Nothing Wrong With Being Happy

Rebelling Heart


Nichkhun stares at me, a smile playing across his face. “Let me ask you something, do you think I would ask you on dates if I was seeing Victoria?” Shaking my head he smiles at me. “Well there you have it. I’m only trying to get you to see how much I care about you.” Pausing he watches me for a moment, moving closer he kisses my forehead. “To me, I just want us to be together.” He says finally he stays where he is in front of me waiting. “So now the question is what do you want, where are we to you?”

Blinking I stare at Nichkhun, it baffles me still that he can say things and make it sound like nothing would be better than being with me, nothing else would matter. “I want to be with you.” I mumble gripping his shirt, looking down at my lap I try to figure a way to be clear about it, so that he knows that I want this and it isn’t just something to pass time with, not that I think Nichkhun does. I just…I want to be clear, looking up I kiss Nichkhun quickly before I pull away. “I like you.” I mumble blushing, my tone serious.

Nichkhun smiles at me, placing his hand on the back of my neck and rubbing his fingers against the skin and shaking his head. “I like you too, so don’t worry about Victoria, and I won’t worry about you with the others.”

What would have been a cute and romantic moment was interrupted by some of my most favorite people. “Would you quit breathing in my ear?!” Taecyeon whispers slapping the person presumably breathing in his ear.

“Would you quit it? They’ll know we’re here!” Junsu whispers at the two.

Nichkhun rolls his eyes. “They can’t really spy for long.” He mutters pulling away from me. “I’ll take you home.” He mutters shaking his head.

Smiling at him I couldn’t help but giggle, it’ll be tough for Nichkhun and me now to get any time alone. “You sure? Will you have time to get changed?” I ask him standing up. Nodding his head he just smiles at me, and well I can’t say I don’t know the real reason for taking me home.

Walking out he grabs a pair of sunglasses while mumbling about them ruining a moment. As we leave the bedroom we come to the hallway to see them ‘casually’ leaning against the wall and laying about on the floor. “So how are you guys?” I ask them suppressing the urge to just laugh at how ridiculous they’re being.

“You know the usual.” Junho says heading to his room with Wooyoung following nodding his head. After that the others disperse leaving Nichkhun and I room to walk down the hall and them muttering about Taec ruining it for them.

Nichkhun grabs his keys, turning around he watches as I get my sandals on; waiting for me as we leave the dorm Nichkhun holds my hand on the way to his car. “So what are you going to be wearing to tonight’s party?” Nichkhun asks.

Shrugging my shoulders I tilt my head trying to figure out what I will wear. “Honestly I don’t know. Miyoung-Unnie normally has outfits all picked out for me, but she and Namyoung decided to have a day together.” I explain indifferently.

“It must be a bit of a relief not to be playing Barbie doll tonight.” He says chuckling as we reach his car. Opening my door for me Nichkhun smiles gallantly. “Maybe you could model for me.” He says getting in on the other side smiling at me.

Laughing I shake my head at him. “Yeah, no probably not.”


Nichkhun and I sit in my room staring at my closet. “I like these jeans; it’s just a casual party so you really don’t have to dress up.” Nichkhun says pointing to a pair we’ve pulled out. Nodding my head I gesture towards a shirt with cut outs on the side, it’s flowery. “Maybe with that leather jacket.”

“And my leather boots!” I say suddenly excited at the prospect of getting to use my boots. Grabbing the said articles of clothing I run to the bathroom. Pulling on the jeans and slipping the floral cut out on and shrugging my jacket on as I step out as I flip my hair out from under my jacket. “Well?”

“The shirt shows more than I thought.” Nichkhun mutters as he inspects my outfit, though by the look on his face he is enjoying the opportunity to really check me out. Stepping closer he takes this chance to mess with my hair. “I think you look y right now, though I’m not sure I want to take you out like this.” He mutters leaning down closer to me.

Smirking I lean closer to him, rubbing my hand along his arm I glance up into his eyes. “This is a dangerous game you’re playing.” I whisper as I push some of my hair behind my ear. “Nichkhun we need to get you back so you can change too.” I say in a hushed tone as I dance around him and run to my closet to get my boots, the ones with a little bit of studs, only in the back silver on black.

Stepping out I see Nichkhun waiting by the door with an amused face. “I’ll just have to play back then.” He says stealing a kiss from me as I rush over to him, pulling my boots on surprised by his little attack I feel the corners of my lips turn up.


By the time we get back to the dorm the guys are calling for jeans, shirts, shoes or socks from the others. “What’s with you boys and stealing clothes?” I ask Nichkhun as I slip my boots off, as I get my last boot off I nearly fall on my face from Nichkhun tugging me along by my hand.

“Noona you look good.” Junho compliments me steeping out dressed in jeans, a plain black shirt. “Something the matter?” He asks as I’m dragged down the hall.

“You look great!” I call as Nichkhun chuckles leading me to the last room on the right, also known as his and technically Chansung’s. “Oh Chansung your shirt isn’t on.” I comment staring at the younger male. “You look good like that.” I joke seeing him jump at my sudden presence, also accompanied by an ‘eep’.

“Khun you could have said you were bringing Noona.” Chansung says pulling on a shirt on. “Are you drinking tonight?”

Nichkhun smiles at me wriggling his eyebrows. “Will you pick a shirt?” Nichkhun asks me as he searches for his jeans I assume.

Nodding my head I poke my head in their closet. “I think I will tonight.” I tell Chansung casually. “Probably not heavily, at least I hope not.” I tell him chuckling as I examine a plain white shirt.

“Don’t turn around Noona!” Chansung commands as I hear more chuckles emanating from Nichkhun, apparently my honor doesn’t matter much when I’m with just 2PM. “Khun you should have waited to change.” Chansung says shaking his head. “What if she turned around?”

“Well then I think I would have lived.” Nichkhun says back sassily. “Have you picked a shirt?” He asks stepping closer, I don’t see anything, but I hear a soft thud, like an article of clothing falling on the ground, turning around with a white V-neck shirt I’m pretty surprised facing a shirtless Nichkhun standing a few feet away, and oh my goodness I am just getting all kinds of exposure today!

“Yeah, here.” I mumble blushing, shaking my head at Nichkhun as he smirks happily pulling the shirt on, lastly he grabs a jacket before the three of us all leave the room.

“I really don’t see why you’re angry Chansung, you saw, she just turned around.” Nichkhun says teasing the younger guy. “It was like you supervised the whole event. If anyone is violated it is me.”

Laughing I push Nichkhun’s arm. “Yeah right, you’re like the drunken streaker at a party.” I say rolling my eyes. “Anyways we better hurry.” I mutter skipping over to Junsu who is holding his arms open for a hug. “Oppa!” I giggle as he twirls me around.

As I’m set down Junsu rests his hands on my shoulders, just watching me, smiling at him I stick my tongue out at him. “Merong!” I cheer happily as I skip to the door to put my boots on, Nichkhun chuckles following after me with a breathtaking smile tugging at his lips as he watches me. “Hmmh?” I ask as I get my last shoe on.

“You just seem happier.” He mumbles nudging me lightly slipping his sneakers on. “Come on I’ll drive.” He says as we all buddy up in two cars, Nichkhun’s and Taecyeon’s.

Sitting shot gun I glance back at Chansung and Wooyoung. “So you guys excited? You and Jokwon have been working on your solos for a long time now.” I comment happily back at Wooyoungie.

“I am. I’m really excited to show our fans the songs and dances.” Wooyoung says with quite a bit of enthusiasm.

For the rest of the ride we all chat happily, taking about Wooyoung and Jokwon’s solos, the performances they’ll be making and how Taecyeon now is growing his hair out. We joke around about braiding it and what not.

At the actual company party everyone is enjoying the night, freedom and of course that the drinks and food are on the company. So by the time we’re done eating and just enjoying the open bar most of us are pretty drunk.

Junho is passed out on the couch next to Jokwon, Wooyoung and Seulong, Chansung and Taec are talking at the bar with Min and Fei, drinking of course, while Nichkhun, Junsu, Jinwoon and I are sitting on a couch while drinking a couple of beers.

“You need a nickname.” That’s all Junsu says as he points his finger at me. “Something that just suits you, something catchy!” He slurs with a smile, to which Jinwoon and Nichkhun are nodding their heads, and I find myself doing the same, yeah probably the beer.

The four of us are silent as we look around each other waiting for someone to suggest something, anything at all. “H.G!” Junsu cheers happily suddenly.

Confused I stare at him, well I join in the staring at him. “Mind explaining what you just called me?” I ask Junsu as he proceeds to finish off his beer.

“You have a book with that on it.” Junsu says as though this is totally normal. “Besides Hottest’s Girl.” Junsu continues on as if he’s a genius. “You’re out biggest fan, so you get Hottest Girl, get it.” He says laughing with Jinwoon nodding his head in agreement.

“You’re insane you know that?” I ask him as the Nichkhun chuckles with the ‘clever’ Junsu.

“I don’t know it kind of suits you.” Nichkhun says smiling at me.


Waking up a bed alone I glance around and take note that for once I’ve woken up in my apartment, stepping out of bed and taking a few steps I quickly find I’m on the ground and there are two groans, one of them being mine, me gripping my head in pain from the sudden impact to the ground, and well a manlier one.

Peeking my eyes open to look who I tripped over I see Nichkhun rubbing his side, a grimace on his face while he looks around in confusion before he smiles at me. “You kick hard.” He states chuckling as he sits up.

Mimicking him I shrug my shoulders. “My head hurts.” I state looking around in a daze before I get up and stumble to my bathroom looking for some aspirin, finding the bottle I make my way to the kitchen where Nichkhun is sitting at the table collapsed on my table. Grabbing a bottle of water I set it down while I work on opening the bottle.

“You obviously don’t have to do that often.” Nichkhun says easily slipping the bottle out of my hands and opening the bottle with ease, shaking out a couple for myself and him. Smirking he passes me two, nodding my head I accept the truth, I never really had to worry about functioning with a hangover. Someone is normally taking care of me right away, or the bottle is more cooperative, that or I just decide to suffer with it.

The two of us just stare at each other, a bit confused on what to do or rather just too tired to move. “You stayed the night.” I mumble quietly watching Nichkhun nod his head. “We better get you back to the dorm.” I mumble sighing before resting my head back on the table all my resolve suddenly gone, honestly though I’m not sure that it was there to begin with.

Nichkhun chuckles, feeling his arms hoisting me up and him carefully leading me through my apartment to my bed, setting my down gently he covers me with my sheets. “I’ll be on the couch H.G.” Opening my eyes I see him closing the door carefully, and well maybe I felt a bit more than special at how affectionate he’s been with me, and yeah I might be more than happy. Nothing is wrong with that. Nothing at all.



Yeah. I need something to call the OC
; ^ ; It's getting a bit difficult to just go around her not having a name.
So I can promise you, I am never doing this again, my OCs shall be named forever now.
xD Anyways, I think that's the only really random thing that happens here, she randomly has a 'name'.

SO...I watched running man for the first time.
SWEETJESUS. What was wrong with me?! It is hilarious.
I watched the episode with Nichkhun and Taecyeon all I have to say is
they were dressed extremely well, and I'm not taking about the suits, their causal look
I just about exploded. I love guys that dress like that so. > u <
They are just too amazing, like I cannot process how great it was.



What can I say? I was just in a writing mood, I have been recently :)
I finished my other Nichkhun ficlet /shamlesslyadvertising/
I just feel like writing suddenly, so I've been working on a lot of stuff, new stuff /hinthint/
About Khun's answer...I feel like it's too scripted? I think that's the word, but I wasn't sure how else to do that without
totally ignoring the OC's question.  Anyways, tell me your take on it, I seriously won't be offended if you think it's 
too sappy or whatever, cause I do. @-@
I can see what you mean, but to me I really like the possessiveness, and what I'm trying (and probably failing at) to convey
is that Nichkhun has waited months to get where he is, he's been waiting (semi)patiently, and honestly cares for
our dear OC.
That and Nichkhun and her relationship is different from her's with Jay. It isn't as easy, that and
Nichkhun brings out a different set of feelings from her than Jay had.
> n > Enough of my character analysis. haha ><
There will be more OC&Khun moments so yeah...

Let me know what you think. c:



P.S. I have over 100 subscribers, so thank-you, this has FAR exceeded my expectations.
I honestly thought I would have quit, but I really love writing this fic. ;D
So thank-you guys so much, I know I say it a lot, but I mean it. Thank You.
That is all. Carry on. 

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..