Time to Start

Rebelling Heart


My mother stares at me from across the table; she’d agreed to allow Nichkhun to join us for dinner tonight. However, I hadn’t really considered her motives until we had all sat down. “Nichkhun I’d like to introduce you to James Chan.”

Retaining my cool I glance at James, the same annoying James from last night, and it makes sense now, his persistence. “It’s nice to meet you.” Nichkhun says politely, I notice right away that it’s his idol image he’s using, the cool and pleasant one.

I ignore him for the most part as he tries to catch my eye; I instead stare ahead at my mother. “Now darling, I’m sure you know all about the Chan’s company.” She says slyly. “Things are going rather smoothly with the joining of our companies, isn’t that exciting?” I nod my head curtly; I’m beginning to see what she’s up to. “Now, now no need to be shy.”

Nichkhun's hand grasps mine from under the table. “It must be very exciting for the companies after all you both have been working very hard in making sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.” I state neutrally. “Though like I said last night, the management of the departments on both sides are too lax.” I say while sending my mother a pointed look.

“Do explain.” My mother says completely interested.

my lips I take a deep breath, I have their attention I may as well apply what I’ve learned, not just at school, but since I’ve had a job. “You’ve always been too concerned with the numbers. Never really paying too much attention to the efficiency of the workers and what is put out.” I start simply. “Having the experience that I have now, I can definitely say that without the proper structure in support and the morale of the workers the company will suffer greatly. Even with just taking a glance at the claims, complaints and follow ups that any given department has I can tell that they’re unsure how to handle too many common situations.”

“In detail” My mother commands with a triumphant look on her face, I grasp Nichkhun’s hand tighter, I am completely aware I’m just making her all the more sure.

“Worker A reports an incident with Worker B,” I say as an example. “With a problem with their work schedule, and according to Worker A’s contract subsection C 12.456, they are entitled to a change at request provided sufficient evidence is presented. The request is ignored several times, Worker A then bypasses the chain-of-command and heads straight for Worker B’s boss and sends a complaint. Worker B is then informed of their incompetence and in retaliation fires Worker A, and Worker A in the end files a law suit, and wins.” I state simply. “There were too many cases like that.”

“Really?” My mother asks intrigued. “So meaning that the rules and regulations in placed by the company are being ignored for some reason?”

“Most likely because too many people find the work tedious, but the work is essential to keeping the balance in the work place.” I tell her shrugging my shoulders. “I’m sure of course James noticed this, I believe he’s has the same position that I held.” I say turning to James, he’s nodding his head. “So as far as remedying the problem there are several options.”

“Purging the work force.” James butts in. “Though this would lower morale and of course give the image that we do not trust the competency of the managers already in place.” He says rubbing his chin.

I ignore James as he babbles on about other ways to fix the current situation that the board should be aware of, then again if they get their profits, who cares? I glance at Nichkhun, he’s staring at me. “Nichkhun what’s you take?” My mother asks rearing her head at us.

Nichkhun glances at me unsurely, I wait for him to answer. “H.G. would seem to have given a very in-depth analysis. Though it is rather surprising that such a problem exists within the company and for so long.” Khun observes lightly. “It is strange that no one has suggested a way to fix it or that the problem is so prevalent in either of the companies in the first place.” He concludes smoothly.

I smile at him happily, though of course this doesn’t last long as James deems this fit to in as well. “What would give you that impression?” He nearly sneers.

Clicking my tongue, much like my mother had just done, especially with something displeasing. “A stand that isn’t influenced by  the board and isn’t paid by someone to say something good is important, and being able to appreciate the opinion of some who is under a company that is a very important customer isn’t something to take lightly.” I tell him simply. “It would do you well to remember to research who exactly you have dinner with and what they can contribute. Being able to anticipate these sorts of situations is imperative to taking over as I’m sure you’re aiming for.” I tell James sternly.

“Now James I’m sure your father gave you the same lectures as I have done to my daughter.” She says affectionately, as though nursing the wound I’d inflicted to his ego. “Nichkhun that is a very observant thought, I will do well to take that into consideration.” She says turning to Khun as though she has a new found respect for him.

Nichkhun just nods looking at each of us, as his eyes fall on me I smile timidly; this is exactly what I didn’t want to show off. Eating quietly and ignoring James’s mindless chatter, I talk mostly to Nichkhun declining any and all offers from James or my mother.

“Seeing as we have finished dinner I think it’s time for Nichkhun and I to leave, good evening Mother, James.” I say bowing to each as I gather my things; Khun follows my lead and exits by my side, taking my hand. As Nichkhun drives us back, as I’m noting is to my apartment, I take a deep breath. “I am so sorry you had to see all that.” I tell him feeling a sense of fear in me, something I haven’t ever experienced before. It’s pitted deep inside and I can’t seem to shake it.

“It’s fine, though my only complaint is James.” Nichkhun says casually, sending me a glance he smiles. “I couldn’t help but notice his lingering stares on you.” He says in a very disgusted tone.

I nod my head appreciative I’m not the only one who thought that. “Well it’s all over, and I think you can revel in the fact that James completely lost his composure when you introduced yourself.” I say giggling as I take Nichkhun’s free hand.

“Oh, I plan on it. His face fell completely slack when I said my name.” He says grinning proudly. “Does he work here in Korea or no?” Khun asks concernedly as he stops at the light.

“California with the main branch, though I am praying he doesn’t get any ideas.” I mutter shaking my head at the last bit. “Though my mother can be very crafty.” I add on in an unhappy manner, after all I am sure she has more plans for me and James.

“I’m impressed with your business skills, it seems you’re getting more use out of them then you lead on.” Nichkhun says smirking at me as he pulls ahead, driving safely to my apartment. “I plan on staying the night, since you mother was very insistent on you seeing her and James off.” He adds happily with a very light tone.

Rolling my eyes I look out the window into the nightlife of the city. “I’ve used it quite a bit since I’ve been given more responsibilities concerning you boys and your schedules and everything. Trust me I wish I hadn’t and it is very welcomed that you stay the night over.” I tell him relieved.

“I suppose this would go back to your mother wanting you to take over with James and as you oh so subtly declined any notion of the matter…”He leaves off.

“It isn’t exactly my first choice or any of them, besides among the board members I am not a favorite given a few stunts of my rebellion when my dad was first hospitalized, the only way I can even attempt to take my mother’s stature, not that I want it, is to be attached to someone who would seem in control.”

“Because we both know that you’d just do whatever you wanted to do anyways.” Nichkhun finishes for me. “So I know this is sensitive and everything, but why Korea, why this job?”

Chewing on the inside of my cheek I glance away from Nichkhun again. “To be honest I had some criteria for the job, as far as the place I knew I just needed somewhere that I could blend in easier, so most of California was out, New York, Texas or any place that the company had influence. Here in Korea my mother doesn’t really advertise the family or anything of the like seeing as she’s just kinda lending the name out.” I try to explain. “As far as the job goes I needed something that would offer me work experience without killing me physically, not draining mentally nor boring. I’ll admit being a personal assistant wasn’t exactly my first choice, but I’m glad all the same that I decided on it.”

“The choice seems heavy to make.” He murmurs tentatively. “So why?” He asks me seriously as he as parks in front of my building. “Why did you make the ones that you did?”

The motives behind my choices, the actual thought process that went into everything that lead me up to here, that’s the question. “The starting point is definitely everything that happened to my dad, my carelessness. After that I went through a rough patch, I got reckless, I did what I wanted and it took a while for my mother to snap me out of it. But while I was just going wild and doing whatever I wanted my friends and I met these guys and they’d said ‘in life to get things you want, sometimes you have to rebel.’” I smile at Nichkhun in the darkness of the car. “This is me rebelling to get what I want.”

Nichkhun seems to consider this before he pulls me close to him and captures my lips in a sweet and smooth swoop pulling away he stares into my eyes. “Then isn’t it time to forgive yourself? How much longer do you plan on blaming yourself for everything that has happened since? It isn’t entirely your fault.” He says gently.

I feel that pang in my chest, it isn’t my fault, I have been told for years that it is, I have tried to fix things with my mother, I have tried so hard to please her, but when faced with the choice to really please her I couldn’t do it.

We both get out of the car and as I unlock my door I contemplate all of what Nichkhun had said, time to forgive. Taking my shoes off and setting my jacket on one of the hooks. “I’ve never even considered it.” I whisper staring at him, the foreign idea weighing in my head.

“I know and that’s why I think it’ll be okay to start towards that.” He says wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on the top of my head.


The next morning Nichkhun and I meet my mother at the airport, we tell them goodbye, though no one says anything about coming to visit or inviting myself and Nichkhun to visit as well. Arriving back at the dorm the boys all look at Nichkhun expectantly.

“I suppose they want to know what she’s like.” I mutter to myself, leaving Nichkhun with the boys I start towards the hall. “I’m gonna start the laundry.”

For the few moments that I’m alone, I wonder if I really can visit my father freely or if she’ll just find other reasons to keep me from him. Sitting on a chair I glance at the door as I hear footsteps, Chansung emerges from the doorway and takes his seat next to me. “So I’m thinking that if we play this right I can sneak you out while the others are packing and I can treat you to lunch.” He declares happily.

Chuckling I nod my head thankful for a distract. “Thanks Chansungie,” I murmur as he takes my hand in his. “I can’t imagine going back because my dad is waking up.” I say quietly, the fear eating away at me, time to forgive, right?

“Noona, I know things seem scary, but you’re really brave person, you’re really strong too.” He says squeezing my head lightly. “Khun said that James was at dinner last night.”

Rolling my eyes I glare at the washer. “He was, and apparently he is James Chan, as in my supposed-to-be fiancé.” I say bitterly. “He’s a piece of work.”

Chansung laughs, it’s nice to know there is some kind of humor in this situation. “Hyung didn’t seem too worried about him, though he says he’s pretty annoying.” Chansung rambles on as he pulls me up into a hug. “But just so you know, we’re all there for you if anything happens.”

“I am really happy to hear that.” I whisper hugging him tightly, I feel like crying, but not now. I can wait a little while longer; it’s just the stress from seeing my mother. “I just wish she’d see things my way, I don’t want to get married for the business. I don’t even want anything to do with it.” I rant losing the battle of no-tears. “I want things to stay how they are, I’m happy here.” I mumble feeling myself let go, crying into the taller male’s shoulder I let out quiet sobs. Chansung simply rubs my back and hugs me tightly.

“Noona we want you to stay too.” He whispers. “Come on let’s go get you something to eat.” He says as I finally calm down. “You can worry about the chores and everything later.” He says wiping my tears away and kissing the top of my head. “Let’s go before the others come looking.” He says excitedly, tugging me to follow him behind as we take the back exit and run to a food stand a couple blocks over.

Things like this are nice; the way they are now, with me not having to worry about some engagement my mother is dead-set on, nor about Jay coming home soon. The days are getting cooler and the leaves are all gone. He will come back and when he does I’m not sure what will happen.




It's about October to clear up the timeline, as I am never really good 
at establishing, but about two or three more months until Jay comes back from the tour.
AND A Chansung moment cauuusssse he and his Noona needed it.
Also on a semi-completly unrealated note, I'm thinking about starting
a Chansung fanfic and probably a Wooyoung one too.
And now on a completely unrelated note.
Because I am totally slow on checking anything,
I have very recently just watched the new music videos,
and bought the new 2PM album. - u -
I am pretty much in love with 2PM all over again.

UMM...YES. I think that it is.


I am very happy you guys are very into this fanfic, especially since it is
my first real one. One that I am actually putting a lot of effort into and such.
Also, yes her mother, I just have some more planned, and I am very happy I'm about to meet
my goal of 60+ chapters.

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Thank you!
Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..