Plans and Calls

Rebelling Heart

 Since that time in the car Nichkhun and I have gotten a lot closer, it’s been a few months since then, and things between us only have seem to gotten closer. “Quit it, I’m working.” I say half-heartedly while batting Nichkhun’s wandering hands away from my hips. “Khun, I’m being serious.” I warn him looking over my shoulder away from my laptop.

“But it’s been a few hours.” He pouts stubbornly, his bottom lips juts out slightly, chuckling I turn my back to him again to continue working. “I want to go on a date tonight, to dinner like we promised on vacation. We haven’t gotten to do that yet.”

“Because we’ve both been extremely busy” I comment easily as I log off my computer, there really isn’t any winning or getting a work done when Nichkhun decides to be with me, not that I’m complaining. “Let’s go.” I say smiling at him.

Grabbing my hand Nichkhun leads me out of 2PM’s practice room here at good old JYPE. I follow behind my eager boyfriend, secret boyfriend to the public. “You look happy.” He says glancing over his shoulder at me. “Though I’ll imagine Miyoung-Noona will be happier.”

Blushing I nod my head, she’s been begging us to go on a date so she can dress me up for the occasion, part of me is used to that treatment, though it has been a long time since I last did anything really requiring me to be the one being pampered. “I haven’t seen you this eager since we left on our date in Japan.” I say smirking at Nichkhun; the man is just b with happiness.

“Can you blame me?” He asks smiling happily. “I’ll take care of everything. I’ll pick you up at your place at 8:30 alright?” Khun says leaning down to peck my lips. “Since tomorrow is day off we should stay at your place.” He whispers in my ear then proceeding to kiss my cheek.

Blushing bright red I hastily turn around and dash into the coordinators’ room. “Your face is like a tomato.” Miyoung says dryly while organizing her things. “Anyways it’s kinda rare to see you this late in the day, what’s up?” She asks curiously as I take a seat in the makeup chair.

“Oh, you know Nichkhun and I, are going out a dinner date is all.” I say casually, Miyoung turns to me with the biggest grin I have ever seen on her face. “We both thought you’d like to help out with getting me ready seeing as you’re always buzzing about the opportunity. But if you’re busy it’s fine.” I joke as she grabs my hands happily.

“Oh my god, please tell me you’re being serious right now,” Nodding my head her smile only grows. “I have only been waiting since you guys finally got together for this magnificent and most opportune moment.” I smile softly, opportune, that’s what Nichkhun had been waiting for. “H.G. let’s get out of here I am so bringing you to my house to dress you up, everything, hair, makeup, clothes, it’s like a dream come true!” She squeals excitedly.

I watch her work her way around the room cleaning everything up. “I’m going to head to grab my laptop and let Minjae-shhi know I’m heading home.” I say hopping out of the chair gracefully. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.” I say as I head to the door, with a skip in my step. I’m just as excited as Miyoung-Unnie, maybe not as outwardly expressive, but I am looking forward to this.

Hurrying down to the lobby I grin to see Miyoung still buzzing with joy as I join her, rocking on her heels waiting for me. “I’ve been thinking; this is the perfect time to do some girl bonding time, so you’ll spill once we get in my car.” Grabbing my arm Miyoung leads me out to the parking garage and to her car. Once we’re in and on our way to her apartment she’s all ears. “So tell me, what happened on your week-long vacation with the boys and your visit to Japan with the boys!”

I can’t help but feel happy, even though I had friends in America, it wasn’t quite like this. “Well you know we had a lot of fun, especially since we weren’t too worried about cameras and the like. I spent a lot of time at the beach, but as you can imagine the others got jealous fast and separate Nichkhun and I.” I say rolling my eyes.

“I can see that, the younger ones probably instigated it. Woo and Chansung the ring leaders there.” Miyoung says insightfully. “Though I’m sure you and Khunnie-boy found some well spent time together.” She coos excitedly.

“We did, we eventually spent the day together, on his birthday I got him to myself for the entire morning.” I say happily leaning back; I am of course saving the best for last.

“And at noon on the dot the boys came in.” She says laughing happily. “That sounds just like them.” Miyoung glances at me. “Though you look like you’re about to just burst, so what’s the super special thing that has you and Nichkhun all sparkling?” She inquires happily.

I sigh happily before looking out my window. “We both have the mutual feelings of falling for each other.” I say simply and rather innocently. Honestly speaking though our relationship is pretty innocent, I’m happy but I am starting to crave a little bit more.

Miyoung has a grin spread across her face. “That is fantastic! I can’t believe it, I feel like you guys just started dating, but it’s been months and AHAH!” She yells ecstatically. “I cannot believe you kept this from me!” She whines, though she still sounds extremely happy for us.

“And you and Namyoung?” I ask her teasingly while wriggling my eyebrows, Miyoung blushes a deep red. “I take it things are still going well?”

“They are; we’re spending a lot of time together, though he’s working with other idols and everything we still find the time for dates.” She says grinning happily. We’re chatting away happily, but hearing my phone ring I feel like my heart stopped for a moment, that for a second everything really wasn’t happening. “Are you going to get that?” She asks as I let it ring for a few moments.

Picking up I place the phone to my ear. “Hello?” I ask shakily, I’m anticipating his voice, I’m hoping to hear him doing well, that he isn’t drunk this time, I can’t come running to nurse him, I can’t comfort him like that, even if part of me still wants to. “Jay, are you there?” I ask calmly.

“Yeah, sorry.” He mumbles softly. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to hang up or not.” Jay says quietly. “I wanted to talk a bit, apologize for last time I called.” I can imagine him blushing a bit for being so sentimental, for being emotional over this, over us, or rather, what we were.

“It is fine, no need to be sorry. It’s been a while, are you doing well?” I ask ignoring Miyoung’s obvious curious glances, I wonder where he is, how he is, if he’s eating or if he’s drinking too much.

“Tired, I needed to hear you.” Jay says in that relaxed and completely Jay way. “You sound like you’re doing well too.” He mumbles happily. “I want to say so many things Hollywood, but it’d probably be best to wait, huh?” He asks quietly.

“I think so, there still a long time till your tour is done.” I say trying to keep my voice steady; I notice a couple things while we have our little chat. One, my heart isn’t pounding nearly has hard as it used to. Two, I am constantly thinking of Nichkhun.

“I better go; I had to sneak off to make this call.” Though I do still feel that throbbing in my chest, I hate it, I feel guilty for too many things.

Chuckling I lean against the window. “That sounds just like you.” I say happily. “We’ll have to talk when you get back for sure.” I say, though I mean to discuss how everything was left, and how things are now.

“I look forward to it. Bye Hollywood.” He says heavily, he doesn’t sound happy about ending the call, but I’m a bit relieved, I know I can at least handle this much and not feel drained.

“Bye Seattle.” I say hanging up, I look at Miyoung. She’s parked the car and is just staring at me. “It was just a little talk, he’s stressed.” I tell her getting out.

“Uh-huh.” She says while nodding her head. “It sounded like you were a bit worried about him.” She says as she leads us inside to the building. “You know, it is okay to still care about him. You and Jay were close.”

“I know, I just… I hope he’s alright too.” I say smiling a bit sadly. Deciding to switch the subject as we ride the elevator up to the correct floor, I stare at Miyoung for a moment. “Khun will pick me up at my apartment and 8:30.” I inform her smiling happily at just the thought of Nichkhun.

“It’s going to be so much fun; I can’t believe I finally get to really give you a makeover!” She says dragging me by the arm to her apartment. Kicking my shoes off, Miyoung leads me through her apartment and to the bathroom where she sits be down. “Kay, so I’m thinking a step up from your normal glamour.” She says pulling out makeup. Miyoung pulls out a drawer, the organization of her makeup and the sheer variety are stupefying. I mean it looks like if it ever came down to it she could take idols here and do their makeup no problem.

Miyoung leans in close to my face as she starts; watching her, this close always reminds me of an artist working on a canvass, I suppose in a way this is what Miyoung-Unnie does. She makes exact movements with her hands and the implement in them. She gently tilts my head up as she applies my eye makeup; she’s completely focused and unconcerned about everything else.

“Unnie you look really cool right now.” I say grinning at her a bit childishly, Miyoung though seems to take this in a stride; smiling at me she nods her head. “Have you always wanted to do this?” I ask her as she presses a finger to my mouth.

Pulling out a tube of lipstick she applies it to my lips, a light coral color. “Since high school I suppose, it’s all I’m really good at, besides I have a lot of fun with my job.” She says standing back with a rather triumphant look strewn across her face. “Let’s go pick a dress, since this is a more romantic thing I can’t make you overly y.” She pouts sadly.

“Like that’ll stop you.” I mutter following behind her. “Anyhow Nichkhun said he’ll take care of it.” I mumble, as I follow Miyoung to her closet, my mouth drops. “Who needs this many dresses?” I ask her completely shocked, though I know I shouldn’t be.

“When you’re friends with designers it really is a perk.” Miyoung says happily the one of the dress closest to her. “Any-who, we can pick something that fits your curves, bit more toned down.” Miyoung says as she enters her absolutely outrageous collection of dresses. Looking through them she hums a children’s song rather happily. “I think this one is good.” She says pulling out a beautiful lined dress with a sheer top, the flowery lace giving the dress a classy and elegant look, while the popping color gives the dress a bit of appeal. Miyoung happily hands it to me. “Hurry up.”

Chuckling I head to the bathroom to change into this gorgeous dress. As I pull the dress on I turn back to head out. “Zip me up?” I ask her happily looking at the dress hanging on my body. It stops just above my knees, the length and cut of the dress make my legs look longer; as Miyoung zips the dress up I let out a happy sigh. “We’ll really have to go shopping together soon.” I mumble as I spin around as she taps my shoulder.

“I have to praise my eye.” Miyoung says full of self-satisfaction. “I’ll do your hair and then we’ll pick your shoes out and you’ll be ready to go.” Miyoung says pushing me gently towards her makeup chair. Pulling part of my hair back she curls the pieces left down, and softly pins my hair back and curls the pulled back hair, still happily fluttering around me she does the finishing touches. “Ah, I am a genius.” She says pulling away so I can look in the mirror.

“I have only praise for your genius.” I tell her as my lips curl into a smile, Miyoung’s talent really is infinite, getting up I hug the girl tightly. “You are completely and totally amazing.”

“I know, I know, now let’s get you in some shoes and drop you back off, do you have a clutch?” She asks pulling out a pair of black laced peep toe stiletto heels, handing them to me she leads us back through her home to the door.

“I do, a white one, it’ll work with this.” I tell her slipping the heels on carefully, standing up, I grin at her. “I’m not sure what I would have done tonight without you.” I tell her sighing happily. “I’m excited.” I tell her grabbing her arm as we leave.

The drive back we’re talking about all the times she’s disappeared with Namyoung. “So how exactly did all this start up? The guys weren’t too surprise when you disappeared either.” I ask curiously, I’m so excited right now, I feel like I’m about to burst.

Miyoung grins shyly, a light blush coming across her face. “When I first joined JYPE, 2PM was still recovering from everything with Jay; they wanted to take their makeup and looks in general in a different direction, so I spent a ton of time with Namyoung. I wanted to know what kind of clothes and fabrics would be best for the boys. One too many late nights and spending so much time together just lead to one thing.”

“So after-hours romance?” I ask her smiling. “I’m happy for you.” Honestly I’ve never wanted something more for a couple than them. “So it’s been years and you’re both dating, what about your dates?” I ask her chuckling as she lets out a scoff.

“We rarely have coinciding days off, so I’ll work in the dance studio while he makes dances or he’ll sit in the coordinator room with me. But when we do have days off together we normally make a whole outing out of the day.” She says happily, glowing really, I suppose that’s what it looks like. “Not that I have to tell you about that. Together all the time, but not; H.G. you just have to make the most of the time you get.” Nodding my head I smile at her. “So how did you and Nichkhun finally get together?”

Looking back out the window blushing I think about it. “Honestly it was mostly Nichkhun, he confessed, he asked me out on the dates, he was the one putting in the effort, he’d realized at some point when I first moved here that he liked me, but it wasn’t opportune.” I tell her shaking my head. “It’s weird, I’ve always like Nichkhun a bit like that. When we went to Japan, that’s when I started to realize what those weird butterflies, and confusing things about Nichkhun were.” I tell her smiling.

“Then he finally worked the balls up to ask.” Miyoung says summing the story up. “I’m worried though, you’ll need to be careful, you dated Jay and now you’re dating Khunnie-boy. If the fans find out they’ll devour you.” She says seriously as we pull up to my apartment just in time for me to run in to grab my clutch. “You better be careful and call me tomorrow, or you know come in the next time you’re at the studio.” She says nodding her head happily. “I want some details!” She cries as I shake my head.

“Miyoung-Unnie, you’re too much sometimes.” I say getting out, “Lunch on Tuesday?” I ask her as I climb out. “Wait, no Wednesday. Namyoung, you and I and I have Tuesday off.” I say smirking at her. “I want details too.” I giggle as she blushes. “See you Wednesday!” I say grinning as I close the door, walking easily to my apartment I enter seeing an extra pair of shoes, Nichkhun’s.  “Am I late?” I call worriedly as I slip the shoes off.

Walking in I see him sitting on the couch relaxed, he’s in a black slacks and a crisp white shirt, his jacket it laying out on the back of the couch. It’s different seeing Nichkhun dressed up for me, it has a warmer feeling to it; he looks even more attractive. “I was early; I figured Miyoung might take a bit longer.” He says getting up, turning to face me his lips curl into a smile. “I’m not sure I want to take you out now, I’d rather just…” He stops shaking his head.

“You have impure thoughts.” I conclude for him heading to my room. “I’m just going to grab a clutch and we can leave.” I call over my shoulder. “Though you know you really should see the dress with the shoes.” I comment smirking at Nichkhun playfully.

Picking out my clutch I walk back out to see Khun getting his jacket on. “Something the matter?” He asks looking at me with a concerned expression.

I shake my head, heading to the entry hall with him following behind I slip my shoes on. “To be fair, I’m sure I’m thinking along the same lines of you.” I say blushing. “Though Miyoung might actually kill us if we don’t go out though.”

Nichkhun’s arms wrap around me tightly. “You look beautiful” He whispers seductively in my ear, biting my lip nervously I lean back against him. He’s definitely gotten a handle on the voice that sends me absolutely crazy for him. “We better go, wouldn’t want to be late to our reservations.” He chirps happily, taking my hand he leads me out of my apartment, after locking it with our hands still connected I feel my heart beating. “I brought an overnight bag.”

Blushing even more I quicken my pace to hold his arm. “Well I think tonight will be very nice.” I say as he opens the car door for me, climbing in I inwardly hope that I can restrain myself tonight, I’m not saying I’m expecting something, but he is definitely driving my body crazy with want.

> n >
I know an update, I'm just suddenly found myself
unable to write anything for a while, but I've updated~!
Though I'm contemplating what I'll do in the next chapter...

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..