A Bit Of Happiness

Rebelling Heart

Leaving with Miyoung to get ready for Minho’s going away party I wave to the guys I’ll be seeing in a matter of hours. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this, considering that I know Miyoung won’t be dressing me in something they’ll approve of nor something I'd rather be in. Letting out a small sigh as we arrive at Miyoung-Unnie’s home she sits me on a stool. Quickly doing my makeup and hair she sends me to get dressed.

“Unnie!” I complain stepping out of the bathroom attempting to pull my dress down a little, but failing. “I don’t think this is good. The boys will be there.” I complain glancing at the black dress hugging my body with intricate designs, a bow across my chest but made so it looks as if it isn’t there and little stud like embroidered along the edge of the bow, stopping even shorter than the red dress. Even so I must admit I wouldn't have even tried anything on like this, but Miyoung's eye is good. They’ll be at my side the whole night, fretting over me making sure no one is disrespecting me, and no doubt keeping me out of trouble.

She smiles at me waving her hand. “No, don’t worry about it. They can be all valiant and defend you or something.” She says walking past me to her bed room as if it isn’t a big deal, stepping out in a dress similar to mine, but bright red and less decorated, she's covered more, and I'd complain but I doubt she'd listen to me anyways about something like that.

Sighing I follow her to put on some shoes, white heels, studded around the tip. “You know you’re lucky I can walk in shoes this tall.” I groan slipping them on, grabbing my purse I follow Miyoung to her car.

“Well I suppose I should be. Besides you’re so fun to dress up. You’re like my own barbie doll!” She says excitedly as we get in her car. Glaring at her playfully I smile at her. “You’ll have fun, and then you and Minho can go off and spend your time with that mysterious friend of yours that makes the boys so jealous.”

Coughing I look over at her in shock. “Jealous?” I ask her quietly. I felt guilty; Minho and I weren’t broadcasting our plans or anything, so obviously the boys have been complaining while I was away about it to anyone that would listen. “Why?”

She smiles at me lovingly. “Well, it’s you, their favorite person in the world going off enjoying time away from them. Apparently you play games with the guy; prince charming I believe is what they call him.” Hearing this I wanted to scream. I hadn’t meant to make them complain, or feel like I was favoring this new guy, Jay. “Hey don’t worry they’re just going to have to learn you can’t spend all your time with them. This is good you’re meeting other people.”

“It’s the guy that saved me.” I mumble looking at her sighing. “I hadn’t known he was Minho’s friend, so when Minho took me out to lunch I was surprised that they knew each other and that I saw him again.” I explain to her looking out at the dark sky and city lights. “Besides I’m only branching out a little.” I whisper trying to convince myself that I’m not picking sides, that I’m not doing anything wrong. I’ve just made a new friend; a friend away from them is all.


Walking into the club, getting resentful glances for entering the club so easily Miyoung leads me to the VIP section, especially since we have not only 2PM but 2AM with us at this soiree for Minho, spotting the man of the party I walk up to him and hug him tightly.

“Yah don’t hog the boy of the night!” Ian jokes tapping my shoulder. “After all it is because of me that he’s having all this!” Laughing I open my arms for Ian to get a hug. “Ah, this is the stuff.”

“You act like I’ll never see you again.” I tell Ian shaking my head. The guy plays around a lot, turning around to look for Miyoung, I notice her making her nightly disappearance. “Anyways where’s the famous 2AM I’ve yet to meet?” I ask Minho and Ian while sipping my drink swaying my body back and forth to the music playing.

“Right there with 2PM, you should probably get introduce.” Minho teases me. “I’m sure they’ll just love you.”

Elbowing him I stand up and walk over to the guys, Chansung seeing me first drops his jaw, soon followed by the other boys. “Noona!” He says alarmed hurrying over to hug me or rather trying to cover me. “I thought Miyoung-Noona said she’d do better this time!”

Laughing lightly I pat his arms off. “I wanted to meet 2AM; you guys are always gushing over.” I tell them smiling at the rest of the guys, all glued to me. “Guys?” I ask them waving, chuckling I bow the best I can to 2AM; Changmin, Jokwon, Jinwoon and Seulong.

“Hi, you must me the famous Au Pair.” Jokown says smiling at me. “These guys keep bragging on you.” Blushing I look at them. “I can see why.”

“Definitely, I see why Wooyoung is keen on you.” Seulong jokes patting Wooyoung’s back. This of course brings my boys out of their trance.

“Aren’t you chilly?” Taecyeon asks eyeing me. “I mean you’re hardly dressed.” Earning an eye roll from me and what would have been a sarcastic comment. “Are you drinking?”

Gulping down the last of my drink I give him a what-of-it look. “I don’t have work tomorrow, and Miyoung-Unnie dressed me.” I tell him smiling. “Anyways have you guys seen Minho yet?” I ask them turning to see him and Ian laughing at something, probably some joke one said, me eager to change the subject.

“No, but why don’t we?” Nichkhun asks, quickly he takes to my side guiding me over to the table, sitting me down next to him and Junho, the more conservative of the group. “Hey Minho!” Nichkhun says graciously. “Great party, but where’s the mastermind?”

Minho shrugs his shoulders. “Hey guys, much like you guys, I don’t Miyoung disappeared with Namyoung after she said her congratulations to me.” He says offering me another drink, for Junho to take it instead. “You know those two, always disappearing together.”

Everyone nods their heads; obviously this isn’t new information to anyone. “Could I get a dance?” Ian asks me smiling. Nodding my head I weasel myself away from the boys. “Need the air?”

Nodding my head Ian and I head to dance. “They’ve gone into knight mode.” I joke sighing, glancing at them as Ian and I dance to the music. After a while I’d danced with all the guys each one cutting in when I start drifting too far away from them or getting another shot in between dances, excluding Nichkhun, who’s keeping a close eye on me. Finally standing up he tugs me along. “I was dancing.” I whine to the older male. “Nichkhun” I slur his name getting him to turn around. Smirking at me he moves closer to me swaying his body to the music, following his lead we begin to dance to the music, feeling this close to Nichkhun I look up at him standing behind me, smiling at me, as the songs go on we dance together in sync before we both make our way back to the table.

“Noona, I think you shouldn’t be drinking.” Wooyoung says as I down a shot with the guys. I pretend I couldn’t hear him over the music; I’m having too much fun, and the all I know is I’m getting the same feeling I get when I’m with Jay and Minho. Of course though I’m starting to lose track of time, and the drinks keep coming, but they’re blocking out all the things I’m thinking about Nichkhun right now.

Stumbling around I smile happily at the guys, dancing with them, all of us drinking too much with Minho, letting loose I smile at my boys them all eager to get the night off. Soon though Ian is tugging Minho and I into a car with him, and giving the driver explicit directions from the tone of his voice, not really caring about this I lean against Minho letting sleep take over.


Waking up the next morning in my bed I glance around confused and my head pounding. Glaring around the room I stumble around curing under my breath and genuinely confused as to how I got home last until I recall vaguely riding home in a taxi with Ian, I hardly remember the night. A lot of dancing, drinking, oh god I really can’t just do this to myself each time I go out drinking. Finally finding some medicine and getting a glass of water I down it all before sliding down on the ground. Clutching my head hearing my phone go off, crawling to silence the godforsaken noise I answer it hastily. “Hello?”

“You alright there Hollywood?” Jay asks me chuckling, “You sound a little frazzled.”

Blinking a few times I try to process why Jay would be calling. “Maybe a little hung over” I confess to him climbing up onto my sofa. “Anyways you called for a reason?” I ask him trying to ignore the ringing in my head.

Again my ears are met by Jay’s laughter. “We’re hanging out today, we’re supposed to meet here in a little while, Minho told me I might need to be gallant and pick you up for lunch. Do you need a ride?” Glancing around I look down at my clothes still in the ones from last night, it askew from me sleeping it and probably dancing or whatever happened last night. “You still there?”

“Oh, yeah a ride would be awesome Jay, come by in about an hour.” I tell him after giving him my address. It seems strange, glancing at my now fixed window, and then back at my couch pillows I get up to shower and change.

Stepping out fully refreshed, and my head pounding clothed I stare at Jay on my couch. “You got in?” I ask him curiously checking the time; I might have taken a longer shower than I planned. “Did you break in?” I ask him franticly checking, the once fixed window. Boys and breaking windows, seriously this isn’t going to work for me. My neighbors will start to wonder why I have strange men breaking my windows to open the back door. “Was it necessary?” I ask him frowning at the broken glass.

“I didn’t want to get caught, and you were in there for thirty extra minutes missy.” He chides me playfully. “Don’t worry I already called someone to fix it.” He adds on happily. “Anyways Minho isn’t answering so mind trying to call him in the car?’ He asks nodding towards the door.

Smiling at him I grab my phone and purse, making sure I have everything I’ll need. Dialing the number I get in Jay’s car, him shutting the door for me, ever so charming. “Hey Minho you alive still?” I ask him watching the buildings zoom by. “Min?” I ask hearing some ragged breathing before switching to speaker for Jay’s benefit.

“Hey I can’t make it out today, but you guys have fun ok?” Minho says over the phone, his voice sounding rough and his breathing ragged.

“Min are you alright?” I ask concernedly. Minho sounds sick, and I’m not sure I can be alone with Jay; I’m not quite sure what could happen. I mean Jay and I are already flirtatious with Minho around, without him who knows what might happen.

“I’m fine,” Minho says before he has a coughing fit. “Just have fun ok?”

I glance at Jay, him shrugging his shoulders. “Are you sure man? We could swing by and take care of you. You sound sick.”

“No, no. Guys really I’m fine, I’m just going to sleep so go out and have fun already.” Hanging up on us I blink confused by the turn of events. After Minho explained to me who exactly Jay is I’ve been a little withdrawn from him. Is it my loyalty to the boys or is it just me now unsure what to do, I’m not sure if I should tell them I’ve befriended Jay or if I should just not mention it to them as advised. I’m not even sure what to tell Jay about me working for JYPE, not just JYPE but for 2PM.


“Well I guess we should do as the sick guy says.” Jay says awkwardly as we get out of the car heading in. “You know Minho and you never told me how you guys met.” Watching me he smiles friendly, I can’t help but feel like he won’t like it. That he’ll stop smiling around me. Trying to figure out if it’d be best to tell him I find us being seated already.

“I work at JYPE.” I admit hesitantly. “I’m a personal assistant.” I tell him pursing my lips, looking down at my lap, I’m afraid to look up.

“I guess that’s why Minho never told me.” Jay says nervously, it sounds like he knows already, but he asks anyways. “Who do you assist?” Jay’s voice is normally strong and confident sounding, so hearing him sound a little unsure and timid is shocking to me. I haven’t known him long, but I take it this side of Jay doesn’t come out often if at all.

Glancing up I face him timidly “2PM.” Jay closes his eyes, it’s like a wave washed over him and he breaths out slowly trying to keep even. “I only found out recently that you were under the same group.” I whisper to him watching him carefully.

Jay smiles at me, like I’m some sort of strange child that’s made him happy even if I’m telling him something he probably rather not hear. “I guess that explains your crazy work hours and you so rarely answering your phone. You must be close with them.” Jay says brightly, he cares about them still, that much is evident, but looking at his face closely and listening to his voice he sounds upset about the subject.

Nodding my head I smile more at ease. “I am, but maybe we should talk about something else.” I suggest looking around the restaurant. “We really don’t have to discuss that.” I tell him skimming the menu comfortably or at least I’m trying to play it off like I am. “Have you known Minho long? You guys act like you grew up together.” I ask him changing the direction of our conversation, peeking back at him he smirks at me like I should know already.

“I guess you really did grow up in America. Minho was starting his internship six months before I left.” Jay says looking out the window. “It feels crazy that I’ll be working with him again, but I’m glad.” Jay rubs his hands together as though he’s waiting for something. “Minho told me that you had no idea who I was, I wanted to believe that and hearing it from you more or less is a relief.”

“Minho said it’d be like that for you.” I tell him looking at my glass of water. “He thinks we’re good for each other. That we become regular people.”

“Ah, you’ve gotten the over working speech from him.” Jay says immediately, obviously Minho cares about Jay, and me. “He cares a lot, if you don’t mind I’d like to order for you. There’s this killer dish you have to try.” Jay says smiling as the waiter comes over to us. He bounces back fast, it’s like Jay won’t let things make him feel down for long, or he just shrugs everything off like its nothing. “So tell me what a girl with your talents, intelligence and beauty is doing working as a personal assistant.” Jay chuckles at the look I throw at him, “It’s just you talk very properly, English or Korean, Minho and I noticed how you carry yourself, very properly.” Jay explains to me leaning forward in anticipation.

Sighing I look away from the table for a moment before coming back to the conversation. “In all reality you’re right. I wasn’t brought up to have this kind of a job,” Or a job in general, I was brought up to be a wife, “But it makes me happy, I get to work hard. I never got that in America, everything was just handed to me, silver platter and all.” I confess to him feeling that familiar punch in my chest from thinking about my mother and my life I had there and where it would have gone. “I wasn’t happy like that.”

“You grew up with money I take it then.” Jay says jutting his bottom lip out slightly. “I just can’t imagine you actually working like what I imagine, you just glow.” Blushing at the comment I smile at him shaking my head. “What, like you don’t know? I’m sure you’ve had guys try to get close, woo you if you will my princess. Or fair maiden you could have gotten a job with you looks.” Jay says smirking as I grimace at his word choice, I’m not sure why, but this is how we joke around to talk about something serious, Minho included.

“My prince you flatter me, but I try to ignore other suitors to keep in mind that I already have my prince beckoning me to follow him.” I reply, “It wouldn’t be rewarding. I skimmed by on my looks in America, my parents’ money and it wasn’t satisfying to me. I needed more.” I conclude a little bitterly on the end.

When our food arrives Jay and I quietly eat only making small chat, us suddenly awkward with our pasts somewhat out in the open, but neither of us really willing to elaborate more. Jay has his reasons about leaving 2PM I’m sure, and I respect that he doesn’t want to talk about it, mostly because I have my reasons that I don’t want to talk about, at least no out in public, not when I could be found so easily.


“You know you place isn’t bad.” Jay says looking around my apartment. He inspects my living room, before taking a seat on the couch. Taking a seat next to him I relax even more. “Do you miss America?”

“Sometimes, it depends you know? Like I don’t really care for the whole proper behavior thing here or how everyone bows. I’m still getting used to everything here. Do you?”

Hearing Jay talk about his crew, AOM, and his family was really making me wonder if I had anything really lasting in America. Jay, Minho, and even 2PM all talk about how close their families are, and yet I can’t relate despite me having the 2PM family.

However, sitting with Jay on my couch, resting on him was relaxing. Minho is right, I don’t unwind like this around the guys, and I don’t let my guard down nearly as much. Dozing off on Jay’s side I feel the sense of serenity I’ve been searching for, that little bit of peace and happiness I’ve seen in so many people.

The first real bit with Jay, his somewhat calming effect. At least that's what I was going for. But worry not, I have much more planned, but you guys are so quite. T^T I know I'm not exactly the most interactive author, but reading comment are always nice you know? Please <3

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..