We're All Crazy

Rebelling Heart


“Do you and Nichkhun kiss?” Chansung asks me seriously. I just stare at him, it’s been a few weeks since they all found out and that much longer since Chansungie has known. It feels strange that he’s asking then again I’m not quite sure how this should feel.

Blinking a few times I take in Chansung’s expression, it’s completely serious this isn’t just a question, he wants to know something more, but I’m not too sure what exactly he wants to find out. “We do.” I answer him finally.

Chansung nods his head slowly. “Noona, does this mean you’ll spend time alone with him more than with us?”

I smile at him. “I’m not sure, but Chansung you know I’ll be around no matter what, if you need me you only need to call.” I tell him easily. “Why are you so worried?” I ask him squeezing his hand. Chansung and I do this often when we’re talking, when we sit next to each other and it’s just us we hold hands and sit close together.

“I don’t want to see you go through what happened when Jay left.” Chansung whispers, his voice strained, the mood quickly becomes tense. We haven’t discussed Jay in a long time, so much so that I forgot what it felt like, the pinch that comes to my heart. It doesn’t matter if I’m ready for someone new, that I’m in a relationship or not. I still care about him. “I know that you and he were close and that things didn’t end well.”

Smiling bitterly and looking out over the railing I try to phrase it, just phrase it. I’m not sure how to explain exactly anything about what had happened. “Chansungie, when Jay left you know I chose to stay right?” I ask him quietly, nodding his head I continue on. “Jay and I weren’t surprised when I chose to stay. I can tell you what I felt the moment he asked me to go.” I tell him quietly.

“You remember?” Chansung asks, looking at his face it just looks confused like it’s such an odd thing to remember and maybe it is, but in that moment I remember everything.

“To be completely honest I had hoped a little that he would ask, and I’d even thought about how I’d answer.” Chansung’s grip on my hand tightens, I continue to speak though. “Though when he actually asked me I knew instantly that I didn’t want to go with Jay, as much as I love him I couldn’t even bear the idea of leaving you guys.” I whisper. “Honestly and I know it’ll sound a little silly, but I never want to leave. I want us to stay the way we are, together.” I tell him resting my head on his shoulder. “Chansung, no matter what happens you need to know this is where I’ve been happiest, with the six of you.”

“I hate when you talk like that.” Chansung says after a moment. “You sound like you’re leaving sometimes, like you can’t help it, but you’ll have to leave anyways. I hate it even more because you only ever talk like that when you’re with me alone.”

I nod my head agreeing, I know I talk like that sometimes. “I know; I’m sorry Chansungie.” I whisper closing my eyes.

We’re silent for a long time, neither of us say anything, it’s one of those conversations that we have, a serious one. “Nichkhun does make you happy right?” I nod my head, my lips curving upwards, I can’t even fight it. “You’ve changed a lot since you first came to us.” He says suddenly.

“I agree.” I tell him honestly. “When I think about it I can’t help but me happy.” I tell him, neither of us has to say anything to know that I’d been so different from when we first met. “You know, I’ve wanted to know why exactly you all were so friendly and open with me. I’d been a stranger, just some girl that would be working for you, and yet that first day Junho took me to meet everyone, you all were trying to get me to stay longer.”

“Honestly I think it’s because we all thought at the time how beautiful you are, and it’d be nice to have someone who looks like that around.” Chansung says honestly causing me to laugh in response, they can be so shallow. “After a while it was how mysterious you were and still are.” Chansung pats my leg with his other hand. “Sometimes though how reserved you are with us is hurtful, but then when we see you with other interns or people you’re kind-of friends with you are even more aloof. Junho and Wooyoung meant it when you told them. You don’t always have to worry. We want you to be happy, just like you want us to be. If Nichkhun makes you happy we wish you’d show it more.” Chansung explains quietly. "Noona, I love you and you know I wouldn’t say anything to make you feel bad. And I know you dislike it when the others ask me to find out how you’re doing or when things happen…We just want to know more about you.”




Nichkhun and I are still a bit cautious when we’re sitting in the dorm together with the other members, as comfortable as I am with the boys it is a bit awkward when they just stare at us. “They’re staring at us again.” I mumble trying to fight the smile on my face. We’re just sitting on the couch facing each other.

“I know; it’s a bit amusing.” He says smirking at my obvious amusement. Whenever Nichkhun and I try to spend some serious time together the others can’t help themselves. “You know this is pretty fun.” He whispers.

I fight off a giggle, we’re being ‘serious’. “I agree, though I’m having a hard time keeping a straight face.” I tell him, it’s a fight to keep my breathing even and to stop myself from laughing at how closely the others watch us whenever we’re together. “Stop it.” I tell him as small smile fights its way to my face, Nichkhun has taken to making discreet faces at me.

I finally can’t take it anymore and collapse into his arms laughing from the combination of things. “I win.” He whispers triumphantly. “I get a prize now.” He says lifting my face up so he can see me.

I smile shyly, I feel like I did the one time Nichkhun grabbed me months and months ago when I was waking him up. My skin is on fire, and while all this is happening the storm of emotions and hormones it’s like Nichkhun’s eyes are the center of the storm. His eyes are calm and observant; he’s just studying me as if contemplating what to take as a prize for my sudden outburst. “You’re being pretty quiet.” I murmur as I just stare back at Nichkhun.

“I’m trying to decide how to get my prize.” He says smirking at me, not a smug one (for once), but a playful one. It’s a bit perplexing as he leans in so his lips are by my ear. “Monogamy” Leaning back he watches my reaction.

For a moment I’m shocked, I mean this means what I think it means then I definitely don’t mind, then my very next reaction is to blush and nod my head slowly, and lastly my reaction is to have a bit of fun. “You’ve been seeing other girls?” I crack smiling at Nichkhun.

Nichkhun of course shakes his head at me before pulling further into his arms. “You’ve got quite the mouth recently.” He chuckles letting me just rest on his chest. “I think I like you being sassy.” He says laughing.

I just grin at Nichkhun. It was as simple as that. I’m just happy, there wasn’t too much more to say on the matter. “They’re still watching right?” I whisper smiling, the say silly grin I get when we’re like this, just messing around.

“They are, quite intently might I add.” Nichkhun whispers back.

Giggling I lean in close to him I kiss him. “Merong!” I giggle sticking my tongue out at Nichkhun before I get up and run away from the dazed and confused man. “I hope the five of you enjoyed the show.” I joke diving behind Junho.

“It’d been nice if the volume was turned up some, but we made do.” Wooyoung says back sassily. Shaking my head I reach out from under Junho’s arm and pinch Wooyoung. “Yah!” He yells laughing. “Actually I can’t be mad.” Woo says hanging his head in defeat.

Smiling happily I quickly run down the hall at the sound of the dryer. Like it or not I was still on duty. Humming happily I fold their clothes and put them in separate piles. After placing their laundry on their beds, then the things that tended to be hanged on the second trip I quickly run to check off laundry.

Running through the list I make note the only thing I have left at the dorm is to make sure that I dinner is ready soon, which has been an on-going process all day. Checking the list to be sure I have the chores done I check my personal list, pay the bills. I inwardly groan. Honestly since my mother called I’ve paid off the majority of what I owe her, it’s just a pain to do discreetly, that and today Minho, Ian and Miyoung-Unnie are coming to place for dinner.

“What are you doing?” Taecyeon asks sliding next to me. “You look pretty serious.”

Rolling my eyes I smile at him. “I have to pay my bill today.” I tell him shrugging my shoulders. “It’s never fun.” I say simply.

“So you’re leaving early today H.G.” Junsu says coming on the other side of my and wrapping an arm around me. With the pair of them I am instantly suspicious. “What?” He asks noticing my stares at him and Taec.

“You’re up to something. Keep me out of it.” I tell him straight. “And yeah, Miyoung-Unnie and I set up this dinner with Minho and Ian.” I say shrugging my shoulders and effectively his arm off me. “Why?”

“Well we’re having Jokwon and Seulong over for dinner tonight.” He says pouting. “I thought we’d play a couple games.” He says disappointed.

Shaking my head I head to the kitchen with them both following me. “Why’d he call you H.G?” Taecyeon asks with Wooyoung entering to grab a water bottle.

“Who’s H.G?” He asks instantly interested.

“I am, at the company party we drank way too much and they nicknamed me Hottest’s Girl.” I explain chuckling. “Though I have to admit Jinwoon is pretty funny.” I say smiling.

Wooyoung and Taec are obviously pleased with the name. “Hyung did you come up with it?” Woo asks grinning widely at him.

“Yah, who else could come up with such a fabulous name,” He asks rather highly. “Just me.” Junsu declares. To which we all roll our eyes.


Nichkhun hugs me from behind. “Let’s be honest though, you haven’t always come up with the best nicknames.”




“This is my first time here.” Ian says looking around thoughtfully. “Your apartment really does look like a fangirl lives here.” He says laughing at all the 2PM merchandise in various places around my apartment.

“Are you kidding me?” I joke smiling, “This is 2PM Designs, all original.” I tell him smiling.

Miyoung smiles at the paintings I have. “I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting this.” She says gesturing to the set of four paintings on canvas hanging on my wall, it’s the center piece of my room, at least according to Junho it is. “It’s really good honestly.”

Laughing I nod my head. “It was a good day with them.” I tell her sitting on my couch, Minho joins me. “Wait until you see what they did to her room.”

Smacking his chest playfully I glare at him. “It is not that bad, and I don’t mind.” I tell them smiling.

Ian and Miyoung both pull me up and tug me down the hall to my room, they take note of the poster handing there, the seven of them. Pushing my door open I fight the laughs, I have three full body posters of Junho, Wooyoung and Chansung. “Alright, maybe a little excessive, but it isn’t so bad.” I tell them as they chuckle lightly.

“It is quite modest.” Ian says entering my room to look around. “You have a lot of pictures up of everyone.” He motions to the picture fame of One Day and staff picture we took a couple months ago, then of the smaller one from JYPNation and 2PM’s concert.

“You have so many clothes, oh my god, please tell where you got them!” Miyoung squeals excitedly as she raids my closet, before I can stop her she stops. “This is Nichkhun’s shirt, and this one, this one too. You have a lot of his shirts.”

Blushing I look away from her and at something else, something not alive. “He likes to give them to me.”

“Yeah, and I know you like him, Minho says you both talk about it.” Miyoung says happily.

“YAH!” I yell turning to face Minho; he’s currently hiding behind Ian, who is giving me a rather curious look.  “What?” I ask blushing again.

“You’re the one blushing.” He says smugly. “Why don’t you let us in on what you happen to know?” Ian asks wriggling his eyebrows. “You and Khunnie-Boy seem pretty chummy these days.”

“Do they? She hardly ever tells me things anymore.” Minho whines. “You’re so cruel!” He jokes coming out from hiding to throw his arm around me. “So how about it? Give us an update.”

Rolling my eyes I pinch his arm lightly. “Junsu gave me a nickname.”

“Really? Was he drunk?” Min asks laughing as he swats my hand away from his arm, nodding my head he chuckles with Ian. “Do share.”

“H.G” I tell them laughing. “Hottest’s Girl.”

Min shakes his head too. “It suits you, but the guy really needs to stop giving people nicknames when he’s piss drunk.”

“You’re just saying that because you were Minnie Mouse for the longest time.” Miyoung says laughing happily.

“I totally forgot about that!” Ian cheers clapping his hands happily, “God that was so funny.”

Shaking my head I pat Minho’s back. “That really is a wonderful nickname.” I joke smiling with everyone.

“You know, now that you mention it. I do see you with Nichkhun a lot now.” Miyoung says suddenly turning to Ian. “I hadn’t thought anything of it, but they’re always laughing or off in their own little world.” She says bringing the others back to focus.

“She’s on the phone with him a lot too.” Minho says nodding his head. “You’re dating him aren’t you?” He asks smirking.

Frazzled I nod my head. “You look happier.” Miyoung says supportively. “You better be careful though, though I’m sure your boys have given you an earful already.”

“No doubt, we’ve all see Chansung, Junho and Wooyoung’s brotherly lectures.” Ian says laughing happily. “It took him long enough.” He says sitting on the floor; Min gives him a quizzical look while Miyoung contents herself with raiding my closet. “You didn’t see the way he looked at out H.G?” He asks surprised.

“I was a bit busy with being a salve to notice much.” Minho says blankly. “Then again I wasn’t really paying any attention to that.”

“So now that you two are dating does that mean I can dress you up for dates?” She asks excitedly. “Ooh, I so am going to convince Khun to take you some place nice so I can make you all fancy!” Miyoung coos happily.

Laughing I shake my head. “You’re all crazy, just crazy.”

“Welcome to the life.” Minho says shrugging his shoulders. "We're all a little crazy."



Guys. We are approching the mark of one year.
This means I've been working on this for a year, can you believe it?
I'm actually pretty excited, even though I'm not done yet, I just feel like this is pretty promising!
So don't worry, I'll have a chapter for the occasion, at least I'm working on it XD
; u ;
It makes me happy XD

I am slowly intergrating the nickname. 


 Yo, no reason to be sorry. If you favor Jay you favor the guy. I'm just happy you're still reading ; ^ ;
> / / / < I'm glad the chapter was good, I'll continue to improve~! For all of you!
YAY~! Yes, love and look foreward to the moments. Just yes, enjoy the story that's all I want you guys
to really do, the comments are just encouragement that you're enjoying it, I love reading comments, I just really
want to know if you like the story, what you don't like.
^ u ^

Anyways so on the 14th of this month I will updated. I'll try to get it a page or two longer maybe,
instead of my three to four pages. > u <

As a COMPLETE and TOTALLY irrelevant request I wanted to ask you guys something.
Do you have any recommentions for fanfics?
I really want to read something, but I haven't had much luck. And everything I am reading hasn't
been updated in a long time. ; ^ ;
Anyways I'm looking for anything well written with Nichkhun, Jay, Wooyoung, or
Jonghyun (SHINee), Ilhoon (BtoB), Sungho (MBLAQ), G.O, GiKwang, Sunggyu or L (Myungsoo).
I don't like pairings, so I'm not interested in Khuntoria, or and stuff.
Message/comment for me?
; n ;


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..