Joking Around Before Hitting The Club

Rebelling Heart


I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy the time I get to spend with 2PM, I’m not sure I want to go out with Minho, at least not when I can have fun here with my boys. “Yah Taecyeon you can’t go around hitting me!” I complain tossing a spoon at him, sure I missed but he got the gist of my attack. We've been playing around like this since we got back to the apartment.

“Yah!” He says laughing with his dorky glasses on. “You can’t go around throwing things! Who do you think picks them up?” Oh this is rich, coming from the guy that can’t be bothered to put his own laundry in a basket like everyone else does. Nor can the guy carry his own dishes to the sink. The king of lazy and foul as Chansung says when we're alone, well just me and my young boys at least.

“I do. So I can throw them all I want and what I want.” And to prove my point I throw a pair of socks at him, this too missing, I suppose I could learn to aim a little. I never know maybe one of these days I'll want to hit someone on puropse instead of missing. Now would be a great time to learn though. Laughing to myself I smirk my arm poised to throw another pair of socks.

Hearing a laugh I turn to face Junsu him watching us with amusement dancing across his face.  “No, no, I’m sorry don’t turn on me!” He shrieks getting up off the couch. “Taecyeon don’t hit our lovely dongsang.” He reprimands him playfully wagging his finger at the younger male and everything. I knew there was a reason why I didn’t pick on him; well not like I do Taec. My relationship with Junsu was more older brotherly, while Taecyeon and I acted more like friends.

Hearing the laundry buzzers I quickly leave the room, picking up the socks and spoon before running to switch loads. Passing by the rooms I see Nichkhun grimacing at his leg. Making a note to bring ice to him I quickly pass by into the laundry room. He must have hit his leg harder than I thought. I really hate to see any of them in pain. Poor Chansung hula-hooping for two minutes, I can’t even begin to imagine the pain he was feeling, but he did take it like a champ. They did all the challenges so whole heartily; it really is inspiring to see them try so hard. They always give it their all and then when they have nothing left they get up still all for their fans and to prove to everyone they won’t get knocked down so easily. I really do love being around them.

Pulling a basket out I toss the dry clothes in, switching the wet soggy ones in to dry. I’m not sure why but they wear a lot of clothes. They don’t even all go out all the time, so I’m not really sure why I always have to run so many loads all the time. Passing by Junho’s room I smile at him reading a book while listening to music, a normal sight, except for Wooyoung being in the room and cleaning. The more time I spend around 2PM though the more defensive I find myself towards them.

“Yah Wooyoung.” I say to the older one who’s busily straightening up his side. “Will you take this to the living room?” It’s a little bizarre that he’s cleaning, but I’m not going to question it, not at all, it is saving me from a little bit of work, even if I’ll question the motives silently.

“Deh Noona!” He says happily turning around. “Omo…” He says looking down at the clothes.

Watching him eye the basket before taking it he walks with me to the living room. “What?” I ask him grabbing a bag of ice, and wrapping it in a cloth, checking the clock I sigh, a few more hours until Miyoung-Unnie will be picking me up, I suppose she is getting her wish, giving me a makeover.

“Why are there so many clothes?” He asks looking at it, kicking it with his foot. “Noona?”

Shrugging my shoulder I smile at him. “It really doesn’t matter, if you guys wear the clothes, its fine.”

Wooyoung smiles at me walking down the hall. “He’ll really be happy you’re bringing him that.” It’s always hidden messages with Nichkhun and the others, I’ll do one thing and they’ll make a comment like that. Stepping back in his room I watch Wooyoung clean up their room some more with Junho making his bed. Moving on I knock on Nichkhun’s door. “Nichkhun?” I ask stepping in to see him laying on his bed.

“Deh?” He asks sitting up looking at me curiously. “Did you need something?” He asks politely. It drives me crazy that he's so formal with me, I'd rather him be like the others, it'd be less awkward. Or maybe it wouldn't be, but him being so polite always makes me feel like we're not as close, I'd love to be good friends with Nichkhun like I am with the others but for whatever reason it's like we're keeping each other at arms length at all times.

Shaking my head I show him what I brought. “I saw it bothering you still.” I tell him moving to set it on his leg gently.

“Oh, thank-you.” He mumbles smiling while readjusting himself. “You didn’t have to.”

Tilting my head I smile at him. “I wanted to, I don’t like to see you boys all battered.” I tell him patting his shoulder. “Anyways, I’m going to start dinner soon, any requests?”

Smiling at me he shakes his head. “Whatever you feel like cooking, anything you make is delicious.”

Blushing I nod my head biting my lip. “T-t-thank-you.” I stutter leaving the room. “Careful for you leg.” I tell him before rushing down the hall. And I stutter? Really what is wrong with him complimenting me? The guys do it all the time, a little unnecessarily, and I’m fine except when it’s him. He’s only Nichkhun. He’s only the most charming man I’ve ever met, polite to me, and asks me how I am whether the others remember to ask or not and he cares about the answer. If I tell him I’m having a bad day he’ll ask why and make me laugh.

Shaking the thoughts away I sit on the couch and begin to fold the clothes sorting them into six piles. A little frustrated by my behavior.

“What’s the matter with you?” Junsu asks watching me from the other side of the couch, I hadn’t realized he was even in the room when I was folding the laundry and furiously slamming them into the various piles when I placed them in the wrong one previously. “Nothing.”  I breath out, just a little frustrated.” I tell him smiling.

“Ah, right maybe you need a break from folding.” He says taking a shirt out and placing it into the correct pile. “No need to beat innocent shirts and pants.”

Frowning I look around the apartment. “It’s quiet, what are you six planning? Where’s Taecyeon gone to?” I ask him looking around the living room, my tone a little accusing.

“He and manager went to get dinner, we agreed you’ve been working really hard and need a break from cooking tonight.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “So?”

“So?” I ask him leaning back relaxing a bit, it’s a relief I don’t have to make anything tonight, and I still have to figure a way to slip out of here to meet Minho, Namyoung-sshi and Miyoung-Unnie.

“It’s Friday night and Wooyoung and Junho are cleaning there room, obviously something is up.” Junsu says casually. “There really aren’t that many ways to get anything done like that.”

“I know it’s a little unnerving to me.” I admit to him. “I’m not complaining though.”

Laughing Junsu smiles at me, “It’s probably for you.”

“Like I said I’m not complaining nor am I going to question it.” I tell him smiling, realizing my youngest hasn’t been around. “Where’s Chansung?”

Junsu frowns. “I’m not sure. We should look for him though. If we eat without him it could be disastrous.” Giggling I get up with Junsu following close behind, I check to see if he’s hanging with Wooyoung and Junho, who are still suspiciously cleaning and alone. Junsu checks Nichkhun’s and his room, saving myself from more embarrassment in front of the Thai Prince.

“Nope.” I say as Junsu comes out of the room. “Any luck?”

Shaking his head we both turn out attention to the last part of the house he could be hiding. “Terrace.” We both say heading through their personal gym, past the laundry room and to see Chansung sitting down staring up at the sky. “You alright?” I ask taking a seat next to him, Junsu on the other side of him.

“Deh just tired.” He mumbles yawning. Watching him I notice how tired he really is, how they all must be.

Patting his shoulder I poke him lightly. “Is your pelvis alight?” Frowning he nods his head. “Dinner will be here soon.”

“Noona you’ll have fun right?” He asks, confusing Junsu and me. “Tonight with Minho.” He clarifies.

Speechless I nod my head, Junsu though as a more vocal reply. “Bwo? You’re going out with Minho?”

“And Miyoung-Unnie and Namyoung-sshi.” I add, “Minho wants me to be more social.” I watch Junsu nod his head. “Is this pleasing?”

Both boys smile happily. “Well we want you to have more friends too.” Junsu says patting my leg. “Despite our hogging nature we do realize you need some form of a social life away from us.”

“Even though it is preferable that you spend more time with us.” Chansung chimes in. “I guess I should go clean my room too so you can leave.” He says getting up, offering us his hands.

Gladly taking it unlike Junsu I hadn’t expected to be pulled so hard, and so I was thrown into Chansung, who is very well built. “Sorry.” I mutter rubbing my forehead.

Chansung and Junsu both chuckle escorting me down the stairs. “So where are you going out tonight?” They ask me, curiously.

“Some club apparently, Miyoung-Unnie wants to dress me up.” I tell them shrugging my shoulders.

Junsu nudges me. “Send us pictures?”

Laughing I nod my head, knowing them they’d find a way to get some of me regardless, Junsu tells me to help Chansung while he cleans his room, him and his precious music sheets. I am never going to ask him where he wants them ever again. Ask him once and he’ll take full advantage of having you; you’ll get to hear every song he’s ever written. Junsu has talent, enough to have his solo, and this given though he won’t show everyone all his songs. Some of them are more personal and still need tweaking.

Stepping into the room I sit on Chansung’s bed while he puts his laundry in the closet. “You’re cleaning?” Nichkhun asks confused. “Did something happen?”

Laughing sarcastically Chansung faces Nichkhun. “Noona is going out tonight with some friends, so to help her out we’re all cleaning up our rooms.”

Nichkhun turns his attention to me. “I hope you have fun.”

Smiling at him I shrug my shoulders. “Been clubbing once you’ve done it all.” I tell them simply, giving away more about me than I’d meant.

Chansung turns to look at me, his face showing that his interest has been peaked. “Noona goes clubbing?” Despite his adorable nature, and his puppy dog eyes I’ll resist giving any of them this information.

Stalled for words I nod my head. “In L.A I went all the time.” I work out, giving them enough to throw the questions, but not their interest. This will no doubt spread to the others.

Nichkhun smirks. “Seems that your Noona has been holding out.”

Laughing I shake my head. “Careful Nichkhun or you might not get more details.” I .

Chansung takes a seat next to me. “Noona should be careful tonight though.” He frowns seriously. “You won’t have us there to protect you.”

“Who are you going with?” Nichkhun asks. “You’re not going with just girls, right?”

I nod my head. “Minho and Namyoung-sshi and probably Ian if Minho convinces him.” This seems to put them at ease some, although I do get a lecture about accepting drinks or anything from strangers and not to drink too much. It’s funny how or roles switch when I’m the one going out. They become protective over me. Although it is nice to have people care about me, even nicer that I care about them too. I wonder if this is what it’s like to have a proper relationship with people. Supportive, giving and not taking, well not taking much.

“Yah! Kids I brought dinner!” Minjae-sshi calls. “Taecyeon do not eat that yet!”

Giggling the three of us exit their now very clean room, all three bed rooms are actually good; I don’t have to do my usual run through. I smile happily telling the boys goodnight and I’ll see them tomorrow afternoon.


Pouting I step out changed, my makeup done in a very graceful manner, I’m decent at doing makeup but Miyoung-Unnie is just fantastic, it doesn’t really take much for her to work some magic. “Unnie, I don’t know, I’m not really comfortable in this.” I tell her messing with the end of my dress.  The familiar chill running down my spine every time I went to the clubs, the beat of the bass heard from the car, the general twist of my stomach from anxiety and nerves. Ah peer-pressure my nuisance.  

“Please, you look amazing.” She gushes happily. “Come on Minho, Namyoung and Ian are waiting inside, we can’t keep them waiting.”

Continuing to pout I follow behind Miyoung, her getting us in, ignoring the glares from us cutting. Stepping in I feel more self-conscious with guys ogling Miyoung and I. My red dress isn’t long enough to my liking, my heels much too tall, but I do look good, Miyoung-Unnie is very good at her job. I’ll never question her fashion sense, not I have ever thus far.

“Whoa, Miyoung when you said you’d doll her up I had no idea…” Ian yells as we join the boys at the table the rest of the sentence getting drown out by the music. “You look good.”

Minho laughs offering me a seat. “Thirsty?”

Nodding my head, I gladly take the drink offered to me. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this!” I yell.

Minho laughs. “Hurry we can go dance!” Minho’s rather lively tonight. Nodding my head I finish off the drink. Noticing that Namyoung disappeared and with him Miyoung, I’ll have to ask her about that. Her and Namyoung’s secret conversations. Always laughing together. Ian takes a seat on the other side of me.

Minho and I manage to drag Ian onto the dance floor, pushing through the sweaty people we actually manage to stick together. The loud music was a little disorientating, as were the lights flashing, in combination with drinking it was all just surreal. While dancing I ignore the guys trying to get a free pass at me, the flashing lights and all dancing bodies were very helpful in trying to forget. In the whole time that I’ve came here I’ve been dodging my mother’s attempts at trying to get me back. Not only that but with everything happening at hyper speed.  Minho and Ian both take pictures with my phone, and theirs. I couldn’t remember having this much fun in L.A. there it was all sot of show; here I can actually enjoy myself.

Eventually I lost Minho and Ian in the crowd, frowning I make my way over to our table, sitting down I lift my feet off the ground. I’m not used to the heels anymore, drinking too. Heading to the bar I have one more shot before calling it a night. Meeting Ian there he smiles. “Hey we’ve been looking for you.”

“Sorry” I mutter throwing the shot back. Ian gives me a bewildered look. “It’s the last.” I assure him.

Nodding his head we head back to the table, Ian’s am around my waist. “You’re a little tipsy there.”

Leaning against Ian I nod my head. “I shouldn’t have anymore. I’m not nice when I drink.” I mumble sadly. The familiar buzz and fuzz coming on.

“Is that so?” Ian asks. “You also seem to forget your Korean.” He comes back at me in English. “I think before you get mean we should get you home.”

“That” I slur “is a capital idea my good man!” I cheer nearly tripping. “Omo…Where’s Minho?”

Ian chuckles. “Right here, help me get her in the car; she’s had more than enough tonight.”


Walking to work, a bottle of water in hand, I open the door to the dorm, to hear screaming. Grabbing my head I glare at the culprits, “Noona are alight?” Junho asks walking over to me.

Sighing I soften my gaze. “I’m not going out like I did last night ever again.”

Chansung comes out of his room, hesitantly. “Are you still grumpy Noona?” Inwardly I slap my already hung-over head for yelling at Chansungie over the phone for waking me up. I honestly can’t believe I did it and I feel terrible about it.

Shaking my head I smile at him. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.” I tell him bowing; as I come back up from my bow Chansung engulfs me into a hug.

“Noona!” He says squeezing me happily. Chuckling I hug him back, despite my headache.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..