Hypothetical, Rings, and Twenty-Four Hours

Rebelling Heart

So naturally after the guys left, Chansung informed me that he would be telling Nichkhun that I saw Jay and nothing else about what I’d said. Hugging them all good bye I smile at them and watch three of them walk off with their hoods up and jacket collars hiding their face, the fourth is answering a call and walking towards his car.

Watching Minho drive off and my young boys walking back towards the apartment in a slightly somber mood, I feel a strange sense of nostalgia come over me. Pulling a jacket on I leave my apartment complex and head down the street and towards a familiar little area, the snow covers the ground and I smile to myself. This is where Jay and I spent out last few moments as a couple right here.

“This is the first place I came when I got back to Korea.” I hear a familiar voice say, turning around I see Jay. “I kinda stormed off, I feel bad.” He mutters walking to stand next to me. “I have this bad habit of leaving things that I care about.”

“I noticed.” I whisper looking at him sighing heavily. “Jay how do you pick up everything after it all seems broken?” I ask shaking. “I feel like I just let everything get to the point where I can’t fix a thing and now I don’t know what to do.” I rant clamping my eyes shut. “With my mom, you, Nichkhun, everything, I don’t know what to do.”

“You do your best, you do what’s right and then you hope that everything will be okay. You have to believe that with everything you are.” Jay says taking my hand gingerly in his and holding it at our sides. “For a moment, like this” Jay says turning to look at me with a smile. “I want to pretend I didn’t leave to go on tour; that we didn’t break up a year ago, that I stayed and you and I got a better ending.”

“Jay you must love hypothetical situations.” I say chuckling, “But let’s hear it.” I say smiling at him. It’s distracting me and right now it doesn’t sound so bad, a better ending for the two of us.

“Well, we’d have done our ‘I love you’ moment in a very romantic setting outside of the city, far away so you could see the stars.” He says proudly, he’d done the whole balcony thing already so I suppose it’s one of those give you everything moments. “I’d have promised never to leave you alone. I’d have whisked you away for the week.”

“A whole week?” I ask curiously. “Aren’t I lucky?”

Jay scoffs and lightly bumps me with his hip. “Yeah, you are. Anyways, we’d have spent the week alone and enjoying our lovely vacation together. I’d teach you how to dance some more, you’d teach me how to cook.”

“I don’t know too many dishes.” I point out gently. “I only know what the guys have told me how to make and how.” I say shrugging my shoulders at my very limited cooking abilities.

“You would fret about the boys.” Jay adds ignoring my input. “I’d get jealous, as I tend to get.” He says nodding his head with a small smile. “By spring we’d be totally in love and know everything about each other, you’d tell me all about your family, everything.” Jay says seriously. “I’d hold you and tell you we’ll work through it. Summer comes round and you’ll be touring with 2PM, I’ll be touring as well.”

“And we break up.” I say smoothly, Jay looks at me and nods his head.

 “We get in a fight about being separated, I tell you I don’t want you going away with six extremely attractive guys, one of which is pining after you.”

“Pining?” I ask laughing. “Jay, no.” I tell him shaking my head. “God, you’re so weird.” I mutter while pushing him lightly. “No, pining, find a better word.” I command taking a deep breath.

“Fine, since pining isn’t acceptable.” He mutters displeased. “Pining is a great word just for the record.” To which I shake my head again, and he huffs up obviously making a big show of this. “Who likes you, likes is anti-climactic.” Jay complains while frowning sourly.

“No, it isn’t weird like pining.” I correct him smoothly. “Anyways, said guy comforts me and gets me back on my feet.” I continue on and smile at Jay sadly; I pull my hand out of his. “I fall for him.”

Nodding his head, the same bitter smile from our earlier meeting appears. “You fall in love with Nichkhun and I miss my chance again. Only you get a happy ending before that. You sort everything out with your mother; Creepy James finds love with some other girl, leaving your mother at a loss.”

“You meet a nice girl while on tour or even here in Korea. You fall in love again and move on.” I tell Jay smiling at the untouched snow. “We never came here in the middle of the night to build snowmen or to lie in the snow to make snow angels.” I tell Jay sadly. “We never have that conversation that leaves me in the street crying and calling out for you to come back.”

“No, you don’t get that heartbreak.” Jay agrees looking down and then over. “I didn’t come here alone, I met up with someone.” He confesses nodding in the direction behind me. Looking over my shoulder I see Nichkhun watching carefully and without letting anything show on his face. “I’m going to go.”

Jay walks towards Nichkhun and says something before he leaves; Nichkhun then walks over to me. “Chansung texted me. Said he was leaving your place and that I should probably talk to you.” Nichkhun says while shoving his hands in his pockets. “Jay called me right after he saw you, wanted to talk about some stuff and then took me here.”

“Jay and I put off having that break-up talk right here last year.” I say motioning towards the snow. For a moment I stare at the snow, even though the following memory is sad, the one I have of us playing around isn’t so bad. “Let’s get inside, I’m freezing.” I mutter walking back towards my apartment, I hear Khun trail after me. Silently we walk the short distance back to my apartment and then enter.

As I shrug my jacket off Nichkhun stares at my arm. “When did that happen?” He questions pointing to it, he’s still distancing himself, and I suppose that is actually really good. “While we were in Japan?”

“The last night, Chansung tells me I fell on a glass cup.” I explain moving pass the entry hall, turning around I stare at Nichkhun. “You’re not going to come in?” I ask leaning against a wall watching as he just stares at me.

“Jay and Chansung didn’t tell me much of anything besides that they’d seen you.” Nichkhun focuses. “I know I did what Jay had done, I left you alone and tried my best to leave you all on your own, but it is killing me right now.”

“It’s you.” I tell him simply. “I’m in love with you.” I say simply.

Nichkhun stares at me, smiling he walks closer and kisses the top of my head. “I feel a ‘but’ hanging there.” He says stepping back.

“I want to get all my family stuff sorted. I want have all my ducks in a row before we start our relationship back up again.” I tell him quietly. “It wouldn’t be fair.”

He nods his head understandingly. “Since you’re on vacation and technically aren’t supposed to be hanging out at the apartment can I ask one thing?” He asks holding my hands in his; nodding my head I smile up at him. “Can I get one day?” Confused I stare at him. “To pretend your mother isn’t butting into your life with a fiancé, that I didn’t ask for a break so you could choose, can I have the time to shower you with affection, love you and to just enjoy the day.”

Chuckling I look up at Nichkhun and in that moment I wanted that, to pretend that everything is okay, that for a while I can act like I don’t have a mother that is trying to control my life. “You can have the twenty-four hours.” I whisper happily and relieved. Nichkhun then pushes me towards back and motions for me to go sit down.

As I sit on my couch I stare at the wall and wait, as I’m about to get up Nichkhun comes in and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. "So for the next twenty-four hours you will be completely and totally free of all responsibilities towards 2PM, your family, Jay, Minho, Miyoung and Ian, instead you get to relax and enjoy a stress-free day.” He commands while kiss the top of my head. “Of course that also means me too.”

“I think the stress-freeness comes from being with you.” I mumble cuddling into his chest happily. “What’s for lunch?” I ask him resting my head back as Nichkhun leans us back on the couch. “Or is that a secret?” I question him as his arms tighten around me.

“I ordered us a pizza.” He says contently. “I have your birthday present with me.” Nichkhun says quietly. “In my pocket.”

“Is that what the lump is?” I , to which Khun pinches my and then pulls something out of his pocket. Presenting a little black box, taking it carefully I move to sit on the edge of the couch with Khun pulling me back into his chest as he sits up.

“Open it.” He urges chuckling. “I’ve had it picked out for a while now, and well obviously this is the best time to give it to you.” He says kissing my temple. “I figure if I give them to you at your birthday party Miyoung and the others would kill me on the spot.” This causes me to chuckle, because I imagine that is what they would do to Nichkhun if he gave me whatever it is that’s in this box.

Slowly I open the black box; in the center of the box tucked neatly into two slits are two rings, one bigger and then one smaller. Matching rings, I look back at Nichkhun and smile happily. “Couple rings?” I ask taking out mine. “You’re really sweet.” I whisper slipping it on, Nichkhun reaches out and taking the other ring and putting it on his own hand.

“So even while you’re in California for that week and half, people will know you’re already taken.” Nichkhun declares happily. “Is it too much?” He questions me quietly.

I shake my head and stare at my hand, placing mine next to Nichkhun’s. “No, I love it.” I say happily, turning my head I grin at Nichkhun. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He mumbles leaning in to kiss me. As our lips meet I feel that burst of joy that spreads through the rest of my body, everything in me just coming alive. As our lips part Nichkhun smirks at me. “We should wait till after we eat.” He mumbles against my lips. “Or until the pizza arrives.”

“I can wait.” I say getting up off the couch. “Though I’m going to take a shower, can you man the door and not get caught?” I ask him heading down the hall to pick some clothes out. “Phones off right?” I ask taking mine out of my pocket and turning it off.

Nichkhun follows my lead and smiles. “I can handle paying for some pizza, now not getting caught might be a little difficult, but I think I can handle that too.” He says nodding his head.

“I’ll trust you on that.” I tell him as I disappear down the hall and into my room to pick some clothes out. Taking one of Khun’s shirts and a pair of boxer-shorts and undergarments I head towards my bathroom, passing by a very content Nichkhun on the way.

“Don’t take too long.” He mutters pecking my lips before I slip out of his arms. “And be careful of your arm.” He reminds me worriedly.

“It’ll be fine.” I tell him waving my good arm up at him. Quickly slipping into the bathroom I strip my clothes off and step into my bathtub, turning the shower on, I quickly and carefully take a shower. Mindful of my arm I relax as the warm water beats against my skin, washing my hair, my body and then drying off. Getting dressed I step out heading towards the kitchen where Chansung put some extra bandages.

“Let me.” Nichkhun says seeing me pull the gauze and medical tape out. Nodding my head I hold my arm out as Nichkhun takes the damp one off and frowns seeing the gashes in my arm. “I’m sorry” He murmurs spraying the cut with some anti-bacterial stuff, then placing the gauze on carefully and finally wrapping it perfectly with the tape, not too tight and not too loose. “Do you remember anything from that night?” He asks quietly as we move to take a seat at the table.

“Bits and pieces.” I confess looking at the box of pizza. “I remember texting Chansung, getting food, then most of whatever happens isn’t really there.” I say shrugging my shoulders. “Once we got back to the hotel I remember him helping me take a bath and staying with me the entire night.”

Nichkhun cups my face and smiles at me. “When he brought you back and we were all gathered in your room, I was so worried and then seeing you like that and clinging to Chansung I felt guilty, I still do.” He says kissing my forehead.

“I was the one who went out drinking; so don’t feel too bad.” I tell him shrugging my shoulders. “Come on let’s just eat. We can talk about all that serious stuff after.”

Nichkhun nods his head, looking at me slyly, pulling a slice out he eats quietly and I follow his lead. “So, Chansung saw you ?”

“Oh my goodness, do not.” I say chuckling as I chew my pizza. “And he did.” I say smirking at Nichkhun sassily. “I don’t really remember it all exactly, but I think he was really shy and embarrassed.”

Nichkhun shakes his head at me, but kisses my cheek. “After we eat let’s go to your room.” He says temptingly and of course I’m nodding my head happily to the idea.



I felt like updating...
So I did.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..