Opportune Is Now

Rebelling Heart

Looking up at Nichkhun I see a smile spread across his face. “Come on we better get the car.” Minjae-sshi says breaking our eye contact, ripping myself away from Nichkhun’s gaze I jump up and quickly walk in the direction to the exit, turning back once to look at Nichkhun, that same smile on his face watching me.

A part of me feels really guilty, the part that just refuses to forget Jay, the same part of me that is completely intent on staying with Jay, waiting trying to find a way to be with him and to stay. But the other part of me is saying to give this a chance, to let myself experience this, to try and move on.

In the car I sit next to Taecyeon and Chansung, stealing glances at Nichkhun who is contently talking with Junsu, Wooyoung and Junho.

Looking down happily I let my hair block my face off, I can’t get this stupid smile off my face, though I really don’t mind. It’s nice to be liked, even nicer when you know that those feelings aren’t one sided. Leaning against Chansung I feel him rest an arm around me, looking up contently I catch Nichkhun’s gaze, a playful look on his face.

“So Noona are you going to stay the night?” Wooyoung asks me curiously. Shaking my head I’m met by pouts. “Why not?”

“Because I do have an apartment I would like to use, and I get the morning off, I’m sleeping in.” I say simply. Brushing the looks off (puppy dog eyes) with great ease; it really does help when you see those same faces all the time. My immunity has greatly increased, which is a very good thing. It takes a lot now for those faces to affect me; I have to be border-line already to fall for those cute faces like that.


Stepping out of the car I wave the guys goodnight, quickly reaching my apartment I slip in, resting my head against the door I let out a little sigh of relief out. After showering and changing into pajamas I sit on my couch reading some magazine, though I’m not too sure what I’m reading, my mind can’t seem to focus.

Setting the magazine down I lay down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling I think about what Junsu told me last year something about me understanding eventually. Something about Chansung, Junho, Wooyoung, Taecyeon, but I can’t help but think that Junsu was thinking about Nichkhun in particular. Or maybe Nichkhun hasn’t liked me long?


The next morning I kick Taecyeon out of his room to talk to Junsu; poking Junsu roughly I wait for him to wake up. “You could be a little nicer when you wake people up.” Junsu whines while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Where’s Taecyeon?”

“I kicked him out.” I say simply, taking a seat next to the oldest member I fiddle with my fingers. “I wanted to ask you something.”

“Oh?” He asks curiously. “So secret you had to kick Taec out?” He asks intrigued by my (admittedly) odd behavior.

Chewing my lip nervously I ask Junsu “What did you mean last year when you said I’d understand eventually?” I ask him quietly.

“Last year?” Watching him carefully, nodding my head I encourage him to elaborate. “I thought I told you.” He lies.

Pushing him lightly I glare. “Liar, you guys tell each other everything right?” I ask in a hushed tone, Junsu nods his head. “So you would know how long Nichkhun has liked me.” I finally say trying to gage Junsu’s expression.

“He told you?” Nodding my head I wait for him to say. “I really don’t think it’s my place to say.” Sighing I wait for him to tell me anyways. “I don’t know when exactly, but before you met Jay.”

Processing this information I glance at Junsu “Which is why he was so moody when he found out about Jay and everything that goes with it.”

“Right, so what did you say to him when he told you what he said?” Junsu asks as Taecyeon comes back in to crash on his bed.

I hardly bat an eyelash as the door closes behind him. “I like him back.” I say getting up.

“Like who back?” Taecyeon asks curiously perking up from his messy bed. Smirking I shake my head before letting Junsu lay back down. “Oppa I don’t know what will happen so just between us.” I warn the older male carefully before closing the door behind me.

Pouting I sit on the couch alone, Wooyoung went to JYPE with Minjae-sshi, who left me in charge of the dorm, so basically I’m alone. Looking around the living room I pout, Chansung must be sleeping in his room, also Nichkhun’s. Kicking my feet just above the wood floors I try to think of something to do, there aren’t really any chores or schedules, at least until later.


So after Nichkhun and I managed to confess to each other we have been the epitome of awkward. Three people, I’m only aware of at least, know what Nichkhun and I have talked briefly about the ever so intricate dynamics of human interactions (two simple confessions). I’m really not sure how to move on from this, what to do next, it’s like I told Junsu I don’t know what happens next, if  there is even  a next. And if there is a next what does that mean for us. I don’t want to add more people into this, I feel like it’d be even more complicated then it could possibly be. That aside I also don’t want to use Nichkhun to get over Jay. That and I think I might be afraid to become anymore attached to my life here.


As I do most of my thinking in the laundry room doing the regular Friday night loads, and as it would seem Nichkhun corners me here. “So I’ve been thinking…” He starts.

Glancing behind him I nod for the admittedly attractive Nichkhun to continue. “That?” I ask him as he pauses, stepping closer he enters my bubble, pinning me between him and the washer.

“Besides the fact that we are extremely awkward again,” Nichkhun states, not that I can deny the statement, but how he said it. His voice seemed to get deeper, rougher, and I’m having a hard time from keeping myself from swooning. “I want to take you on a date.”

Unable to say anything, and process I simply listen to Nichkhun’s voice, it has this addictive tone. I’ve always liked Nichkhun voice, particularly in I’ll be back and Heartbeat, his raps are pretty impressive. “Wait, what?” I ask coming to my senses realizing that Nichkhun has pressed even further into my space, that we are practically body to body. I’m trying to recall when he had slipped into my super-personal space and how much time has actually passed since he made such a bold statement.

“I’m asking you out on a date.” He states completely unaffected by my confusion. “I think it’d help us.” Though he doesn’t elaborate I give him an unsure glance. “It isn’t a big deal, I haven’t told the guys.”

“I told Junsu.” I say simply, Nichkhun gives me a curious glance. “He’d said something to me before that made me wonder and I was simply confirming something.”

“What would that be?” He asks smirking, Nichkhun does smug exceedingly well and I’ll add that it is unfair to anyone else in the entire human race.

“That you liked me.” I whisper unsure what else to say, “I mean before.” I clarify looking away.

Nichkhun chuckles, stepping back he waits for me to look at him before he says anything. “It is true,” He says sighing. “I’ve liked you a long time. Though I hadn’t realized it for a while, but by the time I did it wasn’t opportune.”


Sighing he points to my necklace, the same one I can’t stop wearing. “You’d met Jay already.”

Nodding my head I bit my cheek nervously. “I don’t know…”

“Look only three of us know that we’ve said something on the matter and if it doesn’t work out at least we tried.” Nichkhun does that intense gaze thing, where it goes in waves until he speaks again. “And if we do continue you can tell the others when you feel like it’s right; I won’t say a word otherwise.”

“But if it ends badly? What then? I mean Nichkhun we’re not just talking about a date between two friends, I work for you boys despite what I tell myself you are technically my boss. And even that’s aside from the others knowing.”

“Please, like we even act like that. One date wouldn’t be so bad. Just give me a chance.” He says taking my hand in his. “I’m not asking for you to keep seeing me like that after. I want to know what it’s like to be like that with you, I need to know.” He whispers stepping closer again; pushing my hair out of my face he gently tilts my head upwards and leans closer. “Please.”

Mesmerized by his eyes, the warm brown eyes more hypnotizing closer, gorgeous and just amazing, I know people read/write/dream of it but I was having a hard time breathing and let’s be honest, with his lips just centimeters from mine I’m having a pretty damn hard time trying to resist from kissing them. “Alright.” I whisper staring at him, my eyes darting to his lips, I’ve never wanted to kiss someone so badly. This need to have Nichkhun’s lips on mine and just to feel them…

It happened so quickly, I got on my tippy toes like some love –struck girl and made the first move, well third if you count Nichkhun confessing first and asking me on a date, Nichkhun’s lips are soft and smooth.
I really can’t even describe anything else, I’m too busy enjoying the moment just kissing him briefly before I pull away.

In the heat of the moment I must have wrapped my arms around his neck and he must have wrapped one around my waist and with his other hand he was holding my face gently. “Wow”

Nodding my head I take a deep breath, I wasn’t about to apologize for something so completely perfect. I hate to say it but even with Jay I never had a kiss like that. Just so much passion and realized want for the other person. “I better finish…” I whisper turning back to the washer.

“Tomorrow I’ll pick you up, it’ll be casual.” He mumbles leaving, turning around we catch one last glimpse of the smiles on each other’s faces before he disappears down stairs.

You know those movies where people completely forget that the rest of the world is actually still going on when they have something like that happen? Well it does happen. For a moment, another brief and oh-so wonderful moment it was like everything stopped while Nichkhun and I were trying to take the next step, albeit two different ideas at first, but I wasn’t aware of the guys downstairs, I can hear them playing and arguing about something from up here now that that cloud of whatever has gone, but when Nichkhun came up to talk to me it was like everything went silent except for us.




Staring at my closest I try to pick an outfit out, casual he said, it’ll be a little bit of a test he implied, so why do I feel like it isn’t? I don’t want to expect so much but I am. In the end I decided on going summer casual and I would just have to hope for the best. Jean shorts, not too short, a tank black that says ‘Feels Like Paris’ in white type and a pair of black vans (waiting by the door of course). Leaving my hair down in the natural waves that I have giving me a very laid back appearance. Grabbing a bit of cash, my cards and my phone I slip them into a small backpack type thing.

Glance in the mirror I realize I’m wearing the jewelry that Jay gave me. In moment I have them off and sitting safely on my dresser. Instead I put on the hippo necklace Nichkhun had given me for my birthday and a simple pair of studs for earrings in. After a once over and checking to be sure my makeup is done, but not too much I hear my doorbell ring.

Sighing I walk to the door slipping my shoes on I see Nichkhun dressed similarly. Cargo type shorts, a plain black shirt and sneakers. “Ready?” Nodding my head I smile at him, locking my door I turn to follow him down to presumably his car.


Glancing at Nichkhun I was having a hard time concentrating on anything else. He has this very commandeering presence. “What are you thinking about?’ He asks me with a playful smile, which by the way is contagious.

“Just that I am very happy I’m not too casual.” I tell him jokingly. “And that I’m very curious as to what we’re going to be doing today.” I add on after we both laugh.

“Well I don’t know if you know this or not, but I can be very carefree, and so today I thought would be a nice break from all the schedules and everything. We’ll do some window-shopping, there a lot of street vendors and the like. It’ll be a little spontaneous.”

Smiling I nod my head. “I think we could all use a little in our lives.” I whisper turning to look out the window at city I’ve now been for about a year now. "What about you, are you thinking about anything special?" I ask him curiously turning back to the dark haired Nichkhun.

He smiles at me momentarily before turning back to the road. "Opportune is now."



Did anyone catch the Jay Park reference? 
Comment if you did, I'm a little curious to see who caught it. c:

Let's see as far as plot wise I think it's safe to say we are definitely in the middle now.
I know I want to have at least 60 chapters or around there. 
So technically we should have been 'middle' a while ago, but I'm lazy (as we all know)
and I sort of got writer's block (obviously huh?) and I've only recently found that writing bug again. 
So I think there will be more than 60 chapters. But we shall see.

And I am not sticking to my schedule. Not on purpose per say, but I'll update weekly for sure.


I know it took me long enough to get to this point huh? But now we're here I just have one thing to say,
I hate writing date chapters. I don't like them, as I said when I wrote Jay's Date chapter(s?).
Don't fret my dear readers there is still more Nichkhun, after all I want
him to win people over, and let's not forget Jay.
So of course Nichkhun has a chance. I am not just going to throw him away and not 
give him a chance so don't worry, there isn't any
advancement in the story otherwise.

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Thank you!
Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..