Rebelling Heart

Waiting in their dorm I sit on the couch late at night waiting for them to walk through that door. With my hair tied up and my makeup still done from hanging out Unnie today, I had fun with her, just hanging out in the salon with her and the other idols she’d been working with. In the breaks she spent it messing around with me, testing out new looks, and all. She settled for a natural look for me, really I could hardly recognize myself, Unnie managed to make me look like the girl I’d been before my dad’s accident. That same happy little girl, only now I look like a woman.

“Noona!” Junho says running over to me the instant the door opens, “You look really nice! Did you come here from a date?” He asks me worriedly.

“No, I was with Miyoung-Unnie in the salon all day.” I tell him smiling, “She played with makeup.” I tell him wrapping my arms around him. “Oh, I missed you.” I mumble into his neck. Feeling his tight embrace I snuggle even closer.

“Noona!” I hear Chansung cry, leaving his hug I hug him tightly, “Noona we missed you!”

This goes around to each the boys, hugging them all tightly and telling them how much I missed them.

I’m definitely getting my passport fixed; I can’t stand not being able to see them all the time. I have no idea what I’ll do when they’ll be all spread out on wildly different schedules.

Hugging Nichkhun last, I’m lifted off the ground into his arms. “Aw I missed you!” I say happily hugging him back just as tightly.

“Me too.” He mumbles before setting me down. “I like your hair cut.” He says studying me, “Did you spend the day with Miyoung?”

Nodding my head I smile at him, Nichkhun is always observant, so I’m not really sure why I’m surprised. “You’re staying the night right?” Minjae-sshi asks. “It’s much too late to send you home right now.” He says yawning, “Plus I’m sure the guys are going to want to catch up.” He says closing the door to him room.

Junsu walks over to me hand tugs on my pony tail. “Your hair does look good.” He compliments me, “I call dibs!” He says making a dash for the shower, chuckling I see him and Nichkhun enter the two bathrooms. Boys will be boys I suppose, a little bit of trickery or not.

“You look really nice.” Taecyeon says smiling at me goofily. “Has he seen you?”

Nodding my head shyly I smile at him as he sighs relieved. “How was Singapore?” I ask the four left out of the showers.

They tell me about how nice the city was and how beautiful the water was despite the weather being a bit on the chilly side, but the concert being a huge success. “Noona I wish you’d been there.” Chansung says pouting. “Filming wasn’t nearly as fun.”

“Why?” I ask him confused. “It’s not like I actually do anything.” I say looking at the other three all agreeing.

“Your reactions are the best.” Junho says laughing, “You’re the first to react if we’re hurt and you try to hide your laughing when you find us funny.” Rolling my eyes I lean back on the couch, tugging my hair down I let out a yawn before resting my head on the couch pillows. “Noona go sleep on my bed… Hyung?” Junho says as I’m lifted up, I know for sure it isn’t Junho, but other than that I’m not quite sure who it is.


Waking up the next morning, stretching my arms I look around slightly confused as to where I am until I see Wooyoung and Junho piled on one bed across from where I’m asleep. Chuckling I get up and leave the room tip toeing my way out to the hallway. Smiling to myself I stretch my arms up when my eyes are suddenly covered. “Oh,” I mumble trying to think of the person behind me, currently holding me hostage. Well maybe hostage is a little strong. “Nichkhun?” I ask quietly.

“How did you know?” He asks letting go, walking ahead of me a curious look on his face. “Hmmh?”

Chuckling I tap my nose. “You smell nice, and different from the others.” I tell him walking past him calmly, while on the inside scolding myself for saying something so ridiculous. “Hungry?”

“I thought you needed to go shopping.” He says from somewhere behind me. “Or do I get to go too?” He asks me a little overly excited, like shopping for groceries is any fun. “Or did you go shopping already?”

“I went yesterday, but next time you can come.” I offer him chuckling, turning to face him I see Nichkhun nodding his head vigorously. Walking into the kitchen I set up breakfast like I normally do, during which Nichkhun watches me carefully before stepping in to help. Quietly the two of us make breakfast for everyone, in the comfortable silence I listen to Nichkhun hum.

“You really would have liked the pool.” He says happily, “They had an indoor pool so it wasn’t cold or anything.” Well that eases my heart; I’d hate to find that they went swimming in the middle of November. I’d gotten a little worried.

Nodding my head I look up at him as the rice cooker finishes. “We should go swimming this summer; it was a lot of fun.” I mumble happily as I pull out the plates and Chansung saunters out of the living room rubbing his stomach.

“Some things never change.” Nichkhun says under his breath, “I’ll set the table while you wake up the others, they’ll want to see you.” He says smiling at me, although for once his idol face looks forced. For once it looks like for a flash he’d lost control of himself, and while I may not know him that well, I know Nichkhun well enough to know he doesn’t lose control often. Nodding my head I head off thanking him and ruffling Chansung’s hair.

Waking each boy up one at a time, individually, and then eating together, joking around just like always, I hope this never changes.

Sitting next to Junho we both begin a game of thumb war, one of which he beats me mercilessly. Smirking at me with a look of triumph I playfully flick his forehead, jumping up from my seat I dive to hide behind Junsu. “Noona that hurt!” Junho whines coming after me.

“Hey,” Junsu says obviously unaware of the scene unfolding in front of him, Junho looking for me, and me hiding. “What are you—” Is all he gets out before Junho spots me.

Laughing I make a run for it and see Nichkhun sitting and reading, perfect. Taking a seat next to the reading male, carefully, I relax seeing Junho pout in defeat. When Nichkhun is reading, we’ve all come to learn not to mess with him or make any ruckus near him. It’s alright to be loud as long as you’re not right next to him.

“Don’t you think that was a little dirty?” Nichkhun asks flipping the page of his book. “Using Junsu and then me as cover.”

“More like strategic.” I say happily resting in the chair, looking at their suitcases piled near the rooms I frown, “Mind getting your dirty laundry?” I ask him getting up to start a load, with them just getting back from a trip they’re bound to have laundry.

Having it all collect I smile happily, it really isn’t much, well not compared to when I first got here, I was running laundry all the time, now we have system. If you need it washed urgently tell me, if not they’ll have to wait until the next laundry day, every other day typically now. Getting a couple of loads washed, dried and folded before we head in I happily hum driving to JYPE Headquarters.


Sitting in the studio joking around with the guys while they all take turns going to see Ian for recording preparations and for their little individual reviews with him, this is basically leaving me alone time with Nichkhun. He’d gone right away and came back twenty or so minutes later.

“Do your rap from ‘I’ll be back’!” I cheer watching him perform songs for me. It’s a lot of fun to have someone to request songs from, well individual parts at least.

Nichkhun laughs but nods his head and proceeds to do his part, while sitting next to me “Is that your favorite song?” He asks me after I’d begged him to do it several times.

“No, I actually like Without U.” I confess, “But I really like your part in that song.” I say happily. Poking his arm I smile at him while he’s watching me. “What?”
He smiles at me, “We just haven’t talked like this since you drove us home from the pool.” He says quietly, “It’s nice.”

Nodding my head I agree, I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable around him. I didn’t feel quite so awkward anymore, plus he wasn’t avoiding me anymore. Well not as much at least now, every now and then he’d get up and just leave, I really couldn't decide what it was that I was doing that was upsetting him so much. I couldn’t even ask the guys without getting a hidden meaning. But maybe that’s why we were ok right now; we didn’t have anyone to really buffer each other with. “It is.” I say after a silence.

“Look here comes the boys.” He says turning his head as Junho and Wooyoung walk in, them animatedly talking about a dance move, well they were until they see me. “Looks like they want to play,” Nichkhun says chuckling, “You should go.”

Looking at him I smile at him before getting up, walking over to them I listen intently as they decide to teach me the dance to ‘I’ll Be Back’. My dancing was really limited to what Jay had taught me and what I’d dance to at the clubs, so really just the times when Jay would teach me.

“No noona you need to have your legs come up higher!” Wooyoung reprimands me; I let it slide seeing as this is his and Junho’s favorite pass time and the fact that we’re having so much fun. Focusing on their careful and rather tedious instruction we manage to make the time pass until they have to get back to actually practicing for their song they’re promoting.

Junho and Wooyoung don’t go easy on the guys either, they’re telling them all how to do the dance properly, I still feel that envy that they care for each other so much, but now I think it really has gone down, after all they care about me just as much. I care about them too though somehow they’ve managed to wiggle their way into my heart, the love I have for them all isn’t explainable nor is it diminishing.

“Noona let’s practice more!” Junho cheers happily pulling me up from the floor “Come on!” He says excitedly.

Nodding my head I pull my hair back so I can hopefully make fewer mistakes. “Noona do you have plans for tonight?” Wooyoung asks me gently, they’re so careful about asking me, they hate it when I say yes and it makes them upset when it’s Jay. They still feel some spite there. If anything I wish I could take that away.

“No,” I tell Wooyoung smiling, “Did you want to do something?”

He nods his head smiling at me, “Junho, Chansung and I wanted to paint with you again.” He says quietly, the others still don’t know that we hang out at my apartment and we’ve gone out and done little things like painting. Of course though Nichkhun is observant, he might…

“I’ll pick come canvas on my way home, paint, and sheets too.” I tell him happily “Do you think you can make it without being seen?”

Junho and Wooyoung nod their heads heartily, continuing to plan our night out we quietly drift over to a corner changing the topic we’re talking about the show in Busan coming up. Eventually the others join us, well except Nichkhun who’s disappeared.

“Where did hyung go?” Wooyoung asks looking around, “He was here a while ago.”

“He went to an early lunch, meeting with a friend.” Chansung says carefully, “Noona you’ll be at this show right?”

Ruffling his hair I nod my head. “Of course, Busan is in the country.” I tell him, the silly boy.

“Why wouldn’t she?” Taecyeon asks him chuckling, resting his arm on his knee that’s propped up. “We’re all going to have a lot of fun!” He says excitedly smiling widely, “Jokwon, Jinwoon, Seulong and Changmin will be coming too.”

“So will Miss A.”  Junsu adds happily, “Wonder Girls as well.” Junsu happily leans back on his arms.


Minjae-shhi peaks in points at me and nods me over; excusing myself I quickly walk over to him. “I have your JYPE concert shirt; it’ll save you some hassle during the show next week.” He explains handing it too me. “You’ll need to wear it at all the upcoming concerts here.” He explains to me handing me the navy blue shirt with bright red lettering. “I’ll take the boys home, do you mind waiting for Nichkhun?”

“Not at all,” I tell him smiling. “Hey, I’m going to take the Junho, Chansung and Wooyoung tonight, they want to get a little stress relief is that alright?” I ask him to be on the safe side. “Just a little painting.”

Minjae-shhi nods his head. “Well alright, just take the car when you take them, and a 2AM curfew.” He warns me; smiling at me he pats my back. “Be careful of cameras.”

Nodding my head I smile at him brightly. “Always.” Heading back in the room I take my seat back and wave goodbye to the guys. Being left alone I stare at the floor wondering what Jay and I will do when the boys go on tour, when he starts to promote, when Jay leaves on tour…We’ve talked about it briefly before, but honestly I just hope everything works out. I still worry about it though; Jay gets a little touchy about that.

With the time while I wait I examine the shirt I was given closer, a size small, the lettering spells out ‘STAFF’ in big fat red letters and under it  also in the same font is‘2PM’ on the front it says JYPE on the left shoulder area in small red letters. I smile proudly; to me this sort of makes it official, I know they hate giving them out to the PAs (Personal Assistants) since most quit or are temporary. According to Ian I’ve lasted the longest and with the most promise. I attribute this to the fact that 2PM really doesn’t ask much of me, I clean, make food and get them water. They really don’t ask for much, well other than friendship and having someone to hear them out. I don’t really count that as work though, more so just being a good person and friend. As Nichkhun comes in I smile at him from my seat on the ground. “Hey there.” I say happily.

Alright so just as a note, I won't be posting next week, at least not over the weekend, I'll be graduating Thursday, Friday I'm heading to a wedding, graduation dinner and family reunion so I won't really have much time to post let alone write, but I'll post two chapters today to make up for that and possibly a third. Just thought you guys should know that I'll be breaking my schedule, only for the first week or so of summer.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..