Day With Jay

Rebelling Heart

Waking up I smile happily, sitting up I blink at the sleeping figure I’d been resting on, studying Jay’s face I smile to myself. He really is handsome; I suppose I should get used to being around guys like that, well I should be already. Brushing some of his hair out of his face I chuckle to myself, soft and dark brown. Getting up I walk into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, upon my return Jay is sitting up rubbing his head. “Want some water?” I ask him from the door way.

As Jay turns to face me I hold my breath, I’m not sure what came over me but I found myself becoming that shy school girl, I was never the shy school girl. “Sounds good, you alright?”

Nodding my head I toss him the bottle, quickly grabbing another before taking my seat on the couch beside him. “Nice nap.”

Nudging me Jay grins at me, I inwardly curse myself for letting me getting mixed up in this nonsense. Isn’t this what I was running away from? Commitments, sure if I’d stayed it’d been a stranger, but this way I’d be the target of fans. “I definitely needed this today, a day off to just rest up.” Stretching he puts his arm around me casually. “So do you have anything else you’d like to do?” Jay asks looking over at me as though he’s done nothing wrong. “What?”

Rolling my eyes I lean on his shoulder. “You’re smooth; I’m going to have to make sure I’m aware of that.” I tell him plainly. “Charm, talent, good looking, Jay you are one I’ll have to be sure to be careful around you.” I joke sighing happily. “But to answer your previous question I don’t. Honestly lounging around sounds pretty damn good right now.” It could be that I’m always running errands for 2PM and Minjae-sshi or that if we go and do something I might not get to be in such close proximity to Jay.

“Well then if we’re staying here I’d at least like a tour.” Jay says shaking his torso and in effect me. “Come on, I’ll give you a piggy back ride.” He temps me, standing up I wait for Jay to stand before I jump onto his back.

“Onward noble stead!” I mock shout pointing towards the hall. “Ah whoa!” I continue to joke as Jay walks by the bathroom. “This is the magical watering hole, and that over yonder is my room. The kitchen is the other way…That’s about it.” I tell him as he nudges the door to my room open.

“Yikes, this is plain. I’d thought you’d have tons of pictures up or something.” Jay says setting me on my bed while he inspects my walls. “Nothing at all.”

“Cause I am queen of free time.” I say in mock hurt. “I’m always working or not at home long enough. It’s a miracle I’m unpacked.” I tell him yawning.

Turning to look at me Jay sits next to me, resting his head on my lap. “We should go shopping for your apartment next time.” Closing his eyes he sighs happily. “Do you think it’s crazy that we met? I mean the circumstances, you picking up your shoe in the rain.”

Playing with his hair I smile at him. “No, I think it’s a wonder, if you hadn’t been doing whatever it was I’d have died. Jay I’m just really glad I met you.” I say noticing for the first time that he has tattoos, smiling I drag my fingers over his arm.

“Do the guys know that you know me?” Jay asks quietly.

Shaking my head I let out a sigh. “No, but they’re curious who I’m spending time with, in fact that call about my bracelets I was with them, they just about flipped with me speaking English and calling you Prince Charming.” I confess slowly. “Minho said I shouldn’t tell them, at least not yet. Do you want to see them?” I ask him quietly. I’m not sure if I could set something like that up, but I could try if he wants to see them.

“We aren’t supposed to.” Jay mumbles sadly. “I’d like to but like Minho said, not yet.” Sighing he opens his eyes, smiling at me. “Can I ask you something?” Nodding my head he frowns this time. “Why were you picking your shoe up in the middle of the road? A busy street…”

Gulping a lump in my throat I hadn’t known about I sigh resting my hands on Jay’s head. “I was talking with Chansungie, and before I’d received several calls before that had upset me. And I felt like they were all getting too close too soon.” I whisper looking off at my wall. “It’s like I can only be so close to them until I feel like they’ve suddenly breached some boundary. So to gain the security back I had to get out of there for a little, I needed a little bit of space, and I’ll admit I wasn’t really thinking and so by the time you saved me I was already upset and trying to figure out if everything was really ok with me.” I confess.

Jay sits up and opens his arms, wrapping them around me we sit on my bed just hugging each other, I know if I’d told anyone else that I might have stopped and given up on trying to explain any of it.

“Then why come to Korea if you’re all alone?” Jay asks me, and I feel the air being out of my lungs, “I take it you won’t answer.” Jay says holding me tight against his chest. “But you know you’ll have to answer the question sometime, whether I’m asking or one of the guys.”

“I just can’t, not yet; I’m still trying to put my life together here.” I tell him carefully. Pulling away I smile at him “Besides what’s a life without a little suspense?” I ask him jokingly.

Jay smiles at me before kissing my forehead, smiling I look up at him; it would seem I’m starting to like this Jay Park fellow. “You were only supposed to save me.” I mumble resting my head against his shoulder. “What are you still doing here in my life?”

Rubbing my back Jay answers simply. “I’m still saving you silly,” placing me between his legs Jay and I sit like that for a long time, just leaning against each other and listening to each other breath. I want to stay here with Jay, things make sense and it’s ok to show a little bit more of myself to him. “Hollywood you’re gonna be ok.” I hope that’s true, I want nothing more than for that to be true.

“I hope you’re right.” I whisper looking at Jay, smiling at him, Jay smiles at me poking my forehead.

Smirking at me he says “Don’t doubt.”

Rolling my eyes we stare at each other for a few minutes, until my phone goes off, by the ringer it’s Junho. “I have to answer it.” I tell Jay apologetically, running to get it I barely make it to it. “Hello?”

“Noona, are you ok? Minho came into today to pick his things up from Ian, you weren’t with him.” Junho asks worriedly.

Frowning I look over at Jay coming out of my room. “I thought Minho was sick…” I mutter realizing this was probably some plan for Jay and me to get alone and relax without a third party to mediate anything. “I’m fine,” I tell Junho smiling at Jay smirking at me.

I hear a few shuffles and mutters about me being alone. “Noona Junsu and Chansung want to know if you’re alone, you were pretty drunk last night.” Junho says worriedly, I can picture them all fretting over me; honestly I don’t really blame them.

“No, I’m with a friend, so don’t worry alright, and you guys better be on a break and not sneaking this call in.” I scold them playfully. “Work hard alright?”

“Hey, I thought I told you guys no phones!” Minjae-sshi yells with that my suspicions are confirmed, tricky, tricky boys.

“Bye” They all mutter hanging up quickly. Shaking my head I look over at Jay him smiling like he’s glad to hear their voices.

“They really haven’t changed much.” Jay chuckles as I put my phone down. “I have to pick something up from the studio, want to come?” He asks me smiling, nodding my head his smile grows.

Walking out I point to the numbers of my apartment. “Spare key, so you know and you don’t have to break in again.” I chide him skipping to his car.

Laughing he shakes his head. “I’ll have to remember that.” The way Jay said it made it believable, like our friendship will have him over at my place on a regular basis. “Anyways I’m going to have to drop the package I’m picking up at my place so I guess we’ll be even.” He says once we get on the road towards the studio.

Smirking I watch him drive, “Well not quite. You don’t have a broken window.” I point out jokingly, “But I’ll let it slide this one time.”


Entering his apartment I glance around the spacious size and large living room. “A mirrored wall?” I ask Jay looking at the cleared space in front of it.

Smiling he points to the rather nice music system. “Dancing, I practice here too.” He says shrugging his shoulders. I supposed I should have guessed, after all Jay is supposed to be good at this idol thing. “What? Do I look like I need more practice?” he teases me.

Shaking my head I sit on the couch facing the mirrors. “I’m just trying to picture you on stage,” I comment relaxed, “I’ve never seen anything with you in it.” I tell him innocently. “Aside from the trick you and Minho played I’ve never really seen you dance or perform.” I tell him shrugging my shoulders. Jay taking this as a challenge throws his jacket on the ground in a showy style, starting some music he faces me smirking. “Should I get ready to fan girl?” I ask him sarcastically.

“Ha, you should be ready to face my awesomeness.” He says cockily. “I’m a pretty decent dancer.” He says as he begins to dance. His persona changes entirely, that laid back guy becomes serious, and the smoldering look in his eyes is breath taking, the way he just flows around the room. Jay’s stage presence is completely different from 2PM’s, it’s like Jay just grows until he’s the center and it doesn’t even faze him. It isn’t like Jay is showing off; this is Jay on stage when people are watching, and when he’s doing something that he loves. “You look impressed.” Jay says stopping; that smirk present on his face, I think I see where Minho got it from.

“I am; you really aren’t talk.” I admit smiling at him. “You’re different on stage.” I tell him as he sits next to me, resting his head on his hand listening to me talk about, glancing at his arm I become mesmerized with his tattoos.

Jay smiles at me, “You think so? I never thought I changed much.” He comments putting his arm out for me to see. “Like them?”

Nodding my head I run my fingers over the tattoos, there are so many, “Just a little, it’s like you just become passion.” I whisper turning his arm in my hands. “You’re not quite so… unperturbed. You get focused and your eyes sort of burn.” I explain half aware of what I’m actually saying. “I mean you joke around and everything, but it’s like a different side of you becomes prominent for a while.”

I can feel Jay’s stare on me. “Is that good?” He asks me pushing a strand of hair out of my face.

Glancing up I’m met by that same look he has while he was dancing, nodding my head numbly I smile delicately at him, “It is.” I whisper tearing my gaze away from him and back to the arm I’m holding in my hands. “You have a lot.” I mumble.

“I do, but this is just my arm.” He chuckles. “I have more.” He says pointing to his chest the one on his neck, and behind his ear. “What about you Hollywood? Or was that against the rules?” He asks me softly, I know he’s leaning closer to me, and my heart is beating erratically already just thinking about how close he’s gotten to me, and the space that is dwindling with me moving closer as well.

“None, I’ve thought about it, but I guess I just never got around to it.” I mumble looking up to see his face right in front of mine. Blushing I stare into his eyes and study his face close to mine.

“Would it be out of line to kiss you?” He asks his breath fans out across my face, fresh and minty. Shaking my head he tilts his head. “Can I kiss you?” Nodding my head we both move closer to kiss, with our lips colliding I feel a rush of adrenaline, moving together I pull away first, trying to regulate my breathing again and to calm my heart.

Standing I smile at him, offering him my hands I pull us in front of the mirrors. “Teach me something?” I ask him as he watches me. “What? Do I have something on my face that only you can see?” I ask him grinning.

Jay chuckles pushing my hair back again. “I hope so.” He whispers before turning to face the mirrors. Jay teaches me a dance, one that he thinks will be simple enough for me, since I explained my extent of dancing is at clubs. Helping me Jay places his arms on me to help make me move the way I’m supposed to. “Then you spin around,” Twirling I stop facing Jay, him beaming at me. “I thought you said you didn’t dance much.”

Nodding my head I stick my tongue out at him, “Stop acting, I know I’m not that good.” I tell him smiling. Jay shakes his head helping me move to the music again, so maybe I’m a little stiff, but it could be because of Jay. I can’t help it if he makes me nervous.

“Really you’re not that bad.” Jay says watching me. “Are you hungry or thirsty?” He asks me stepping away as I twirl to a stop in front of him again, I’m pretty sure he’s planning this, leaning forward he pecks me lightly. “I think this should count as a date.”

Laughing I shake my head at the man in front of me, the playful and oddly refreshing boy. “And why is that?” I ask him as he leads me to his kitchen.

Jay turns to look at me over his shoulder shaking his hips in a rather provocative manner, getting a laugh out of me, “Because we’ve gone out to eat, took a nap and I’ve taught you some mad skills. But if you insist on not counting this as first date, then I’ll gladly take you out on one.” Jay says flirtatiously opening his fridge while I take a seat at the counter watching him make some pizza. “What do you say?”

Smiling at him I lean forward watching him carefully. “I say I like the second choice Mr. Smooth.” I tell him as he leans forward over the counter to me. “Well you reach well over the counters.” I tell him smirking.

Glaring at me playfully he pinches my cheeks. “Ha-ha poke fun at short Jay Park.” He says sarcastically in English. “I’m not sure I appreciate that.”

Smiling at him I grab his hand and kiss it. “Is that better? Did I kiss your bruised ego?” I ask him sassily.

Shocked he withdraws his hands. “Well if you must know it hurts a little right here.” He says pointing to his heart. “I think you should maybe apologize.” He says walking over to me, turning my chair so I’m facing him. “Well?”

Chuckling I run my fingers through his short hair. “I’m sorry for insulting your height.” I whisper kissing his cheek. “Better?” I ask him smiling, him grinning happily watching me again with that intense stare.

“Much, and thank-you.” He says playing with my hair, “So when can we go on that date?” He asks me smiling. “I know you and I both have crazy schedules.” He says quietly.

Sighing I poke his cheeks. “I don’t have schedules on the days that they go to the gym, well technically.” I tell him smiling. “I stay and clean up around the dorm.”

“Ah, so when will this be?” He asks smiling at me, a laugh in his voice. “Miss Busy.”

Thinking about the schedules I have difficulty because of Jay, let me tell you it’s hard just because Jay is actually very distracting. “Next weekend, Minjae-sshi will take the four that have schedules to them, I’ll drive Junsu to JYPE for him to work on his songs and then I’ll take the last two to the gym and head back, Minjae-sshi will pick them up so normally I just eat with them.” I explain to him calmly, putting my words together, although to me they sound incoherent and unimportant.

“Well then Saturday?” He asks me smirking; I think he knows I’m preoccupied with other thoughts. “Will that work?”

Nodding my head I smile at him, “I should be done around the dorm by 3:30, at least normally I am.” I tell him pulling my eyes away from his face and to the timer going off, I’m not sure how long we were like that but it seems like it was for awhile. “I’ll get it.” I tell him hopping off the stool, putting on the oven mitts I pull the pizza out and set it on the counter. “There we are pizza.” I say smiling at Jay him watching me again. “Quit it, you’re going to make me self-conscious.” I complain watching him walk around and dig through the draws for a pizza cutter.

“I don’t see why,” He says checking through another drawer. “Here!” He says excitedly pulling the utensils out and cutting the pizza into eight slices, eight uneven slices.

Waiting we stare at the pizza as it cools off to a touchable degree, and more importantly editable, with water at the ready I take a tentative bite, smiling happily that I didn’t burn my tongue. “So what time should I expect this date?” I ask him quietly as we eat the pizza over the cutting board.

“Four sounds good, or will you not be ready since you’ll head back first right?” Jay asks me taking another bite of his own slice before stealing the last piece; well at least I’m not terribly hungry.

“Maybe 4:30, it takes about half an hour to get back to my apartment, and I’ll have to change since I’ll be in my work clothes.” I tell him finishing my slice. “Should I expect anything crazy?” I ask him smiling as he swallows the last bite.

Jay smirks at me. “Just dress casually, and we’ll have fun. So don’t worry I’ll have everything worked out. I promise.”

Some Jay X OC action. It's a bit fasted pace, but it needs to be, and don't worry we still have quite a bit to go before I write the official ending to this. :P I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, mainly because I focus more on Jay scenes and less on 2PM. Thoughts?

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..