Happy Together

Rebelling Heart


“You’re not mad at me, are you?” I hear Nichkhun ask as he comes into my room, very late at night. Feeling him sneak into my bed and wrapping his arms around me I let out a sigh. “I didn’t want you to be angry.” He whispers kissing my neck gently. “I’m sorry.”

“Stop, I’m tired.” I mumble half-asleep, I only woke up because the door creaks. “Nichkhun” I mumble feeling him continuing to kiss me, it’s not anything that’ll get out of hand, just lovingly.

Feeling him stop I turn over to scoot closer to him; at this point I’m beginning to fall asleep again. “Tomorrow I get you to myself.” He whispers kissing the top of my head.

I’m too tired to respond, and it doesn’t sound so bad to spend a day alone with the Thai Prince.


Waking up to Nichkhun shaking me lightly I glare at him. “What’s with you and waking me up early?” I mutter turning away from him. Hearing him chuckle and then pulling my sheet away I sit up frowning. “What?” I whine wanting to go back to sleep.

“I told you, you’re spending the day with me, and we better get a move on it before the others wake up and steal you away.” He says smiling at me already dressed. “Hurry up and change.” He commands placing a bathing suit, a pair of shorts and a white button up shirt on my bed. “What?”

Chuckling I grab the top, easily slipping the top on under my t-shirt. At first Nichkhun is too shocked to do anything before he turns around. Smirking I toss my shorts off and underwear, quickly pulling on the bottoms, as I zip up my shorts Nichkhun turns around to look at me, his face slightly red. “What?” I ask him innocently.

“That’s for yesterday isn’t it?” Nichkhun pouts moving closer to me. Shrugging my shoulders I pull my shirt on, Nichkhun beats my hands to buttoning the shirt up. “I told you sorry.” He says quietly leaning down to kiss me.

Smiling at him I slip out of his arms with playful smile on my face as I quietly make my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and then my hair I walk out braiding my hair to the side. Nichkhun is waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a bag on his back, the sun isn’t up yet, but it’s getting close.

Nichkhun assures me that he’s let Chansung know that we’ll be gone for most of the day and not to worry.

Heading out with a fresh orange I stare at the taller male as I slip my shoes on, following him to the gate leading to the beach he holds his hand out for me. “If you don’t hurry we’ll miss the sunrise.” He says smirking at me.

Running to catch up I move so that Nichkhun can wrap his arm around me, the beach is a bit misty as the waves roll onto the shore, but it’s beautiful. Walking in silence I enjoy the moment with Nichkhun, the way we’re walking close together and not saying anything, just taking in that we’re together without having to worry about being interrupted.

Nichkhun pulls me to the side suddenly nodding over to where the sun is just peaking over the horizon. Stunned I just watch, I haven’t had the opportunity to do something like this in a while, normally I’m rushing to get the boys up or making something and even before that I didn’t really see the point in admiring something so trivial, at least back then it seemed like it was.

Nichkhun pulls me to sit next to him. “Go ahead and get some more sleep.” He whispers as I rest against him. Smiling at me reassuringly I rest my head on Nichkhun’s shoulder, my eyes fluttering to close.

I couldn’t have been asleep for long, because when I wake up it looks like it’s still fairly early. “Nichkhun?” I murmur getting up, stretching my arms I notice that he’s just watching me with a smile.

Getting up, Nichkhun pulls me into his arms and effectively to his chest. “Come on!” He says pulling me along by my hand suddenly, smiling happily I run after him still grasping his hand.


Just holding Nichkhun’s waist while wave after wave crashes around us, I can’t seem to stop smiling. “After this we’ll have to sneak back into the house and take showers then nap in your room.” Nichkhun says sighing happily. Resting his head on mine he just smiles at me with that same look he’s had all morning and most of the afternoon. “What?”

“You just, you look really happy.” I whisper just as happily. “I like seeing you smile like that.” I tell him simply. “Though it is pretty fun teasing you.” I whisper giggling as he rolls his eyes.

“Careful, I might not be able to control myself.” He mumbles before kissing me roughly. My arms move up to wrap around his neck, as we pull apart just giggling and enjoying the very nice day together.


Lying on a towel facing each other Nichkhun frowns for a moment before he pushes my bangs out of my face. “You look rather happy.” He comments happily his hand rests on my face for a moment before he pulls back. “Tomorrow is our last day here.”

Nodding my head I smile happily. “This week though, it’s been good.” I tell him feeling completely relaxed. I feel like for the most part I’ve just been smiling and relaxing, this is what we’ve need a little break to just unwind.

Sitting up I take a sip of the water Nichkhun thought to pack, it’ late afternoon and we’re hiding in the shade of some trees. Looking towards the water then up at the sky I smile happily. “They’ll be making dinner soon.” Nichkhun says resting his head on my lap, this soft hair tickling my legs.

Smiling down at him I trace my fingers long his jaw, moving to his hair I run my fingers through it. “Nichkhun when we get back to Seoul, will you go out to dinner with me?” I ask him softly, the breeze cooling us off from the hot day, well what’s left of it.

Nichkhun grins at me. “I will.” He says simply, reaching his hand up to my face. “When we get it’ll be three months.” He mumbles smiling at me, chuckling I realize it has been. “Always with the surprised face.” He chuckles.

Smiling at him I rest my face against his hand. “Time has been getting away from me. It seems to keep doing that.” I mumble shyly.

Nichkhun smiles that special relaxed smile, the one he rarely does for the cameras; the one where he does it just before saying something sweet. “Maybe that’s just you being happy, after all you deserve to be happy, everyone does.”

Ginning at him I bend down to kiss him lightly. “Then it’s a good thing you’re here.” I whisper feeling happy, that warm feeling that radiates as though it’s coming from every bit of you, like you’re a star and nothing in world could possibly go wrong. “Nichkhun you make me happy.” I whisper our lips still barely touching as I say this.

Feeling his curl into a smile against mine sends this incredible feeling, knowing that this smile on his face right now is because of me. Kissing my lightly then pulling back he lets out a breath. “You make me happy too.” He whispers. Getting up he starts packing the water up, pulling my up he dusts the towel off before stuffing it in the bag, slipping it on his shoulders he nods for us to head back. “They’ll be getting worried if we don’t get back before dinner.”

“So no sneaking in?” I smiling taking his hand as we hurry back to the house, I hadn’t realized how far down the beach we’d gone exactly.

Nichkhun and I just walk back silently, with the sun setting I’m finding myself wanting this moment to last so much longer.


“You’re finally back!” Chansung cheers as we enter the yard. “We were beginning to wonder if Hyung stole you away.” Chansung pouts pulling me into a hug. “I hope you had fun.” He whispers in my ear before pulling away.

Beaming at him I nod my head. “I’m going to head upstairs to take a shower.” I tell him as I pass by the others who are in an intense card game.

Running up stairs and grabbing a change of clothes I slip into the shower. Quickly stripping off my clothes and taking a quick shower, feeling all the more relaxed and changed into a simply dress I step out with my hair braided, and right into someone.

“Oh, you look refreshed.” Nichkhun beams kissing my forehead. “They’re starting to make dinner.” He tells me as I head down the hall with him heading into the bathroom.

Feeling that same elated feeling I’ve had all day I can’t help but skip a bit on my way to the BBQ where the others have indeed started grilling the food. “Noona do you want roasted corn?” Chansung asks turning back to look at me. Nodding my head I take a seat at the table next to them.

“Thank you.” I tell them seeing that they’ve got all of dinner covered tonight. “So what did you all do all day?” I ask them smiling peacefully.

Taec grins happily. “I slept in today, and then I read.” He mumbles looking up at the now dark sky. “That’s pretty much the perfect day.” He grins over at me.

Junsu nods his head appreciatively. “Tomorrow we’ll make a fire on the beach.” He says happily. “We’ve gotten some sparklers too that we brought.” He says excitedly like a little kid, but looking at the grins on their faces and the one on mine, we’re all excited kids about to end our week long vacation.

Watching the food cook on the grill, it’s just been one of those days, that when it comes to the end of it you’re just glad everything has turned out the way it has. Letting out a content sigh I look at the five boys busily making dinner and joking around.

“You look really happy Noona.” Junho says setting a plate down in front of me. “Did you have a good day with Hyung?” He asks me thoughtfully while taking a seat next to me.

Nodding my head as Nichkhun comes out and dives into helping the others the grill. “Today was really nice. I’m really glad we got this vacation.” I tell him resting my head against the back of the chair, looking up at the stars I have flash of my dad, maybe there is something that can bring me down. Deciding it is best not to think about it I turn to Junho who is studying me with a smile on his face. “Something the matter Junho?”

Shaking his Junho’s lips curve upwards and his eyes disappear into that smile that I love. “I just can’t believe how fast this week has gone by.” He says simply. “We’ll have to do this again.” Junho beams stretching his arms up happily.


The rest of the night we’re all joking around just like we would any other night, laughing, smiling, cracking jokes and stealing each other’s food. By the time we’re heading up stairs and in our rooms, well most of us are in our rooms, it’s late and we’re still buzzing with excitement.

Nichkhun’s arms are wrapped around me while we look out my window. “When we get back and go out to dinner we should stay out all night.” Nichkhun murmurs contently, no doubt a grin on his face.

Nodding my head I lean back against his chest, letting out a very satisfied sigh. I don’t want to remind him we’ll have to be extra careful if we do that, I don’t want to remind him that we’re not really supposed to be dating and mostly I don’t to say we won’t have the time to do that for a while. Right now all I want to do is enjoy what free time we have left and not let anything spoil this for me, because being this happy for this long hasn’t happened for me in a long time and I am determined to keep it.


Waking up the next morning to Nichkhun pulling my closer and seeing a face at the edge of my bed causes me to scream. “What is wrong with you two?!” I yell hit Junsu and Taecyeon a bit roughly; a dazed and shocked Nichkhun looks around after hearing me scream.

“What happened?” He asks looking around; well it didn’t take much for him to put the pieces together, especially with two certain members smiling at us guiltily. “What did you two do?”

Shrugging their shoulders they nod for us to head downstairs. “Breakfast is on the table, you better hurry if you want to get anything before Chansung stuffs it all down.” Taec says leaving my room with a very smug grin on his face and high-fiving Junsu, obviously scaring me had been the plan all along.

“Buffoons.” I mutter tossing the sheets off of us. “Come on we better hurry if we want to eat.” I say getting out of bed, watching Nichkhun follow suit before I walk down the hall stretching my arms up.



For whatever reason the last page of this chapter
took me three days to write.
> n <
But I'm glad I finally got it done. ^^


Comment Answers:

I still feel like the skinship isn't exactly right, but as long as you're all
enjoying it, or parts of it at least. ^^
Umm...If I can't really do the small skinship things to my liking I am absolutely
positive that me writing will turn out terribly.
Like I'd just get to where they should be taking clothes off and then because I'd be too worried
about how it would turn out I'd have someone come in an interrupt them. Yes. That's what would happen.
I would probably write out a very rough draft of it, edit it and you'd just have me teasing you guys
with some...not very good pre-pre- action.
So, I wouldn't really count on it since I can't write , or anything like that. :|
Yes...that is all. XD

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..