Chore Day

Rebelling Heart


Ignoring my phone, I feel my stomach twist from anxiety, as Ian looks back at me. “Your phone is ringing.”

“I know.” I whisper having already saw the incoming call. “It’s nothing Ian-sshi.” I tell him smiling weakly. “So do they always do…?” I say watching as Wooyoung and Chansung continue to goof off.

Turning he rolls his eyes facing me. “Yeah, but they’re a good bunch of kids.”

Nodding my head I watch them for a few moments. “Are we waiting on Junho?” Ian nods his head. “They’re all so close.”

“2PM is a family.” Turning we see Junho entering, greeting Ian and I before joining the other two in the booth quickly merging with Wooyoung and Chansung’s antics, goofing off and eventually focusing on singing and rapping.


Walking them back to the practice room for lunch I hang back while they all talk to each other about old times, and how they’re excited to start filming their new show. “Noona you’ll help out at the show right?” Junho asks turning to include me.

Nodding my head I smile at them. “You better hurry I heard the food is already here.” I tell them smiling.

Chansung and Junho dash off while Wooyoung waits back for me. “Yah, you won’t get any food.”

“Neither will you, Noona you’re already so small!” He says grabbing my hand. “Hurry!”

Allowing Wooyoung to drag me along I watch the other people working stare at us, me getting a few dirty looks before continuing on. Of course I should have been paying attention; Wooyoung stops as we enter the room rather suddenly causing me to crash right into him, pushing us both on the ground.

“Omo!” Junsu yells surprised. “What happened?”

Getting up I pull Wooyoung up. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” I tell him dusting my clothes off.

“My dashing looks that distracting?” Wooyoung says while wiggling his brows. “Noona?” This of course is followed by fanfare of the others saying that they are more attractive, while I move away from all the commotion.

“Yah just eat!” Minjae-sshi says. “And stop pestering the girl.” He yells at them going back to his phone call, bowing thankfully I attempt to leave the room. Notice the past tense.

“Yah, where do you think you’re going?!” Taecyeon and Junsu yell. Stalled I point out the door.

“Come eat with us!” Junho says getting up, forcing me to sit next to him and Chansung. Watching them eat I pick out a small portion of what Junho places on my plate. “Noona you need to eat to stay strong!” He complains watching me.

“Ah- yeah.” I mutter eating more. “Happy?” I ask him hesitantly.

Quietly the boys all watch me eat, all watching me expectantly. “Noona are you alright?” Wooyoung asks.

Nodding my head I smile at them. “Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask them, already tired from the day, having hardly done anything, but being around them sort of zaps my energy, like I just give them mine so that they can keep going. “I’ve gotten to watch you practice, seeing you all so determined.” I say tilting my head to the side.

“Impressed?” Taecyeon asks.

Nichkhun answers for me. “She hasn’t seen you perform, why would she be impressed by you?”

Everyone starts laughing, except I couldn’t shake the way Nichkhun said it. “Yah, I work hard.”

“Sure King of Foul.” Chansung mutters under his breath. Shocked I look at him, in return he looks at me shocked. “Sorry Noona.” He says smiling sheepishly.

“No, it’s just…” Laughing I just pat his back. “It’s alright, you’re the youngest right?”

Nodding his head he makes an unpleasant face. “Yeah…”

Giggling I squeeze his shoulder this time. “I was the youngest in my group of friends, I can relate to your pain a little bit.” I tell him smiling.

Grinning at me he offers me a little bit of rice. “I saw you eat all of yours first. Noona likes rice right?”

Stunned I nod my head at the fact that he’d noticed, putting some on my plate he smiles. “Thank-you” I tell him happily eating it. Nudging me he shakes his head.

For the rest of our lunch break Chansung and I talk about the pains of being the youngest, and whatnot, quickly Junho and Wooyoung join in telling me how burdensome it is to have Nichkhun, Junsu and Taecyeon as their elders. As beastly as they are they’re keen to comfort those around them. “Hyung can we drive home with Noona?” Wooyoung asks skipping away from the table.

“Wae? Wae?” Junsu and Taecyeon cry, followed by a bewildered look from Nichkhun. “Why can’t we?”

Chuckling I watch as a fight unfolds about who gets to ride in what van. “Noona can we ride with you?” Junho asks leaning against my back.

“Yah, you’re all too comfortable!” Junsu yells turning to look back at his dongsang.

Pushing myself up off the floor I look apologetically at Minjae-sshi. “I don’t really care who’s in the car.”

“You three can ride with her next time.” Their manager says waving Junsu and Taecyeon off. “Clean up, and get back to practicing.” He tells them before waving me over to him.

“Yes Minjae-sshi?” I ask attentively.

“I have the boys’ schedules for the week; you’ll be taking care of the dorm tomorrow, so you don’t need to worry about coming here, just come over and wake them up, Chansung and Junsu won’t have schedules so you can get them to help.” He explains to me. “They’ll start filming the 2PM show after Taecyeon and I get back from a drama shooting, the others won’t have a schedule that day so they’ll need to stay in the dorm or come here to practice whatever is easier for you to manage.”

“Deh,” I say looking over their packed schedule. “For filming I’ll just show up and help out correct?”

Nodding his head he turns his attention to the boys, then back at me. “Will you check on Coordinators?”

Quickly leaving I make my way through the maze of white halls until I come to the busy Coordi-Unnie’s room.

“Minjae-sshi sent me here to check up on you?” I say leaning my head in to see her matching outfits, stage costumes.

Turning to look at me she points to a box. “Mind bringing that over Hun?” Handing her the box I watch as she quickly fixes one of them. “What do you think?” Speechless she smiles. “Ah, perfect then.” She says proudly. “Alright, take a seat.”

Sitting down she smiles at me. “Alright the day Taecyeon gets back the boys will have to come in earlier than normal to get their hair done, and everything, arasso?” nodding my head she smiles. “Mind if I play with your hair?”

“Go ahead.” I tell her as she spins me around so I’m facing the mirror. “Unnie?”

Replying with a hum she looks at me in the mirror brushing my hair. “Something wrong?”

Shaking my head I answer. “No, just a little overwhelmed...” I lie to her smiling, what I really need is advice on how to deal with people. “It’s been a long day.”

“I remember my first day here, it was stressful, but don’t worry you’re holding up fine.” Smiling at me she trims my hair a little. “If you ever need to just talk to someone come and find me and I’ll listen.”

“Thank-you Unnie.” I say smiling at her as she then as she puts my hair back in a ponytail, but more elegantly. “Unnie you’re amazing.” I say admiring her handy work.

Smiling at me she twirls me around. “Ah, and we see her pretty smile and face. Next time I’ll give you a haircut and a makeover! ” Unnie says teasing me, “You better get back; I hear the boys are getting a little attached.”

Making a pinched expression I smile at her. “A little too much too soon.” I confess to her.

Smiling at me she waves me off, quickly finding myself in the practice room to Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung all ready to leave, holding my bag and keys to get them home. “Noona!”

“You look different.” Junsu says inspecting me.

Taecyeon and Junsu take to circling around me until Nichkhun makes a rather outrageous comment. “You look like you’re about to devour her.” Laughing I step away from them smiling. “Time to go already?”

“Deh, we’ll meet you there I’ll be picking up dinner, are you staying?” Minjae-sshi asks me.

Shaking my head I smile at him. “I have a few other errands to run still.” I tell him leaving. “Bye.” I tell the older boys, and Minjae-sshi.


The ride home was full of the guys all joking around, trying their best to convince me to stay for dinner. “I can’t.” I tell them chuckling when my phone goes off again. The only noise in the car being my phone for a few rings.

“Noona aren’t you going to answer it?” Junho asks from the passenger seat.

My voice comes out sharper than I’d meant. “No,” Pausing I turn into the parking lot. “I already know who it is.” I tell them parking. Grabbing my phone I stare at the number taunting me, the one person I know that could bring me world crashing down with the one bit of information that’s kept me pushing on all these years. “I don’t…I can’t answer it.” I tell them in a jumble of words. “Come on let’s get you in the dorm.”

“Noona are you alright?” Chansung asks holding my shoulder supportively.

Nodding my head I let out a breath. “I’m fine; don’t worry about me I’m a big girl.” I tell them reassuringly, opening their door I set them loose, making sure that they get in line to shower and to put their laundry in the hampers for me to wash tomorrow. Waving goodbye I quickly leave the complex out the back to avoid the fans cheering outside the gates.



Arriving at home I stare at my phone mocking me as the phone flashes the same number over and over again. Glaring at it I let a few tears slip through until I decide to place my phone far away from me so that I can get some decent sleep.


Waking up in the middle of the night I stare up at the ceiling occasionally lighting up from my phone, and eventually as the sun rising. Quickly getting dressed and eating breakfast I make my way to the dorm to wake up 2PM.


Following the pattern from the day before I wake Wooyoung first, followed by Junho, Nichkhun and Taecyeon, letting Junsu and Chansung sleep a little longer. Ushering the boys out the door Minjae-sshi smiles at me thankfully.

Starting I move a groggy Chansung to his shared room with Nichkhun letting him sleep in there while I clean up the family rooms. Looking around I try to find a washing machine, giving up I wake Chansung up. “Where’s the washing machine and dryer?” I question him.

Looking around confused he stares at me before realizing my question. “Go up the stairs to the exercise room, out the door and just before you get to the terrace is the laundry room.”

“Thank-you, I’ll start breakfast after I get the first load started.” I tell him smiling. Following his instructions I find myself sorting and starting the first load of laundry. How often do they wait to do this chore? I wonder leaving to begin breakfast, the smell of the leftovers from yesterday bring Chansung out, and eventually Junsu. “Morning.” I tell them smiling. “I’m just waiting on the rice to finish.” I tell them smiling.

Sitting down Junsu looks around. “Where are the others?”

“Hyung they have schedules, but ours got canceled yesterday.” Chansung says matter-of-factly. “We get to spend all day with Noona.”

Both boys turn to look at me. “I have to clean the dorm, so feel free to help or hide.” I tell them shrugging my shoulders. Serving them I rush to check on the laundry, switching the loads I wait for the dryer to go off before I head back down.

Eventually Chansung and Junsu sit with me. “Your phone went off.” Junsu says, getting elbowed by Chansung. Narrowing my eyes I nod for them to continue. “We let it go to voice mail, but we brought it up.” Handing it to me they both watch curiously as I check who called.

“It was just a text from Junho” I tell them chuckling. “He asks if you guys are up.” Texting him back I update him on our situation…waiting for the laundry. Jumping at the buzz of the dryer finishing I pull out the clothes and start folding, asking whose is whose.

“Noona have you always been a caregiver?” Chansung asks me.

Shaking my head I smile at him. “This is my first job to be honest.”

Both Junsu and Chansung stare at me. “How’d you get this job?”

“I just applied.” I inform them, leaving out the fact the I used my mother’s name a little to give me a perk or two. “Interview and BAM, here I am.”

“Do you miss America?” Junsu asks me curiously. “Hyung says you’ve only been in Korea for a few days.”

Mulling the notion over of missing my life I shake my head. “I needed a change so here I am.” Again holding back that I was supposed to be getting married to salvage a merger for my mother’s business. The thought angers me, visibly enough for both boys to rest their heads on my shoulders.

“Noona you got angry again.” Sighing I let out a deep breath. “Let’s get some lunch, we’ll finish afterwards.” Chansung says as he and Junsu lift me off my seat and drag me to the kitchen.

“I’ll make some ramyun.” I tell them trying to walk in to start.

“No, you’ll sit and relax a little, I’ll make the ramyun and Hyung will make the rice.” Chansung says placing me at the table. “Sit and stay.”

Doing as I’m told I watch as they make lunch, and my phone buzzing, Junho texting me. Smiling I text him back.

“Here we are!” Junsu says placing a bowl of rice in front of me, as Chansung puts the ramyun down; they come out with their own meals before I start eating.

“So how’s your apartment?” Junsu asks me awkwardly. “You’re all moved in right?”

“Kind of.” I admit to them chuckling. “I need to buy some dishes still.”

Laughing they both look at me. “How can you not have dishes?”

Shrugging my shoulders I smile at them relaxing. “Come on I go to finish the laundry.”

Junsu and Chansung play a quick game to settle who does the dishes, poor Chansung. “Hurry.” I tell him smiling.

“So if you don’t mind me asking.” Junsu starts out. “How does one without work experience get a job like this on their first try?” He asks me seriously.

Frowning I stare at him. “I told you.”

“And I think there is more to the story, more to you.” Junsu says frankly. “You’re hard working yes, but you even said so this is your first job, yet you have nice clothes.”

“My family is well off.” I tell him simply. “Okay no need to pry.” I whisper. “I didn’t want to go through life on free handouts. I’m working now, simple as that.” I tell him abrasively.

Junsu watches me for a few moments. “Alright.”

“I’m sorry.” I whisper folding the laundry again, all too aware that I shouldn’t have snapped at him. “It’s a sensitive subject for me.”

“I shouldn’t have prodded…Ah, Chansung you’re back.” Junsu says innocently. “Just in time we finished.”

Chuckling we load the clean laundry into baskets placing them in the respective member’s rooms, Junsu and Chansung putting their things up, while they do that I vacuum and straighten up the outer rooms again while Junsu stats playing the piano after I finish, Chansung taking a seat on the couch.

“Noona who called yesterday that upset you so much?” He asks me quietly. Feeling like I’d just been hit in the chest I struggle to form a sentence as though my words had left me at the mention, indistinctly mentioned at that, Chansung waits for me to answer. “Noona?”

Smiling sadly I stare at my phone almost expecting for it to ring. “Someone from America that I’m trying very hard to ignore.”

“So why don’t you block them?”

Bitterly I stare at the phone as memories are relayed in my mind quickly. “Incase…incase I need to answer on day.”

“We’re back!” Wooyoung cheers entering their home. “Bwo, Noona is magic!”

Chuckling I watch as one by one the boys inspect their now clean living room. “I’ll clean your rooms once you have everything you don’t want me to see put up, and your laundry is folded and in baskets on your beds. It should all be with the right owner.” I tell them from the couch lazily leaning on Chansung.

Feeling stares I see four of the boys all watching me. “Something wrong?”

“No, it’s just you’re so…” Taecyeon says before Nichkhun storms off to his room.

Confused we all watch as his door swings shut. “What’s up with him?” I ask taken aback from the sudden tantrum.

A less eventful chapter, it'll get a little more exciting soon, I promise :3

Let me know if you find any type-os too please so that I can fix them >w<

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..