Crumbling Paradise

Rebelling Heart

I’m in my hotel room resting with Wooyoung, who is happily taking his break in my room while the others sleep; we’re texting each other and I am laughing almost constantly at him. “So Noona I think you should know” He says putting his phone down with a grin spread across his face. “Chansung is on his way here with Junho because they woke up and discovered I was in fact not in my room.” He says moving so he can rest his head on my lap.

“It’s been a while since you’re done this.” I murmur the top of his head happily. Wooyoung grins up at me. “You’re kinda like a pet cat.” I .

“Noona, I better be the manliest cat you have ever seen.” He declares sticking his tongue out at me. “Behind the ears.” He demands playfully.

Chuckling I oblige with his request, feeling my phone vibrate I glance at Wooyoung’s phone-free hands, so not my little manly cat. Using one hand I pick my phone up to read the text I just received as a knock comes to my door. “Woo can you get it?” I ask him absently and slightly dazed; the text was a bit unexpected. Replying to it I glance at Wooyoung, he’s staring at me. “I’m fine.” I tell him simply waving my phone at him.

He leaves my bed to open the door then promptly returns to his previous position of lounging on me, only this time he has an expectant look on his face.

“What’s with you Woo?” Junho asks taking his seat on a chair near my bed as Chansung rests next to me. Both boys eye Wooyoung who simply points to me. “Noona?”

“I got a text from Jay.” I tell them simply, I know for a fact Wooyoung saw the name, I’m not sure if he could read the text or not, but I am absolutely positive he saw Jay’s name. The other two gawk at me. “What?” I ask them folding my arms over with my phone in my hand.

“It’s just; we didn’t really think you’d be talking to him.” They say somewhat bitterly. “Noona do you talk to him a lot?”

“Not particularly.” I say honestly. “Every now and then.” I confess. They exchange looks, all of them reading the same thing.

“What do you guys talk about?” Chansung ventures calmly. “We’re not trying to pry.” He says giving me a stern look. “It’s just with how he left you and with how things have been we’re worried.” He says gently, but with the same unyielding look.

“I told him about annoying James.” I tell them shrugging my shoulders. “I tell him that I’m tired and he tells me how he’s tired.” I tell them shrugging my shoulders. “Though this last text” I murmur looking at Junho, he’s always been sensitive to Jay and when we were dating along with the dynamics of our relationship then and I suppose now too. “He wants to see me the next time we’re both in Korea.”

“That won’t be until January.” Junho says rigidly. “When will you go to see him?” He asks turning his head to look away from me.

“I don’t know, but I do have a lot to talk to him about.” I say carefully.

Junho looks back at me this time his rage shining through clearly. “Noona he left you.” He seethes. “Jay just left you alone.” He says getting up and pacing the room. “What could you talk to him about?” He asks looking at me with a concerned look, he stops pacing and just stares at me, the other two boys have moved off the bed and taken seats around the room.

“Noona, we respect that you want to talk to him, but we feel the same as Junho.” Wooyoung says calmly. “He put you through a lot, he broke your heart.” He says looking a bit angry as well; Junho joins them in sitting away from me.

“He asked you to choose” Chansung says slowly, looking at me worriedly. “He knew what your answer would be, right?” He asks me; nodding my head I bite my lip. “Noona he left, he didn’t want to work anything else out, he just left you.”

“I know that, but I want to know why he just left and didn’t want to work something out, I need to know why, and I want him to still be in my life.” I tell them angrily, they look at me completely shocked and honestly I’m a bit surprised myself, it just slipped out. “I love Jay, that won’t change, but I love you guys to and that won’t change either, so I don’t know why you’re reacting like this.” I tell them huffing my chest up.

“And if he wants to pick up where you left off?” Wooyoung asks jumping in. “What then? Will you leave us? Will you leave hyung to go back to Jay?” He asks crossing his arms. “Noona what exactly are you expecting to happen?!” He rants glaring at my phone.

“I’m expecting you all to understand that I want closure, I’m expecting to have your trust that I wouldn’t do something like that to you; that I wouldn’t just up and leave.” I snap at them.

“You did it once before.” Chansung says looking my in the eyes, I feel tears prickle. That hurt, a lot. “You left your home before you came to us, you didn’t really warn your mother, and what’s to stop you from doing that to us?” It hurt a lot and I am absolutely positive it’s because it’s Chansung who said it. That my best friend said that to me.

Biting my lip I glare at him, at Junho and at Wooyoung. “Because I care about you.” I tell them getting up off my bed. Today was not supposed to go like this; today I was supposed to enjoy a lazy day at the hotel in my room with Woo and when the others woke up with them too.

“Noona, Jay talked to Nichkhun.” Chansung says seriously, turning to stare at him confused I shake my head. “He did. Hyung wanted to make sure he’d take care of you. He talked to him a couple of times. Hyung saw him one last time before he left, I don’t really know what he was talking about to him, but I’m willing to bet it was about you.” Junho and Wooyoung look at the youngest surprised, so this isn’t exactly common knowledge between them.

Biting my lip I face my door, crying I take a deep breath. “I’m going to see him anyways.” I tell them fairly. “I’m going to go and see Jay; I’m going to talk to him.”

“I won’t stop you, but if you hurt Nichkhun because of this don’t expect us to comfort you if something does go wrong.” Chansung says coldly. “You know exactly how we feel about this. You hide things from us continuously. You keep thinking that we can’t handle whatever it is you hide. Noona trust is a two way thing.” And that again felt so much worse because it was Chansung saying it, though being honest with myself, he’s right.

Opening my door I walk out in the hall, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t in complete shock, that I’m not hurt, because I am shocked and I am hurt. I try to wipe the tears away; I’m angry, not just with them, not just with Nichkhun, not just with Jay, but with myself as well.

I’ve never had a fight with any one of them like that, forgot three of them. I am beyond angry that we fought like that, I’m mad that I let myself say things so harsh to them, but at the same time I am appalled that the four of us would say any of what we had.

I find myself in front of Taec and Nichkhun’s room, I’ll admit it. I do want to know if Nichkhun really went to go see Jay, and that I want to know what they talked about and why he didn’t say anything. Knocking on the door roughly I wait for someone to answer, it’s Taecyeon and he’s shocked. I’m crying and I no doubt look like I’m about to bite someone’s head off. Pushing through the doorway I glare at Nichkhun.

“H.G.?” Taec asks as I purse my lips at Nichkhun’s sleeping figure. “Are you ok?” He asks concernedly.

“No. I’m not.” I tell him dryly, walking over to Nichkhun’s side I shake him, as the sleeping man wakes he looks around dazed, he sees Taec first, turning to look at me his eyes widen. “We need to talk.” I tell him crossing my arms and leaning against the wall.

“Sweetie are you alright?” Nichkhun asks sitting up and putting his glasses on. I shake my head. “H.G.?” I know it’s wrong to ambush him like this, I know that I shouldn’t be this angry about him talking to Jay, but maybe it’s the fight with Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung or maybe it’s that he and Jay talked behind my back about me.

“No, I’m not.” I say again, Taec is edging towards the door, as I look up at him I take a deep breath. “You saw Jay?” I ask him quietly. “You met up him?” I ask.

Nichkhun looks at me shocked, recovering he nods his head. “What happened?” He asks stepping towards me, holding my hand up I glare at him. “I saw him twice.” He says finally. “The first time just before you got your staff shirt, I begged him not to hurt you.” Nichkhun his lips; I’m frozen as I listen to him. “I begged Jay not to hurt you, I wanted you back then, but if you’d be happy with Jay I’d gladly let that happen.”

“The second time?” I ask him crying even more, Jay had been acting weird the next time I’d seen him, I suppose now I know why. Nichkhun tries to come closer again, and I again hold my hand up. “The second and last time.” I press.

Nichkhun sighs standing up he looks away. “He called me the night he left. He told me what happened; Jay wanted to make sure that you were happy again. He asked me to take care of you. I hadn’t meant confessing to you so soon, I didn’t plan on falling in love with you, I knew I liked you, I knew that I was jealous of Jay for a long time. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I’m not sorry that I love you, that I’ve gotten to know you better.”

I try to control my breathing, to control the tears. I shake my head at him, too many things are happening at once, I glance at Taecyeon; he’s frozen in his place. I walk away from Nichkhun; I walk around Taec and out of the room.

“Can you at least tell me why you’re so upset, why you’re crying?” Nichkhun asks grabbing my wrist and forcing me to face him.

my lips I pull my arm out of his grasp. “I’m mad Nichkhun. I’m mad that you kept that from me, that you and Jay both thought that I would need someone to help me get over everything, I’m mad I’m fighting with you, I’m mad I’m fighting with…” I stop; looking away I shake my head. “I can’t do this right now. I don’t want to process, I want to be alone for a little bit.” I tell him selfishly. “But I don’t at the same time.”

Nichkhun stares at me, he’s confused, looking at me he steps back. “I can’t make you choose what you want; I’ve never wanted to do that. I’m worried about you. I want to know why you’re upset, but it’s clear you don’t want to say anything either.”

“I don’t.” I tell him stubbornly. “I don’t want to, but because I won’t go behind your back” I tell him venomously “I’m going to see Jay when we get back to Korea. I’m going to talk to him.”

Nichkhun looks at me like I’d slapped him. “You’re going to see him?” He asks dismayed. “You’re going to go see Jay?”

I nod my head, wiping my tears away I step away from Nichkhun as well. “I am. I’m going to get answers. But you know what you and so many others seem to think that if I see Jay I’ll leave, that I won’t give the six of you or what you and I have, a second thought.” I tell him angrily. “That you all are so terrified that you mean so little to me that I would just leave.”

This seems to throw Nichkhun off, I shake my head turning around I walk back to my room, I glare at the three boys still sitting in my room. “Out” I tell them simply holding the door open for them. Wooyoung and Junho both leave without looking at me, Chansung though he does. He’s angry, he’s sad, he’s scared, but he doesn’t say anything. Shutting the door I try to get a handle on what just happened.




Next couple of days are packed, I keep my distance from the six of them, Min-Jun was filled in and he’s been trying, but I just can’t even bring myself to look at him. “It’s okay that you four are fighting, but Taec and I are really worried.” Min-Jun says cornering me. “I don’t know what they said, I didn’t have the pleasure of seeing you get so angry with any of them, but you know they have a point.”

“That Jay left, Jay broke my heart.” I say coldly. “I know, I heard them, loud and clear. I also heard that I can’t be trusted with seeing him because there is strong possibility I’ll just leave.” I snap at Min-Jun angrily.

“H.G. we all trust you, but it’s just when it comes to Jay we’re all worried. You love him, we’re afraid you will leave. A lot has happened to you these last couple of months. Between your mom, your dad, and Jay, we’re just worried how stressed you’ll get.” He says gently.

“It’s December, I have another two months until I can go to California to see me dad. One more month and Jay and all of us will be back in Korea. I am stressed; I am worried, I am angry.” I tell Min-Jun wiping my eyes. “With everything happening I feel like I’m going to go crazy.”

“We’re worried about you. I know Chansung is particularly worried.” Min-Jun says leading me to a take a seat on the couch. “He’s worried that seeing and talking to Jay will be the last straw for you. He’s worried that this fight between you guys will make you want to leave; he’s scared that things won’t be the same between you guys.”

I glance at Min-Jun, I feel bad for bushing the four of them off. “I’ll go talk to him.” I say finally. He smiles at me encouragingly. “Oppa everything is going to change isn’t it?” I ask him quietly as I get up.

“Yeah, but when do things ever stay the same?” He questions me back reassuringly. “I’ll be there for you, and I’m sure you’ll find so will the others.”

Leaving the room where I was currently keeping busy, I look around the studio here in Japan, where the boys are preparing for the last few shows, their comeback and trying to keep their heads. I find Chansung sitting on the couch alone in one of the many rooms; taking a seat near him I stare at him until he acknowledges me.

“Yes?” He asks looking at me tight lipped; he’s been upset about this too.

I let out a sigh. “I’m sorry I got so angry with you.” I tell him honestly. “I hate that we’re fighting.” I confess waiting for him to give me something to go off of. I don’t want this fight to be the deciding factor of our friendship; I don’t want to lose Chansung, Junho, Wooyoung or Nichkhun.

Chansung looks at me and sighs relieved. “I thought you’d hate me.” He murmurs scooting closer and hugging me tightly. “I’m sorry I said all those things.” He mutters rubbing my back comfortingly. “I know you’re going to see Jay, I just…I’m still so angry with him for a lot of things.”

I pull away and slap his arm, glaring I stare at him, he looks like a hurt puppy. “Chansung I want you to remember something” I say seriously, softening my gaze I take his hand. “I could never hate you.” I tell him pulling him back into a hug.

“Damn it, you scared me.” He mutters squeezing me. “I’m sorry I made you and Nichkhun fight.” He whispers pulling away from me.

I shake my head. “That isn’t your fault, so let’s not.” I tell him steadily. “I have to go find Junho and Wooyoung.” I say getting up, leaning down to kiss his cheek I smile at him reassuringly. “I’m sorry and you know I love you.” I say as he squeezes my hand to let me go.

“I love you too Noona.” Chansung says smiling at me sadly; he doesn’t want me to see Jay. I’m pretty sure he never wanted me to even meet Jay aside from him saving me.

Wooyoung is dancing alone in a practice room; I walk in and watch for a moment before he turns to face me. “I’m here to say sorry.” I tell him stepping closer and carefully, Wooyoung nods his head. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you three like that.”

“We shouldn’t have said a lot of what we did.” Wooyoung says walking over to me and hugging me tightly. “I hate fighting with you.” He mutters in my ear. “I don’t want to fight like that ever again.” He says pulling away pouting at me. “I’m really sorry about what I said.”

I nod my head and pat his cheek affectionately. “Me too.” I say feeling better. “We really have to thank that old man.” I joke lightly.

Wooyoung chuckles and nods his head. “Min-Jun is pretty level-headed.” To which I agree; I give him one last hug before I look for Junho.

I find him on the top floor in a room with the window open; he’s sitting by the wall away from it. “I’m sorry Noona for being so nasty.” Junho says looking at me he’s been crying. I rush over to him and hug him tightly. “I shouldn’t have been so mean; I shouldn’t have said any of it.”

I shake my head while his head softly. “You can tell me your opinion Junho, I’m not going to shoot it down, it’ll be hard for me to listen, and I shouldn’t have said anything how I had.” I comfort him. “I’m really sorry.” I whisper sitting with him.

“Yeah, but because of what Woo, Chansung and I said, you’re fighting with Nichkhun. That’s our fault.” He says pushing my arms away. “You and hyung were happy and then we go and say stupid things and now you two aren’t talking.”

I shake my head at this notion. “Don’t blame yourself. Nichkhun and I will work through it.” I tell him honestly. “It’ll take a bit…” I whisper sitting next to him.

“Hyung is angry too, you’re angry, and Taec won’t say what you two fought about.” Junho says squeezing my hand. “I feel really bad for everything.” He murmurs guiltily.

“It’s not your fault; it isn’t Chansung’s or Wooyoung’s fault.” I tell him quietly. “I am angry with Nichkhun, I’m mad about a lot of things, but I’ve been angry for a long time too.” I tell him quietly as Chansung and Wooyoung wander in hesitantly. Rolling my eyes I pat for them to join Junho and me.

“You haven’t seemed like it.” Junho whispers as Wooyoung settles his head on my lap and Chansung rests his head on my shoulder. “Angry” He explains to the newcomers.

“I’ve been angry since the accident, I’ve been furious with my mother for trying to force a marriage on me, I’m angry that I ran away from it because I thought it was my only option, but at the same time if none of those things had happened…I’d never have met any of you.” I whisper furrowing my brows.

“Noona when you go see your dad what are you going to do?” Chansung whispers curiously and in a comforting tone.

“I don’t know, I’m terrified of what will happen, I want him to wake up, I have no idea what will happen though, I don’t know if my mother will try something, I don’t know if I can even bear to see him, and if he wakes up I don’t know what I’ll say.” I tell them in a hushed voice.

“Noona it’s scary to think about, but we’re here for you.” Wooyoung says squeezing my leg gently. “We always will be.” He mutters childishly. “Just don’t leave us too.” He says worriedly. “You’re dear to us, you’re family.”

I smile at Wooyoung, brushing his hair gently I nod my head, though in my deepest thoughts I don’t know if I can keep this promise to Wooyoung, Chansung and Junho. I don’t know if I can stay. I don’t know if I can stay in this little slice of paradise I slipped into. Because right now I feel like it’s crumbling little by little.




Welp, here we are. A fight between them and then them settling their differences (most of them at least).
Kinda to show that their relationships aren't perfect,
but that they are really good friends even with the fights.
Important note, Junsu has changed his name officially going along with this
timeline. So he'll be Min-Jun now.
Please let me know if I accidently use Junsu in and after this chapter.


I am starting to work out some ideas for Chansung and Wooyoung,
I'm not sure how long they will be or when they'll come to be.
But I'm kinda thinking I'll have the three all set in the same reality, like
all the characters know each other and stuff.
But we shall see. If I do that, this OC shall get a name
because it is annoying not having a real name for her.
And if there is a sequel to this, she will most definitely have a name,
but I think you all can live with that.
(That is the annoyed author rant, even if I did that to myself XD )i

And as a totally and completely random note.
I am addicted to Vampire Diaries. o u o
BUT NO SPOILERS YOU GUYS. I'm only on season 3
> n >
Any spoilers and I'll never update again.I'll be too busy crying over
knowing too much.
Ian Somerhalder
> / / / <



AND OMI. YES. Grown is amazing <3 I love it.
The tracks are all fantastic. - u -
And the music videos are amazing too ; u ; Like I said, I fell in love with 2PM
all over again. 
Yup. Jay shall be making an entrance within the next couple chapters
or maybe even the next. I'm not sure yet. > n >


[lol sorry this author note is super long with some
random crap in it.

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Thank you!
Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..