Back in Korea

Rebelling Heart


Boarding the plane home I glare at my watch, I thought we left early for Japan, but this is ridiculous. I feel like I’m dead. Who leaves to go back to Seoul right after an amazing concert? Oh right. Us. Taking my seat I immediately rest my head on Miyoung’s shoulder, ignoring the pleading looks from the guys. I’m grumpy (I retain the fact that adults may define their overall emotional state as grumpy) enough with them as it is.


“Noona we haven’t done anything together since we came here to Japan, let’s just go out for the night” Wooyoung begs me. “It’ll be fun, just like in Korea, only all of us.”

“In a foreign country which I don’t know my way around nor do I know the language Woo.” I tell him rolling my eyes.


In the end I ended up going out with all of them to sample the culture. Honestly though it wasn’t that I didn’t want to go out and explore with my six best friends, but it was I was so busy the night before trying to think of why so many people were telling me to be wary of Nichkhun. I mean he’s polite, charming and overall a great friend, what do I need to worry about? I mean besides my own budding feelings, ones that I am determined not to act on.

Anyways though, back to the point. Dead. To. The. World.

I’d spent the night before the concert thinking over everything that had happened recently since Jay. Specifically all the time I’ve been spending with Nichkhun. If I really think about it he’s been going what would seem like out of his way to just say ‘Hello’ to me. Of course we can’t forget how much I’ve been spilling to him some on purpose other things not so much. Also all the stuff Min, Jia, Fei, and Suzy said about us. Nichkhun and I are apparently cute together and very friendly with each other, it’s almost been a year since I first started so I think this is somewhat acceptable and finally there Junho and Taecyeon warning me to be careful around Nichkhun all during the same freaking night.

Yeah I know a lot to think about, and I probably over thought it like most human beings would, so by the time Wooyoung came begging for me to go and got me out of the hotel with them I hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.

After exploring of course is JYPNation concert, so no rest there either. Everyone was busy so I was helping all over the place to make sure the show went as planned. Not an easy task, all the last minute things I had to check was a nightmare, not to forget Taecyeon’s stage clothes for the first act tore because of his muscular arms. Miyoung had to fix the sleeves; well taking them off is sort of fixing it at least.

“Hey you alright?” Miyoung asks patting my head affectionately. “You seem a little stressed.”

Shaking my head I turn my face into her shoulder. “Tired.” I mutter yawning. “Very tired.”

Chuckling Miyoung-Unnie leaves it and lets me get a few hours of shut eye before we’re corralled and all head back to our respected homes to recover from the very amazing concert JYPE put on.


“Are you sure you just want to go home?” Minjae-sshi asks me as I glance at the taxi hailed for JYPE employees, in this case me. Nodding my head I smile at him. “You must be dead tired.”

“Yeah, I’ll come back by the dorm after I get some rest.” I promise him glancing at the minivan with the boys all sound asleep in. “See you in a bit.” I tell Minjae-sshi as I get in my taxi.

Arriving home I’m met by my glorious bed, falling on it I cuddle into my blankets, pillows and well the wall it sits by. “Sweet Jesus have I missed you.” I yawn falling asleep.


Waking up completely refreshed I quickly head over to the dorm, we’re sticking to schedule, the boys have a variety show, well Chansung and Taecyeon have dramas, and Wooyoung is preparing for his solo album, all this while preparing for their Asia tour.

“How was your nap?” Minjae-sshi asks me handing me a cup of coffee, which I gladly accept. “Here is the schedule for the week, and when Junho, Nichkhun, and Junsu are ready take to SBS studios, lot four.” He says with a paper listing where the boys have to be and when.

“Got it, thanks by the way” I tell him after I take a long sip of the coffee. “We’re meeting at the KBS at four to rehearse?” I ask him confused, the part of schedule is has ‘tentative’ in bold next to it.

“Stage set back, it we are I’ll call, if not take them to the gym.” Minjae-sshi says rolling his eyes. “They’ve known for weeks, months even about this show and there’s a setback.” He growls shaking his head as his phone goes off.

Junho walks over to me a smile plastered on his face. “Noona did you rest well?” He asks happily making his own breakfast.

“Yeah, I had trouble getting out of bed.” I tell him shrugging my shoulders. “What about you?”

“Wooyoung fell asleep and started snoring so I had to listen to music.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “But you know how Woo is when he gets really tired.” Junho explains cheerfully, glancing at their manager he lets out a sigh, Minjae-sshi is busily writing down information and talking. “He’s working out the details for Wooyoung’s solo.”

Making an ‘oh’ with my mouth I smile at him. “It’ll only be a couple months though right?” I ask him worriedly.

“Noona we’ll be together all the time still.” He chuckles hugging me tightly. “Don’t worry we aren’t leaving you either.” He whispers comforting my silent fears. “We promise too.” He whispers before letting go of me.

“Thanks.” I mumble ruffling his hair. “Hurry and eat.” I tell him going to check on the others, well that and to help calm my nerves.


Well 2PM sort of had rehearsal, the stage at the venue wasn’t exactly ready so Jinyoung-sshi and Minjae-sshi both agreed the boys seriously needed to have the first practice today so naturally they set up a temporary stage here at JYPE headquarters.

Giggling I watch the boys entertain with the mock-crowd. Mainly some employees wanting a good laugh, idols; so basically anyone with some free time, but what’s important is that the boys are having fun.

“Alright enough horsing around,” Jinyoung-sshi says shaking his head at his playful idol group. “The next song.” He commands chuckling at them.

Quickly taking their places they perform an old favorite, Heartbeat. “Come here for a moment.” Minjae-sshi says waving me over to him and only the head of the company, Jinyoung-sshi. Now would be the time to remember all my manners and have them in effect. The last thing I want to do is offend my boss, 2PM’s boss and a very influential person in the music industry.

“Coming” I call setting the water I was getting for the boys on a table near Miyoung-Unnie. “Did you need something?” I ask bowing to Jinyoung-sshi and Minjae-sshi.

Jinyoung-sshi looks at me curiously. “I wanted to apologize personally for how Jenny had treated you.” He says regretfully. “She’d had an attitude problem, almost like Junho’s…” He says sighing. “It shouldn’t have happened.”

“It’s fine. She didn’t do any real harm.” I tell him putting my hands up in the air, smiling at him I bow slightly again, “Thank-you though.”

He smiles at me. “I’ll let you get back to work.” He says smiling at me. “You take good care of the boys. Thank-you for that.” Nodding my head I grin before running off to go do just that, taking care of my boys.

Leaving them to talk, I quickly help set up the water and run a few errands for the sound crew, retrieving things from Ian and vice-versa.

“How’s it going?” Miyoung-Unnie asks as I watch the boys practice Hands Up again, Jinyoung-sshi isn’t happy with the opening so he’s changed the set list, again.

“Fine, just you know thinking.” I tell her honestly.

Miyoung chuckles at me. “When aren’t you thinking? It seems like you think everything through.”

“I don’t.” I tell her honestly, moving here to Korea definitely wasn’t thought through. I’m glad, but I hadn’t thought of a lot of things when I moved here. Like if my mother was serious about not caring, obviously she still has some kind of plan for me or work, I wasn’t expecting to love working so much, well it’s probably what I do for a job.

“Noona can you bring me a towel? Chansung calls from the stage where the boys are all sprawled out on, a break.

Walking over to the stack we’d brought out I grab one for everyone before heading up on stage. “Here you are.” I tell them handing one to everyone, “I’ll be right back with some water.” I tell them as I hand the last towel to Junsu, him thanking me. As I return with the water they’re all staring at me. “What?”

“You just look happy.” Junho says smiling at me, still cheerful as he was this morning.

Shaking my head I hand them a bottle of water each. “I like being able to help you all out.” I tell them taking a seat next to Chansung. “How’s it going?” I ask him as the other just smile at us before returning to their previous conversations.

“Alright, we’re just trying to get the opening nailed.” He explains a layer of sweat coating his face. Plucking the towel from him I pat his face. “Thank-you noona.” He says before falling back. “I can’t wait till dinner.”

Laughing I poke his stomach. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to eat? I mean you’re back on your diets.” I comment lightly before he glares at me playfully.

“Noona don’t spoil it for me!” He whines before rolling over into me. “It’s not nice.”

Laughing again I poke him. “I’m just saying.” I tell him grinning.

“Alright that’s all for today, we’ll be at the venue tomorrow.” Minjae-sshi says walking over to us.


Sitting at home on my couch staring absently off into space with my fingers rubbing the pendant on my necklace while thinking; so many things are just running through my head. Prominently that after this tour the guys will start their more individual schedules. Another part of me is thinking about what will happen soon. I’ve been here almost a year, well at least by the time Wooyoung wraps up his solo activities it’ll have be a year. It makes my stomach lurch to think how much I’ve changed since moving here.

As I get in bed I receive a text from Junho telling me goodnight. As I reply I receive another text only this one I’m a bit hesitant to reply to. It’s from Nichkhun telling me to sleep well. In the end I tell him the same before setting my phone down to go to sleep.




I've been a little lazy when it came to writing, I haven't actually sat down to write in a while.
My play was to write over the long weekend, but we go visitors so I couldn't, and
quite honestly I've been going shopping. Good news? I'm broke so I have time to write.
Bad news? I'm broke. XD
Anyways I'm sorry for the delay and I promise to get on top of things and work out
that schedule that needs to be done. c:

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..