed?”

“Probably not.” He sighs “You could just say you’re choosing to stay in here for the night.” He suggest casually, well not so much that I hadn’t noticed, but smiling I nod my head.

Nichkhun isn’t the type of guy to force me to stay here; I’m obviously still here because some part of me wants to be. “Well then, I guess it’s decided then, so I can finish getting ready?” I ask him hesitantly eyeing the door again. It was unsettling that they were suddenly quiet.


After being ambushed upon exiting to go to the bathroom to freshen up the boys all stare at me in horror. Quickly making my trip to the bathroom and grabbing my bag I hug the boys goodnight and promise that I’ll spend the night with them.


In the morning Nichkhun wakes me up. “Time to get dressed, I’ll take you to breakfast.” He mumbles when I turn away. Perking up I glance at him. “I promise.”

Sighing I throw the covers off, picking up my bag I fish some clothes out as he leaves.


“So can I ask you something?” Nichkhun asks while we walk around a park, deciding we’d eat at my apartment for lunch. Nodding my head he continues on. “How serious were you with Jay?”

Biting my lip I press my lips together, I hadn’t been expecting that. “Jay and I were serious.” I whisper finally. “But I…I wasn’t ready to take the next step.” I whisper smiling sourly.

“I’m jealous of him.” Nichkhun offers, looking up at him I slant my head in surprise. “You were really happy with him. I wanted that. I want a relationship with someone that makes not just me happy but the woman I’m with.” Quietly I listen to him, shocked that he was telling me something so personal. “You and Jay are really lucky to have had something so wonderful like that.”

Smiling at him I grab his arm tugging him in the direction of my apartment. “I’m lucky to have the six of you care about me.” I tell him smiling. “I have no idea what I did to deserve you guys.”

Nichkhun is just full of surprises. “It’s the choices that we make. Everything we’ve done as brought the seven of us to this point.”


“So after this the six of you have all been here.” I tell him as we walk to the apartment complex. “There won’t be any complaining now right?” I ask him jokingly. Slipping my fingers under the numbers of my apartment number I produce the space key to him. “My spare will always be under there.” Unlocking my door I place it back before closing my door with Nichkhun inside.

“You have quite the 2PM merchandise.” He says taking note to all the stuff the boys have given me. “I see you favor the younger ones.” He jokes.

Laughing I lead him into the kitchen. “They like to shower me with stuff with their faces on it.” I tell him smiling. “I don’t mind so much though. Let’s start the tour!” I tell him smiling.

“The kitchen, very nice, well stocked.”

Rolling my eyes I lean on the counter as he pokes around as they all seem to do. “You too huh?” I ask him smiling softly.

“Me too what?” He asks innocently.

Rolling my eyes I point to the kitchen. “You all seem to be concerned how well stocked my kitchen is.” I point out shrugging my shoulders. “Each and every one of you.”

“Well you said when you first got here how you didn’t really have a kitchen.” He says shrugging his shoulders in return. “It’s good to see that you have one now.” Nichkhun says smiling. “Now lead on tour guide!” He commands in a jolly voice.

Laughing I show him every room, leading him to mine last. “And finally my room.” Opening the door, I ignore the poster of the seven boys on it, revealing my bedroom.

Nichkhun steps in hesitantly before looking around thoughtfully, checking the bookshelf for interesting books, and picking up some photos I have displayed, all of me with the guys. Nichkhun soon turns his attention to my open closet. Spotting his shirts with ease he smiles back at me. “Glad to see they’ve been integrated into your closet.”

Smiling at him I nod towards the kitchen. “Come on I’m hungry.” I tell him contently walking around my apartment with him trailing after me. The tour had gone on longer as he looked at things, looking back at me to make sure it was okay to inspect the items that grabbed his attention. Lunch we silently made some sandwiches quickly eating them before we settled on the couch to talk.

“Do you guys date?” I ask him randomly watching him carefully.

Seeing him laugh made me smile. “We go on dates you know, but never quite serious.” He sighs. “I think that we would like to have something serious, everyone gets to a point where they want that…but with our schedules it makes it a bit difficult, and even if we date another idol or something they’re just as busy.”

“It has to be tough on you guys though.” I murmur resting my hand on my palm while we face each other. “I mean what do you do when you meet someone and you want to be serious with her?” I ask Nichkhun.

This seems to catch him off guard. “Well aren’t we curious!” He mumbles throwing his head back. “But to answer your question I’d have to go with I think we’d each would try to make something work, seeing said girl secretly, acting like we’re friends with her or maybe if the girl was right for us we’d just go public. Personally though I’d want to protect her from anything and anyone.” He muses finally. “Like I said before, it’s all about the choices we make.” Nichkhun studies me for a moment, his eyes serious. Just staring back I begin to wonder why he’d look at me like that, but pushing the thought away as his friendly demeanor returns.



Just a little break, well a start of a little break.
I'd like to thank all of you guys for commenting too, I really appreciate all the support and
getting to hear what you all think of. It helps me to motivate myself to write.
I'll also be looking / designing a new poster
for the story since we're entering a new stage of sorts
would you all mind posting some suggest shops?
Thanks! :)


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..