Heart Flutter

Rebelling Heart

“So who was that?” Chansung asks casually sitting on the counter as I peel an orange. Watching him I gauge how badly everyone wants to know, obviously they thought sending Chansung would be their best bet in finding out.

“No one really, just a friend of Minho’s” I say turning my back, “I lost a game and my punishment was calling them ‘princes’.” I explain to them.

“You play games like that with them?” Chansung asks quietly.

Whipping around I pat Chansung’s cheek affectionately. “They were only trying to cheer me up.” I tell him simply. I didn’t need for them to get jealous. I mean it’s not like I’m choosing sides here. “Really they were just trying to distract me a little.”

Chansung smiles at me shyly. “Noona you’re sure you rather be here than out with Prince Charming?”

Nodding my head I poke his cheek playfully. “There isn’t anywhere in the world I’d rather be than here with you all. So you better stop sending Chansung out on these missions.” I shout hearing Wooyoung stumble out from the hall, no doubt from Taecyeon or Junsu leaning on him.

As the other four all come into view, they smile sheepishly. “You know we only ask because we worry.” Taecyeon says smiling his big smile that I love. Walking over to me they all hug me tightly.

“We don’t want to lose our special someone.” Junho whispers in my ear earning a couple thwacks from the other five.


With everything finally calmed down to a buzz I enjoy some time in the guest (Junho’s) room looking out the window.

“You know I really do like that shirt on you.” Nichkhun says from behind me, turning I see him leaning on the doorframe. “May I?” He asks gesturing to the space next to me.

Rolling my eyes I pat the spot next to me. “Like you need to ask you goof.” I mumble as he sits down. “You know I really do like the shirt too.” I comment looking down at the simplistic design of some kind of diamond on a black shirt. “Are you sure I can have it?” I ask him quietly.

Hearing him chuckle I look over at him curiously, he always seems to find something funny with me. “Of course you can keep it, you look way better in it that I do.” Somehow I find this difficult to believe, well not somehow. Nichkhun is a model, not just a model but an extremely fit and active idol-model with thousands of fans that would maul me for being 2PM au pair forget the shirt being a gift from him. “What’s with the face you’re making?” He asks poking my cheek.

Frowning I stick my tongue out at him. “I always make faces.”

“Yah, I’m older.” Nichkhun says playfully. “I think you should change your tone.”

Pouting I glance around before smiling sassily. “We don’t have honorifics in English.” I tell him happily switching languages to avoid the pesky customs. Well not that I find them pesky, just not exactly fitting in my mind frame or the situation.

Laughing he tickles my sides. “I think you’ve forgotten that we’re in Korea and not America.”

“Ok I give, I’m sorry!” I get out between laughing and fighting to breath. “You win, you’re right!”

Nichkhun gives me a very pleased look. “I’m glad you agree. So where in America did you live?” He asks after a pause.

Stealing a glance I see him focusing on me, gulping I smile nervously. “Los Angeles, California.” It’s like everything about Nichkhun is intense. As nervous as his gaze is, Nichkhun really does have nice eyes, they’re like no one else’s, but I feel like I’ve felt this same stare before, this same intense look.

“Do you miss home?” He asks me friendly. “I mean it’s been a while now since you’ve been there.” Concerned, kind, polite, gorgeous, talent, a complete gentleman, what hasn’t he got? I’m starting to think that all the world’s good men are here in Korea, no wonder I couldn’t date in America.

Scrunching my face I shake my head. “LA wasn’t really ever home.  If I miss anything from LA it’d be the sun-showers.” Smiling at him I let out a sigh, “What about you Nichkhun, where’s home?”

He smiles at me, that same stupid smile that makes me nervous. “Here the guys and Thailand with my family, I miss them.” He looks so happy and cue the jealous pang in my chest. “You know you really do make faces a lot.”

Shrugging my shoulders I lean back, “I didn’t always.” I tell him simply. “I started making them when people started to listen.” And people only started listening when it was you guys, 2PM you’re really changing who I am; I think I should thank you guys.

“You seem like the kind of person who was always heard.” Nichkhun says quietly. “Like you were the life of everything.” Nichkhun says gently.

Shaking my head I let out a deep sigh. “Nope, it was more of a, be seen and be quite sort of life I had. Speak only when spoken to. Anyways I want some ice cream.” I say standing up, looking down at Nichkhun I smile at him. “I’m getting better at this family thing.” I’m letting a little of me slip out, a little too much for one sitting. “Just give me a little time.” I whisper to him smiling softly.

Chuckling he gets up. “You better go get your ice cream; I’m going to take a nap. Be sure to bring me some back.” He teases me. Before letting me leave he holds my arm. “I’ll give you all the time in the world, but I don’t think you should use it all up.” He says cryptically.


Plucking Chansung up I sneak him out of the apartment, “So you and Nichkhun were alone for a while, what did you guys do?” He asks inquiringly while we head to the convenience store.

“We just sort of talked, he asked questions and I answered.” I tell him enjoying the pleasant summer breeze. “Why?”

“Just curious, you and hyung don’t spend a whole lot of time together alone.” He says simply. “Normally you avoid being alone with him.” Chansung isn’t wrong, I feel weird around Nichkhun so to solve this problem I just avoid being alone. I wish it wasn’t like this, but it is and I’m not sure why nor am I sure how to change that.

Flustered I look away from the observant maknae of 2PM. “When did you get all observant?”

Poking me I hear him chuckle. “Noona, I’m just saying. I thought you didn’t really like him or something, but you’re still wearing his shirt.” Again with double meanings, did I miss some kind of memo between Minho and 2PM? Aish, these kids.

“So, I like it.” I tell him facing him again. “And I have no problem with him,” I say holding my breath, I’d almost said Nichkhun’s name loudly, not something I’d like to do. “Besides it’s … I don’t not like him.”

“What about Minho’s friend, this entity you’re keeping a secret?” Chansung asks. “Don’t look at me like I’m attacking you. I’m just asking why you aren’t telling us about him.” I hate it because he does look concerned about. I know they worry, but sometimes I feel like it doesn’t matter what I do they’ll fret over me and want to be sure I’m ok.

Blowing my cheeks up as we enter the store, buying the ice cream I look over at Chansung, obviously conversation won’t flow until I answer. “To be honest I’m not really sure. I was just told not to.” I say honestly. “I’m not a fan of it, but Minho said not to.”

“Well I guess that’s ok.” Chansung says a little sourly. “You don’t want to hide it, it’s just been advised.”

“Strongly.” I tell him sighing. “Do you want to sit on the roof?” I ask him seeing the flight of stairs leading to the roof. Being with Chansung really does make me feel better; he’s really like a little brother.

“Come let’s go.” He says laughing, allowing me to run up the stairs. “Should I text the guys?”

Turning around at the top of the flight I smile at him. “It’s up to you.” Chansung takes a seat in front of the railing, looking down he smiles. “You’re happy.”

I smile at him nodding my head. “I feel happy. Really happy.” I admit eating some ice cream. “What about you? You seem oddly serious now.” I comment choosing to focus on him rather than the buildings and the city life.

“It’s just with everything that’s happened to you recently I’m worried.” Chansung admits; his gaze fixed on me. “Noona I don’t want you to leave. It just feels like you’re about to take off and leave.”

Smiling at him I scoot so our legs are touching. “Chansung I’m not going anywhere.” I whisper shoving a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. “Cheer up. Noona isn’t just going to disappear. I rather suffer my worst fear than leave you guys.”

Chansungie smiles at me. “Noona you’ve gotten playful, but don’t say things like that!”

“I told you she snuck him out!” Wooyoung whines coming up the stairs behind us. “Noona you can’t just take Chansung out!” He whines sitting next to me with Junho taking a seat next to Chansung.

“Noona you’ll have to take Wooyoung out now.” Junho chuckles, getting an eye smile from him I find myself nodding. “Ice cream again?” I love his eye smile, just like I love Taecyeon’s big smile.

“You’ve taken Junho out?!” Wooyoung asks shocked. “For ice cream?!” Ah the jealousy that these kids have for attention.

Nodding my head I put some in his mouth. “I’ll sneak you out next, don’t worry. What’s the rule?”

“Don’t tell hyungs.” Chansungie says happily leaving his mouth open, complying I put one last bit in his mouth, giving two to Junho and one more to Wooyoung.

Hearing the annoying princess themed ring go off I scowl, Minho. “Yah, what do you think you’re doing changing the settings on my phone?!” I ask immediately, sure I’m playing around a little, but I can’t change the song.

“Noona’s friend?” Wooyoung asks Chansung.

Chansung shakes his head. “That’s the tone she uses when she reprimands Minho-Hyung or Ian-Hyung.” I chuckle at this, he knows me so well…well as much as I’ll let him I guess.

“I’m sorry, I’ll fix it, but I’m to confirm plans for this weekend, after my going away party.”

“It’s at the club right?” I ask him eating the last of the ice cream.

“Yeah, Miyoung really likes to go clubbing.” Minho says laughing. “Oh like you don’t?” He asks, obviously he’s with Namyoung, Ian and Miyoung. “Anyways I’ll pick you up the day after alright?”

“Sounds good. As long as nothing pops up I should be good.” Junho is eyeing me as I hang up. “What?”

“You’ve just gotten so social. It’s a little weird.” Junho says laughing, sticking my tongue out I lean onto Wooyoung causing more laughter.

“Careful hyung she might rebel against us.” Chansung says to Junho. “After all she’s gotten such a big social life lately.”

Pouting I look up at Wooyoung. “You don’t think that do you Wooyoung?” I ask him batting my lashes at him.

“Noona hasn’t changed that much with her friends.” He says smiling at me nervously. “Shame on you guys.”

Laughing I get up. “Come on, Taecyeon and Junsu will be worried and will wake up Nichkhun.” I say heading to the stairs. “We don’t want our cover to be blown.” I giggle walking down the stairs gleefully. Walking into the dorm I smirk happily sitting on the couch, Taecyeon gives me a funny look. “Yes?”

“Where did you disappear to?” He asks as I lean on him, Chansung, Wooyoung and Junho all shake their heads taking their respective seats. “Where was Chansung? And why are you three together?” He asks suspiciously, but we get saved by a prince, the Thai Prince.

“Did you get your ice cream?” Nichkhun asks coming into the living room, taking a seat on the other couch, nodding my head happily he laughs. “Taecyeon?

“I’m just confused.” He mutters eyeing the four of us. “She leaves to get ice cream apparently, and Chansung was gone too. But then the four of them all come back.” Taecyeon says before shaking his head going back to his book. “Forget it.”

Giggling I peck Taecyeon on the cheek. “Don’t fret.” I tell him getting up. “Anyways what’s for dinner?” Stepping into the kitchen I see the menus they have laid out. Obviously they want take out. “Oh I see.”

“Noona pizza is delicious and you’re not working, and we’re not working so I don’t think it’ll be such a bad thing to break out diet like this just this once.” Chansung says coming to my side, batting his eyelashes at me. And now I see what Minjae-sshi meant about Chansung trying to talk me out of his diet plan. The kid is cute, super cute, and buff.

“Yeah, I think we can stand to have pizza for the night.” Nichkhun says stepping in. Ah, they team up. Fantastic, Minjae-sshi is right. “Come on we can go pick it up and have a movie night or something since we don’t have schedules tomorrow.”

Glaring at them I tap my chin in a ‘thinking matter’ before sighing. “You know Minjae-sshi will be cross if he finds out.” I say giving in, I’d kill from some pizza, and I’ll admit I’m even tired of their diet food. It’s a pain in the to make every day, plus it’s not the tasty, at least not every day tasty. “I’ll call it in and pick it up.”

“I’ll come.” Chansung and Nichkhun say together happily. “We’ll come.”

Rolling my eyes I pick up one of their takeout menus and call for a pizza, picking up the keys and borrowing Minjae-sshi’s spare key to the car I take Nichkhun and Chansung to pick up the three pizzas. After Junsu and the others promise not to tell Minjae-sshi.


“You know sneaking out just the younger guys isn’t fair to me.” Nichkhun says sitting in the passenger seat, giving me a knowing smile. “I think you should look into sneaking others out.” Glaring at him playfully I start the car, feeling my hands shake again I bit my lip nervously. “Put it into drive.” Nichkhun coos softly.

Listening to him I drive the car, taking my hand when it’s just resting on the shifter, it’s relaxing enough to calm my nerves enough to carry on simple conversation in the car with him and Chansung. I’d forgotten what it felt like to be this terrified.

“Thank-you.” I mumble to him as I put the car in park in the parking garage again. “Nichkhun.” I smile at him and Chansung, both smiling at me while carrying the pizzas. Call me crazy but with the way Nichkhun and I were looking at each other my heart felt like it fluttered. Like it had when I was talking with Jay. Walking with them back to the apartment I consider this and the meaning. Heart fluttering generally indicates affection towards a person right? So was I feeling affection towards Jay and Nichkhun? No. Crazy. After all Jay had only saved my life and Nichkhun obviously sees me as part of the 2PM family. There isn’t any heart fluttering here, just a friendly circle of happy feelings. I decide; it’d be crazy and stupid if I’d fall for Jay or Nichkhun, any of them in fact. Jay’s famous of some nature, and 2PM is 2PM. They’re all out of reach to date, not that that’s what I want or don’t want. It just won’t happen not in this life time at least.

“Are you ok Noona?” Chansung asks me setting the pizza down on the counter. “Noona?” looking up at him I nod my head. “Thinking about the driving thing?” He asks me tilting his head getting me a plate; he always did serve me food.

“A little.” I whisper as the others all serve themselves before heading back into the living room, Nichkhun following, leaving Chansung and I room to talk. “Thank-you.” I whisper as he places pizza on my plate before serving himself.

“Noona you drive great, we all feel safe in the car with you.” He says smiling. “We’ll all try to calm you down like we did tonight.” He says pushing me to sit on the couch the others.

Although his speech was comforting it wasn’t exactly what I was thinking about. I was more concerned about the hand holding with Nichkhun, and the heart racing part. But for the night I’ll blame the car, for the time being I’ll ignore it because it’d be absurd to fret over something that hasn’t and won’t happen between me and one of the guys or Jay. Trying to focus on the movie they put in I glaze over as my mind goes into overdrive trying to justify my heart and what its feeling, and the fact that I keep glancing over at Nichkhun, and when we happen to make eye contact my heart flips. Setting my plate down I grasp Chansung’s hand to distract myself.

“Noona that movie isn’t that scary.” He whispers as I clamp down on his hand, I don’t even know what we’re watching but I allow him to continue to think that I’m scared of the movie. Wrapping his arm around me I lean on him, watching the movie but not really paying attention to it. I wasn’t like this in America. I hadn’t gotten distracted by a couple attractive men, I didn’t trip up. I didn’t have to worry about my heart hurting from looking at someone, but I feel like my heart does hurt a little and I’m not sure why.



I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I had this on here for a while I guess I just never posted it. Sorry. ^^

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had me...lol
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..