
Rebelling Heart


With Chansung, and no doubt Junho and Wooyoung knowing I feel a little bit more relaxed, not as stressed, well about being with Jay. But with the past couple of days they’ve all been acting weird, Nichkhun started to distance himself, I only noticed because he started going out more and returning just as I was leaving. I’m pretty really sure what happened recently to set all this off is that they all know, coupled with Junsu and Taecyeon being mad at me, they say they aren’t but I guess it’s like when you’re fighting with your friend and they say that they aren’t angry when they are. The only three that are acting normal are Junho, Chansung and Wooyoung. They are insistent that they didn’t tell the older ones, the oldest three are supposedly in the dark, maybe that’s why, and I mean they obviously know.


With Nichkhun suddenly distancing himself, and Junsu and Taec acting like they aren’t mad when they are, something has have to happen for them all to act so strange. “Do you think I should just tell the others?” I ask Jay quietly, him writing in his song book.

“I think that if you think its right you should. With Chansung knowing you have been less stressed.” Jay says looking up at me. “You know telling them won’t be the end. They’ll be mad for a little, but I doubt anyone could hate you.” Jay says leaning over kissing my temple before he goes back to scribbling down notes, lyrics, raps and other little key points to his new album. “You’re too…You to be hated.” He says, not his most eloquent moment, but sweet all the same.

It’s times like these that I like being with Jay most, him writing and me just resting against him. Being around Jay is always comfortable. I never feel stressed or pressured into anything, being around Jay it’s all about what makes us happy and then doing just that.

Watching him I smile to myself, outlining his tattoos on his arms with my eyes, resisting the urge to touch them myself. Admiring him I smile blissfully, happy that Jay had been the one to save me that day. Ripping my gaze away from the man next to me I look out the window, the rain gently hitting the glass, the gentle patter calming to me.

“It was raining when we met.” Jay whispers into my ear causing shivers down my spine.

Turning to look back at him, I hold my breath, Jay’s strong intent gaze on me; reminding myself to breathe again I nod my head. “You also saved my life.”

“I’m glad I did.” He mumbles running his hand against my face. “This song is for you.” He says absently. Smiling at him I grab his hand, holding it against my face, I want to remember this moment for the rest of my life. I don’t want to forget anymore I’m tired of always trying to find something to help me let go. With Jay I just want to capture all our memories.  “Want to hear some of it?”

Nodding my head I drop my hand from his, allowing him to stand up. Jay is a performer, always will be. It doesn’t matter if it’s just him or me, an audience or not Jay will act like the world is watching. Maybe it is, maybe that’s why he has to go. Why he has to leave, but not yet I can keep Jay to myself for a little while longer before I have to share, before I have to let go.

Watching Jay I sigh happily, rapping for me, singing for me all on a whim. The tune is catchy, ‘just be my girlfriend, my girlfriend, my girl’.  “What do you think?” He asks taking a seat next to me. “Do you like it?” Nodding my head I rest my head on his lap. “Really?”

“Jay I love the song.” I whisper closing my eyes. “I promise.”

“So then what do you say?” He asks me. The question vague enough to peak my interest, opening my eyes I see Jay blushing, so this is a serious question. I love that Jay can be the most up front guy but then become so shy that he blushes, even to his ears. Jay has all these little things that help make up who he is and I’m falling for each little thing; one at a time, one right after another.

“What do I say about what?” I ask confused while sitting up. Sitting crossed legged I watch Jay turn to me slowly, his face a light pink gradually getting darker.

“Being my girlfriend.” He says clearly, the words echoing, hearing the words make my heart skip a beat.  “You’re making me nervous not saying anything.” Jay says turning away.

“Yes.” I say simply. Wrapping my arms around Jay I kiss his neck. “Why would I ever say no?” I ask him.

Jay just as quickly wraps his arms around me, holding me against his body, me fitting in his arms. As cliché as it sounds it’s where I fit. Where I found my place in the world, my little slice of earth. Jay’s scent washes over me, clean and fresh, manly and familiar.

Letting go Jay presses his lips against mine timidly, as though we’ve never kissed before. His lips move against mine softly before pulling away. “I’m sorry I can’t take you out like I should.” He says holding me close to him. “I’m sorry I can’t just walk out in the streets with you.” He mumbles nuzzling his nose against mine.

I happily rest my head on Jay’s chest, still dazed from his kiss. The simplistic kiss that just blew my mind away, I’d stopped thinking. All I know is that this is the happiest I’ve ever been and this is suddenly all I could ever want out of life. “You know that question you asked me, the one I wouldn’t answer.” I tell him ignoring his statement, we both know I don’t care; I don’t need that public to watch us, I don’t need him to take me out to know that he cares because I already know that he cares about me, he cares and I care about him that’s all that matters.

“Of course.” He says nuzzling into my neck. “Why?” He asks confused.

Holding his hand I look out the window. “I came to Korea because I was running away.” I mumble quietly.

Jay is quick to hold my hand back and even faster to pull me into a tight embrace. “What from?” He asks quietly.

Gulping down my tears and everything I fear I manage to tell him the simple answer. “Everything.”


I told Jay that I basically couldn’t stay in America with my mother without being miserable; Jay didn’t ask me much after the fact. He was silent and just rubbed my arms, I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it’s out there now. This also brings us to Chansung holding my hand while I sit in the living room with Wooyoung, Junho and him waiting for Minjae-sshi to bring the others back here.

“You told them right?” I ask Chansung absently staring at Junho’s hat on the table. “Junho and Wooyoung I mean.”

“Yeah,” He says sighing, “You should still say it.” He mumble in my ear, Chansung pats the top of my head in a calming fashion, then he gives me a hug before he tosses a coin at Junho, who is reading, this also effectively getting Wooyoung’s attention.

“That hurt!” Junho says rubbing his arm, a red spot appearing on his arm already. “What?” He asks like a spoiled child before staring at us confused.

“I know Chansung told you both, but it’d probably be good to hear it from me.” I say sighing, getting up I sit next to Woo’s feet. “I’m dating Jay.” I mumble quietly.

“Why hide it?” Woo asks me quietly, setting his computer down he sits cross-legged on the couch staring at me sort of sadly. “I mean yeah we’re upset, and I think you know why, but why hide it? He obviously makes you happy Noona.” He says looking down at his hands in a depressed manner. “Why?”

“Yeah,” Junho adds in sighing, turning his body to face me, “I mean it’s not like we’d yell at you.” Junho says leading off, waiting for me to fill in for their benefit. “At least not us…”

“I know with how things left off you seven don’t exactly have closure.” I start patting Wooyoung’s leg. “I was afraid that if I told you you’d feel like I wouldn’t care. I love you all so much, and you’re all so important that I just didn’t want to hurt you, I wanted to find a way to tell you all so you wouldn’t feel like I was betraying you or anything.” I ramble on my voice cracking slightly towards the end.

Junho comes over and hugs me tightly, shaking his head it finding a spot by my neck. “Noona we’re happy that you found someone, sure it’s Jay, but Jay is a good guy. We all know that.” Smoothing the back of my hair down Junho pulls away to smile at me, his eyes disappearing, “Noona don’t worry so much, all we really want is for you to share things with us more.”

“Yeah, besides Noona didn’t Hyung save you?” Woo asks taking a seat next to me, him also wrapping his arms around me. “Noona we owe hyung for saving you, you’re important.” He whispers happily.

“What’s with the hug fest?” Junsu asks coming, his voice is slightly more playful that it has been the past couple of days. “Huh?”

Wooyoung lets go of me, taking a seat between Junsu and Nichkhun I grab their hands and stare at a now slightly awkward Taecyeon. “Come here.” I say shaking my head. I swear they can be so odd. “I want to tell you guys something.” I mumble looking at Taecyeon’s foot trying to find the right words. I feel both Junsu and Nichkhun straighten up, their grips tightening. “I know you’re all protective over me, and that you all care about me a lot.” I say looking at the three of them, “You’ve all been asking about who I’ve been dating,” I say again Nichkhun’s grip slackens a little. “I’ve been seeing Jay.” I finally work out.

“That’s really great.” Nichkhun says taking his hand out of mine only to engulf me in a hug. “I’m happy for you.” He whispers.

“Jay-hyung?” Junsu asks in mock surprise, at least it sounds like it.

Rolling my eyes I push him gently as Nichkhun releases me. “How’d you guys meet?” Taecyeon asks quietly, I was afraid of this, I know from what Jay said that he was really close with Taecyeon and Nichkhun since they all speak fluent English. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m happy…It just seems unreal.” He mutters.

Sighing I take Taecyeon’s large hands in mine. “He saved me from getting hit by the car.” I tell them simply. “Jay…He’s been really good to me, and he even asks about you guys.”

“Hyung asks?” Chansung asks surprised, gaping at me he turns his head away, he may act like the oldest sometimes, but he’s still young, they all act like children with this, all stubborn and upset.

Sighing I nod my head. “Of course, I thought you would have asked when you saw him.” I say shaking my head.

“You knew?!” Junsu and Nichkhun yell standing up.

“Hey!” I yell at them standing up, “Don’t, he only found out because I left my phone here.” I say standing in front of Nichkhun, my hands on my hips. “He only found out recently, and please, you all have known about as long, from how you’ve been acting!” I shout breathing heavily.

Nichkhun glares at me before rolling his eyes, walking around me he stores into his room, coming out with a jacket he slams the door shut to the apartment. Turning to Junsu I see him staring at the door in confusion. “Don’t.” I command sitting on the couch.

Junsu eyes me before taking a seat and hugging me. “I’m glad you found someone that makes so happy.” He whispers kissing the top of my head. “Give him a little bit of time; I think he’s just shocked and upset that you confirmed it.” I feel like there is another meaning to what Junsu has said, but I’m too tired to ask. “He’ll cool off and then everything will be ok.”

Nodding my head I smile happily, the others come and rest around us, making a big pile on the couch. Feeling them all snuggle closer I smile to myself, I really do enjoy things like this. How close we’ve become since I first came here to Korea. Climbing out of the pile to make dinner I’m left alone to think about things, that is until Taecyeon comes in.

“What does Jay say?” Taecyeon asks me in English. “I mean…about us…”

Smiling at him I nod my head for him to come closer, nudging him I smile at him. “He’s told me that you were all very close.” I say quietly. “Sometimes when we’re just sitting and if we happen to be talking we drift to you guys. He smiles happily and he gets so excited it’s nice to see.” I say sighing happily. “But Jay will ask how you guys are and what exactly you are up to.”

“He asks?” Taecyeon asks surprised, looking at him I see him smiling to himself, he misses Jay. They all do.

“Of course, he likes knowing that you guys are doing well, and if you’re all happy.” I tell him contently. “He misses you guys.” I tell him as he slides to the ground. “About Nichkhun…”

Taecyeon looks up at me and shrugs his shoulders. “I wouldn’t worry too much.” He says simply, “He’ll come around. After all he likes you.” Taec says sighing. “We all don’t warm up to people easily, we like that you treat us like people. Nichkhun will realize how badly he’s acting and will apologize.”

Taking the food off the burner, I bend down and hug Taecyeon, his arms engulfing me in a bear hug. “Thank you.” I whisper before letting go. “Will you take these to the table while I get the others?” I ask him; nodding his head I hug him one more time before passing the message of dinner along.


“Junho?” I ask peeking my head into his room, him being the only one in his room. “Dinner.”

“Are you going to leave?” he asks me quietly from his bed, him sitting facing the door, a sullen expression on. “Are you going to leave us too?”

Confused I watch him from across the room, unsure of what to do. “Junho I’m not leaving.”

“But you left your home, your family!” He says harshly, glaring at me for a moment before he softens his gaze. “Junsu says you’re from a wealthy family and you left them.”

Sighing I think back to the first day I spent doing laundry and how Junsu interrogated me. I feel as though the air was knocked right out of me, as though I was punched in the chest; they’re all drawing conclusions about me; I quickly cross the room, “Where did all this come from?” I ask sitting next to and grabbing his hand.

“Jaebeom left us, fans wanted us to disband,” Junho says bitterly, not just bitter but full of malevolence and malice. “I don’t want to lose you too.”

“Junho-ah, I’m not going to leave you guys. I’m right here, you know where my apartment is, and the spare key…I’m not leaving so stop worrying.” I tell him gripping his hand tighter. “I’m not going to leave 2PM, I promise.” Junho smiles at me, satisfied with my answer Junho and I walk out of his room to see Nichkhun standing there with a nervous facial expression. Leaving me behind Junho takes a seat, the guys all watching.

"I'm sorry." Nichkhun says sighing. "I shouldn't have gotten so angry." He says sighing. "I really am sorry." Smiling at him I gesture for him to take a seat, shaking his head he frowns at me.

"Nichkhun I'm not angry with you, I don't have a reason." I tell him smiling, walking over to him I give him a hug before proceeding to the table to take my own seat, him following behind quickly.

Another update, yay ^^ I've been putting this specific chapter together for about a month, I've written this chapter in little sections as I move the story forward to this point, I hope you guys like this.

Also while we're still in the early stages of this fic, what do you guys really like, what don't you like? Does it bother you that the OC doesn't have a name, or do you like it?  What would you like to see me improve on?

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..