Anything for You

Rebelling Heart


Nichkhun’s hands have been a bit wandering, ever since we got back from dinner, they’re currently resting on my sides and making their way over my body, inching their way down slowly to my exposed legs. Pulling apart I stare at him for a moment, I can’t decide if I want to seriously or not. Why not? Letting my hands drift down his torso I smirk at his reaction.

My dress is hardly covering my legs anymore with me straddling Nichkhun, and his shirt is wrinkled from our rather intensive body contact. “Hurry up” I mumble kissing him roughly; I’ll admit I am getting a bit impatient with this progression. My hands glide back up his chest and his shirt, I’m craving a bit more skin tonight, and I am almost positive it has a bit due to the ual frustration Nichkhun has recently introduced to my life, and the face he looks y in a suit.

Nichkhun’s lips pull away from mine a leave sloppy trail of kisses down my neck, as he makes his way back up he’s leaving love bites, his hands rubbing my legs and hiking my dress up even more. Pulling out of his grasp I run into my room. “H.G.?” Nichkhun calls following me. “Something wrong?” He asks seeing me pacing.

“This is Miyoung’s dress, we can’t ruin it.” I say frowning, Nichkhun smirks, his shirt un-tucked and ed; walking over to me; his arms encircle me and pull the zipper down slowly. His soft hands slipping the shoulders of the dress off and achingly slow he pulls away just enough for the dress to fall to the ground before his lips crash onto mine again.

Shivering from the cold sheets on my back I look up at Nichkhun, his determined face staring at me, his eyes staring right back at me. I slowly lift my hands up and brush his shirt of his shoulders, running my hands down his arms with the fabric, quickly discarding the clothing he smirks at me, pulling me up he rests against the wall and settles me back on his lap. “Everything about you really is beautiful.” He murmurs my sides lightly. Leaning closer against him as my body trembles at his loving touch, pulling my face out off of his shoulder I take his face between my hands. “I really want to kiss you…” I have a feeling he wants to do more than just kiss me.

Kissing him passionately, our hands running over each other’s bodies, I am as stated before impatient; my fingers delicately run over the zipper, he lets out a low growl like noise. “Very beast like.” I murmur smirking, Nichkhun’s breathing has definitely changed, like he’s holding back on me, since he’s not stopping me I undo his pants. His breathing changes again. “Holding back on my account?” I .

Nichkhun’s closed eyes open and suddenly I’m on my back again. “You pushed.” He mutters as his pants are pulled off.




Waking up with Nichkhun’s side in my face I glance up to see him resting against the headboard, eyes closed and shirtless still. Looking down at me as I shift my legs he smiles at me sheepishly. “You alright?” He murmurs with his talented hands caressing my face, I nod my head happily. “I was afraid I was too rough.” He sighs heavily.

Sitting up, self-consciously covering my chest I look for. “Get me a shirt.” I mutter leaning back; my legs might not hold me up. “Though as great as it was, you were a bit rough.” I mutter blissfully.

Nichkhun chuckles, getting out of bed, he pulls on his boxer-briefs, some blushing on my side, grabbing one of his shirts out of my closet he hands it to me. “I’m sure this is a bit unnecessary.” He whispers in that low and seductive voice of his, his hands pull my arms away from my body and then slips the shirt over my head.

“I’m absolutely positive that was so you could feel me up.” I mumble blushing, getting up I walk to my dresser, while holding on to Nichkhun. “I suppose I have a whole new understanding to ‘Beastly Idols’.” I comment feeling a definite soreness on my hips.

“You pushed.” Khun teases, “I like these ones.” He says pointing to a pair of lilac . “You should wear these.” He says pulling them out.

Chuckling I nod my head, while he’s a bit silly I’m still extremely happy to see him like this. “Carry me to couch and feed me.” I demand leaning against the very tall and very able man.

“Anything for you” He says picking me up, Nichkhun of course takes this opportunity to peck my lips. “I really do love you.”

I can’t even attempt to hide my smile or the blush that’s crept onto my face. “I love you too.” I whisper hugging his neck. “A lot and probably far too much.”

“As long as we feel the same about each other and what we have” He murmurs back sweetly, “What do you want for breakfast?”

“I don’t have anything here.” I confess shamelessly, scoffing he sets me down on the couch, heading back to my room he comes out with a pair of jeans.

“Honestly what am I going to do?” He mumbles leaning down in front of me, putting my pants on for me he kisses my stomach then while still on his knees, he kisses me lips. “I’ll be right back.”

I wait happily, my entire body feels warm and happy, and a completely but not unrelated glow seems to be coming off me. Nichkhun exits my room with jeans on while pulling on a light blue shirt, pushing myself up; I take tentative steps towards him. “God, you’re too handsome to even go out.” I mumble shaking my head.

“Well that’d be your fault for your lack of food.” He says sassily, as we pull on our shoes, stepping out with my keys in hand, phone in my pocket and my wallet in Khun’s. “Do you want to just grab something or maybe we should just go grocery shopping?” He asks excitedly. “I like the second option.”

Laughing I nod my head. “Anything for you” I say simply.


At the store Nichkhun is pushing the cart with my holding his arm comfortably. “Is this really okay to go out like this?” I ask him shyly.

“We picked an older neighborhood, people shouldn’t really notice me.” He says quietly. “Besides till work tomorrow I am keeping you to myself.” He says happily, it really is overwhelming to be around Nichkhun sometimes, but I’m happy with him, we’re happy together.

“This is really nice.” I murmur happily as we buy things for my apartment. “It’s kinda exciting to go shopping.” I say putting a bag of grapes in the shopping cart as Nichkhun puts eggs in. “Are we having eggs?”

“Omelets, my treat.” He says happily, buying other things to put in them, checking out goes mostly smooth as I pick my wallet out successfully and pay before Nichkhun can object. “I want to spoil you.”

“Spoil me with your cooking, I’m paying.” I tell him sticking my tongue out as we place the bags in the car.

Nichkhun takes the cart back before getting in, waiting in the car I let out a very happy sigh, though I’m slightly irritated as I get a call, though that also disperses quickly. My mom, it’s been a while, I suppose she would want to talk eventually, probably has another plan for me. Answering it I move my phone to my ear. “Hello?” I say calmly.

“Darling, it has been much too long.” She says in a steely voice, grimacing I glare at my shoes. “How is work, are you doing well?” She asks in a very disinterested tone.

“I’m not sure why you’re asking when you obviously don’t care, so how about we get to the point of this call, it must be late for you.” I say just as dryly.

My mother scoffs condescendingly, I don’t like the sound of that, something has happened. “There is a bit of progress with your father. I thought you might like to know it’s likely he’ll be waking up after all this time.” That last bit was like a stab at me, all this time after what I had done.

Frowning I take a deep breath. “What does this mean for me?” I know her, there has to be some kind of catch of this. “I’d like to know why exactly you’re even saying anything; after all I’m to blame for his condition.”

“I agree, but I’m sure you’d like to see him. You’re right, it is getting late, we can talk at a more convenient time, I have business trip to Seoul later this week we can talk then. Have a good day.” She says coldly before hanging up.

I feel like everything has just fallen apart around me, I never even considered her having business meetings here, though it was a stupid assumption, or rather I thought I’d have a solution by now.

“Are you okay?” Nichkhun asks getting in; turning to look at him I shake my head, biting my lip I hold in the tears, it’s coming back, everything I’ve tried my hardest to keep out of my mind. “We’ll be back at the apartment soon.” He coos my cheek gently. “Would you rather head to the dorm?”

I shake my head, I rather not be somewhere so happy; I rather curl up in a ball and cry.


The ride back to the apartment I’m silent and trying to figure something out, she’ll definitely find a way to see me, that’s the last thing I want. I’d hate for anyone to see what she does to me exactly. I’m on autopilot as I grab a couple of the bags and open the door to my apartment.

“H.G. sit down, we can do this in a bit.” He says comfortingly, as soon as Nichkhun is in arms’ reach I’ve pulled him close, I can’t hold it in any more, crying I hold Nichkhun close to me, his arms wrap around me and rub my back soothingly. “What happened?” He asks once I’ve settled down enough to talk.

“My mom called.” I tell him quietly. “My dad, there’s progress in his condition, from what she said it’s likely he could wake up.” I explain with a heavy conscious. “She’ll be here sometime this week on business, she wants to see me.” I tell him resting my head against his shoulder.

“Isn’t that good? You dad is getting better.” He says encouragingly.

I nod my head crying a bit. “It’s my fault he’s like that.” I whisper taking deep breaths. “It’s my fault my mother is like she is, everything that she is now is because of what I caused.” I tell him cryptically. “I was driving, I wasn’t paying attention, and I’m the one who put my dad in a coma.” I tell him crying even more. “It is all my fault.” The words just kept falling out of my mouth, I explain about driving one of the cars my family owned, the car the hit us, the year  I spent next to my dad every day, everything.

Nichkhun doesn’t say anything, he just holds me close to him. “It’ll work out; do you want me to go with you?” He asks me softly, pushing my hair out of my face.

Shaking my head I let out a long sigh. “I’ll need to see her on my own. She won’t be any nicer with someone there. She’ll just rub it in more.” I tell him feeling my shoulders slump, I rest against Nichkhun completely. “I’m not sure what will happen, I don’t want to say anything to the others until I have something solid worked out.” I say listening to his breathing. “Before the meeting I’ll tell them, but I have no idea what will come from meeting her.”

“We’ll be there for you, don’t worry.” Nichkhun says kissing the top of my head. “I promise.” Moments like this really are comforting to me, things like this is what I need more, just someone to hold me.




After listening to H.G. tell me everything about her family, the accident she was driving in, the way her mother has treated her since her father was hospitalized, the deals she’s had to make to get here, everything that has lead up to this beautiful and gracious girl to be in my arms crying her heart out. I want to tell her it’s time to forgive herself; that it’ll be fine with whatever happens, but I know that’s not what she needs to hear. I know what she needs right now is just a pair of arms to be there for her, so much as happen, I feel helpless, and I know I can’t do anything to ease her situation. That’s what I hate most right now.

“Let’s make something to eat.” I mumble pulling us up, kissing her lips I smile at the very sadden girl in my arms, meekly nodding her head she follows me into the kitchen, this is a lot for her to bear, I want to help her with it. I'd do anything for her.



Another update because I was thee behind, now just
two, I'm not sure I'll update again this weekend, but
I have tomorrow off so you never know.
I hope you guys enjoy the  slightly y stuff at the beginning,
though I pretty much outweighed that with the super serious stuff.
Still enjoy and let me know what you guys think~!

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..