Happy Memories Happy Life

Rebelling Heart

Sighing I watch as Junho, Wooyoung, Chansung, Taecyeon and even Junsu win lunch leaving Nichkhun to be hungry during the filming and him upset with a cheater (Taecyeon). Breaking for lunch Nichkhun takes a seat away from the other members at a table by himself to pout, and probably so he won’t lash out at them for getting to eat, right away at least. Chuckling I grab my lunch and take a seat next to him. “Hungry?” I ask him as I open my lunch. “I’ll share.” I say placing my lunch between us, him eagerly looking down at my food, and maybe it is a little off their diet, but it is meant for me and not them.

Surprised he nods his head eagerly, before thinking it through. “Are you sure? I mean this is your lunch.” He says eyeing me. Nodding my head I hand him a pair of chopsticks. “Junsu told us.” He says quietly as he takes a small bite, him slowly taking a normal portioned bite the third time.

Sighing I smile at him taking some of the extra chopsticks out to eat my food. “About?” I ask him innocently, even though I have a pretty good idea what he’s hinting at. Junsu may not know who it is exactly I’m dating, but he knows that there is someone out there in Seoul (Specifically in the dance studio according to his last text), making me happy.

“Your dates you’ve been going on for a couple weeks now.” He says quietly in a tone that I don't much like. “Does he make you happy?” He asks me peeking at me, a hint of defiance in his eyes. Sighing I pick at the now unappealing noodles and rice, as much as I love the guys I don’t exactly want to sit down and discuss my love life with them, with more reasons than the guy being their ex-leader.

“Yeah,” I whisper smiling to myself, it happens every time I start to think about Jay. Sighing I look over at Nichkhun slightly confused by the look on his face. “What?”

Shaking his head he looks at me. “As long as he doesn’t hurt you, after all what would we do? We’d all want to crush the guy.” The tone of his voice was dead serious, the look on his face so intense that for a moment I misread the context. “You’re part of our family.” Smiling I think silently, but so was he. Eating Nichkhun and I begin to joke around casually again. When we got into serious territory we got a little awkward and uncomfortable without any real idea with how to get past it.

“You know I’m sort of glad you were the one to ask me out front.” I whisper before they have to get back to filming. “I’m not sure how well the others would have taken it, besides Junsu.” I say calmly. “Nichkhun you’re not mad at me right?” I ask him quietly, I know Junsu is slightly upset, and that when I confirm it for the others they might flip a little. “Are you?”

Nichkhun smiles at me brightly shaking his head. “Never.” He whispers opening his arms for a hug, taking it gladly I smile up at him, keeping in my heart that it just fluttered from the simple action and that deep down I feel relieved for whatever reason, knowing that Nichkhun isn’t angry, that at least one of them isn’t going to flip on me. That for now I have at least one on my side, I’m not quite sure how he’ll take it when I finally get around to telling them that it is in fact Jay that I’m dating.


“Noona who is he?” Chansung asks me as him and I sit on the roof while Minjae-sshi takes the others to their schedules. “Noona?” They only ever seem to ask me this now, who is he, what does he do, why haven't you introduced us? If it wasn't them I would have told them it was none of their business, but seeing as it is them my patience is extremely durable.

Pursing my lips I smile at him empathetically. “I’ll tell you, but right now I don’t want to tip the boat with him or with you guys. I’m not quite sure what your reactions will be.” I say quietly. “I promise you though he’s sweet.” I say bumping into him with my shoulder playfully smiling at him. “It doesn’t change anything between us; I’m still going to be around.”

Chansung smiles wrapping his arms around me hugging my tightly, having his scent wash over me I grin at him. “Noona as long as he makes you happy, then I’ll be happy for you.”

Chuckling I stand up, “Ice Cream?” I ask him wriggling my eye brows and shaking my body slightly. “I think we can sneak away unnoticed, plus the guys won’t be back for a while.” I say tempting the maknae, I can tell from the way he’s looking down at the empty streets that’s tempted. “We can get you a banana split!” I say to him edging my way to the stairs, darting up he runs down the stairs, waving me to hurry.

Giggling I follow him down, grabbing each other’s hands we sneak out quietly laughing to each other as we play spies. Returning the two of us slip inside the complex unnoticed from anyone, particularly the fans that are starting to crowd the complex’s gate. Walking quietly up to their dorm we slip in and take out seat on the couch.

“You’ll get caught with us eventually.” Chansung murmurs yawning, “We’re going to have to be careful.” Resting his head on my lap I pet his head much like I would Wooyoung. Chansung lets out a content sigh as my fingers dance through his hair. “Noona, as upset as we are that you’re seeing someone…we’re happy that you’re happy. We all like the smiles that come to your face.”

Smiling down at Chansungie I can’t help but feel protective over him, he’s like my little brother, one I never got. “It’s only natural that you’re with your personal assistant.” I whisper as he grabs my hand. Squeezing it he gives one last yawn before dozing off on my lap. “Besides you guys make me happy too.” I mumble to the now sleeping man on my lap. They’re a bit like kids, and maybe that’s why I’ve gotten so attached to them.


Spacing out I stare at one of the pictures the boys keep, specifically the only one with Jay still in it, all the others are hidden from view. It was from their Hot Blood days or trainee days I think, I haven’t exactly had the courage to ask the guys. Jay told me about the time briefly. As much as he cares he prefers for me to tell him how they’re doing and giving me tips on them to help avoid the minefield I walk into sometimes. The guys tip toe around the subject if anything is ever suggested about it they grow quiet and eye each other all waiting for someone to make the first move so that they can proceed. Even then they’ll dance around it and avoid it if possible, not that I blame them. I can’t, I care about them too much to even try to force them to talk about the past...


Arriving home I smile to myself seeing the car in front of my place, a car that I’ve grown to care for and grow excited when ever I spot it in front of my apartment. Opening my door I see Jay lighting some candles on my table, the table set, a hot dinner waiting for me. Turning to look at me he smiles. “I figured you’d be getting home late tonight since they were filming.” He says gesturing for me to take a seat. “Have you eaten?” He asks me as he massages my shoulders.

“Not yet.” I moan feeling him working the knots out. “You are fantastic.” I work out blissfully; his hands are working magic on my sore shoulders.

 “I made dinner,” He says lingering his hands on my shoulders for a moment before he leaves. Returning with two plates, setting pancakes and bacon in front of me, “I hope you don’t mind. I couldn’t really think of anything to make.”

Watching him sit I grin at him, “Jay this is good.” I say taking a bite. Eating silently and contently us both looking at each other and chuckling. “It’s late, don’t you have a schedule?” I ask him while we sit on my couch, me in his arms. His scent surrounding me. This really is comfortable, just spending the night here with Jay talking, holding hands and maybe kissing a little late into the night.

“I have to go into the studio tomorrow and write, talk about my new album.” He murmurs sighing contently. “You have to go in tomorrow right?” He asks me.

Nodding my head chuckles rubbing my arms, massaging them gently, “Yeah,” I moan leaning into Jay’s body, turning to look at him I smile at him. “I get out early though.”

“Dinner?” He asks me kissing my cheek placing his hands around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. “We can have it at my place and then I can drive you home, and on the way home ice cream.” He whispers happily.

“That sounds good, I could head over right after; I should get off around five.” I tell Jay rubbing his arms, my fingers lingering lightly as I move them up and down his arms.

Humming a tune Jay begins to rock his head lightly against mine, “Five it is.” He murmurs pleasantly. “I better get going; my manager is probably flipping out…” He grumbles slightly upset. Getting up he brings me with him. “I’ll see you soon.” He whispers twirling me around with great ease, easing his lips down to mine, kissing me tenderly.

Blushing I kiss him back; as he pulls away he kisses my cheek, just like always. Taking my face between his hands he runs them down to mine, holding them, just smiling at me. I want to say so many things to him, like I love moments like this, I like spending time with him, I don’t want him to go, and most of all I’m not sure if I can wait until tomorrow, tomorrow seems so far away…But I just smile at Jay holding his hands, knocking my forehead against his chiseled chest. Letting one thing slip out. “I wish you didn’t have to go right now.” Looking back up at him, slightly embarrassed, I see a grin spreading across his face.

“Maybe next time,” He whispers kissing my forehead. “Come on.” He chuckles leading me to my room, laying down on my bed he pats for me to lay next to him, grinning I snuggle into his body, the warmth from him enough to help me doze off.


Waking up to Jay moving slightly at a vibrating coming from my nightstand I blink a few times trying to figure out why I feel a weight on my side and what smells so good, until I hear Jay’s voice “Hollywood I have to go,” He groans pulling me closer.

“Then you shouldn’t be trying to get more comfortable.” I mumble pulling myself closer.

The rumble of his laugh makes me rub my nose against the soft cotton of his shirt. “Then stop making it so hard.” He groans his arms holding me tighter. “Do you think you could come in with me?” He asks. “Minho will be there.”

Chuckling I get up, grabbing a change of clothes and a zip-up hoodie, I run to the bathroom, hearing him chuckle. “Is that a yes?” Quickly getting ready, coming out with my hair up in a messy bun I nod my head fervently. “Come on you.” He chuckles taking my hand. “We’re going to run by my place so I can get ready.”

Quickly we walk to his car, getting in I smile at him, as he turns his car on and the flash of the lights I look around at the semi-lit streets, the empty roads and the general silence accompanying the early morning. I know I’ll only get to there with Jay until maybe six if I’m lucky, but it’ll be that much longer with him.


“You’re awfully quiet.” He murmurs holding my hand as we enter the studio, almost forty minutes from 2PM’s dorm. “You ok?”

Nodding my head I look up at him. “I’m just happy.” I tell him chuckling. “I’ll have to leave in a little so I’m not late.” I grumble bumping into Jay. Chuckling he pushes open a door revealing Minho.

“Ah, so I hear from Jay every day, but I stop working at JYPE and you replace me?!” He whines pulling me into a hug. “What happened to being friends? Best friends?!” He says pulling away to look at me. Grinning. “You do look relaxed though.”

"You work with him!" I say chuckling and hugging Min, ignoring his slightly rude comment. “Hey, you’re the one who ditched us the one time!”

“Weeks ago.” Min says carelessly with an air of arrogance. “Anyways don’t you have work?” He asks me openly; obviously he and Jay have caught up. Nodding my head I check the clock. “Soon then.”

“Yeah, I should probably go, I only came to see you.” I tease Jay smiling, him pouting at my obvious comment. “We should catch up for lunch or something soon.” I say edging towards the door. Jay frowns letting out a sigh, wrapping his arms around me he kisses me on the top of my head, giving me a tight squeeze before smiling at me. “Dinner tonight, right?” He asks me confirming.

“As long as nothing happens at work then definitely” I tell him smiling softly. “Bye.”


Walking into the dorm I see Wooyoung sitting up, awake, confused and looking around until his eyes land on me. Watching me take my shoes off, and setting my bag down. As I start their breakfast he comes into the kitchen watching me carefully still. “Are you leaving early today again?” He asks me quietly.

Sighing I turn to face Wooyoung, the hurt look on his face. “I am, why?” I ask him seeing the frown coming to his face as the words leave my lips. “Wooyoung?”

Shaking his head he leans over next to me in a rather down mood. “I want to spend time with you.” He says quietly. “You’re hardly around after work ends. We don’t eat dinner with you anymore or you hardly eat…” Sighing I ruffle his hair. “We miss you around here." Sighing I pet his head trying to comfort him, I managed to forget how sensitive they are. I've managed to work them up with me leaving early.

As much as I would like to think Woo is taking it too far, I have to admit since I started seeing Jay I’d leave as soon as I could so I could spend a little bit of extra time with him. After all it was the only time I get to spend with him, between his idol stuff and my crazy schedule we hardly have time to see each other, but when we do we always make the most of it based off the fact we have such little time.

“Prince Charming, is he really so great? Does he treat you right? When will we get to meet him?” He whines placing his face in the crook of my neck. “Noona?” The pleading in his voice evident, the round eyes full of curiosity. smiling at him I poke his pouting cheeks, causing him to grin slightly. Wooyoung and I have had this brotherly and sisterly relationship, sort of a best friends but not quite yet.

Chuckling I pat the side of his face. “Soon and yes.” I whisper smiling, Jay is my Prince Charming. “Come on let’s go wake the others.” I murmur finishing breakfast and setting it on the table, Chansung already sitting happily at the table, while I wake the others. Although it is difficult to find a way to make them all happy at the same time, I'm doing the best I can, but it seems with me dating they've all taken to being a little difficult, all except Nichkhun. He, as said, isn't angry with me at all. They're all just a little upset by my rock, and I'm hoping by the time I capsize, so to speak, and tell them about Jay that this rock will have balanced out already.


It was busy afternoon, between me running the guys from their dressing room to the stage and dodging crazed fans, reporters, other idols and such, but seeing them all on stage for the first time, getting to watch at least for the first time is just amazing. They’re amazing, it’s like once they got on stage they changed into these professional performers. As much as I like the goofy side they have, I do like this side of them. They’re still super charismatic, and joke around a little, and from the looks on their faces they really do enjoy being on stage. I know Wooyoung told me one night when we were staying late at the studio for him to practice he told me he just wanted to dance, he’s always has and he never wants to lose that passion. Seeing it alive and growing from the crowd only makes me happy, and wishing that he gets just that. I want them all to have their dreams, goals, aspirations. Everything that each of them want out of life.

“I see you’re finally getting to enjoy a show.” Minjae-sshi says coming up next to me. “They’re giving their all, especially since you get to watch.” He chuckles. “Look at them show off.”

Laughing I look back up at them to see them looking over at us for a few seconds a smile coming to their faces. “I really like them live.” I mumble watching them dance, rap and sing their hearts out just like in practice, but seeing the immediate response for them is great. Screaming fans waving signs for the boys makes me happy for them, their smiles growing, as their performance ends the boys smile and wave at all of their fans, before being ushered off the stage for the next act to set up. Meeting them back in their dressing room they’re still on the buzz of performing and excitedly talking about how good it feels to be on stage.

“You guys were amazing out there!” I exclaim as Junho hugs me happily, the others all coming to hug me close to them. Despite the sweat the hug was enjoyable, in fact it is probably one of the most treasured memories that I’ve made here with them, just for how happy the seven of us are together. I like that. Being happy, sharing this mutual feeling of pleasantness. It really is nice.

Hey guys, I'd just like to thank you all for reading, commenting, and subscribing to my story. I'm really glad so many of you all are enjoying the story ^^

As a side note, I thought you guys might like to know that I no longer have school on Fridays, yay :D , as a result I can now write on Fridays and hopefully post some time over the weekend. Exciting, I know. But as a sort of down note (For you all at least) I'm hopefully getting a job, VERY soon. So less time to write, but money. Double yay. :)

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..