Feelings, Oh the Feels

Rebelling Heart

Waking up I groggily rub my eyes and try to shake the feeling of something isn’t exactly wrong or right. Opening my eyes at the semi-blinding light I’m met with a perplexing sight. A shirt, well alone that isn’t perplexing, what is odd is the fact that the shirt has a person. The shirt is being worn, right now and not by me, looking up I come face to face with Nichkhun who is watching me curiously and with a rather cute face might I add. That’s when I remember what happened last night.

“Morning sleeping beauty.” Nichkhun murmurs smiling at me, “Slept well?” Oh. My. God. His voice is kind of husky from the morning and of course the hangover, but it’s this deep, rich tone that just makes it that much harder to process he is in fact talking to me. Why haven’t I noticed before? I mean how many mornings have I woken up this pillow?

Nervously I blink my eyes trying to make sure this is real and not some kind of dream. “Yeah, you?” I ask him trying to figure out if I should get off or not, though this really doesn’t matter seeing as I hear footsteps coming, Nichkhun releases me and I hop of his lap and into the chair next to his. Watching him carefully I notice that he isn’t exactly happy about being interrupted, well to be perfectly honest he looks rather annoyed.

“Noona we thought you left.” Taecyeon say relieved. “We couldn’t remember if you were drinking with us last night, we were starting to assume the worst.”

Chansung however is rolling his eyes. “Noona, he was starting to assume the worst. But we were worried.”

Laughing I smile at them. “As you can see I am fine, just woke up.” I say pleasantly. “Why don’t you go order breakfast or whatever meal time it is?” I suggest happily, for whatever reason I feel extremely well rested.

The two agrees before slipping downstairs leaving Nichkhun and I alone again. “Did you really sleep well?” Nichkhun asks quietly, looking back at him I smile.

“Yeah, didn’t you? Or was I too heavy?” I tease the suddenly shy man before me.

Nichkhun looks up at me surprised, a smirk playing across his lips. “You were not, and I’d rather say it was a more than pleasant experience.” He says getting up. “Come on we better get changed or something, before they come back assuming the worst.” He says with annoyance lacing his tone.

Shaking my head I hope up to follow behind Nichkhun, his chair-hair making me giggle lightly, though he does seem well rested, not sore or anything.

Nichkhun hands me a shirt to wear once we reach his room. “You really don’t have to keep giving me shirts to wear.” I tell him smiling, he doesn’t have to, but it does feel nice that he likes me enough to give me clothes, and always has.

“I wouldn’t want you running around in clothes that smell like beer, but as for pants I don’t really have any.” He says looking through his clothes, “I mean I have some, just none that would stay on you.”

Chuckling I head away from him. “I’ll ask Wooyoung for a pair of shorts.” I say starting to walk away, starting to.

Nichkhun grabs me from behind before pulling me closer to him. “That wouldn’t be good.” He muses holding me tight against his chest, so much so I can faintly feel his heartbeat, though that could be because I am literally surrounded by the guy. His warm arms are wrapped securely around my waist, his head his breathing lightly on the nape of my neck and well my back is against a solid wall of muscle. “Do you have any idea of how jealous I get of them?” He mutters.

Unsure of what to do, so I stay like this not moving except for moving my hands to rub his arms slowly. “There isn’t anything to be jealous about though.” I whisper trying to sound calm and not at all enthralled, though I have a feeling Nichkhun knows exactly how I feel right now.

Nichkhun laughs, it sounds rather sarcastic. “Not to you. To me all I ever see is you messing around with them, taking them to do things all the time, then I finally got you to trust me like a friend just before Japan. Do you realize I’ve been waiting to gain that kind of trust from you for months? And I finally got it and then it was like it sort of slipped away for a while.” He rants.

Taking a deep breath I struggle to turn around, facing Nichkhun I smile at him. “You had me confused. I love talking to you, I like that I feel like I can really tell you anything. Khun I trust you, I really do.”

He looks much happier, till a confused looks passes over his face. “Confused? Why?” He asks suddenly letting me go.

Surprised I take a couple steps back, taking a deep breath I look at him like he should know. “Nichkhun I like you, and well I wasn’t sure how to handle that.” Biting my lip I look at him as a smirk plays across his face. “What? What is it this time?” I ask him pointing at him accusingly.

“I like you too. It’s nice to hear that you like me.” He says turning back to his clothes rather abruptly. “See if these shorts stay up.” He says handing me a pair, slipping back into my space he leans down and lands a light kiss on my lips before he turns to pick out his own clothes.


Dazed I walk out of the room and mosey my way to one of the bathrooms. Changing into the clothes given, which hang on me, barely, I do a quick morning routine. Using my stay here bathroom supplies I wash my face and brush my teeth, then my hair before tossing it up in a bun. Stepping out of the bathroom I run into Junsu who gives me an amused look. “What?”

“Nothing, I was just noting how you seem to be getting very comfortable with Nichkhun.” Junsu says slyly. “Though as your oppa I’m not sure how I feel about it.” He adds-on.

Rolling my eyes I head to the living room where the others seem to be congregating, taking a seat next to Wooyoungie, I rest my head on his shoulder, slightly aware of the fact Nichkhun is just now joining us. “So what are we doing today?” I ask them yawning.

Chansung chuckles, “Wooyoung has practice so he’ll be leaving when Minjae-hyung picks him up, then I’m going back to sleep.”

“I’m going shopping.” Taecyeon and Junho say with a smug look. “I think Junsu is coming too.” Taecyeon says shrugging his shoulders at Wooyoung throwing a pillow at him.

Which would leave Nichkhun, “I’m not really doing anything; I’ll probably take a nap too.”

The group of boys looks at me expectantly. “I have some affairs to sort out, so I’m probably going to head home in a bit.” To which I get quizzical looks, shrugging my shoulders at them I hop up at the sound of the bell.

Upon opening the door I see a very surprised Victoria. “Is Nichkhun here?” She asks unsurely. Nodding my head I let her in before I gather up my stuff. Watching me somewhat curiously she waits a moment. “Are you ok?”

Nodding my head I smile at her. “Fine, will you tell the boys I’m heading out? Thanks.” I say before I dash out of the apartment.


To be honest I’m not really sure why I ran out like I did. I mean it wasn’t like Victoria is a bad person or anything, I just. I suppose I didn’t want to see her and Nichkhun talking. It obviously upsets me, for whatever reason. Nichkhun doesn’t like her like he does me, at least that’s what he told me and Nichkhun hasn’t given me a reason to believe otherwise. Which leads back to why I’d leave like that, it just seems so odd; even to me.

Entering my apartment I glance around for a few moments before I settle on a shower then to check my e-mail for something from my mother.

Upon coming out I see Chansung sitting on my couch in a rather relaxed manner. Well I’ll admit I wish I brought clothes in with me. “Chansung what are you doing here?” I ask him holding my towel closer to my body.

“You left in such a hurry according to Victoria-shhi.” He says simply, turning around he sputters before shielding his eyes. “NOONA!”

Chuckling I head to my room. “Don’t make such a fuss; you’re the one who surprised me.” I tell him gloating, so maybe this was to make a point. “I’ll be out in a moment.” Quickly getting dressed I walk out of my room and sit next to Chansung who has relaxed more since I left him alone for a few minutes. “Continue.”

Chansung watches me carefully. “You left without saying goodbye. Did you really think it’d sit well with us?” Shrugging my shoulders I let Chansungie continue.  “Noona you seemed fine when you went to answer the door then you leave? Not to mention it feels like something has changed.”

Sighing I stare at my best friend, Chansung. “You know it’s a bit of a pain with you being so observant and intuitive?” I ask him leaning back; Chansung is pleased with this statement.

“It’s because we’re such good friends Noona, best friends. We tell each other things.” He says obviously wanting to be filled in.

Rolling my eyes I watch him carefully, last time I kept me dating someone secret they were all rather upset. “I went on a date a couple days ago.”

“Noona that’s great!” He beams happily. “With who? When did you meet the guy?”

Biting my lip I take a deep breath. “Nichkhun and I’ll assume you remember how we met.” I mutter seeing his mood darken considerably. “What’s with the sour face?” Slightly put off by it.

Chansung shakes his head. “It just…Noona hyung can be not good with relationships.” He says finally. “We’ve all known for a while that he’s liked you for a while, we just thought he’d gotten over it.” Chansung says sighing. “Noona I’m not going to say anything, obviously you’re not sure.” To which I give him a funny face. “Do you really think leaving Nichkhun alone with Victoria is normal behavior? I can promise you he was surprised and even more when she said you’d just left like that.”

Looking away I glance at Chansung. “I told Junsu already.” I mumble resting my head on the cushion. “Are you angry?”

Chansung grabs my hand. “I’m happy for you, but I’m also concerned. Noona I don’t want you to get hurt or anything.”

Peeking my eyes open at my friend I smile at him. “Thank-you” Throwing my arms around Chansung I kiss his cheek. “You’re a great friend!”

Chansung hugs me back eagerly. “Noona I’m glad you’re so fond of us. So what are you really doing today?” He asks me once out little hug-fest ends.

“I really do have some things to take care of, bills, rent, cleaning, errands and such.” I tell him looking around my apartment. Chansung nods his head. “You should head back to the dorm; I’ll be all crazy trying to get it all done today.”

Chansung smiles at me. “Just promise me you’ll eat,” Nodding my head I get up with him to walk him to the door. “And Noona, I wouldn’t worry about Victoria. Hyung doesn’t like her like he does you.” With that I smile at my best friend as he leaves.


Setting up my laptop at the kitchen table and grabbing all the unglamorous part of being on your own I start paying off my bills. Though they are relatively cheap considering how little time I am actually here. Finally moving on to my mother’s e-mail, I’m not too surprised by the terms. I need to pay her back every penny that I took to get my life started here in Korea, and of course I don’t have to if I just go back to her. I pay off my plane ticket in full, as for my apartment I decide it’d be best to do that a little at a time.

Once I get that all sorted I do clean my apartment, it needs some vacuuming, dusting and a little rearranging. By the time I have all that done I hear someone letting themselves in.

Walking out to the entry hall I see Nichkhun standing there with flowers. “Chansung told me that you were a bit worried about Victoria, and how you were busy around your apartment. I thought maybe I could help out.”

Watching him curiously I move to let him in. “Why do I feel like you’re saying sorry for something?” I ask him taking the flowers to put them in a vase. “There isn’t anything to be sorry about.” I tell him filling a vase with water before putting the beautiful flowers in. They’re colorful and full of life. “Thank-you.” I whisper smelling the flowers.

“I feel like I made you angry…You just ran off, unless this has something to do with what was making you so upset yesterday.” Nichkhun says moving closer to me. “What?” He asks as I look away shyly.

“It just you do that a lot now.” Nichkhun raises a brow as if to ask what. “Move closer to me, like close is never close enough.” I mumble leaning into as he steps closer to me.

“Like I told you, I’ve been waiting a long time to be close to you, like this.” He whispers pushing a strand of my hair back. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you ignoring my question.”

Blushing I look up at Nichkhun, taking my hand he smiles at me, the look on his face just says ‘you can trust me’. It’s strange to feel like that with someone so quickly, then again I think it’s strange to feel all this. My jealousy that I can’t see to control when Victoria is involved, which is rare, how I don’t mind Nichkhun being so close, how I in fact enjoy it quite a bit. “Just some stress with payments for my apartment.” I murmur quietly. I hate to lie, but it feels even worse telling him a half-truth.

“I suppose I’ll have to take it for now.” He says smiling at me. “It looks like it took me too long to get down here.” Smiling at me he gestures to the door. “Come on I’ll take you to lunch, my treat.” Shaking my head I follow Nichkhun out, feeling thankful for how understanding he is, for how much he trusts me.



First of all, thank-you guys so much. You're all super understanding and I am beyond
thankful for that. I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm hoping everything will start to get better.
It's been a really stressful last few weeks, but you guys have made it better. <3
I'll start updating weekly again. ^^


[EDIT: I have a 100 subscribers c: AND
I fixed some typos in this chapter]

Comment Answers:
Well I'm going to work on swaying you guys! >:D Or not, I'm just writing really,
a lot of this is planned out in a general outline and certain events that will happen,
most of it though is just as it comes to me. It's how I write ._.; That and I'm lazy.
This is a bit of a future answer/comment on the story, Chansung had to know, he had to be told.
He cannot be left out of the loop. /Iamtotallybiased.
I totally agree the last chapter was jumpy ;^;
I just...I didn't know how to transition/what else to write.
I'll be better/I will try to do better.
Now I really don't like do this, but I wanted to know if you'd all would like to
have Nichkhun's accident in the story? I mean it won't effect the ending really and I don't mind so 
much writing it in, I just don't want to write and have people like. The ? Where did this come from?
ANYWAYS...Let me know. c:

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..