The Life From Before

Rebelling Heart

It seems surreal; it feels like none of this is real. It was as if time had stopped, that everything I knew was suddenly crashing all around me. None of it mattered, how much I’ve changed or how far I’ve come, in this moment everything changed, at least that’s what it felt like. Those seven years of guilt were hitting me again, just as hard as the first moments that I realized what had happened. Cupping my hand over my mouth I fight the tears.

“He woke up.” The words echo. I’m not too sure what else I feel besides an overwhelming sense of relief. “He’ll be coming in and out of consciousness for a while, but your father is waking up.” Doctor Dean says like it’s unheard of. “Your mother has informed us of your intended visit and we’ll be keeping you updated on your father’s condition.” He says before we hang up.

I slide to the floor, I don’t care that I’m in the middle of working or that everyone is looking at me like I’m crazy. He’s finally waking up.

The boys all rush over to me; Nichkhun reaches me first and helps me up. “Are you alright?” He asks nervously sitting me down with everyone crowding me. “Do you feel faint?” Handing me a bottle water Nichkhun watches me carefully. “H.G.?”

I meet Khun’s gaze and smile. “He’s waking up.” I say with tears pooling. The boys all glance from one another before it clicks.

“You mean your dad is waking up?” Nichkhun asks kneeling in front of me. “He’s waking up?” I nod my head numbly, crying at the thought of finally getting to hear his voice, to apologize to him for all that I took away. I still have a few more days until my flight, it just seems so unreal.

“Noona that’s fantastic.” Chansung says smiling at me; the others nod their heads in a mutual agreement.

For a few moments they are all buzzing about it, all happy that he’s waking up, they know how much this means to me. “So what happens now?” Junho asks curiously. “I mean with your mother and stuff.” He says furrowing his brow and with that simple question they all stare at me.

Running my hand through my hair I shrug my shoulders. “I’m not really sure to be honest; it could mean that she’ll give up or that she’ll try harder.” I say taking a deep breath. “This could change a lot of things.” I murmur nervously.

Feeling Nichkhun’s hand wrap around my own he kisses the top of my head again. “Don’t over think it, you dad is waking up. Enjoy that miracle for a bit.” He says softly. Getting up he tugs on my hand, as I stand up he lets go and let’s Chansung hug me tightly, then Wooyoung, Junho, Min-Jun and finally Taecyeon.





For a moment there it all felt like things would go smoothly, that everything would finally turn out alright. Then again I’m not sure why. Chansung decided he’d take me to the airport, very happily driving for once. “So In twelve days I’ll pick you up.” He asks to confirm this. “You’ll come back here.”

I nod my head. “For now that’s the plan. The doctors tell me he’s conscious now.” I say holding his hand tightly in the car. “I’m scared Chansungie.” I mumble nervously.

“It’ll be alright, and if anything happens you can call one of us. Noona you’ll be fine. You can talk to your dad; tell him about your life and how hard you’re trying to make things work.” He says affectionately. “We’re all here for you.” He says kissing the top of my head. “Now let’s get you on that plane.” Chansung says with a grin.

His disguise is pretty good, hat, jacket, and scarf. Sure he looks a little suspicious, but it is winter. Walking through the airport I hold onto Chansung’s arm. As we walk through the airport he smiles at me. “I’ll see you in twelve days.” I murmur hugging him tightly.

Getting in line I glance back to see Chansung waving at me before heading off. I feel like it was only a few days ago I was going through customs and walking out those doors with my bags to Seoul. Like I just landed and I haven’t yet made my home here. It’s strange this time I’m leaving alone, I’ve gone to all sorts of places with the boys, around the world; we’ve all grown a little bit. I’ve really made my life here, I’ve fallen in and out of love, I’ve gone and done some crazy stuff with a bunch of guys that girls all around the world would kill to do. But let’s face it. I ran away to Korea. I came here to avoid my problems. I can’t do that anymore, I need to face those problems if I want to live here happily like before.


Waiting is hard, but doing it on a plane only makes me feel helpless, for the duration of the flight I am cut off from everything else in the world. I’m stuck thinking about what I can say to my dad, how to explain to my mother that the life I made is the one I want. I try distracting myself with what’s around me, but really all I want to do is land already. I’m anxious enough as is.


Walking out the doors with my luggage in hand I freeze, I was expecting Henry to be picking me up or even James, not one of my old friends. “Isobel what are you doing here?” I ask shocked, stopping a few feet from her.

Smirking at me she walks up to me and hugs me tightly. “Geez, you act like I’m the one that disappeared for a year and half.” She says chuckling. “Come on, we can drop your stuff at my place since I’m sure your mother would go postal knowing I beat James here.” She says with a knowing smirk.

“How did you know?” I ask following her as she takes my hand and leads me out of the LAX; Isobel is exactly as I remember her; blonde, thin, bubbly and trouble. My mother hates Isobel, for the most part of my rebellion out of the perfect daughter image was Isobel holding my hand and leading me through trouble. “I wasn’t aware she made the ‘engagement’ public.”

“Oh trust me she wants too, Nick says that your mom wants to desperately tell everyone you’re both happily in love.” Isobel says smirking at me. “Of course though, everyone that is in the circle knows you bolted and have totally turned the slime ball down.”

Chuckling I smile at her. “Glad to see you’re still well connected.” I say catching up with her brisk pace to hook arms with her. “So how much do you know?” I ask her curiously.

“I know that my mother said that she came back from Korea in a very foul mood, Nick says that she has finally got in contact with you.” Isobel says as she leads me to her car, helping me get my bag in the trunk her lips curl into a very knowing smile. “So I can’t ignore the ring.” She says finally. “I am now dying to know what the hell you’ve been up to!” She demands as she gets in her charger, following I shake my head. “Do not do this to me, my best friend went AWOL and totally left me hanging. I haven’t even gotten a simple text from you saying you’re okay.”

“I went to Korea; I got a job and just started living there.” I explain while shrugging my shoulders, I really don’t want to give her the full run down in her car. “We can talk about it tonight, after we drop my bags off I want to see my dad.” I tell her sighing heavily.

“Right, dad awake, and I am holding you to it. Nick is going to notice as soon as he sees you too, and I bet Emily will too.” She says smiling at me. “Though those other es are all over James and fawning over his slime ball-ness, so don’t count on them welcoming you back. Laura, Rebecca and Josie have been trash talking you since you disappeared. Finn dumped Laura very publicly at some club we were all at and has since been very cool, Dean though has been a total , guy went nuts when you left.”

“Right, Dean.” I mutter looking out the window, “How’s Moe and Mac?” I ask trying to keep up with how exactly everyone I used to be friends with are. All the drama certainly hasn’t changed. Then again we’re all spoiled rich kids with nothing better to do.

“Moe and Mac are very cool, very happy.” Isobel says smiling at me. “They are also very excited to see you, though everyone knows you only came to see your dad.” She adds gently. “We have missed you Munro.” Hearing the old nickname made me smile. “What?”

Shaking my head I smile at her. “It’s nothing,” She gives me a look that says spit it out. “I just forgot how nice it felt to be called that.” I say chuckling. “I haven’t been there in forever.”

“I wonder why.” Isobel says very sassily. “We can meet everyone who is not a total there for dinner. I bet the real Munro has been wondering where the hell we’ve all been.”

I nod my head, I was affectionately ‘knighted’ Munro since it was the only place I ever really wanted to be while I was a kid and through everything it was my little sanctuary. Mother never knew about it, so I could hide out there for a long time without her ever finding me.

For the rest of the ride Isobel is catching me up on all the drama that has gone down since I left and really I don’t see how it matter much to me or ever. A lot of it is petty and started by Laura, Josie and Rebecca. “Oi, I know that look.” Isobel says as we get out and pull my bag out. “You’re not listening.”

“I am, I just…everything is kinda different now.” I say with a sigh. “All the crap that the three of them have always started just doesn’t seem important to me.” I say laughing lightly. “Though I am very interested on the Isobel and Nick front.” I say nudging her lightly. Isobel blushes, she and Nick have always been on the edge of getting together but nothing ever happens. “So I take it there is some development?” I ask gently.

“Yeah, there is actually.” She says with a small smile. “We can go over all that stuff though at dinner tonight, I can get all the gang together after I drop you off at the hospital.” She says as we roll my bag up the stairs together.

The ride to the hospital is silent, Isobel is busily having me text everyone via her phone to meet at Munro’s at eight, giving me an hour for her to doll me up for old times. “Kay so I’ll pick you up at seven and we can head back and you can change, shower and everything, you’ll have to ditch James or your Mom though if they show up seeing as I sort of just kidnapped you.”

Rolling my eyes I nod my head. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours Isobel.” I say getting out after a quick hug.

Walking back into the hospital I feel that same feeling of dread come over me, that bit in my stomach weighing me down heavily, but I walk on, stopping at the front desk to get directions. I haven’t had a fondness for hospitals since the accident seven years ago, and have obviously done all I can to avoid them after my mother cut off my visits to dad.

Before I realize it I’m standing in front of my dad’s room. Elijah Kang, 409 B on the fourth floor in the east wing. Knocking lightly I feel my heart quicken its pace as I hear my dad’s voice. Pushing the door open I see him sitting in bed reading the newspaper. “Sweetheart I was beginning to wonder when I was going to see you.” He says looking up at me, “Come here.” He says waving me over.

I wipe my tears away; walking over to the bed I hug my dad who for the first time since I last came here to visit him is free of all tubes, wires and hospital equipment. “Dad, hi.” I say lamely as he hugs me tightly.

Hearing his laugh feels like a relief. “Hey sweetie.” He mumbles kissing the top of my head. I wasn’t sure what I should say, I wasn’t sure what he knew, or what my mother may have told him. “You’re over thinking things again.” He says as he lets go. I take my seat next to his bed and smile at him. “Apparently smartphones are all the rage now.” He says taking his reading glasses off. “Nick will apparently be teaching me how to use one.” He says happily.

“I’m sorry dad” I whisper frowning at him.

He reaches out and takes my hands in his and smiles. “Don’t, I’m glad you made it out alright.” He says squeezing my hands tightly. “So what’s this I hear about you being engaged?” He asks looking at my hand then at my face.

“I’m not.” I say shocked that he’d heard that. I see him look relieved instantly, smiling I take a deep breath. “Though that’s not to say I haven’t found someone who I love dearly.” I say trying to contain my smile.

“You’ll have to catch me up to speed on my little angel; somehow I think things are a little different than what your mother is saying.” He says as he gets comfortable in his bed. “I’m listening.” He says expectantly.

And so I tell my dad everything that has happened since the accident, well I leave out certain details. But as I get to Korea I find myself crying a little bit. He’s silent while I tell him about the seven years that he’s been asleep, but he listens without interrupting. “So Nichkhun and I have decided to wait until I can figure something out about Mom and the whole engagement thing sorted.” I say sighing sadly. “I love him dad.” I say smiling happily.

“Your mother met him?” He asks while rubbing his chin, I nod my head slowly. “It seems that she doesn’t quite approve of your life in Korea.” I shrug my shoulders, to which he gives me a look. “I suppose she’s just trying to look out for you. Though I do like the sound of you being independent and holding up on your own.” Dad says grinning at me. “I have to admit, I was hoping you’d take an interest in the company.”

“I don’t think it’ll happen dad.” I whisper honestly. “Besides, I doubt the board would let me do what you and mom want me to do.” I say smiling at him. “I am happy though with how things have turned out for me in Korea. I’ve met people I can’t possibly give up. And I’ve been given more responsibilities, I’ve had raises, I’m doing well for myself.”

“Suppose I can’t argue with that.” My dad says as a nurse comes in. “Seven already?” He asks the nurse who nods his head and leaves. “I’ll see you some other time then.” He says as I get up and hug him.

“Yeah dad, I’ll see you tomorrow lunch sound good?” I ask smiling at him. He makes some quip about how horrible the food is, we laugh and I leave.

Sighing happily I head out the entrance and see Isobel parked right in the front waiting. “We’ll be a tad late, but we got the place reserved so we should be cool, Nick will head over and save it all since everyone is dying to see you.” She says as I get in.




“So what’s the story behind the ring?” Nick asks sipping his beer. “The story your mom is telling is that you’re studying abroad at one of the companies there. Which everyone at this table knows is total bull.” We've had dinner and time to catch me up on everything on LA side leaving it to be my turn.

Moe and Mac smile at me. “Come on, you have that smile just itching to get out.” Mac says nudging me playfully. “It’s not like we’re Rebecca and her henchmen.” He says rolling his eyes.

I have always loved Moe and Mac, they have been a couple since we started high school. Nick and I grew up together since our parents work very closely together, Isobel and I met our freshmen year when she moved here from New York, Emily is Nick’s cousin and just as cool, Finn we have all known since grade school, and we all got along great until he started dating Laura. Though all of us, plus Dean, Rebecca and Josie have been pushed together since our parents all do business together; CEOs, presidents, vice presidents, co-owners, and the list goes on, though we have split off in very defined groups.

“I happened to have met someone in Korea.” I say finally, I smile happily thinking of Nichkhun. “Though things are kinda on hold while I get everything with my mother sorted.” I add as I frown slightly.

“So how did you meet him?” Moe asks grinning at me. “Our little Munro is growing up.” He jokes leaning on Mac. “What are we gonna do?” He asks grinning.

“Technically I work for him.” I say chuckling, “Well for him and his friends as this manager and personal assistant.” I say shrugging my shoulders at the details. All my friends look at me shocked. “It isn’t whatever is going through your minds.” I say glaring at them.

“Is he old?” Emily asks laughing as the others all lean in to find out, to which I roll my eyes out and down the rest of my beer. “Oh come on Munro, it is totally fair question. You disappear and we get the minimal amount of information from Nick. We’re just curious to what our very wild friend has been up to.”

“He is older than me, but younger than Mac and Moe.” I say smiling at them again. It is nice seeing them all again. As the conversation shifts to Emily moving in with her boyfriend of five years, to Isobel and Nick’s finally starting relationship, I can’t help but laugh along with everyone.

Feeling my phones buzz I check it seeing it being from Nichkhun, though that could very well mean everyone. Standing up I head to the edge of the room to answer. “Hello?” I say in English since I do not need the other begging me to translate later.

“H.G. we were getting worried, Chansung said that you didn’t call when you landed.” Nichkhun says following my lead on the whole English thing. “How’s everything going?” He asks as I glare at my friends as they become completely silent.

“Alright, Isobel picked me up instead of James.” I say smiling as he chuckles. “Yeah, thought you might enjoy that bit.” I say laughing as well. “Anyways I saw my dad and I am now catching up with some of my friends.”

“Ah, is now bad then? The guys kinda want to talk too.” Nichkhun says as I hear more protests from their end of the line.

I glance back at my friends, biting my lip I glance at Mac and Moe who are nodding for me to talk. “I should be fine, besides they are all dying to know who I am talking too.”

“Speaker phone, hey don’t drop my phone!” I hear Nichkhun yell, chuckling I listen to the guys all chatter about him hogging the time up.

“Noona, how was the flight? And your dad?” Junho asks talking over the others, but effectively shutting them up.

“Long and he’s good. By the way it is looking good on that side. Though as far as my mother, I haven’t seen her.” I say easily switching to Korea. “I miss you guys though.”

“Well, it is hard to not miss us.” I hear Taec say cockily. “It would be extremely welcomed that we Skype later since you’re out.”

“That sounds like a plan; I love and miss you all.” I say hearing them all saying their goodbyes. “Hey Nichkhun.” I say again as he takes the phone back.

“Hey H.G.” Khun says and I can picture his coy smile, the way eyes would smile at me. “I love you.” He says confidently. “So don’t let that creep bully you. In fact it is preferred that you stay away from him.”

I chuckle smiling even wider. “I love you too, and don’t worry; Isobel won’t let him near me.”

“Hey, we’d kick his too!” Moe yells while pouting. “And since this guy has you smiling like that I have to say. You better treat our Munro right or I’ll send Isobel and Mac after you! Oh, and you two better get back together, I bet you’re both cute together!”

“I am not your personal attack dog, and I’m sure Isobel is more than enough.” Mac says playfully smacking Moe. And don't go meddling in her love life, Munro probably did alright without us watching over her.

Rolling my eyes at them I let out a sigh. “Those would be my friends. Talk to you later.” I can only imagine what’s going through his head right now.

“Yeah, sleep well H.G.” He says chuckling, “And you can tell them I have no intention of leaving us how we are right now.” With that he hangs up leaving me flustered.

“Oi, I have never seen Munro blush like that!” Isobel says as I take my seat again. “Our little baby has fallen in love!” She coos clanking her drink with Finn’s.


A little insight on how her life with her friends were.
The name she goes by with her friends in America is sort of to reinforce that
it is two different lives that she has.
The people she has grown up with and have known for her whole life and
then the one where she's had to find her own way.
Plus her dad waking up and her talking with him.


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..