The Puzzle

Rebelling Heart

“Alright that’s all for the night boys!” Minjae-sshi says laughing hysterically; he’d just flipped Taecyeon into the pool, again, before smiling at me happily. “That’s great fun.”

Nodding my head I smile at the guys all laughing at Taecyeon being flung back into the pool, “It looks like it.” After spending the night with the guys, we’re back at work, filming another episode of their show. As much fun as it is watching the guys enjoy the pool I’m ready to go home and get some sleep before I have to spend the next day with 2PM and then clubbing and then to spend the weekend with Minho and Jay. It’s been a packed couple of days for me. Not that I haven't enjoyed it, I would just like to take a good nap, maybe nap all day.

After asking Minho this morning about it and getting an answer I was starting to dread spending any time with Jay. I felt like I’d somehow betrayed my boys, like suddenly I was picking sides.


“Jay was in 2PM.” Minho says in a hushed tone. “There was this whole big scandal that got blown out of proportion and Jay had to leave Korea.” Minho looks devastated by this. “The guys are still recovering in a way from Jay and the scandal. I don't even think they've seen Jay since.”

“Then maybe I shouldn’t…” I whisper feeling guilty. “It has to be a sensitive subject still.”

Minho shakes his head. “It is, but Jay is good for you.” Minho says smiling at me as though this thought is actually good. “You relax; you act like a girl in her twenties instead of her thirties or whatever. As long as I’ve known you, and not long, you’ve only ever relaxed like that around Jay. You need him like he needs you.” Appalled I stare at him in shock, why would an idol need me? “Jay over works, he always had 2PM or Jay Park. But when you two are together suddenly it’s like you’re both just people. You don’t judge Jay like any girl in Korea or the K-pop fandoms do or would given this chance. You don’t know the whole story, nor do you care.” Minho says finishing his rant. “Give both of you some peace. God knows you both deserve it.”


“Noona get in the water already!” Wooyoung says coming up next to me. I stare at him like he’s crazy. I humored them all by allowing Unnie to dress me in a bikini and a cute pool outfit. “Come on you got all dressed for this!” He whines holding my hand, whining like he, Chansung and Junho didn’t beg me to get an outfit for this.

“Yeah Noona, it’ll be fun!” Chansung says picking me up and twirling me around. “You don’t even have to rough house, just get in the water.”

Junho walks over to me happily joining in on why I should get in. “Noona you’ve been so stressed today, you need to relax a little!” How wrong can seven people be then? Minho and 2PM… Stepping towards the pool I eye the three older guys already in the pool watching me carefully.

“Are you really going to get in?” Nichkhun asks excitedly, a hat on his head and he looks gorgeous, all of the guys do. It’s like the added in water is just emphasizing how wrong it is for them to be introduced to swimming trunks, shirts or not the boys are attractive and they do work out. In fact the days they spend at the gym are the only days I get off for real, the days I don’t spend at their sides.

Jumping in I hold my nose before I swim to the surface. “Oh this feels nice!” I mumble pushing my hair back, the cool water refreshing from the hot summer night. “I should go swimming more often!”

“You’re a swimmer?” Junsu asks coming over to me as I hang out swimming around the pool happily. Nodding my head he smiles at me. “You’re quite the mermaid.”

Laughing I shake my head. “Pools and beaches, you couldn’t escape those in L.A.” Smiling at him I glance at Nichkhun, feeling a twang of jealousy for this Victoria girl, the guys all made funny faces off camera when they took a break from it, and Minjae-sshi had to scold them for saying they wanted me in the pool on camera. Of course he got SBS to delete that footage, thankfully.

“Hey careful,” Nichkhun says suddenly closer pulling me away from Taecyeon catching a ball. “You shouldn’t space out like that.”

Taking an intake of breath from the contact I feel myself tense up and becoming painfully aware of how nice Nichkhun’s arm’s feel. “Oh, I hadn’t even realized.” I mumble out just floating in his arms. Feeling the friction between us I fight a blush. Looking up into his eyes I smile shyly. “You know though, for the sake of your image, the guys staring at us and my life we probably should let go.” I whisper sassily.

Nichkhun smirks. “Oh, I see so we have to keep our skinship to a minimum.” Rubbing my sides before letting go he splashes me with water. “To keep our relationship a secret?!” He asks feigning being appalled.

“Yah!” I giggle splashing him back happily. “Not too loud.” I tell him sticking my tongue out at him. “The others might hear you.” As our little battle continues the guys gradually all get out leaving Nichkhun and I to battle it out, taughting each other about our ‘secret relationship’.

“Sweetie you look absolutely stunning in the starlight!” Nichkhun says pouncing towards me through the water, laughing I swim away from him quickly. His banter becoming more and more blush worthy.

“Ah, I’m glad you think so.” I say over my shoulder before I’m cornered into a wall by him, his arms on either side of me, and I’m not likely to dive for an escape. “But you’re just too flirtations for me to tell if your banter is true or not.” I tell him breathlessly and of course joking. His eyes stare right into mine, his brown eyes with a glint of realization from last night still present.


“Bed time!” Junsu says as soon as the credits come on. “We have to get our sleep!” He sings happily getting up to go to his room. Watching Taecyeon leave I cuddle into Chansung. “LIGHTS!” Junsu screams from his room.

Giggling I stand up getting the lights and running down the hall I change into my pajamas in Junho’s room before running back to the couch into Chansung’s waiting arms. “Noona!” He says happily hugging me. “I was wondering where you took off to.”

“She went to get .” Nichkhun says in a very unhappy tone glancing at my shorts and shirt for bed. “She was actually covered in my shirt.” Standing up Nichkhun stalks off, gaining my interest, despite the heart flutters and stomach flips I follow him down the hall. “Good, here put this on instead.” He says turning to see me, tossing me another of his shirts.

Confused I hold the fabric between my hands. “You know you can’t just toss all your shirts at me and expect me to wear them.” I tell him carelessly folding it and setting it on his bed. “Besides I’m just around you guys.” Nichkhun turns to look at me and I swear I saw fire in his gaze, walking over to me he picks the shirt up and easily slips it over my body.

“It’s not them I’m worried about.” He whispers pulling me up, holding me at arm’s length away he smiles softly. “I’m not worried about them one bit.” He chuckles like he’s finally figured something out some great joke. “Anyways Chansung is probably waiting.”

Frowning I tilt my head to look up and Nichkhun. “You’re not sending me to bed?” I ask him confused. Maybe it was because he had sisters or out of all the boys Nichkhun tended to be a little more protective over me and my honor or whatever him and Junho call it.

“Like I don’t know you won’t just sneak out to the living room?” He asks mischievously. “Besides Wooyoung and Junho will be out there, and you never know maybe I’ll join you guys too for that party too.”


“Hey you two get out of the pool already!” Taecyeon says from the edge where I’ve been trapped. “And break up the moment.” He adds smirking at us.

Nichkhun backs up and gestures to the edge, getting out Nichkhun quickly follows my lead. “It’s not like we were in the pool all day, mom.” Nichkhun teases Taec. “Geez.” He huffs handing me a towel.

“Yeah, but you mermaids were in there for a good couple of hours just by yourselves not including the time while we were still in and not to forget during filming.” Junsu says egging on the younger man.

Wooyoung smiles at me handing me my bag and keys. “Minjae-Hyung left you the big van to take us home.” Wooyoung happily takes my hand away from the now bickering eldest members. “Noona had fun?”

Laughing I grasp his hand back. “Of course I had fun; I always have fun with you guys.” Which is true, I always have a blast when I spend time with them. “Why wouldn’t I have had fun?”

Wooyoung shrugs his shoulders. “Chansung said he’s glad you’re getting along with Hyung.”

Frowning I tug his hand signaling for him to look at me, turning he gives me a questioning look. “What do you mean?” I ask confused as I unlock the doors for the guys to get in.

“Later.” He whispers as Junsu and Nichkhun get in with Taecyeon smiling triumphantly. “In the morning when you take us to work.” He says hopping in. Sighing I get in and look over to see Nichkhun sitting in the front, smiling at him I look at the wheel before putting the keys in.

“Noona is okay with driving?” Chansung asks me touching my shoulder, looking at him I grasp his hand and squeeze it.

“I’m getting more and more okay with it.” I confirm for him, starting the car I feel my nerves wind up as Wooyoung lets out a shriek, causing me to look back in alarm before pulling out. “What happened?” I ask him.

Nichkhun glares at the one sitting next to him, Taecyeon. “Cut it out.” He says eyeing them all before turning around. “Do not make me turn around again.” He says menacingly.

I smile at Wooyoung asking silently if he’s alright, getting a nod I pull out, a little shaky after the scream, feeling Nichkhun’s hand glide over mine I smile at him feeling the nerves dissipating. The ride home was quiet, filled mostly with light snores from the guys and Nichkhun and I talking.

“You won’t be driving while out with your friends right?” Nichkhun whispers to me.

Smiling at him quickly I change lanes. “No, I don’t think I could stand to. I only ever calm down in front of the wheel with you around.” I admit, “Well like this.” Chansung had done a good job this morning, but it wasn’t the same effect Nichkhun has.

“Good, I don’t think I would be able to handle the worry.” He mumbles back. “So far I’ve gotten another piece of you figured out.” He says smiling at me.

“Oh?” I ask him playfully. “Why don’t you enlighten me?”

Nichkhun squeezes my hand. “You’re very playfully especially with water involved, to calm yourself down you go for ice cream and you use it to calm others.” Listening to him I chuckle, he’s not too far off if at all. “You work too hard, but you’ve made it clear that you haven’t always. Then you make these faces sometimes while watching us…those I’m not sure what they are.” Nichkhun confesses. “You make them a lot but less so now than when you were first introduced to us.”

Biting my lip I glance at him. “I suppose you have quite the puzzle.” I whisper to him pulling into the parking lot. “Wake up the guys?” I ask him hopping out of the car, getting a breather I open my side of doors, pulling Chansung out and flicking Taecyeon in the forehead. “Come on guys we’re back you need to get into bed we still have schedules tomorrow morning.” I remind the sleepy beast-idols. Getting them all in the dorm I wait to leave until the last one is in the shower.

“You know it’s late.” Junsu says taking a seat next to me, hair dripping. “And you still need to shower, not to mention get back to your apartment; you’ll get what two hours tops?”

“Why do I feel like you guys are trying to slowly have me move in with you?” I ask him yawning, checking my watch I glare at the time, Junsu’s right. I’ll only get like an hour before I have to get up and drive over here. “Aish.” I grumble flicking my watch.

“I’ll get Junho out of his room.” Junsu says smiling. “Take your shower; I’ll get a shirt for you too.” He adds standing up. “And I’m glad you’re finally figuring out plan out.”

Shaking my head I watch him skip down the hall, Junho coming out of his room and Junsu returning with one of Nichkhun’s shirts. “You know I can wear other shirts.” I say taking the shirt.

“The correct response would be ‘Oh thank you Junsu-Oppa you’re so fantastic!’” He says in a high pitched voice, giving me one of his looks.

“Thank you Junsu-oppa.” I tell him standing up. “You’re really super fantastic.” I say kissing his cheek. Junsu ruffles my hair affectionately. “You know I like the sound of Junsu-oppa.” I tell him smirking.

Junsu nods his head. “Me too, I think the guys will be especially pleased with it.” He says as Chansung steps out. “Now shower quickly, the water is cold.”

Grimacing I step in, with my bag fully expecting a situation like this. I take the fastest shower of my life; the water is ice cold, I’m sure the lukewarm water got used up around the fourth shower or so. Stepping out of the bathroom, and toweling my hair dry I smile at Wooyoung and Chansung both asleep in the living room. Going over to them I drape a light blanket over them after turning the fan up, they sleep better and are easier to wake up this way. Checking on Junsu and Taecyeon both asleep with their legs hanging over the sides of their beds I pinch them awake to get them to roll over into their beds properly, checking in Nichkhun’s room I see Junho asleep in Chansung’s bed. Pulling the cover over him I brush his hair lightly with my hand, going to check on Nichkhun I see him awake in bed.

“You should be asleep.” I scold him playfully. “Wouldn’t want people suspecting things.” I whisper to him heading to the door.

“Do you always check on us at night like this?” He asks me, stopping I nod my head. “Every night?”

Laughing I sit on the edge of his bed. “Every night I stay and I’m on the job.” I tell him yawning. “When I just sleep over for fun I let you guys decide when enough is enough and it’s time for bed.” I tell him leaning on the wall.

“Here, I’ll tuck you in.” He whispers helping me up. “My tired girl.” He says picking me up, leaning against his chest I smile happily. “Happy princess?”

Chuckling I nod my head. “And tired, but it’s thanks to you guys.” I whisper as he sets me down on the bed, pulling the sheets over me he kisses the top of my head lightly before leaving. Falling asleep I turn to face the wall, not really comprehending what had just happened.


Waking up the next morning I glance at the clock, groaning, right on time. Pulling on jeans and changing my shirt I wake up Wooyoung and Chansung first, next Junsu and Taecyeon and finally Junho and Nichkhun before making breakfast. Mornings are always hectic for us; especially when I stay the night because then I get a little lazy. Getting Wooyoung, Chansung and Junho in the car I glance at Wooyoung who snagged the passenger seat.

“Spill blondie.” I tell him pulling out of the parking garage following Minjae-sshi to JYPE. “We’re in the car.”

“It’s just after Chansung pointed out that you and Nichkhun get along more now I started to notice that he’s right.” Wooyoung says casually. “You and hyung were awkward before, now you act more like friends.”

“Yeah, Hyung was really worried about it.” Junho chimes in. “He’d always be in a mood.”

Chansung smiles happily as I glance at him in the review mirror. “Happy with what you’ve started I see.” I observe parking at JYPE, just as I get a text.


‘HG have a good day off?’


Texting Jay back I skip with the guys, Jay’s had this effect over me, even after I found out. I’m constantly texting him and when I can, talking to him over the phone. I really like Jay; I just do even though I know what would happen even if I ever got a chance to be with him.

“Noona you’re spacing out again.” Chansung says pulling me along. “Are you talking to prince charming again?”

Frowning I look at him and the now curious two. “Yeah.”

Chansung frowns. “Don’t tell hyungs.” He says to the other two, turning to me he sighs before pulling me along. I’d ask him or the others but that’s one of the things about 2PM. They are close knit and willing to cover for each other, and I may be close to them, but I’m not in the super special inner circle, not that I’m expecting to be. With the boys they’re very protective over each other despite all their taunting and teasing. They’ll just as easily sell each other out on something stupid, but if they feel like they’re being invaded or something they’ll shut out that third party and in this case me.

“I’m going to check on the recordings.” I tell Minjae-sshi heading to talk to Minho and Ian. Getting a head nod I exit the room waving to the boys who are stretching.


“Speak of the devil.” Minho says smiling at me. “You look super tired.” He says from his comfy chair.

Glaring at him humorously I turn my attention to Ian. “So are the recordings good?” I ask him sitting on the couch. “Or do I need to bring a couple of them in?”

Ian smiles at me. “They’re good, and I bet you can sneak in a little nap. You’ll need it for tonight and I hear you have plans for the weekend.”

Groaning I plant my face into the couch. “I had so much fun last night after the filming with the guys and we got back late last night.” I mumble looking over at them yawning. “I haven’t even been to my apartment since Minho dropped me off.”

“That was a couple days ago. Won’t your neighbors think you’re dead?” Minho asks sitting on the couch, putting my feet on his lap. “Maybe you should sneak a nap in.”

“I can’t I still have to get back to the guys.” I say yawning. “I’ll go home early with Unnie and take a nap before she dresses me up again.”

“You sure? I mean we can nap during lunch instead.” Minho says glancing at Ian. “Right?”

Ian smiles at me good-naturedly. “You’re going to need to rest. I’ll take you to lunch, then you can rest in the car ride and we’ll get you something tasty, and not on a diet plan.”

Smiling gratefully I push myself up. “Sounds good, I’ll meet you guys here before?” I ask them edging towards the door.

“Yes, now hurry and run some errands.” Minho says worriedly. “And don’t forget to take a breather.” Nodding my head I give them thumbs-up before heading back to the practice room.


I got a poster made by Sickly Scented Graphic Shop <3 And more Jay to come :) 

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..