Common Sense Abandonment

Rebelling Heart


“Noona had fun with Minho and Ian right?” Wooyoung asks me randomly during a break. Staring at him I give him a crazy look, “You know when you went to the club.” This sort of throws me off, partly from his cute look he’s throwing me, the blonder hair and the mischievous glint in his eye, yeah mainly the glint.

“Yeah…” I say eyeing him, it’s been a week now so I don’t really see why he’s bringing it up, I covered the night, from what I am able to recall, and it was decent. I danced, drank more than I should have, normal clubbing stuff, well nothing crazy at least normal. “Why are you asking again?” I ask him suspiciously. Sure they can be curious, but something must have happened to re-interest him. Wooyoung and the others sort of move on after something happens, they don’t come back to something without a reason.

Showing me a picture my jaw drops, dear god. “Ian sent them to Junho, and he sent them to Chansung and me.” He says gleefully. “Noona you look really good.” Still in shock I stare at the picture, it is me; the dress Miyoung put me in, the shoes, make-up. I stand by what I thought that night, I looked great and I will never question Miyoung-Unnie’s fashion sense, silently or verbally.

“Yah! Noona!” Chansung says coming over to me. “I didn’t know Coordi-Noona was going make you look like that!” He whines pointing at his phone. Obviously he views me in a strictly decent manner. I couldn't help the amused look coming on my face as they start to rant about my attire and my supposed habits.

Rolling my eyes I watch as he and Wooyoung both criticize my judgment on letting Miyoung dress me like that. “What if you got hit on?!” Chansung rants. Funny how Wooyoung’s opinion changes the moment he hears Chansung’s argument. Like I said they're amusing, and they have very active imaginations from the snips I'm listening to.

Laughing I watch bemused. “I hate to break it to you but I probably did, besides what the big deal? I am never doing that again, at least not drinking so much on a work night.” This causes Junho to come over to join in. Rolling my eyes, again, I listen to them lecturing me. Capital R.I.C.H. Coming from three younger guys, and their lecture a little late, by years. Not that I dare tell them that I don't need another earful, after all this rant isn't even finished.

“Recording studio you three, the others are waiting.” Minjae-sshi says, although he sounded annoyed he looked more amused, obviously me getting lectured is fun to watch. “Hurry.”

Herding them down the hall I tune them out just making sure they’re following me. Walking in Ian smirks at me, obviously the other three are still dogging me about my night. “This is your fault.” I say jokingly as they join the older members. All conversing of my attire stopping, I’ll admit I am relieved. Having to defend my ‘judgment’ would be impossible if all six went off on me. I swear sometimes they switch the roles just for kicks.

“Hey, Junho wouldn’t stop pestering me, so I did the sensible thing.” Ian says light-heartily. “Anyways I think next time we’ll all go easy on the drinks.” He says this like it’ll happen soon, like this will be our thing hanging out at clubs together. Sure hanging out with them would be great, at clubs or drinking in excess not so great. "You weren't kidding, you get mean when you get drink." I did warn him, sure it was after the fact, but I warned Ian.

“Next time?” I ask him confused. “As long as I don’t have to wake up and go into work.” I tell him casually, Minho comes in, getting a few glares, no doubt for some of the pictures, ah my overprotective idols.

“You and your boys.” Minho mutters waving to Junsu, trying to ignore the three glares directed at him. “Anyways Ian have you told her?”

Ian glances at Junho, Chansung and Wooyoung “I was getting to it.” Obviously this isn't something to be highly advertised. Must be good, or fun. Hopefully both.

Turning back to Ian I raise my eyebrows, “Told me what?” Curious, curious. “Huh Ian?”

Laughing he points the boys into the booth. “Going away party for Minho, Miyoung is planning it.” He says starting to hustle the boys into the booth. “We’re starting so quit it.” He says looking at them fooling around. “Anyways this is his last week.” He says turning his attention back to me momentarily.

“Aw, I’ll need a new lunch buddy.” I say pouting. “Ian what use was introducing us?” I joke.

Minho rolls his eyes getting to work, I lean back and watch 2PM sing, they’re impressive. It’s so easy for me to forget that they’re famous and talented. As much as we joke around and all the time I’ve gotten to spend with them I forget that they’re famous, that they have a devoted fan-base.


Hearing my phone go off, the ringtone making my heart stop, turning around I stare at it, it’s been quiet for a while. A month or so since the ringtone went off. Silencing the ringing I take a seat on the couch, I thought my mother was done toying with me. The companies merged, their profits are up; I don’t see why she needs me still. Perplexed I stare at my phone lighting up again, she’s persistent I’ll give her that. But I really don’t want to talk to her, not now. Not when I’ve finally found my place.

“Generally it means you should answer.” Looking up I see Taecyeon looking at me expectantly. “You ok?” His gaze piercing and unwavering.

Glaring back down at my phone I nod my head, partly to avoid his looks and the others and to end the ringing again. “Fine, are we done here Ian?” I ask him standing up, ready to leave, the room suddenly stuffy with way too many people. Ian nods his head, him and Minho exchanging those secret silent talks. Leaving I lead the way, my phone still going off as we amble down the corridors. With every ring I feel my agitation growing, does she not get it? I’m doing better here for myself than I could ever do back home. Was me leaving not clear? I thought she wouldn’t bat an eyelash. What happened to not caring?

Holding the door open for them I act as though the call hadn’t bugged me, I don’t care if they’re buying it or not, but I need to. I need to so desperately.


Listening to their practice start up I sit by the window watching the rain beginning to fall easily loosing track of time. Smiling to myself I watch as droplets race down the glass. The pitter patter calming yet at the same time it stirs my agitation even more. Its times like this that I miss my dad most. He’d know what to say to calm me down and even what was bothering me. “Noona?” Chansung says quietly taking a seat next to me. “You like the rain a lot?”

Nodding my head I turn to look at him, with Chansungie I can never tell if we’ll end up taking in depth about something or joke around. “Something on your mind?” I ask him softly my gaze captured outside. From up here everything is calm, nothing is seriously wrong; it’s just another rainy day.

“Your phone went off and you got upset again.” He mumbles. “And you still won’t answer it.” His tone is distressing.

Sighing I look at him, I knew he’d be the one to confront me about it, that’s not surprising, what is, is that he’s so upset at me being upset. “Chansungie…it’s complicated.” I whisper grabbing his hand. “And I know it worries you and everyone else.” I mumble not really sure where I’m going with this. I mean we've already covered that it isn't an easy topic and moreover I'm no where near ready to discuss it.

Frowning he holds my hand tightly. “Noona you look happy with us, but then when you’re by yourself you look so…” Watching him carefully, Chansung being on the calmer side of the group for the most part, despite him being the youngest. “disconnected.” He says finally.

Nodding my head I let out a sigh. I'll admit I wasn't expecting that, after all I thought I was attached, I am. I guess I'm not exactly great at expressing myself. “I suppose…Rain tends to do that to me, time alone too.” I whisper noticing the others all gone, probably plotted this while I was ‘disconnected’. Not that it’s not true, I do tend to tune out my surroundings when I’m alone, or just distracted in general I suppose.

“Why?” He asks me curiously. “You smile so much but then sometimes you just stare out the window. It's like sometimes you can't even hear us.”

Absently I look out at the streets below us, furthering his point. “My dad loved the rain” I whisper quietly. “He couldn’t get enough of it; he loved sun-showers even more.” I tell him. It feels strange to talk about my dad in past tense even if he’s still alive, but maybe that’s why. Although I don’t know if you can call being on life support alive and just like that in a burst all the memories came flashing back to me. The accident, my mother’s withdrawal of emotions, everything.  Feeling tears well up, I shoot up dropping Chansung's hand.

“Minjae-sshi I’m going to take a little break.” I say as he enters the room, I know Chansung must be confused but I can’t just break down right here. “I’ll be back in a little bit.” I barely hear an alright, I’m hardly aware of the looks all the guys give me as they file back into the room, all I’m really conscious of is how much pain I’m feeling. The throbbing and my sudden homesickness, although I think it’s more for before my dad became hospitalized. Back when I somewhat had a family life.

Walking out of the building I walk away from JYPE, I need to breath. I need some air. Breathing deep I look around, the noise suddenly over whelming, for the first time since I started my job at JYPE I feel like being here is a mistake that everything is wrong. However as quickly as that thought comes a screen flashes 2PM’s faces and my nerves die down to some extent, well enough to go back to the studio. Walking back the way I’d come I realize I’d forgotten my jacket so now I’m soaked. Thank-you common sense for abandoning me.

Crossing the street my shoe slips off, sighing I trek back to pick the shoe up, bending down to pick it up I see a sliver of something moving towards me. Looking up I see a car speeding towards me, I feel like this is all déjà vu, a flash of my dad pops into my mind, however, its replaced by the car coming closer to me. It was as if in that moment everything slowed down, I’d become a deer frozen in place, when all in a flash I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and yanking me off the ground and to safety. In that moment I swear I could see all the individual droplets suspended in air, and the car speeding passed me right in my face. The next moment everything came crashing down on me. “Ohmygoodnessthankyou.” I say quickly all in English, I couldn’t form Korean words, my mind wouldn’t compute, I had to hope my savior understood. “Thank-you.” I say again, slower my mind trying to reboot from the sudden shut off. Not that I could find a reason why I wouldn’t be having difficulties. This stranger just saved my life. I had nearly died. Died.

Looking at my hero he was looking at me full of concern. “Are you alright?” He asks also in English, much to my relief. “Come on let’s go sit down somewhere.” He says not even waiting for a reply. My savior as I was looking at him was short, but obviously strong, and had thought fast enough to help me.

“You saved my life.” I mumble as he sits me down in a store. “Thank-you.”

Smiling at me he kneels down in front of me. “It was nothing; I did what anyone with sense would have done.”

Right sense, where had mine gone to? What was I thinking picking up my shoe in the middle of a busy street? Honestly common sense you abandoned me and I nearly died. With my mind coming back online I realize we’ve been talking in English, well not just English but perfect English. “You speak English.” I say my eyes going large.

“Yeah, I grew up in the states, you?” He asks sitting next to me rubbing my back comfortingly.

“LA” I say numbly. It was all sort of coming to me at full force now, I nearly died. Died or almost the same state my dad is in right now.

“No kiddin’, I’ve spent some time there, but I’m from Seattle.” He continues to babble on, and I think he’s doing it for my sake. In the middle of his rambling he watches me and asks how I'm doing or questions about me.

“You saved my life.” I manage to work out again. “Thank-you.”

He smiles at me, I’ve said this several times, but each time I say it the severity of what could have happened hitting me harder. Breathing heavily I begin to shake, “Hey don’t worry, you’re fine.” I hear him swear under his breath. “Umm…I’m Jay.”

Looking over at him I smile and chuckle, this is his idea to calm me down is to introduce himself, really? I tell him my name; at least I was able to. My sentences were starting to become incoherent. I could only hope he understood me, Jay says my name and I nod my head. Getting up he paces around, he does this weird thing with his hands as if he was grabbing for ideas on what to do, or maybe I'd missed something. I was too busy looking at him in general. Jay was in very simple clothes, but they looked expensive. He was wearing a black shirt with some kind of design obscured by him turning back so many times, jeans sort of loose fit but not, and his shoes were some sort of high tops. All the details made me calm down, although Jay's pacing wasn't calming it sort of drove up the panic.

“Do you want some water?” Jay asks, he staring at me stopping his ambling, helping me up Jay and I hobble to a vending machine, buying me a water Jay watches me intently as I drink the entire bottle. “Do you need me to take you somewhere?” He asks me as I sit back down.

I shake my head. “I’m just going to head back to work.” I manage out, still unable to really form anything in Korean. “I’ve been gone for a while, they’ll start to worry.” More, really, I can’t imagine what they were thinking after we got back into the practice room. Poor Minjae-sshi having to deal with it on his own. Standing up I smile at Jay. “Thank-you.”

“Are you sure? I don’t know if you should go by yourself.” He says rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean I don’t want to see on the news that you got hurt after you leave here.”

Smiling at him I edge towards the exit. “I’ll text you.” I tell him turning to leave, 2PM they’re probably worried.

“That only works if I have your number.” Jay says holding my arm. “I’m being serious; I want to make sure you get there ok.”

I mentally slap myself, duh, he’s a stranger. “Right, sorry.” I mutter pulling my phone out, typing in his number I text him. “There, I’ll text you as soon as I get there.”

“Alright, be safe Hollywood Girl.” Jay says watching me leave. “You better text me, if you don’t I’ll just bombard your phone until I know you’re safe.”

Nodding my head I wave to him, taking extra care to pay attention. Arriving at JYPE I text Jay that I’m safe and at work. Getting a reply from him immediately, to rest easy.

I know it seems like a lot is happening, but I had this part planned out, and I needed to introduce Jay, so here he is being the savior. ><

Also if you notice any typos please tell me so I can fix them. [In any of the chapters] 

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..