Clothes, Planes and Hippos

Rebelling Heart

After the whole Jenny fiasco Jinyoung-sshi decided on sending the boys, and in effect me, to Japan for some promotions for JYPNation early. We’re flying over first so the boys can do some solo work for 2PM, not only would they be touring for a while, but they’d also be busy with preparations for their comeback when we return to Korea. Then by the end of the week 2AM, Miss A, Wonder Girls and everyone else will be there for JYPNation. And my suspicion so will a certain wench…

Of course JYPNation also meant going to the airport, and the airport meant that the boys and myself are in need of a new outfit for the trip. As it was explained to me that they need to look relaxed and fashionable, I’d need to also look the part, my part being stylish.


“Noona do you like this one?” Chansung asks me showing me a shirt while holding it against his chest. “Or maybe this one, Noona?” He asks switching them back and forth trying to pick.

Giggling I push him towards the changing room. “I won’t really know and you won’t either until you try them on.”

Ah, shopping with idols my favorite pastime. The boys want my opinion on every single item be it shirt, shoe, tie, or pants. While it’s sweet at the same time it is a little annoying. I’m constantly being pulled in one direction or another to be demanded of what I think.

Chansung steps out, spinning around adjusting the shirt slightly, “I really like how it fits.” He comments. Walking over to him I swat his hands away as I straighten the shirt out. “Noona” He whines much like five year-old would when their mother fixes their clothes.

Smiling at him satisfied with the shirt I pat his back happily. “I like it. You look relaxed.” I tell him, “A very becoming look on you Chansungie.”

Happily bounding back into the stall he calls through the door “Don’t get stolen away yet, I still want you to see the next shirt.”

Chuckling lightly I lean against the wall. “I’ll be here.” I tell him happily. There really isn’t a way for me to be irritated with them, they’re too cute, and they’ve grown on me too much.

“Oh good Noona!” Wooyoung says skipping over to me. “Will you stay for me too?” He asks gesturing to the clothing in his arms.

Laughing I nod my head. “You know I will Wooyoungie.” I tell him pushing him lightly towards the changing room as Chansung steps out in a plaid red and black shirt, spinning around he glances back at me. “This one is great.” I beam walking over to him, straightening the fabric over his shoulders. “I like the color on you.” I tell him smiling.

As Chansung goes in to change Wooyoung steps out. “Noona?” He asks shyly as I walk over to him.

Ginning I mess up his hair slightly, “You look really good.” I tell him happily. “Hot date?” I smiling.

Wooyoung pushes me gently. “Noona don’t, you know I don’t have time for any more woman than you.” He says smiling at me wiggling his . “But do you really like it?”

Rolling my eyes I stand in front of Wooyoung. “The white shirt looks fantastic, simple looks good, really good on you.” I say pushing him back in. “Next!”

As word got round to the others they were all very taken modeling for me. Eventually we get them all one set of outfits as demanded by Minjae-sshi for the airport. Me being told I’d need to find something nice to wear as well.

Growling in frustration I look through the racks of clothes. It was easy to go shopping for the boys; they were fun and knew what they’d wanted. Me on the other hand, I have no idea what to wear, adding in I don’t know what would be appropriate in the slightest.

“Trouble?” Nichkhun asks smiling at me, seeing me nod my head made him chuckle. “Come on I’m sure we can find you something to wear.”

In the end each of the boys picked something out for me to buy, though they were worried about my budget. “I told you guys it’s no problem.” I tell them rolling my eyes. “I know how to save; besides I like what you all picked out.” I tell them for what seems like the umpteenth time.


Getting dressed I smile happily at the clothes the boys picked out, pulling on a pair of light wash skinny jeans, a black tank top I pull the sheer material decorated with red roses topped with lace for the sleeves, quickly pulling on my new leather jacket. I smile to myself putting on the hippo necklace Nichkhun gave me. Wrapping my fingers around it I smile at the mirror. Quickly putting on the charm bracelet and ring the boys picked out I hurry to put on the earrings Jay bought me I even slip Jay’s necklace on, holding it tightly in my hand as I clasp it on. Picking up the note next to the box my rose stud earrings had been in I bite my lip lightly reading the note again. I’m not sure what possessed me to put them on, but I felt a tiny bit better knowing that Jay had picked these out for me (ok I felt a lot better).




                You know this is hard. I wish it wasn’t but it is and I hate not seeing you, but I hate it even more because I know that we’re both avoiding each other. I really love you and I haven’t been able to say it to you yet in person or at all, well not when you could hear me at least. The nights I’d stay I’d always mumble it to you before I fell asleep myself. Even if you couldn’t hear me it felt good to say it aloud.

It really is hard to see you drifting away to know I don’t have any way to bring you back to me. It’s hard to imagine that we won’t be like we used to. All the plans I wanted to make with you can’t be done. I should know how to fix this, I should know how to take care of you, but I don’t and it kills me. Just know I’ll always be there for you. If you ever need to talk, rant or anything I’ll be there for you. I love you, I’m sorry.




I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the note the first time; Jay had known then that we wouldn’t make it; at least he’d made his mind up by the time he wrote this note. Sighing I wipe my tears away putting the note with the other one I smile sadly at them. No time to be sad, I have places to be and things to do in life. Namely getting to the dorm on time, and then to the airport.

Quickly doing my makeup I rush to the dorm to see them all of them ready bags packed, jackets on and look absolutely tired, then again it is two in the morning I can't really blame them.

“Hey!” Minjae-sshi says happily clapping me on the shoulder. “Good to see you got the passport sorted; now we’ll do the walk through, you’ll have to have a bit of distance from the boys.” Confused I stare at him and the boys all asking why. “You’re a more than good looking girl, the fans won’t like it. You’ll have to be behind me I believe Miyoung said she’d take care of you, don’t worry when we get on the plane you all can be buddy-buddy with them.” He says chuckling, though it looks like he knows something, not that it's my business to pry.

Blushing at his comment I look at my feet, the vans that’d been picked out yesterday. “Noona are you blushing!” Junho whispers excitedly as the others file out.

“S-shut up.” I mutter grabbing his arm to pull him out into the cold; I could feel the prickles on my exposed flesh, despite it being a bit warmer. I miss my winter jackets…

Laughing he ruffles my hair. “You do know you’re good looking right?”

Blushing even more I’m thankful for the darkness. “I guess.” I mutter deciding to pull us closer to the others, my mistake.

“누난 너무 예뻐서 남자들이 가만 안 둬(1)” He sings happily, soon the others join Junho  all happily taking to singing along.

With my face reddening I hide my face in Chansung’s arm, him laughing at my reaction. “누난 너무 예뻐서 남자들이 가만 안 둬(1)” Punching him in the arm I glare at him. “Something the matter?” He asks me as if he were innocent. All a bunch of bull, none of them are.

Huffing up I punch him again. “Do not do that.” I whine hiding my face again as the guys all chuckle, obviously amused with my reaction, despite my request they sing the song all the way to the car, happily serenading me.


When we arrive at the airport we’re met by screams. “Sweet Jesus.” I mutter in English causing the two English speaking members to chuckle. “I’m suddenly glad that Minjae-sshi doesn’t want me in that.” I mutter still in English. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get use to how popular my boys really are. On one hand I'm happy for them on the other I want to hide them all and keep them for myself. Ah, sweet selfish thoughts.

“Noona!” Wooyoung and Chansung whine, both normal when they hear English, they just assume that we're telling each other secrets, very much so not the case...sometimes.

Nichkhun chuckles. “She’s just glad she doesn’t have to hear them yelling at her.” Feeling his hand rest on my shoulder I turn back to look at him. “You won’t get lost right?” He asks seriously, the look he's giving me makes me nervous, always the little looks that make me wary of him. Of course before I can ask or even process it the looks are normally gone.

“I’ll keep an eye on her!” Miyoung pipes up. “Besides I think you should get going, the door is opening.” Miyoung says as the boys all file out each one giving me one last glance before I get out myself with Miyoung, sunglasses had been put in my hands the moment I got in the car, well the moment the boys stopped singing. I feel betting knowing my face is obscured. Though I wish I could have earplugs. The screams are literally deafening. Seeing all the posters and the fans cheering I felt a swelling of pride for my boys. Smiling I lean closer to Miyoung with our luggage traveling behind us. Quickly we hook arms to follow the dividers to make sure everyone gets through, security is pushing us forward, I can’t make out anything anyone is saying other than Miyoung chuckling happily.

Once we get through the checks I glance at Miyoung. “That was crazy.” I mutter holding Jay’s necklace between my fingers. “I thought I was going to go deaf.”

“You get used to it, or at least you’ll have to.” She says smiling. “Anyways we better get on the plane.” She says tugging me to get on board. “You look really cute by the way.”

“The boys picked my outfit out.” I tell her shrugging my shoulders. “I’m just glad I found something to wear.” My fingers are still messing with my necklace.

“That’s pretty, I really like the design.” She comments pointing to it. “Where’d you get it?”

Smiling at her I whisper so only she can hear. “Jay.” The guys might (won't) be too happy if they knew I was wearing it. If they knew when he gave me them. Having them on me though just calms me, I can't explain it.

Looking back at me her smile softens. “When he’d give it to you.”

Sighing I glance around the boys settling into seats while Miyoung and I take two seats further away. “The same night he broke up with me.” I mumble quietly. “The earrings too.” I whisper blinking back tears.

“He has great taste I’ll give him that.” She mutters darkly. “His timing needs some improvement.”

Smiling at her I shake my head. “Unnie I think he meant the best that he could.” I whisper as Chansung comes over to us.

“I suppose my times up.” Miyoung mutters sadly before pushing me up and into Chansung’s arms. “Have fun, we’ll talk at the hotel.”

Nodding my head I wave to her as she turns to the other coordinators to talk to them. “She’s nice.” Chansung beams happily, obviously due to the face he got me so easily. “Noona you look really nice. I’m glad everything fit together. ” He says gesturing to my outfit.

“Why were you worried about Taec’s choice?” I ask him smirking; it really isn’t a secret to know Taec has made a few questioning fashion statements. “Anyways what’s up?”

Frowning he takes my hand in his as we buckle up. “While we’re in Japan Jenny will be there. She’s supposed to go on stage for JYPNation. So she may be around.” He mumbles quietly. “Are you sure you don’t hate her?”

Scoffing I roll my eyes. “Oh I hate her, but I’m not about to get into it with some preteen.” I tell him waving my hand at the thought of me even trying to get back at her. “Besides I could lose my job.”

This time he scoffs along with the others who were listening in. “Like we’d let you go like that.” Chansung says smiling at me.

“Well one can only hope that you’ve all have really taken to me.” I joke leaning against Chansung looking up at him though his smile quickly disappears, looking in the direction he is I can see why, little wench is here. "You could have told me she was coming with us." I mutter darkly averting my gaze to something more appealing, like the back of the seats.

Sitting back I begin to think about that plane idea, but quickly disperse it. Everyone else in on the plane so I guess that rules that out. I certainly don’t want to be stung by a jelly fish or eaten alive, and I certainly do not want 2PM to be fish food either. Though I suppose this brings me back to my favorite option to eliminating people. Hippos. I definitely need to get me one, so many people to be gotten rid of.

“Noona I’ve never seen such a brooding look on your face.” Wooyoung mumbles poking me after takeoff. “Noona what are thinking about?”

Blinking I smile at him innocently while messing around with my necklace Khun got me. “Hippos.”

Nichkhun chuckles on the other side of him. “Hyung?” Wooyoung asks confused, obviously Nichkhun has heard me muttering when Minho was being particularly difficult, or maybe Nichkhun just happens to know how dangerous hippos can actually be.

“Wooyoung-ah, hippos can be very dangerous. I believe your Noona is all too aware of that particular fact.” Nichkhun says chuckling before turning back to his book. Looking up again he glances at me. “Something the matter?”

Blushing I hide my face in Chansung’s arm; I’d been staring, hearing Nichkhun chuckle rather pleasantly only make my cheeks heat up more.



(1) Noona you're so pretty the boys don't leave you alone.
SHINee's song Replay, I couldn't help it. When I wrote it I was too tempted not to
add it in. It just fit right in.:)
Also in this chapter it shows Nichkhun knowing a bit about the OC's hippo plans.

I got this finished writing this chapter a couple hours ago,
I couldn't resist updating. <3

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..