We All Carry Something More

Rebelling Heart

Without Minho around I spent all the time at JYPE with the guys, them gladly taking up the extra time spent with me. All the while I’d been trying to get Minjae-sshi alone to tell him I’d be leaving from the dorm after I cleaned on Saturday around 3:30. To say the least it wasn’t exactly a happening thing, the guys were always with me or him, or Minjae-sshi was busy doing something or sending me on an errand. Finally giving I’d deal with explaining to the guys if they over heard. “Minjae-sshi” I say catching the manager’s attention. “On Saturday while the guys are at their schedules, here or the gym would it be alright if I left after I finished cleaning the dorm?” I ask him hopefully.

“That should be fine; would you be able to start some dinner before hand?” He asks me checking his watch. Nodding my head he smiles at me. “What time will you be leaving the dorm do you think?” He asks glaring at one of the guys for rough housing too much.

“Hopefully 3:30.” I tell him sighing as I edge closer to the guys to stop them from doing something dangerous, turning my head I glare at Junsu trying to steal one of Chansung’s bananas.

Chuckling he pats my shoulder. “Mind me asking why?” He asks me curiously. “You don’t normally take off on Saturdays.”

Smiling at him I bite my lip lightly, “I actually have a date.” I tell him chuckling, partly from embarrassment and guilt. Minjae-sshi would have known Jay as well; after all he’s been with 2PM since the start.

Getting an ‘Ah’ he smiles at me happily. “I’m glad to hear you’re branching out from these fellows. With everything that’s been going on with you recently I’m glad to hear you’re still adjusting well.” Nodding my head he sighs running his hand through his hair. “Be careful alright, I know if they catch wind of this they’ll go big brother mode.” He says gesturing lightly to the currently six boys getting rounded up by Namyoung for dance practice. “They’re protective over you.” Not that I don’t believe him, it’s just I rather that not be the case. If they’re protective over me, as much as I know they are, that leaves me a lot of room to hurt them, intentional or not.

“And you” I say watching them focus on the dance moves. “It makes me worry sometimes with how much they care.” I mumble watching them all, I’ve grown so fond of them all and I’d hate to do anything to hurt them. I know if they find out about my date with Jay they won’t take it so well. They haven’t ever mentioned Jay in front of me, anything to do with when he was their leader they sort of shake it off and change the subject.

“Why?” Minjae-sshi asks me confused. “Normally a person is glad to have people care about them the way they do about you.” He says softly, this hurts too. Minjae-sshi is good to me, he watches out for me. He’s made sure that I can take on any task given to me. They all care a lot.

Looking down at my hands I let out a sigh. “It’s just I don’t know how long I can be around before I have to leave or anything. I mean I don’t know if I can do this for the rest of my life. I’d love to spend it like this with them, but I don’t know if I can be their personal assistant for long.” I tell him quietly, it’s something I’ve had to think about. As much as I love the job, and how well it pays, it isn’t exactly ideal for me. I still have things to do before I can completely settle down, solving things with my family, and that includes me trying to fit a possible future with Jay into it. “I love this job, and I love the boys, but I still have a lot in life I want to do and to sort out.”

Minjae-sshi nods his head thoughtfully. “I often wonder why you’d do something like this, I wasn’t sure you’d be around this long. We’ve had personal assistants come and go in a matter of days. Yet here you are months in. Seeing you with the guys joking around, getting them to place to place on time, early even it amazes me.” He compliments me. “I’m glad to have you around kid, and I’ll certainly support you in whatever you choose to do.” He says before leaving, letting me up everything he had said to me.

It’s shocking to me too, that I’ve been here in Korea for months now, everything else seems like a dream to me, but then of course I see the occasional article on my mother and how she plans to further her business. It seems strange to me that she’s carrying on as if I were still there to help her bait in new clients with my supposed charms and looks. Then again she is a business women, she has plenty of other strategies other than using me I’m sure.

“Noona are you alright?” Wooyoung asks taking a seat next to me. “We saw you talking with Minjae-hyung. “Are you fired?” He asks me in a hushed tone full of worry.

Shaking my head I ruffle his sweaty hair. “No, nothing like that silly.” I tell him handing him a water bottle. “Ready for some lunch?” I ask him smiling at him as he gulps down the water, just like the other five. Junsu smiles at me, walking over he sits next to me resting his head on my shoulder. “Hungry?”

“Yeah, but not enough to send you away.” Junsu says yawning. “You ok?” He asks me quietly as Taecyeon takes a seat in front of me. “You’ve been acting a little weird since we got back to work.” He comments gently.

“I’m fine,” I reassure them patting his head. “Just been thinking is all.” I tell them chuckling, all giving me some worried glances. “I’m not quitting and I’m not fired.” I tell them, visibly the six of the boys all relax. “Jeez, you act like me talking to Minjae-sshi is the end of me working here.” I mutter jokingly.

Junsu nudges me playfully. “Well excuse us. We just saw the two of you talking seriously in hushed tones.”

“Yeah, is everything alright outside of work?” Taecyeon asks me resting his hand on my leg before withdrawing it. “We never really got to hear from you after we had to hang up the other day.”

my lips I smile at them tilting my head. “Yeah, I was just hanging out with my other friends. So Minho came in though?” I ask curiously, getting head nods I continue to question about Minho’s health, them telling me that he was perfect other than his slight hangover. “Liar.” I mutter under my breath, “Anyways Chansungie and Oppa shower up, you have to film for your other variety shows.” I tell them pushing the sweaty guy off.

“Oppa?!” Nichkhun and Taecyeon ask in shock, both getting strange looks, especially Taecyeon.

Junsu suddenly pleased skips out of the room with Chansung rolling his eyes. “What?” I ask them shrugging my shoulders. “I don’t call him ‘Oppa’ all the time.” I say carelessly, forgetting how jealous they can get. “Besides I’m older than you Taec.” I point out to the taller male, to quell Nichkhun I smile at him. Of course I could never really pick out what I was actually doing that bothered Nichkhun. He’d be fine with me one moment then the next a little moody.

Sighing he gets up and sits next to me taking Junsu’s spot, “Since when have you called him that?” He asks hiding his face into my shoulder. Now when I first met Nichkhun or any of the guys for that matter this would have had me red in the face, but since with them being so quick to skinship I’ve adjusted to, although I have to say it doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t go crazy when Nichkhun does things like this. “Huh? And you even gave Chansung a nickname.”

Chuckling I poke his neck gently, “I don’t see why you’re getting all worked up over a couple of names I call them.” I say to the upset prince. “Besides what would I even call you?” I ask him playfully, with him looking up suddenly and our faces so close together I feel my heart beating unevenly, his face so close to mine that I can see the chocolate brown eyes that fans are always raving about. “Well?” I ask him moving back a little my cheeks growing hot.

Smirking he shrugs his shoulders getting up obviously satisfied by whatever he was out to accomplish. “Come on Taec let’s go get lunch.” Walking out Taeyeon follows him asking what’s up with him.

Turning my attention to Wooyoung and Junho I raise an eyebrow. “What was that?” I ask them confused, both boys shrug their shoulders, I forgot even if they did know they wouldn’t tell me. “Fine.” I grumble standing up as Chansung comes into the room. “Is he almost done?” I ask him promptly as soon as he passes the thresh hold, checking over his shoulder and getting a head nod I gather up my bag and keys, heading out with the oldest and the youngest a little huffed up from their secretive members. I know they cover for each other whether they really know or not, but frankly this last little stunt by Nichkhun was a little infuriating.


Getting back to the dorm was crazy, fans were getting all riled up about 2PM’s activities eager to voice how happy they are to see them. In the dorm all the guys are huddled around the window looking down carefully. “They’re supportive.” They murmur to one another almost in awe, all the fans still cheering for them hoping to get a glimpse of them. I must say I am proud of them, seeing all the hard work that they put into their performances, appearances on shows, looks, practices everything they do deserve this.

“You boys need to be careful.” Minjae-sshi lectures them. “Especially with her," He motions towards me, "Get too close with her in public and they’re riot.” He says from the table sorting out the new schedule to be split between him and me.

Taking a seat across from him I smile calmly. “It was pretty rough getting in,” I tell him glancing at the now six boys all talking excitedly about plans they were developing of some kind.

Nodding his head he lets out a long sigh. “I’m being serious, you’ll have to be careful too, if fans think there is more going on then they’ll attack.” He says seriously. “I know how you guys can get and most fans wouldn’t like it.”

“I’ll be sure to watch out for that.” I tell him obediently, no need to start a scandal; it’d only help my mother to get me back home. Helping him sort out the next week, it’ll be busy, concerts, fan meets, filming. We’ll all be ready to drop by the end of the week, although hopefully I’ll have a nice start to the week.

Making dinner Nichkhun comes in leaning against the counter he watches me as I diligently make their meal. “Yes?” I ask him calmly as I chop some vegetables with a knife. Glancing up at him I give him an interested look, after all he’s just staring at me.

“Minjae-sshi says we’ll have keep our distance from you.” Nichkhun says slowly, stepping over he slips the knife out of my hand and nudges me over swiftly and carefully, helping with dinner.

Nodding my head I start on the noodles. “Yes, that generally comes with your lifestyle.” I tell him carelessly. “Besides it’s not like I don’t spend time with you guys here, or at the studio. No cameras.” I remind him happily stirring. “What beings this up?” I ask him setting the table a few moments later. Nichkhun is just watching me his eyes following me around as I set the table for seven. “Is Minjae-sshi eating here or with his family?” I ask Nichkhun before getting an extra plate out.

“Family for the week.” He says happily. “It’s just…” Frowning he watches me put the plate back. “You’re happy?” He asks me carefully.

Chuckling I nod my head. “Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask him shaking my head, tugging on his arm as I lead him to the table. “I’m eating dinner with six very good friends that I happen to care deeply for.” I say simply as I leave him there to fetch the others.

“Noona this smells amazing!” Chansung chants happily, digging in we all sat quietly for once eating our food. The silence is comfortable, all respecting that it’s been a while since we’ve just sat and ate together without having to worry about people spying on the boys. Migrating to the living room we all take up on lounging together on the sofa.

“This is nice.”Taecyeon says pleasantly, his dorky glasses on. I love Taecyeon’s glasses; they show a different part of his personality, well Taecyeon really is just a dork, but he plays it off well. “So Minjae-sshi says we’ll be filming Saturday night.”

Confused I look around at all of the guys, them all happily nodding and discussing the possible choices for the episode that they could be filming. I of course silently unhappy with the fact that I won’t be there, but smiling and nodding my head as I follow the conversation, that is before I decide to head home. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I tell them waving as I sneak out the back.


Arriving home I notice the lights on, frowning I open my door cautiously to see Jay sitting on my couch, asleep, probably waiting for me to get home. Shutting the door and carefully taking my shoes off, I tip toe over to him. Poking his head gently getting a groan and a head shake he turns to look at me. I felt like I did the last time I saw him do this, I’m not sure what it is about his gaze but having it on me makes me feel special, special in a way I haven’t gotten to feel in a while. “Hey, when did you get here?” I ask him taking a seat next to him on the sofa, him studying me, and I him.

“A while ago, I meant to text you, but I figured you were at work so I didn’t want to bother you.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “Plus I got to disappear for a little while.” He says happily stretching.

Chuckling I push him lightly. “You should have texted me, I’d have bought us something to eat.” I tell him shaking my head. “Wait. Why’d you come here?” I ask him shocked. Jay came to my apartment…

Sighing he pushed part of my hair out of my face. “I couldn’t wait.” He whispers chuckling. “Call me crazy but I missed you. Plus Minho says you’d be lonely.” He says brightly, that beaming smile contagious. Smiling back at him I hop up from the couch, grabbing his hand I drag him to the kitchen. “Oh, going to cook for me?” He asks excitedly.

“Yeah, ramen?” I ask him picking up two packages shaking them in what I hope is an appealing manner, nodding his head he laughs as I look through my empty cabinets.

Standing in front of me he smirks “Why don’t you have more things in there?” He asks coming over pointing, nodding my head he begins to search my bare cabinets. “They don’t have anything in them.” He says in shock as I finally find my only pot.

“I’m a minimalist?” I try as I fill it up with water. “I just haven’t gotten around to buying pots, pans, dishes or anything that didn’t come with the apartment.” I say simply as I set the pot on the stove.

Jay scoffs. “We’re definitely going shopping for your apartment some time.” He says pulling down drawers. “How long have you been in Korea?” He asks suddenly.

Putting in the ramen I shrug my shoulders. “A few months now.” I comment quietly. “I know I have a lot of work.” I meant more than the apartment, more than me, and partly towards me even starting a relationship.

Walking over to me Jay takes my hands, turning me to face him, pushing my bangs behind my ear, “Hey, let’s eat and then we can go and get some ice cream.” He says smiling at me. Laughing I nod my head, even though I really haven’t known him long he knows me well enough to know what makes me happy. Then again I’m pretty sure just being around Jay will make me happy at this point. “What?” He asks pushing me out of the way to make the ramen. “I can handle this, you go get changed.”

Rolling my eyes I nod my head, walking into my room I change quickly not wanting to keep Jay waiting again. Stepping out in shorts and a plain white shirt, getting the chance I study Jay from afar. Jay’s broad shoulders, muscular body, his short hair. Jay in skinny jeans and a plain navy blue shirt, simplistic. “What’s the hardest part about being here?” I ask Jay jumping up onto the counter next to the stove.

Frowning he pokes my nose. “Nothing, I like being around you.”

Rolling my eyes I push his arm off my leg. “I meant in Korea.” I tell him lowering my voice. “I mean you just left America, was it easy?” I ask him quietly.

Hearing him sigh I look up to meet his eyes. “The hardest part is how far my family is, my friends, crew…I like it here though. I’m doing what I love, and sure maybe I had to change my dream a little, but I’m living it.” He says sincerely. “The first two weeks was the hardest, at least of my trainee days. Leaving Korea in defeat was hard too.” He mumbles stirring the ramen. “Coming back though and getting back on my feet was worth it. I’m proving that I’m strong.”

Looking at my lap I smile bitterly, Jay and I are wildly different. He came back to face everything, while I ran away from everything. “So you don’t regret it?” I ask him looking up, “If you could would you have gone back to be a part of 2PM?” I ask him, I know the subject is touchy, but I can’t be the only one wondering.

Jay lifts the pot pouring some of the contents into two bowls. “Sometimes I think I would, but honestly I think they’re getting farther without me. I’m not unaware of how I am on stage, fans said it. I have a lot of energy and I belong on stage…I was taking that away from them. The comments hurt me as their leader. A lot of people saw 2PM as my back up; it was Jay Park and 2PM. That’s not how it should have been.” Jay says lifting me off the counter setting me on the ground effortlessly. “That’s partly why I decided not to return as a part of 2PM. I knew they’d be great without me; they’d get to be in the spotlight. They deserve it.” Smiling softly he kisses my cheek. “They’re greater without me as a part of them, and you see that, I see that, fans see it.” Slightly shocked from his answer I stare at him, the pain he felt and still feels for s. Jay will always be a part of them, a part that the seven of them all carry, each other.

“You’re still part of them.” I whisper smiling at him, his face.


Sitting together we joke around dancing around the sensitive subjects that we’ve discovered about each other.

I've been trying to write out this chapter for a while now, and honestly the last part with Jay is my favorite. This chapter is sort of a filler, I say sort of because then you get to the end and you have the conversation with Jay. BAM! semi-not-filler.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..