Au Pair

Rebelling Heart


Staring up at all the buildings through the windows I draw out a breath. “Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” I murmur looking around, everything melding together I’ve forgotten, already I’m screwed…I’m just arriving at the airport. Sighing I walk towards what I hope is the baggage pick-up, glancing at the flight numbers posted above each conveyer belt, easily spotting my flight number I gather around it with the other people waiting patiently.


Tapping my foot I look around at my new surroundings, my new home, sitting on the cold bench alone I glare at the ground while thinking about the last conversation I had with my mother.


“I see you rather starve and die anonymously than have a secure future?” My mother states in her austere business tone. “I’m happy to know that you don’t harbor an inclination to thinking that I’ll care about you after you walk out that door.”

Nodding my head I turn my back. “Thanks for everything.” I mutter contemptuously. “I’m glad to know that you’d just trade your daughter off to close some business deal.”


I walked out the door; I left her standing there alone in her big fortress ready to find a new pawn. Ready to find someone new to call ‘Check Mate’ with. Sighing I run my hands through my hair, “Right first thing is first. Go to the apartment, then to the job interview tomorrow morning.” I declare standing up with a newfound fortitude.

Looking at the piece of paper I look around suddenly trounced as quickly as I was determined. “I have no idea where it is.” I pout walking out of the park I’d managed to walk to.

Hearing the hard voice of my mother echo in my head I shake it away. “I can do this. I can do this.” Looking up at a sign I recognize it vaguely, maybe I should have brushed up on my Korean some before taking a flight here. Walking along the streets getting odd looks until I finally get in a cab requesting to go to my apartment complex.


Staring at the room I let out a depressed sigh, keeping in mind this is all so I can prove to myself that I don’t need my mother, I don’t need her money (okay maybe to start out I do), getting up I look around the one bedroom, small living room and kitchen. “At least it’s furnished, and heated, and with an air conditioner, and it has a bathroom, and it’s clean.”Sighing I mutter over and over like a mantra. “I made my choice.”




“It would seem like you’re very accomplished. We can offer you a job, but it’s a little tedious.” My about-to-be-employer says, Mr. Park.

Nodding my head eagerly I nod for him to continue. “What’s the job?”

Chuckling he smiles at me. “Basically a babysitter.”

Frowning I nod my head slowly. “Babysitter, for like the office kids?” I ask him confused.

Contemplating for a moment he nods his head. “You could definitely say that, how about it?”

Biting my lip I nod my head. “When can I start?”

“Well we can get you introduced to them right now, and let you get acquainted, you’ll be spending a lot of time with them.” He explains. “But your official first day won’t be until Monday.”

“Alright,” I say getting up bowing; I follow my employer out of his office. “Will this change the dress code?”

Turning to look at me he nods his head, almost apologetically for what he’s about to do. “Well there really isn’t a strict dress code, but you’ll probably want to keep refreshing your Korean, don’t worry though.”

Acquiescing I keep in line behind him. “Should I be aware of anything about them in specific, like allergies or anything?” I question him still perplexed by his earlier comment.

“They’ll tell you, wait here.” Nodding my head I stand outside a door, watching Mr. Park enter the room, making sure to close the door behind him, moments later he returns. “They should behave, if you have any problems you can talk to, ah” He says pleased. “Minjae-sshi please meet 2PM’s au pair.”


Upon entering the room I see six men (office kids), standing around joking and enjoying their day. “Boys listen up.” Minjae-sshi, their manager, says quickly introducing me.


That’s literally how I met them; 2PM as I quickly learned was a group under JYPE, the beastly idols, also men that were essentially children.


“Yah!” Junsu says offended at my title. “Au Pair?! I don’t need a babysitter!”

“Deh, Daegu Grandfather!” Junho says chuckling at his band mate.

Turning the elder, I assume, turns to look at him and says something. “Ah, boys you’ll have to speak a little slower.” Minjae-sshi lectures them.

Questioning they all look at him, speaking up I smile at them. “My Korean is a little rusty.”

Intrigued they all sit in a circle, including ‘Daegu Grandfather’ looking at me expectantly. “Well sit down!” Taecyeon says in English.

Sitting down next to Wooyoung and Junho I look around at the six of them. “Do you know 2PM Noona?” Wooyoung asks smiling.

Shaking my head I listen to explain it, but quickly loosing me. “Yah!” Taecyeon says shaking his head. “Slowly Wooyoung.”

Pouting he looks at me. “Noona was I talking too fast?”

Nodding my head hesitantly, Nichkhun clears his throat. “Maybe in English.” Smiling at me he explains the group, getting nods and ‘don’t forgets’ from the other members, except for Chansung and Wooyoung, both who look slightly confused.

“Hyungs can we speak in Korean now?” Chansung whines slightly.

Giggling I smile at them. “Thanks, I grasp the general concept of 2PM now.” I tell them smiling.

“Noona are you really going to be an ‘au pair’” Wooyoung asks slightly confused.

Smirking at him I stand up. “It means babysitter.” Saying babysitter in English. “Anyways I need to go; I have to get a few things settled before I officially start.”

“But you just got here!” The six of them whine. “You haven’t even told us anything about you!”

Turning I look for their manager. “Minjae-sshi, you mentioned early a few other people I should meet before I leave.”

“Deh, Junho will you take her to meet Ian, and the Coordinators.” Turning to the others he tells them to start practicing.

“Come on Noona!” He cheers happily latching onto my arm. “Ian and Coordi-Noonas are really nice you’ll like them.” Nodding my head I allow the kid to tug me along. “You know it’ll be nice to have someone new around.” He says randomly.

“Oh, I thought you guys were a ‘close-knit circle family already, that’s all grown up.’” I says smirking.

Laughing Junho gives me an eye smile. “Hyung is just playing around, I’m sure he likes you Noona.” Hearing this I smile at him, he’s sweet and knows exactly what to say.


After meeting every possible person in the entire building I’m deposited back in the practice room. “Yah, I thought I was only meeting a couple of people!” I say standing up glaring at Junho.

The other member’s heads all twirl to look at him. “I wanted to show Noona off.” He says shamelessly.

In agreement the six beastly idols nod approvingly. “Show her off!” They chat happily.

“Show off the Au Pair.” I mutter displeased to be a barbie to them. “I’ll see you all Monday!” I say heading for the door.

“STOP!” Freezing mid-step I glance at Wooyoung. “Don’t leave yet.”

Rolling my eyes I smile at them. “We’ll see each other Monday, I promise.”



Falling asleep on my couch feeling drained I stare up at my ceiling exhausted from my afternoon with them, how I’ll get the energy to be with them from early morning till I’m released beats me.

“Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon, Junho, Chansung and Wooyoung” I mutter falling asleep on the couch thinking about the six beastly idols with their new Au Pair.



Chapter One, I hope you guys like it!

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..