Talks, Talks, Talks

Rebelling Heart

“So, when you say your dad wants to have dinner with us, you don’t by a chance mean just hyung, do you?” Junho asks nervously, the others are all staring at me.

Chuckling I shake my head; they kinda look like deer stuck in the middle of the street with a car coming at them. “He said that he wants to meet you all.” I tell them again, after a bit it seems they’ve checked into my family a bit. “He speaks Korean, so be careful what you say, and honorifics are probably best.”

“What if we don’t have time?” Min-Jun asks casually.

I smirk; Nichkhun lets out a long sigh. “Her parents have enough sway to get us to have a free night to have dinner with them.”

Chansung frowns. “Nichkhun, you’ve kinda met H.G.’s mom, what’s she like?” He asks sighing heavily.

Nichkhun glances back at me unsurely, I’m sure it’s because he’s afraid he’ll offend me. “My mother is a business woman, if you’re worried she won’t like you, I can say she probably already doesn’t like any of you.”

“Noona that does not help at all.” Wooyoung says chuckling. “And besides are you positive he said he wants to meet us all?”

“Wooyoung, my dad wants to meet each and every one of you. I told him about most of my time here. And like I said when I first got back, he seems to want me happy over in a marriage that’s being driven purely for business.” Setting my chopsticks down I rest my hand on Chansung’s hand. “I can’t tell you how that dinner will go, but they probably won’t start anything, at least if my mother does my dad will take care of it, and if he eggs her on it’s because he agrees or is letting her make her case.”

“That’s not helpful.” Taecyeon says chuckling; he glances around and smiles at the guys. “I’m sure the dinner will be fine, besides it’ll be one dinner then we can go into hiding.”

“That is true.” Min-Jun says nodding while nodding his head seriously. “Wait, what didn’t you tell your dad?” He asks turning his head to look at me interestingly.

“He just woke up, I wasn’t going to go and tell him about certain activities.” I say shortly, taking my hand back I pick up my chopsticks, the guys all stare at me and then Nichkhun. “Oh my god, I wasn’t going tell my dad I’ve had with Nichkhun, what I was referring to though was drinking and getting wasted, stuff like that.” I tell them blushing.

The guys nod their heads. “That’s all out in the open then?” Taec says jokingly.

Min-Jun nudges Taec while smirking, I exchange glances with Nichkhun. “I am going to kill Isobel” I mutter while glaring at my rice. “Whatever you two are planning on asking I can promise you that if it in any way whatsoever relates to mine and Nichkhun’s dating life I will smack you both over the head with that spoon in the kitchen.” I tell them seriously.

Both nod their heads and continue eating, so this will wait until they can get one of us on our own I assume. “Noona, you’re not eating a lot since you came back from L.A.” Chansung comments as I pass him my leftovers. “Have you been feeling alright?”

I nod, covering my mouth as I yawn I excuse myself. “I’m going to start on the laundry, put the dishes in the sink and I’ll get to them.” I tell them all smiling. “And Chansung, I wasn’t avoiding the question. I feel fine; I’m just not all that hungry lately.” I tell him calmly.

As I push the chair in, heading back through the dorm and towards the laundry room to start a load and fold the one in the dryer. I’m not alone for long, Nichkhun followed me. “Are you going to head to your apartment tonight?” He asks hugging me from behind. “Are you okay? You seem a bit different since you’ve gotten back.”

I nod my head, relaxing into his arms I feel the little bit of stress I’ve been feeling all the time dissipate. “It’s just, for the first time I’m actually seeing how much I’ve changed since I’ve started working here, become friends with everyone and actually started to share my life with someone I care about.”

“Is it a bad difference?” He asks with a knowing tone. Nichkhun rubs my shoulder to relax me even more.

“You know it isn’t, Moe and Isobel in particular want to meet you.” I tell him chuckling. “I’m sure Mac and Nick are having a hard time with them.”

“You never did tell me all about your friends, I know the other guys all got to hear, but I was on a schedule.” Nichkhun says pulling me back to a chair and onto his lap. “So tell me.”

I nod my head, to sum up my life in L.A., to actually talk about it with Nichkhun seems odd, not in a bad way, but in that way I’m sharing more with him. “I’ve grown up with Nick and Emily since I was born basically, both are older.” I tell him chuckling. “Neither let me forget while we were growing up, and in that grouping of course we had Laura, Dean and Rebecca.”

“I take it not friends.” Khun says chuckling, taking his hand in mine I nod my head. “No Isobel yet?” He asks laughing lightly as he happily grasps my hand.

“She didn’t move to L.A. until our freshman year, Josie made her entrance around middle school.” I say quietly while thinking about all the dynamics of my social life I’d had. “Dean and I dated on and off until probably my junior year or so.” I tell him with a sigh. “Mac and Moe were seniors when we were freshman, and both have been together since their sophomore year.”

“Moe is like Isobel, right?” He asks trying to get everyone straight. “Moe and Isobel are the outgoing ones.”

“Outgoing is putting it nicely.” I say chuckling. “But yeah, they are the trouble makers.” I say chuckling. “Isobel introduced me to a lot of people and to different ways of thinking back when I really needed it.”

“Then there’s a Finn right?” He asks while resting his head on my shoulder, I nod my head. “So how do Laura, Rebecca, Josie and Dean fit?”

“They were the ones who were controlling different parts of my life, taking me to the right parties, places and things I was obligated to do as a Kang.” I explain while frowning. “Nick always came to save me whenever Dean tired crap, and of course Isobel was always there to make him back off. They never did get along.”

“Did you see Dean while you were there?” Nichkhun asks and chuckles while I scowl. “Is he that bad?”

“Yeah, extremely arrogant; he seems to think I’ll want to revisit old memories.” I roll my eyes and tap my free hand on Nichkhun’s leg. “God I wanted run him over, but I think his mother might have been a bit upset about that.”

“Old memories?” He asks, I look back at him to see that his interest has peaked considerably. “You guys dated for a while, so what kind of memories did he want to revisit?”

I open my mouth to say, but stop; it isn’t exactly my most favorite moment. “It was a long time ago, Dean and I haven’t had anything to do with each other like then since I broke up with him.” I say trying to brush it off; Nichkhun pinches my leg with his other hand. “Fine, I guess it’s better to hear from me than Isobel or Moe.” I mutter standing up I take a seat next to Nichkhun on another chair. “Dean and I dated on and he happened to be my first for a lot of things.”

“Do you still care about him?” Nichkhun asks quietly, I can tell it’s more for me to think about then him asking as a jealous boyfriend. “Do you miss that life a lot?”

“I don’t really care about Dean, I was stupid and let Dean talk me into a lot of things that I didn’t care about.” I confess while resting my head on Nichkhun’s shoulder. “I do miss my friends, I can’t help that, and I would love to share things that I’ve done here with them, but you know after being with you guys and having all these crazy memories, I love it here, I love you guys and I love you. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

Nichkhun grins, pushing me off to stand; Nichkhun leans down and presses his lips against mine. “I love you, and I promise I’ll do what it takes to keep you happy.” Cupping my face with one hand and pulling me to be closer by my back Nichkhun smiles at me. “I so desperately want to take you away.”

I grin at him and kiss his lips gently. “I do have a job to do to.” I remind him quietly, he smirks at me. “My apartment tonight I take it.” I whisper wrapping my arms around his neck.

“That sounds like the perfect plan.” He mumbles kissing me again. “I better go before they come searching.” He says pulling away, before he lets go Nichkhun hugs me tightly. “One of these days I’m going to steal you away and take you somewhere where we don’t have to worry about who I am, who you are, our jobs or our very protective friends of ours.” He mumbles in my ear.

“Well when you pull it off, you can be sure I’ll go.” I promise him, I have that same grin on my face that I had when I told Isobel about Nichkhun, when anyone of my friends asked me about him. “You better get down there before they come up here.”

I watch Nichkhun walk to the door, I watch him as he turns to smile at me, and I watch as he disappears down the stairs. I’m starting to believe that this room really is magical. It becomes everything that I’ve needed. Silent when Nichkhun and I are together, another world when we need our own time together, has the space to hold us when we all just want someplace to hang out.

Finishing up I fold the laundry and head back down with everyone’s clothes, setting them down in the appropriate rooms, making my way to the kitchen I clean all the dishes and put them up, drying my hands off I run down the hall pass everyone on their way to their rooms or the living room, up the stairs and into the laundry room I put the final load into the dryer.

“What happens if your dad decides he doesn’t want you hanging around us?” Chansung asks entering the room, Wooyoung and Junho follow behind like they normally do and taking their usual seats I smile at them. “Noona, we’re being serious.” Chansung says pouting at me.

“Then tough, this is where I am.” I tell them easily. Junho and Wooyoung send uneasy glances between the two of them. “Dinner will be okay, we’ll spend a few hours with them, eat and talk and then that’ll be that.”

“Unless they both decide they want to talk more.” Wooyoung says sighing heavily. “Noona, we can joke, but your mom already dislikes us, and we have no idea how your dad will react to us.”

Walking over to the three of them I ruffle their hair and take a seat near them. “I can’t tell you what will happen, I can’t say if we can change my mother’s mind, or if we can get my dad to agree, but I think we should be a bit optimistic about all this.”

“Why?” Junho asks with a frown.

I shrug my shoulders and lean back in my chair. “Why not?” I counter easily. “I live here, I have a job, I have friends, a boyfriend, I’m happier here than I have been in a long time.”

“So then you don’t care if your parents demand you go back, that they wouldn’t want you to stay here?” Wooyoung asks furrowing his brow. “Besides what happens if this job doesn’t work out?!”

Patting his cheek lightly I smile. “It’ll be fine; I’ll talk to them about it. Woo, don’t flip out at the dinner.” I command seriously. “It’ll be a dinner, they’ll ask questions, and probably bring up a few issues we’ll face.” I tell them seriously. “My mother will make an argument that it’ll be better for me to leave, but as we all know, it won’t be.”

“So it’ll be a like an interview?” Chansung ask mimicking Wooyoung’s face. “An interview about our lives and why it is good for us all to stay together.”

“Exactly.” I tell him patting his head happily. “Now guys don’t worry too much.”

The guys continue talking, this time about their upcoming comeback in Korea. I listen and give them my input; I take the laundry out of the dryer and fold it while they talk excitedly.

“Noona do you have plans tonight?” Junho asks curiously. “With Nichkhun I mean.” He says looking up from his phone.

“I do, did he text you guys to leave?” I ask chuckling, the three of them nod. “Well then I think you should listen to your hyung, besides I have the laundry done. I’m going to head home in a bit.”

The boys grumble about the injustice of Nichkhun corrupting me. I chuckle following them down the stairs.


“Took them long enough.” Nichkhun mumbles in my ear as I pull my shoes on, I slide my jacket on. “Are they really nervous?” He asks taking my hand as we head to Nichkhun’s car.

“They are, but I think it’ll go fine, besides my parents haven’t even set a date for this dinner. Dad has rehabilitation still; mother is preparing him to reenter the business and the world. Nick is making sure he’s learning all about the technology that’s come out while he’s been a coma. He’ll be cleared to fly in a couple months, so I think we have time.”

“Are you nervous about it?” He asks quietly. “You seem pretty calm about it, but you sound like you’re counting on having the time before they fly over to have dinner with us.”

“I am.” I whisper squeezing his hand tightly. “I’m beyond nervous, you’re meeting my parents for the first time officially, and the others are anxious about it too. I want to be optimistic, and it makes sense to, at least in my head it does.”

“Then I think we shouldn’t talk about it for a bit, maybe we just relax?” He asks in a husky voice.

I smile at him and lean into his side. “You are a horn dog.” I mutter so only he can hear. “I swear, but I suppose I shouldn’t complain.” I say giggling as he chuckles.

“I was going to say, you initiate too.” He says kissing my cheek, I nod my head admittedly, I do start it sometimes, but he can’t argue about his rather active drive.



Enjoy guys, and sorry I haven't updated in a while.
I went to a wedding ^^
I'm trying to update tonight and tomorrow (:





Been a while huh? XD
I'm glad you're still reading even though Jay isn't in it so much any more.
I had a lot more planned, but it wasn't quite working :/ But we'll see.
Also, I'm glad you guys are semi-looking forward to the end. And I'm hoping you guys will enjoy it.


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..