Whiskey and a Best Friend

Rebelling Heart

I opt for going to a classy bar tonight instead of the quiet and very awkward dinner with 2PM. We fly back tomorrow; I can be hung over for it. I can go back to my apartment and let myself mope there. I down my glass of whiskey. I’ve had a couple glasses and I already feel the numbness taking over, something I am very grateful for. I sit at the bar staring at my glass for a moment, it all feels surreal. Nichkhun and I are taking a break, if that’s any way to describe it, we’re waiting until I see Jay and I am completely and totally miserable.

At the thought I put my glass forth for another, the bartender gives me an unsure look but I gently tap my glass on the counter. Whiskey always helped me feel less, let me forget more. I walked, and I’m positive in this state I can’t tell right from left. As I take a couple more glasses I stand up very unsteadily, I pull my phone out and text Chansung to pick me up. I then glance at the counter where I placed my money; I hop back up and order another glass as I wait for Chansung to reply.

It’s hazy but I get the barkeep to text Chansung the address as I continue to drink, much to his displeasure, but I’m in better shape than most of his other patrons.

“Noona” Chansung says walking up to me as I get one last glass. “I think you’ve had more than enough.” He says as I grab the glass in front of me defensively. “Come on put it down.” He commands very bossily.

“No” I tell him as I bring the glass to my lips and tip it upwards and let the liquid roll down my throat. “I will now” I slur setting it down carefully. “Thank you.” I say happily setting more money down. As I attempt to get off the stool Chansung catches me. “You’re so fast.” I giggle resting my head on him.

“Noona how long have you been here? Better yet how much have you had to drink?” Chansungie asks worriedly as he helps me walk to the door.

“Dunno” I murmur happily, I turn my head suddenly, finding my balance I push off Chansungie and head towards a very good smell with Chansung calling after me. “I’m hungry, now shush.” I tell the younger boy standing in line, opening my wallet I am sorely disappointed. “Buy me something to eat, pleassse!” I beg him cutely, well as cute as a drunk can.

Rolling his eyes, he wraps his arms around me protectively. “No running off.” He commands, saluting him I grin in promise. “Aish, I knew you shouldn’t have gone off on your own.” He murmurs.

“But I had a great time drinking.” I tell him smiling. “I don’t feel sad right now.” I say proudly, to which he lets out a long sigh.

“You need to sit down.”

“I concur.” I say standing up straight; I carefully take a seat at a table they have set up. I’m not too sure where we are or the time, but I know I feel much better than I had at the start of this night. I sip some water happily, though I prefer beer at this point, I text Chansung the idea, to which he shoots down. Pouting I wait for the food I am desperately craving.

Chansung comes back and sets a plate in front of me with chopsticks. “What got into you?” He asks shaking his head. “Noona, you need to tell me what you were drinking and how much.” He demands as I eat my food in a very un-lady like manor.

“Whis-to-the-key.” I announce with a grin. “A lot of it too.” I tell him smiling happily; I ignore the disapproving look as I continue to eat. After a while I look up at him in a moment of coherency I say “It helps me forget.”

After finishing I hop up, though I quickly lose my balance and fall on the ground, though that’s not the only thing I land on. Falling on a glass that’d somehow ended up on the ground I hiss in pain. “Noona!” Chansung says helping me up. I lean back very uncomfortable with the way my arm is being tugged on, finally having enough I stand up. “We need to get you to a hospital.”

At the word I glare at him and rip my arm out of his grip, walking off out of the little place we’d stopped at without a second look back I walk in what I think is the way we came. Once Chansungie catches up with me I shake my head. “I can’t, I hate them.” I whisper quietly. “I don’t want to.”

“Your arm, what if it’s infected?” He asks angrily. “Noona, you’ve been far too reckless tonight.” He decides sighing heavily. “Let’s just get you taken care of.”

“At the hotel, I refuse to go to the hospital.” I tell him holding my arm away from him. “I don’t want to go.” I whimper lowing my arm; I cradle it in my other. “Please Chansungie, don’t make me go.” I say feeling tired.

In the end we went to a little clinic, Chansung told me repeatedly it’s not a hospital, and that it’s for the best so I listen. They took the glass chards out, and bandaged my arm, gave medicine for it to Chansung and sent us home. The old man looked at me worriedly, and it reminded me so much of my dad. “Thanks dad.” I murmur hugging the older man before walking off with Chansung and him offering his jacket, pulling it on thankfully I mumble “Thanks Chansungie.”

Once back to the hotel I am very upset that I haven’t packed and everyone excluding Minjae-sshi in my room looking at me worriedly as I enter my room. “What exactly were you thinking?” I’m attacked as soon as I set my purse down. I pull the jacket on tighter, hiding my face in Chansung’s chest.

“You won’t get anything out of her like this.” Chansung says harshly. “And if you really want to blame someone you can look at yourself.” He says holding me tightly and very carefully.

“We leave in five hours, you might want to get her packed and in bed for a little bit.” The same voice says, the person doesn’t touch me, but I feel very saddened by this as he leaves.

“What happened to her?” I hear a girl ask, Miyoung I think. “She looks completely wasted. I’ve never seen her like this.”

“She had a lot of whiskey.” Chansung explains; he leaves out me cutting my arm and our visit to a clinic. “I have no idea how much, but she needs to sleep, you guys head back to your rooms, I’ll pack her things up.” He says nodding for them to leave.

I stay hidden from everyone, I hug Chansung tightly. “Don’t leave me too.” I mumble into his chest feeling hurt again, it’s feels funny, and I don’t like it. “Make it stop.” I mutter as he sets me on bed. Miyoung moves to take my jacket off, but I clutch it on. “No.” I say fighting her. “Chansungie I want you to.” I say scooting out of Miyoung’s arms.

“I’ll get it, you should get some sleep.” Chansung says quietly. “She’ll be difficult otherwise.” I want to deny that, but I’m tired and I feel like since Chansungie didn’t say anything about my arm, neither should I.

“Are you sure, you know she’s a girl right.” Miyoung asks worriedly. “Look, you’re her best friend I get it, but…I’m worried about her.”

“I know it’ll be fine; I’ll be with her all night.” Chansung says, I watch him walk her to the door and for a moment I’m scared he’ll leave with her, but he comes back. “Where are your pajamas?” He questions me expectantly. “Noona, we’re leaving Japan tomorrow. You need to sober up.”

I point to my suitcase. He walks over and pulls out several things for me, shorts and a tank. Then he looks around the room putting things together. Helping me up, he leads me to the bathroom. “A bath?!” I ask turned off, I want to sleep.

“Yes, you smell like you spent the night a bar.” He says turning to leave. “Get in and I’ll help.” He says shaking his head. “Can you start the bath?”

“Negative.” I tell him as I shrug the jacket off; I head to my bed and place it on it safely; heading back I hear the water started.

My very best friend has his arm in testing the water; he looks at me with big worried eyes. “I’m really scared Noona.” He whispers as I sit next to him. “I don’t know what to do with you like this. You’re not really being yourself and I feel so guilty about it all.” He says putting his other arm around me securely.

I pat his hand gently. “Shush, I’m fine. This is nothing.” I whisper standing up as the water rises and he shuts it off, peeling my clothes off, once I’m down to my bra and I grab Chansung’s hand. “Don’t leave me…please.” I beg him as he turns to leave.

He nods his head, still not facing me. I shed my last pieces of clothing and slide into the warm water. I carefully wash myself off, careful of my arm, Chansung keeps reminding me. Finally having enough he sits next to the tub and grabs the soap bar. “You’re such a mess right now.” He murmurs carefully washing my arms and rinsing it, turning me he washes my back. “Noona I love you and I promise I won’t leave, but you have to promise you won’t do this in Korea.”

“I promise.” I murmur as he rinses my back off. “All clean,” I murmur “Hand me a towel.” I demand standing up. Chansung turns bright red and quickly hands me the towel. As I step out he drains the tub, turning he sees me still not covered and struggling.

“I see the pampered part of you.” Chansung says sighing, taking the towel and keeping his eyes on my face he wraps it around me. “How is that you manage to take care of us?” He asks chuckling as he leads me out of the bathroom.

“I learn fast.” I declare sitting on the bed, I manage to get dressed on my own, but I tug on Chansung’s arm. “Please” I beg him as he reluctantly lies down with me.





“Time to wake up, we’re leaving in an hour.” Chansung yells, my head, god. I’m hungover. Wincing I look over at a dressed and ready Chansung holding up a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. “We’ll have to clean your cut and change the bandaging so hurry up.”

Nodding my head I go along with what he says because I am pretty sure he’s been playing adult for me all night. “I’m sorry; I obviously did a lot of stupid stuff.” I mutter grabbing my jeans, yanking my shorts off I carefully pull the skinny jeans on, my arm is in fact killing me. I look at the very bloody bandage. “God I must have been really drunk.” I mutter darkly as I zip my pants up and button them. Chansung holds his hand out for my arm.

“You were, and very emotion too.” He says as he sits me down. “It’ll hurt so man up.” He says callously, I must have been really bad. “Ready?” He asks; nodding my head I look away as he sprays my arm with what feels like hell.

Wincing, I ‘man’ up as the stinging dies away and as Chansung places a new cover on. I glance at my arm trying to remember what happened. “I had whiskey, a lot of it right?” I ask him as he shyly hands me my bra, I put it on and then shed my pajama shirt, pulling the navy blue shirt on I tap his shoulder.

“Yeah, and you promised not to do what you did last night in Korea, so no binge drinking.” He says sternly. “I was scared. Noona I’ve never seen you so helpless and like that.” Chansung says helping me get my socks on. “I mean even this is weird.”

I nod my head heavily. “It’s been a long time.” I tell him honestly. “Anyways thank you for everything.” I grab some aspirin and down a couple of pills with water. “I certainly have not missed the hangovers that follow.” I mutter getting my shoes on and gathering my things.

“Time to head out.” Chansung says motioning to his belongings by my door. “Noona let’s go.” He says holding the door open.

In the lobby everyone is staring at me, Miyoung places sunglasses over my eyes. “God you look awful.” She mutters straightening my clothes and braiding my hair. “You have some explaining to do.” She mutters pulling away to examine me as Minjae-sshi and the boys load the car up. I merely nod my head; I’m not sure what I can explain. I don’t remember last night at all. “You drank way too much.”

“You’re telling me.” I mutter being careful of my arm. “I just want to get back and spend the day sleeping in my apartment and never wake up.” I say stubbornly.

“Like hell, you’re seeing Jay in a few days. You have your birthday party and then next month you’re going to visit your family. You do not get to sleep forever.” She says in a motherly tone. “Now let’s get in the car.” Miyoung hooks arms with my bum arm, I hiss in pain, yanking my arm free I wave it off and get in first. The entire way Miyoung is giving me weird looks, which I ignore and opt to rest against Chansung instead.


Well another chapter.
> n >
Next chapter introduces Jay again.
I think.
Well as long as I don't change my mind.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..