
Rebelling Heart

Pulling a shirt on I glance back at Nichkhun, his eyes are glued to me. “So we haven’t gotten the chance to talk about that friend of yours.” He says while walking over to me, wrapping his arms around me he walks backwards to my bed. Sitting down he looks up at me. “Let’s talk about how I was asked some rather difficult questions over Skype and when she came to visit.”

I chuckle, straddling Khun I nod my head. “Let’s talk about it.” I agree while wrapping my arms around him. “We should definitely talk about it.”

“She brought up some rather interesting things I thought we should try.” Nichkhun says while rubbing my sides.

Laughing I my lips. “Stuff like eating sweets off each other’s bodies?” I ask him in low tone. “Or more towards the other end of her interrogation?” I ask him with a coy smile. Feeling something very familiar poking me I glance down between our bodies. “Looks like that would be a yes.”

Before either of us can continue I hear the front door open and several people come in chattering. “I am going to kill them.” Nichkhun grumbles as I get off him.

“I’ll get dressed and distract them, you should probably cool off.” I say smiling at him, Nichkhun grunts unhappily. “I’ll get them in the kitchen and start some lunch.”

“I’ll go take a shower or something.” He mumbles getting up from my bed, walking over to me he pecks me lips while rubbing my back. “I’ll be out in a bit.”

Grabbing a pair of jeans I slip them on, grinning at Nichkhun I slip out of my room and find five of the other members in my living room. “Can I help you all?” I ask them heading to the kitchen, naturally three of them follow. “Because Nichkhun and I were under the impression we’d be alone today.”

Chansung frowns. “Noona, we want to spend time with you too.”

“That’s code for we’re being -blocks.” Taecyeon says entering the kitchen with a cheek grin. “We should have a beer while we wait for Nichkhun.”

Rolling my eyes I point him towards my fridge. “I’m not defending you when Nichkhun comes out.” I tell them happily. “I’m gonna make some lunch.” I declare heading towards the phone.

“I think she means, she’ll order some food.” Junho says with a playful smirk. “For all of us?” He asks with pleading eyes.

Sighing I nod my head, dialing the usual pizza place I glance at the guys all staring at me expectantly. “Hello, I’d like to place an order.” I decide on a three large cheese pizzas, partly because they’re my favorite, and I’m ordering. “Thanks.” I say as I look around for my purse.

“Just cheese?” Min-Jun asks while quirking a brow.

“It’s Noona’s favorite.” Chansung says easily. “She’ll eat pepperoni, but that’s about it.” He says while planting himself on the couch. “What’s Nichkhun doing?”

“Taking a shower.” I answer smirking, Chansung and Wooyoung both grimace. “Something the matter?” I ask them teasingly. We’re all well versed in how Nichkhun’s anger tends to play out and the markers.

“Just I think we’ll let him know whose idea it was.” Junho says directing the statement towards the older two.

“Hey, we never made you guys come along.” Min-Jun says in his unfair-tone. “We simply stated the idea and you guys all thought it’d be great to go too.”

“Yeah, we fall, you fall.” Taec says pointing at the guys accusingly. “Besides, H.G. won’t let us burn.”

I roll my eyes at this. “I’m not in this at all. You all decided to crash our alone time. You all get the horns.” I tell them happily. “Besides I can’t wait until you guys get your own taste of what you’re dealing out.”

The guys all share unhappy looks. “Noona, I don’t know if I’m ever telling you if I’m dating someone or not.” Wooyoung says carefully. “I love you and all, but I think it’d save me some heartache.”

I chuckle at my manly cat. “Oh Wooyoungie, you’re cute. You think I won’t know?” I ask him as I spot my purse on the, walking over I shake my head at him. “We’re all so close. I know when you guys are interested in a girl, when you ask them out, when you sneak out on dates, oh I know you guys a lot more then you think.” I tell them deviously.

They all exchange uneasy looks. “Noona, you’re kinda scary like this.” Junho admits nervously.

Picking my purse up I take my wallet out and smile at him. “I was looking forward to some things today, but since you all are playing -block, just remember how much I get to hear and what I don’t say.” I tell them wriggling my eyebrows at them. I glance at Chansung, he’s looking away and at the picture we painted together.

“Noona’s eyes are you.” Wooyoung murmurs to Chansung while elbowing him lightly. “You shouldn’t dodge her.” He says while stepping away.

“Chansungie, you’re going to help me tip right?” I ask him walking over deliberately, standing next to the youngest I smile at him coyly, whispering while the guys back off I smile at him. “Not that I would ever talk about your night out back in December.” I say smiling happy at him.

“Noona” He whines looking down at me nervously. He hasn’t told the others about that, and he was equally surprised to see me that night as I was when I saw him running around holding hands with a girl.

I shrug my shoulders before I get up and head to the entry hall and set my wallet down. As I step back into the living room I see Nichkhun taking a seat on a chair with a towel over his head, the others look at him nervously. “I ordered pizza.” I tell him cheerfully.

“You look cute.” Khun says smiling at me, taking a seat next to him I sigh happily. Since we’ve started taking advantage of my apartment, it feels a bit more homely. I’d slipped Nichkhun’s shirt on and my favorite pair of jeans on.

“Hyung, with the dinner tomorrow do you think everything will be okay?” Wooyoung asks hesitantly.

In an instant Nichkhun’s anger is rekindled. “I think everything will be fine. H.G. and I were just discussing some things from L.A. before we were interrupted.” He says in a fake pleasant voice. The younger ones flinch at the tone. “Though I must say, I’m always happy to spend planned alone time with my girlfriend.” He snipes with a smile.

The guys all laugh nervously, sitting far away from him they all smile at us. “So we should watch a movie.” Min-Jun says getting up to pick a movie out.

“Noona I can’t believe we had to buy you a T.V. and everything.” Junho says chuckling, obviously because the tension is dissipating. “And DVDs.”

“You spend more time here since Minjae-hyung started setting more rules for you guys.” Wooyoung points out sourly, Minjae-sshi wants Nichkhun and I to be especially careful since we’ve been spending a lot of time together when we’re not working.

“It’s weird with you not being at the dorm all the time.” Taec says with a frown. “It used to be like you lived there too.”

“Yeah, and not you can’t even stay the night.” Chansung says pouting. “And we can’t all go out like we used too either.”

While the guys all list things we can’t do as much of I get the door. “Stay.” I tell them all as they look at me reflexively. We’ve had a couple scares with reporters around the place, but we’ve been lucky, which isn’t good enough. The boys aren’t allowed to answer the door or be near windows, or make a sound when I go to answer the door. Grabbing my wallet I check who it is through the peephole. Opening the door I smile at the pizza delivery man.

“Hi, three large pizzas?” He says perking up as he looks at me. Nodding my head I take some cash out and hand him the pizza after setting it down. “Thank you.” He says as I hand him a nice tip.

“Thanks for the pizza.” I tell him smiling happily, shutting the door as he turns I catch a glimpse of Minho, opening the door again I set the pizzas down, shutting the door I run past the pizza guy and towards Minho.

“H.G” He says excitedly, holding his arms out I run into him and hug him tightly. “Been a while huh?” He asks happily.

“It’s been way too long.” I murmur as he wraps his arms around me tightly.

He chuckles; kissing the top of my head he walks us forward. “I forgot how many guys are attracted to you. This guy was leering at you.” He mutters after we pass him.

I shrug my shoulders happily. “We just got pizza, are you here to stay or are you here to tell me something?”

“To stay for a bit, I haven’t seen the guys in a while, how many are here?” He asks as I open my door.

“All of them, they kinda interrupted some stuff.” I tell him while shaking my head.

Minho covers his ears. “I as your guy friend do not want to hear any of that.” He insists while scrunching his nose up at the idea. Miyoung may have traumatized him and Ian when she and Namyoung were having a fight, we were all meeting up for our weekly dinner at one of our houses when she started ranting, parts in great detail.

Picking the pizzas up I chuckles, heading in I see all the guys watching the doorway anxiously and sighing relieved when I come in. “Don’t worry, the pizzas are fine.” I tell them jokingly.

“Though Khun, you might not what H.G being so attractive when answering, the pizza guy looked like he wanted her.” Minho jokes as the guys all greet him.

Nichkhun looks at me interestingly. “I told you, you can’t be so y when answering the door to strangers, what if someone makes a move on you?” He asks jokingly.

“Well normally you guys ignore Minjae’s rules and are here anyways, I’m pretty sure you can convince them.” I say shrugging my shoulders. “Plus my neighbors can be pretty nice, maybe they could get said stranger to leave.” I tell him cheekily. I glance at the coffee table, plates. “I see you guys are hungry, mind grabbing a plate for Minho, Oppa?” I ask him casually as I set the pizzas down next to the plates.

“I don’t know about that pizza guy, but I wouldn’t want to make a move on H.G. knowing what you guys would do.” Minho says taking a seat next to Taecyeon on the couch. “Anyways what are you guys doing, besides being blocks.” He says smirking at them.

“Oi, we don’t need him angry again.” Wooyoung whines looking away from Nichkhun and at the floor. “And for the record, it was all Min-Jun and Taecyeon’s idea.”

“We’re watching a movie.” Chansung says over Woo and Taec’s mini-fight. “Min-Jun picked a movie for us to watch.”

“It better not be that weird alien one again.” I say frowning as Min-Jun comes back in with a plate. Opening the first box we all serve ourselves, those with the biggest appetites last.

“It’s not.” Chansung says while shaking his head at Min-Jun. “Though he did try to put it in.” He says grabbing is slice out of the second box.

Nichkhun and I sit on the floor by the couch. “Are you sure you don’t want to sit on the couch?” Wooyoung asks offering his and Junho’s seats.

“I’m fine.” I tell them before taking a bit of my pizza; Nichkhun shakes his head at the offer. “Press play.” I call out irately as the guys shuffle the remote.

Minho chuckles from his spot. “You always get angry when anyone takes too long to press play.”

“Mac and Moe co-own an independent film thing, we used to watch them edit; I can’t stand watching the same scene over and over.” I explain easily.

“What are we watching?” Minho asks nodding his head at my explanation.

“Cloud Atlas” Wooyoung says motioning to the case by the T.V. “Noona has watched this before, and said it was good.”

“You have to sit all the way to the end.” I warn them as I take another bite. I finish my pizza and lean against Khun while he eats, after a while I gather the plates up and set them in the sink, the guys are all either glued to the screen or asleep. Nichkhun is asleep, though I think I know the reason.

Sitting back down I rest my head on his arm. “I’m so confused.” Taec mutters as we continue to watch, we’ve gone back several times so the guys understand what has happened so far. “Are you positive it makes sense in the end?” He asks me again.

“Positive, just watch.” I mutter as Nichkhun wakes up, motioning me to sit between his legs I move and let him hug me against his chest. For the rest of the movie the guys are all trying to figure it out, at the end they all stare at it.

“I kinda get it.” Minho says while rubbing his head, he looks slightly confused.

Nichkhun kisses my cheek. “I got a good nap.” He declares happily. I chuckle, getting up I head to clean the dishes. “I’ll help he mumbles stretching as he walks behind me.

“I don’t understand the middle part where the old people escaped.” Wooyoung says looking to Minho for answers.

In the kitchen we can here the guys all talking about the movie, Nichkhun and I clean the dishes. “So tonight I think we can manage to get a bit of time to actually sleep.” He says sighing heavily.

“You’re only saying that because we see my parents tomorrow.” He nods his head. “I’ll be with them most of the day; I’ll be back a few hours before dinner.”

“The guys are nervous too, that’s why they came over.” He says sighing heavily. “I can get it, but I still wish they’d waited a few hours.” He says leaning over to kiss me.

Pulling away I smile at him. “Well I’m not sure what else to tell them, I’m pretty sure Isobel and Nick gave them a good idea of what they’re like.”

“Emily too.” Nichkhun says smiling at me. “It was nice to meet them.” I nod my head and smile at Nichkhun. “What?”

“You’re really handsome.” I murmur grabbing his hand out of the sink. “Isobel described you to the others after her rude Skype call.”

“And what did she say?” He asks smirking at me, I’m sure after having met her properly he can imagine what she said. Isobel is wild in every sense of the word.

“Isobel said that you are the epitome of appeal and .” I tell him chuckling. “Though she says she prefers you blonde.”

Nichkhun laughs and smiles at me, I let him have a moment. “And do you agree?” He asks trying to contain himself.

“I think so.” I tell him blushing slightly. “I mean I have seen you without a shirt on, I can’t even imagine what she’d say if she say you shirtless in person.”

“Well I am flattered, but you know, you’re beautiful and very y too.” He says leaning down, I tilt my head just enough so our lips touch, kissing him I feel my heart racing and I am very much enjoying out little moment.

“We know that you guys are having a moment and all, but we’re still here and we can hear you guys and stuff.” Taecyeon calls out bravely. “So we’re just going to let ourselves out.”

Nichkhun smiles to this. “No about those sweets we were talking about.”

“We can still hear you, at least wait until we’re gone!” Minho yells while probably covering his ears.

I chuckle as we wait for the door to open and then close. “As you were saying” I whisper as Nichkhun lifts me up and sets me on the counter “Sweets.” I mumble smirking as he kisses me.


I'm pretty sure the next chapter will be the last or the one
after that.
I've been working on the last chapter for a while now and
I'm almost finished with it.
I'm really happy that I have all you guys reading and subscribed~!
So thank-you all for the support, comments, reads, up-votes and everything.
I'll have more to say in the last chapter.
So until next time (:


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..