
Rebelling Heart

“Fei and Min were asking where you were after we all got back from the practice.” Chansung says walking with me and Junho. “In fact you disappeared really fast Noona.”

Shrugging my shoulders I motion to Nichkhun ahead of us. “You saw, we were just reading and talking a bit.” I tell them honestly. “That’s what we do.”

“Well as long as you’re being careful right?” Junho asks me suspiciously, his already narrowed eyes becoming mere slits. “Hyung can be tricky.” Obviously they’re referring to when he cheated in getting me to sleep on Chansung’s bed a couple months ago.

Smiling at them I shake my head. “It’s Nichkhun we’re talking about.” I tell them simply before running over to the table Fei, Min, Suzy and Jia are sitting at waving me to hurry and sit with them. “I’ll see you guys in a bit alright?” I tell them turning as I weave through the table to my waiting friends.

Taking a seat next to Suzy I grin at the girls, them all happily making space for me. “We were afraid they’d hog you.” Fei jokes passing me a drink. “Water”

“Thanks, they can be very understanding that I need girl time sometimes.” I tell them taking a bite of my food. “After all they probably need some guy time without having to worry about me seeing them doing something they rather not me see.” I say shrugging my shoulders. I’m sure they appreciate the time they get to themselves after all it can’t be abundant, well actually I know it isn’t.

“So you know we’ve heard some rather interesting things.” Jia says casually glancing at me after a while. “That Nichkhun and you were alone in your room for an extended period.” Not really understanding her I shrug my shoulders. I’m alone with the guys all the time, big deal. “Then we heard you two were talking outside alone at an after party.” Jia and the girls’ excited glances at me finally dawn on me. They think we’re starting something. Oh no, definitely not, god I’ve barely had enough time to get over everything with Jay. I’m just now getting okay with thinking about him without wanting to either kill him or tear my heart out. I’ve gotten it down to a dull throb, manageable.

“Oh no, Nichkhun and I are friends.” I explain quickly, despite a slight unpleasantness, something I’m not sure why it is there nor am I quite ready to confront that. Putting my hands up in front of me as if trying to push their suspicious away, to show them how obvious it is that Nichkhun and I are just friends. “I’ve spent time with all the guys, and I talk to them all at after parties.” I say fighting a blush. “Besides…”

“You were hugging right?” Min asks suddenly and very openly. The look on her face is making it out as though we were feeling each other up or something not what really had happened; Nichkhun comforting me when I needed someone to.

Speechless I stare at the now very excited group of girls. “He was comforting me.” I confess to them shrugging my shoulders trying to shake off this uneasy feeling that I have. “We were talking and we stumbled into some rather touchy subjects for me.” I admit. “Besides the guys were being rowdy so Nichkhun came to read in my room with me today.”

“Man,” Min says with a slightly depressed sigh. “You guys are so cute when you’re together. We see you guys teasing each other; we just thought you were moving on to someone new and well…Nichkhun!” She says smiling wistfully. “I mean we know you were dating some guy right?”

“Right,” I confirm nodding my head messing with the food on my plate, the pang isn’t so bad anymore; in fact I’d say it’s more of dull ache. “I was seeing this guy.”

“You never did tell us who.” Fei says gently. “I mean you don’t have to or anything, it’s just…” Pausing she glances at the others before continuing. “It’s just we’d see you so happy talking to him, whoever him was,  it even rivaled when you hung out with the guys, but then…It was like you sort of fell apart.”

“Almost like when you first started here; when you were all aloof and hardly talked to anyone.” Suzy adds quietly. “We just…you get like that still sometimes, but then it’s like it disappears right away.”

Taking another bite of my food I listen to the table fall into a silence. “Jay.” I whisper quietly taking a sip of my water. “I was seeing Jay.”

“Like…” Jia points to the guys all laughing and pointing at Wooyoung and Junho. “Like that one?” Nodding my head I purse my lips. “What happened?”

Sighing I glance at them. “He left for his world tour,” I start looking down at my lap, “He asked me to go and I wouldn’t. Jay and I…We…We’d been fighting about my time spent with them.”

“He asked you to go with him?” Min asks upon looking up I see hanging open slightly. “Like leave them and go with him for…”

“We didn’t just like each other,” I whisper looking away from the group and in the opposite direction of 2PM. “I had to make a choice though, so I made one.”

“To stay” Fei clarifies. “Despite being in love with him.”

Laughing bitterly I look up. “Yeah, I just…I couldn’t leave them.” Looking over at them all laughing loudly still makes me grin. “I love them so much. I couldn’t bear being away from them.”

“And with Jay?” Suzy asks me quietly. “You must miss him.”

Nodding my head I smile at them. “Terribly, but you know I have to remember why I chose to stay. Here with them I know I’ll be happy, and sure with Jay things could have gone different, but I can’t just cry over it all the time. Besides we all know that they won’t let me.” I say smiling.

“You look happy with them though.” Jia says brightly squeezing my hand lightly. “Really happy.”

Letting out a content sigh and thinking about all the time I’ve spend with those boys, the memories I’ve made, how much I’ve changed for the better and most of all how they make me feel gives me that warm feeling people get when they talk about people they care about. “They’re family to me, they all care so much. I’m happy here with everyone too. It’s not just 2PM that’s grown on me.”

They all smile at me as we drift to happier subjects and them telling me about their backgrounds and how long they’ve all been a group and known each other.

“You better get over there.” Fei says sighing pointing to 2PM’s table. “They’re just staring at us now. It’s like they’re just waiting for you to feel it or something.”

Rolling my eyes I glance in their direction before turning my back to them. “I know, I guess, but we’ll have to talk more later.” I tell them waving.


Nichkhun scoots over for me to take a seat between him and Chansung, both of whom are happily smiling at me. “Have a good dinner?”

Rolling my eyes I rest on Chansung. “Yes, it was nice to eat with them. I’ll have to hang out with them more.” I comment lightly as Chansung wraps his arms around me.

“Noona we missed you. AND” He says dramatically pointing at Junho and Wooyoung. “You missed them feeding each other in some weird drama parody thing.” He says chuckling.

Yawning I snuggle closer to Chansung. “You’ll have to react it for me sometime” I mumble smiling at them, as much as I like eating with Suzy, Min, Jia and Fei I missed these guys too much. I like joking around with them or watching them act stupid. “What’d you guys talk about?”

“Nothing really.” Junsu says shrugging his shoulders from across the table smiling at me. “You know you and Chansung look really chummy.”

“Noona should be chummy with me. We’re best friends.” Chansung corrects him quickly while tightening his arms around me. “After all Noona is tired too.”

“Right!” I say yawning again. “Besides I’m chummy with all of you so don’t go arguing about this.” I mumble blinking away my watery eyes. “What time is it anyways?”

“Nearly midnight.” Nichkhun says from next to me, strained tone, something is irritating him, and I’m much too tired to try and pacify whatever it is. “Need to get some more sleep?”

“Definitely, the beds here are so comfy.” I say grinning over at him. Of course you know like all normal female minds I think about what Jia and the others had said while we were eating. Nichkhun and I are cute together. Cute, are we really? Why does that make me happy? It shouldn’t, well I mean not how happy I am feeling right now at least. Moderately happy is acceptable, not over joyed like I am right now. Snap. Out. Of. It. “Anyways what’s the plan for tomorrow?” I ask looking around for Minjae-sshi; since we’ve been in Japan I’ve been very assistant-ish. I run actual errands and messages to people and such; very much unlike back home in Korea.

“Well after the concert we’ll be heading back to Korea for a little to prepare for our tour.” Taecyeon says pleasantly. “Then after our tour we’ll sort of split to do our own thing.”

Blinking I stare at each of the boys, the happiness I felt earlier sort of drains slightly. I really don’t know what that will mean for me. “We’re all talking to Jinyoung-hyung to do solos.” Junho explains.

“That’s exciting, who’s first?” I ask them curiously leaning on the table smiling at them, keeping aside the fact that I’d been warned about this previously by Minho, Ian and even Jay.

“Wooyoung” The boys all say smiling at the now absolutely radiant man. “He asked first.”

Laughing I grin at him. “I can’t wait to hear your solo album.” I tell him happily.

Wooyoung grins at me. “Noona it’ll be great!”

Laughing I nod my head. “It will be, but I think I might be getting a little biased now.” I say looking around the table carefully at each of their faces. “I think this could get to be a problem.”

“Oh?” Nichkhun asks laughing. “How would it be a problem?”

Glancing at him before darting my eyes to look around again I laugh. “Well there is always the fact I’m with you, I really haven’t heard anything but your songs I might want to branch out to more music.”

“So?” They all chorus. “I think this is good. You’ll be our number one fan forever.” Junho says happily.

Laughing again I shake my head. “You guys know I’ll always be a fan, no matter what.” I tell them happily.

“Even when we’re old?” Taecyeon asks smiling at me.

Blinking I glance at them all inspecting their faces and hair. “Yeah”

Wooyoung catches on first. “Noona!” He whines covering his head cutely. “I’m not old.”

“HEY!” Junsu wails quickly catching on after Wooyoung’s little comment. “I am not that old. I don’t even have grey hairs.”

Nodding my head I smile at him. “You just are super cranky right?” I smirking. This of course erupts the table into laughter.

Like most nights when we eat out with the other JYPE artists we break up into smaller groups and socialize with everyone else. It’s always nice to see the girls, Miyoung, Ian, even to hang out with the other interns and such working here at JYPE.

“Have you heard from Minho?” Ian asks me curiously while sipping his water. “I mean I keep taps on him and all but…”

“I do. We still talk all the time, well when we both have time we do. We’re talking about going to dinner with you and Miyoung, but we don’t know if you’d both be free or anything.” I say smiling.

“That actually sounds like a lot of fun.” He mumbles glancing at me carefully, studying me carefully. “Are you alright? You look happier recently.”

Shaking my head at him with a smile on my face I rest my hand on his shoulder lightly before pulling it back. “Yeah, everyone that knows has been understanding and well very interested in making me smile all the time.”

“Have you really talked to him since?” Ian presses me still being cautious. “It’s just hard to imagine that you’re not seeing him all the time now. Not that it’s wrong or anything…”

“Ian I chose this remember? I thought Miyoung and I told you everything already.” I tell him smiling. “But no. We’ve been keeping it quiet between us. I’m not even sure what to say to him.” I explain shrugging my shoulders. “Anyways I hear Woo has a solo coming up.” I say changing the subject to something more neutral, better for us.

“Yeah, him and Jokwon at the beginning of summer,” He says happily. “They’re both really excited.”

Laughing I glance at Woo dancing with the guys and 2AM, well 2AM is sort of dancing. “That’s them though.” I comment as Ian grabs my hand dragging me to go dancing with the rest of the room. Everyone has so much energy; it’s amazing that people don’t just collapse on the ground or something.

After dancing with everyone I take a seat with Taec and Juno to relax and get away from the huge mob of JYPE. “Anyways I think I’m going to head upstairs. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” I say as the guys all come to the table.

“Right,” Taec says getting up. “I’ll go with you; I’ll see you guys later?”

Hugging the guys goodnight and everything I kiss them all on the cheek, but when I get to Nichkhun I feel shy suddenly as he wraps his arms around me, his toned arms holding me firmly against his chest briefly and his lips pressing against my forehead. Feeling my heart skip a beat I smile and wave goodbye. I know this feeling, I know it. This is exactly how I felt when I first started to like Jay. This isn’t good.


Walking quietly with Taecyeon I smile at him as he awkwardly pokes me. “Something bothering you?” He asks me concernedly.

“Not really, just…When I was eating with the girls I heard something sort of ridiculous you know?”

Furrowing his brows in that confused way that he does. “No, no I don’t.”

Sighing I glance at him. “Min and Jia thought something was going on between Nichkhun and me. Which is crazy because Nichkhun wouldn’t like me like that” I tell him after him just staring at me, and partly to convince myself.

“Yeah, I guess… Though you know Khunnie is rather attached to you.” Taecyeon says leaving me at my room. “Just be careful around him I suppose.” He mutters with that same look on his face.

Entering my room I think about what he said. Be careful around Nichkhun. What do I need to be careful around him for? I mean it is Nichkhun that we’re talking about; yeah he can be moody, but never too much. Argh. Whatever, I just want to sleep, I'll think about this more when it doesn't see so crazy and when it isn't quite so late. Bed now, think later, much, much later. Besides if I ignore this maybe it'll go away, right? No. Probably not.



Sorry for my late update but I have a few things to say:

First of all I won't be updating weekly anymore
At least not always.
I'll update as I write a chapter out, when I have the time, I just started school again, belck.

Secondly I'm really thankful for all of you guys for reading this I
Just want to thank you guys for reading, subscribing and commenting!

More to come eventually... c: 


AND to answer a few comments:
The OC won't get over Jay right away, mainly because that would be unrealistic, even if
she was the one who chose to stay. I want this to seem sort of like real life, well the emotional part at least.
I feel like it'd be too much to assume that the OC could just drop her feelings for Jay, maybe if they weren't in love
and I'll admit I hadn't really played that up, but she and Jay did share a very intimate bond, one that
the people in the relationship can't just forget right away or ever, but we'll have to keep going to find out more...


Also, I know Nichkhun sort of seems like the bad guy and he'd pushed the OC and Jay apart, but it wasn't just
Khun that did that. It was the OC's inability to commit more to Jay than to 2PM, it was Jay's need for the OC
to see him like she does 2PM, to want to spend all that time with him. Jay was extremely jealous and this was brought forward
by hearing how much 2PM feels for the OC and then having the assumption that Nichkhun has feelings for her.
Jay wanted more for them, and simply it wasn't the right time.
BUT this isn't anywhere near the end so...


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..