Happy Birthday

Rebelling Heart

It hadn’t really taken much for the BBQ to become a full out riot for the seven of us. With Junsu and Nichkhun manning the grill I happily enjoy the pool with Chansung, Wooyoung, Taecyeon and Junho. “No, please don’t Taec!” I shout as I feel my body being lifted up and then being tossed in the pool. Swimming back up I pout at Taecyeon who has a very big smirk on his face, though that doesn’t last long. Soon it’s just a look of pure surprise. Grinning at Chansung I swim to the edge of the pool and pull myself out. “Good job!” I giggle accepting the towel being handed to me by him.

“Like I said Noona, he manhandles you.” He says shaking his head at his hyung as he pulls himself out of the pool. “Well at least you’re covered now.” He says sighing relieved, my skin exposure may be a slight problem this week.

“Noona do you have any other suits that cover more?” Junho asks casually like it’s a completely normal conversational topic.

Shaking my head I smile at him throwing an arm around him and using one to hold my towel up. “Junho, we’re talking about Miyoung, she repacked my bag. I’m positive that everything for the most part will have skin exposure. We all know how she can be.” I tell him chuckling. “Besides it’s been such a long time since I’ve gotten to go swimming!” I say gleefully tossing my towel to the side to jump in the pool.

“Noona how are you not tired?” Wooyoung asks sitting on the side with Chansung joining him. “We’ve been swimming all day and you’ve hardly taken a break from it.”

“You’ll be all pruney.” Chansung adds on scrunching his face up. “Well…more so.” He says chuckling as I show them my fingers.

“I love swimming.” I say happily swimming to the other side of the pool and back to my young boys, Junho has taken a seat on the other side of Wooyoung. “Anyways since you’re all uncomfortable with me being so could someone go get me a shirt and shorts?” I ask them happily just swimming around at this point. “I should have some just laying out on my bed.”

“It’s kind of weird to see her act like a kid.” Junho says getting up, drying his legs off he heads in with Woo following him.

“What did you get hyung for his birthday?” Chansung asks randomly slipping and wading over to me, they’re all too tall. “Hmmh?”

my lips I look over to see Nichkhun and Junsu laughing at whatever Taec has said. “Well I got him this bracelet and this jacket he’s been eyeing whenever we go out.” I tell him smiling.

“Noona it better not be that leather one, it’s expensive.” He says pouting. “How are we supposed to compete with that?” He whines slugging his shoulders, pushing me lightly.

Sticking my tongue out at him I just smile happily. “Please, it’s not like he’ll totally just shrug your gifts off.” I tell him rolling my eyes. “What about you?”

“I got him this watch, he keeps losing his old one, so I figure he can lose it and just keep the one I got him.” Chansung jokes smiling. “Tomorrow is going to be fun, though he’s requested to have the morning with you alone.” He says rolling his eyes, blushing I look away from him. “Noona promise to be careful.” He mumbles quietly looking at me worriedly. “Hyung can be… a bit affectionate.”

Laughing at Chansung’s implication I just nod my head. “I promise to be careful.” I tell him chuckling. “Anyways seeing as my clothes are here I’m getting out.” I tell him swimming to the edge, with Chansung trailing behind. Drying off I slip my shorts on and the shirt that the two brought me. “Thank you.” I say happily linking arms with them as we go to grab some plates, especially since Chansung is already setting stuff on his plate.

“Yah save some for us!” Junho whines moving to scoot the plate further away from Chansung.

Junsu scoots next to me as Nichkhun comes to sit on my other side happily draping an arm around me. “How was your swim?” He asks as I push my hair onto my back, kissing my cheek he smiles happily.

Rolling my shoulders I smile at him. “Delightful, though I’m quite hungry now.” I tell him trying to reach the plate, but seeing as I’m sitting across from Chansung it’s pretty far away. “Chansung I think you should have shorter arms so the plate can be closer.” I smiling.

Nichkhun happily serves me a generous helping of the beef that he and Junsu made. Taecyeon begins batting his eyelashes at Junsu, who as I’ve noticed is mimicking Nichkhun. The pair has taken to making a parody of us. “You should kiss.” I tell them smiling happily.

Both boys look at me wide-eyed. “H.G how could you suggest oppa to do such a thing to such a…innocent creature?” He asks eyeing Taecyeon who’s taken to resting against Junsu’s side, probably to steal the food. Looking back at me still shocked I’d say something like that.

“You mean the one eating your food?” Nichkhun asks seeing Taec stuff a few pieces into his mouth mischievously.

Junsu immediately looks down at his plate, “YAH!” He yells whacking the younger roughly. “That’s mine!”

Dinner goes on for a while like that, everyone stealing a bit of food from someone else only to be reprimanded soon after.




Coming out of the bathroom and heading to my room dressed for bed I’m met by a rather interesting sight on my bed. “I want to wake up and see you first.” Nichkhun says simply while lying on my bed in a tank and basketball shorts. “I think it’s a good way to start my birthday.”

Chuckling I nod my head, taking a seat on the edge of the bed I braid my damp hair. “Seeing as it is past midnight, I can’t refuse the birthday boy.” I tell him chuckling.

“Then I have another request.” He says sassily as I sit crossed-legged on the bed. “Cuddling with me would be a very nice way to kick my birthday off.”

Shaking my head I comply with his birthday wish. “You know once it is noon they’ll just come find us right?” I ask him resting partially on top of him.

Nichkhun smiles at me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Lucky for us noon is very far away.” He mumbles happily just watching me for a few moments. “You don’t wear the necklace or earrings anymore.” He whispers quietly.

I nod my head agreeing, it’s been a while. “They made me feel a bit better.” I whisper back, smiling at him I hold my hand against his cheek. “I don’t need them like that anymore. I’m happy.”

This seems to make Nichkhun hold me closer. “I like seeing you so happy again.” Leaning into my hand he smiles that smile that drives me crazy. “I want you to stay like that.”

Chuckling I nod my head while sighing happily. “As long as I can, but you have to stay happy too.” I whisper leaning in closer to him.

“Ah the first birthday kiss.” He teases me, pecking his lips he pouts cutely. “I’m hoping that’s the first of many.” He says sassily, pulling me closer Nichkhun flips us so he has my torso pinned down. “It’s not very nice to tease.” He says kissing me roughly.

“Happy Birthday Nichkhun.” I whisper when we pull apart, smiling I kiss his cheek.




“I’m pretty positive that this isn’t what I wanted to see ever.” Taecyeon jokes shielding his eyes. “But, umm happy birthday Khunnie.”

“I’m pretty Noona has that covered.” Wooyoung adds blushing and looking away. “Even if she isn’t exactly covered.”

I’d pull the covers up, but Nichkhun is enjoying this a bit, his hands are under my shirt rubbing my sides, so of course my shirt is hiked up and well how much do those short shorts really cover anyways? That and it doesn’t help that I’m sitting on Nichkhun, okay, straddling him to be correct. “Is it noon already?” He pouts slowly returning his hands to a safe proximity. The others just nod their heads. “Well we’ll get changed then.” Nichkhun says letting me off him, kissing my forehead smirking coyly. “Beach time.”

Having changed into a bikini and shorts over my bottoms and another tank I head out slipping my sandals and grabbing a towel. “So you were careful right?” Chansung murmurs standing next to me frowning.

Nodding my head I smile at him. “I still had clothes on, Chansung; I promise it really wasn’t what it looked like it was.” I tell him quietly as Taec and Junsu lead Nichkhun ahead of us with Woo and Junho trailing behind. “It was a massage.”

“I believe you, but Noona you have to be careful, people would kill to get pictures of Nichkhun like that. It’d be disastrous and very bad things could happen to you. I don’t want to see you getting hurt.” He mumbles worriedly. Sighing he grabs my hand and tugs me to catch up with the others. “Though I’m happy to see you and hyung getting along so well.” He adds on.


The rest of the day the guys and I are either spoiling the Thai Prince or we’re being a bit cruel to him seeing as it is his birthday. “No you can’t kiss her!” Junsu wails pulling me away out of Nichkhun’s arms and away from his very nice lips.

“Why not? It’s my birthday.” The very, now pouty, birthday boy (man) says expectantly.

Junsu passes me on to Taecyeon. “Because it’s dangerous, you never know, you might get stung by a jellyfish.”

We all look back at the eldest like he’s crazy. “Stung by a jelly fish…at the pool?” Nichkhun questions. “Didn’t we leave the beach because you swore you saw a jelly fish?” He asks him raising his brow, quite ily too.

“Stop staring at him.” Wooyoung says flicking my forehead, albeit it wasn’t very hard, but I was surprised. “See.” He says like this just proves his point. “Make hyung work for it a bit.”

Chansung and Junho are nodding their heads while Taec is looking at them like he’s crazy. “Work for what? NOONA!” He screams suddenly.

Shocked I whack Taec’s chest. “We have not gotten that far, nor do I plan on doing anything like that for a while you ert!” I say in a hushed tone hitting him again. “Stop gawking at me like that would you.” I mutter blushing.

“But I bet it’d be kinda funny to see hyung get frustrated at you not paying attention to him like you are right now, don’t look.” Chansung says moving to block my view of Nichkhun.

“Are you sure you know what today is?” I ask the four of them. “You do know today we’re supposed to be nice to Nichkhun right?” I ask them suspiciously.

Junho smirks at me. “Noona I bet Hyung will pay special attention to you if you did. Trying to get on your good side.” He suggests harmlessly.

Scoffing I shake my head at the four of them, suddenly they’re all nodding their heads like this is a great idea, like this won’t backfire.


I’d like to state for the record, I did not go along with their plan. I tried to spend time with Nichkhun, but between the five of the guys I was kept far away from Nichkhun and him away from me. Puffing my cheeks up as I put icing the cake that I was forced to make. Stupid boys and knowing how to rig a stupid game of rock paper scissors.

Sighing I smile happily though at the cake, it looks good, and not like a disaster for someone who isn’t exactly a pastry chef. Humming happily I my fingers free of the icing I may have gotten on them on purpose. Placing the cover over the cake I turn around to see Taec and Junsu coming in with dinner on platters. “Are we eating inside?” I ask them happily.

“Yeah, it’s too hot to eat outside.” Junsu says puffing his cheeks up. “The cake looks good, and you were worried it’d turn out horrible.” He says smiling.

“Can I taste it?” Taecyeon asks; only to receive two hits, one from me and one from Junsu. “OW. A simple ‘no’ would have done fine thanks.” He mutters rubbing his arm. “Noona you hit like man.”

Shrugging my shoulders I smile at him cheekily.


After dinner and cake the five of us all place our gifts in front of Nichkhun. “Thanks you guys.” He says smiling at us. One by one he opens them all hugging and thanking the others happily. As Nichkhun looks at the big box and then the little one tied on top he looks at me questioningly. As he opens the little one first he grins happily. “I love it.” He says holding the simply leather bracelet, several of the bands twist under one another to make the intricate design. “And another one?” He questions me.

Shrugging my shoulders I smile at him. “It’s a gift.” I say casually.

Opening it his eyes get big, and he looks up at me surprised. “You bought me the jacket.” He says getting up excitedly, hugging me against him he grins happily. “Thank you. I love it.”

“We didn’t get hugs.” Junsu mutters jokingly.

Junho replies sassily. “We also don’t have s.”




KAY. SO...
I figure I'll have at least 10 more chapters and at least
20 chapters or so.
So my goal may have extended a bit.


I know it wasn't very reactiony, but I've been a bit
distracted while writing recently
And we can just say they're getting 
used to the skinship and everything between the two of them.
> n >
< n <
But I'm trying to get it all figured out, I've been planning out the ending of
this story actually so > 3 >


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..