Direct and Honest

Rebelling Heart


I probably hate this most; well besides seeing Victoria talk to Nichkhun, the feeling after you drink a cup of coffee. I’m not too sure how people act all glamorous afterwards, because right now I’m making an exit to a bathroom with my mouthwash. Standing in front of the mirror while swishing the mouthwash around in my mouth I inspect my appearance. It has become a little bit more common for me to do this.

My hair is tossed up in a ponytail and I only have eyeliner and mascara on. I obviously woke up late. I really look well rested, but my hair looks a bit messy, and yes it bothers me.

Spitting out the liquid I make a quick check of my teeth. Clean. Good to go.


Walking back to the boys practice room I decline a second cup of coffee before taking a seat back at the table set up in the corner to go through offers for 2PM to make an appearance, after all they’re scheduling their comeback now, that and Wooyoung is about to make his solo debut. It feels crazy because I kind of feel like they’re really growing up, even though they’re full grown men.

“What do you think about Happy Together 3?” An intern asks me pointing to an invitation. “They’d like one of the boys at least and to know if Jinyoung-sshi would attend.” She says looking at some details.

Glancing at the details and scanning them I nod my head. “Pass it on to Jinyoung-sshi and see if he’d do it, the only one free on that date is Nichkhun, we’ll let him do the show, do you have the details for Wooyoung’s solo stage, I want to look at them again.” I tell her biting the inside of my cheek. “Thank-you,” I say smiling as she hands me a stack of papers.

Reading through them I barely acknowledge Minjae-shhi calls for lunch. I’ve been reading through everything to be sure that this is perfect for Wooyoungie. I don’t want anything to go wrong, especially on his debuting stage. Maybe I am a bit protective, but better safe than sorry.

“You know I think eating should be required by all employees.” Nichkhun says sitting next to me with two plates, one obviously for him, and another for me. “Eat.”

Looking up at him I smile happily. “Thank-you” I mumble taking a bite of the sandwich he brought for me. “So how is practice?” I ask him setting the papers down away from me so I can focus on our few stolen moments.

Shrugging his shoulders he smiles at me. “Alright, though what was with you leaving so suddenly?” He asks chuckling at my surprised expression. “What? Everyone noticed, and then you slipped back in as though nothing happened.” This, this is the frustrating part of dating him. Nichkhun notices every single thing that happens, everything. Yeah on one hand it is useful and wonderful, but when it’s one of my little quirks is isn’t so amusing.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I say turning my head away from him a light blush coming to my face; I’m not too sure why I’m even embarrassed.

“Oh, but I think you do. You have those cute red cheeks.” He teases me even further. “Come on it isn’t the first time, but this is certainly the most abruptly that you’ve left like that.”

Rolling my eyes I face the wall that is conveniently a wall and not a mirror. “I went to the bathroom to rinse my mouth.” And before he can even question why I continue on with my explanation while facing him now. “I don’t like the feel of coffee on my teeth afterwards. It bugs me.” I offer.

Nichkhun smiles at me. “That’s interesting, is it just coffee?”

Throwing my head back I let out a laugh. “I don’t know? It’s just something I do?” I say trying to contain myself. “Why is it so ‘interesting’?” I ask him smiling.

“This should be obvious.” Khun says smirking. “I like to know things about you; I like to know what bugs you, like after you drink coffee you don’t like the feel.” He says pleasantly. “You went to college for business management, you read the newspapers, articles, and you read a variety of things, anything that seems to pique your interest.”

Surprised I look at him carefully. “You have a bit of information on me, don’t you?” I ask him slyly, he happily eats part of his lunch while nodding his head. “You know plenty about me.”

Before the conversation can even develop into anything more the others come back in, Chansung and Junsu give us the eye, which only makes me laugh more than I was before.

“What’s so funny?” Junho asks taking a seat next to me. “Hyung?”

Fighting to get some air I shake my head. “Nichkhun just…he made me laugh.” I say trying to find a good explanation, this in turn makes said ‘hyung’ laugh as well.

“Aren’t you two getting chummy?” Taecyeon says curiously. “Anyways, Noona I have some shopping to do, think you can help?” He asks me while taking a big sip of his drink.

Nodding my head I smile happily. “I would love to help you shop,” I say realizing I don’t have a drink, to this Nichkhun must have realized as well because we both stand up. “I’m going to get a drink.”

“Me too.” He says following along with me, “Sorry.” He mutters to me so the others can’t hear.

Shrugging my shoulders I playfully push him. “It’s no big.”



“Okay is it just me or do they seem even closer than they were in Japan?” Taecyeon asks, causing me to glance at Chansung, he of course looks at me wide-eyed. Nichkhun and she want to keep them dating quiet until something definitive comes up between them.

“I don’t know. They seem like before.” I say casually sipping my water. “I mean she’s like that with all of us.” Stay cool, act like it isn’t a big deal. Even though it is a big deal, not just big, but what could possibly be the start of something.

“I don’t know hyung, Taecyeon is right.” Wooyoung agrees, with Junho nodding his head.

Sighing I watch their faces. “Is it really wrong? I mean Nichkhun isn’t moody anymore, at least not as much.” I say trying to get a positive spin on this.

“I agree. Even noona seems happier.” Chansung says neutrally.

Junho looks at us all. “But at what cost? We all know how Nichkhun feels and it obviously hasn’t faded. He likes Noona, but…” He says leading off for us to contemplate, because we know Nichkhun’s track record with girls. He likes to play, and I swear if this is him playing I’ll scar his precious face.

Before we can comment on it more they’re back laughing at something, probably a joke or something between them, I’ll admit it is worrisome to see that smile on her face like that, only because Nichkhun can bring it and just as quickly he can rip it away from her.




“Why do you guys look so serious?” I ask the boys as Nichkhun and I take our seats, Junsu and Chansung shoot me a glare.

“It’s nothing Noona, we’re just talking about Wooyoung’s debut and how important it is to him.” Junho says taking a bite of his rice. “Anyways Minjae-sshi says you’re working on our schedules now.”

Nodding my head I glance at my laptop sitting idly on the table between us all. “I am, right now I’m actually going through offers to have you all on various shows.” There is one that bothers me more than the others, Radio Star, Nichkhun, Victoria, together, Married Together.

“You’re doing that now?” Taecyeon asks surprised, this mouth agape, eyes slightly shocked.

Laughing I nod my head. “Why? Are you worried that I’ll be crap at this and then I’ll get fired and you’ll never see me again?” I ask playfully, to which everyone looks at me worried. “Oh my god, do not give me those looks. I was joking.”

“Noona that was a bad joke.” Junho says fake crying, “What if you really are bad at it?!” He says as he continues on a rant of how my job suddenly is taken away from me and the boys are banned from seeing me and how they all end up starving and so on and so forth.

“All I have to say to that is, why would you all die from starvation of all things?” I ask Junho curiously about his logic behind the events that would ‘undoubtedly’ ensue if I lose my job.

“You make us most of our meals now, and well I would miss your cooking, though it is limited.” Junho jokes with a grin on his face, and his eyes disappearing into slits.

“Junho I love your eye-smiles.” I blurt out seeing his smile, which only eggs him on. The younger male happily rocks his head back and forth. “Never stop using them.” I command finishing my lunch.




With Taecyeon shopping is fun. He tries on ridiculous outfits by request and by ‘mistake’. Though by this point I think it is to make me smile and laugh as I okay pieces of outfits. “What is this for?” I ask him as he sits next to me with the buy pile.

“For me, I just wanted to go shopping suddenly.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “Anyways Noona what do you think Nichkhun?”

Blinking surprised I stare at Taec. It was so blunt and not completely like him that I answered honestly. “I like him.” It sort of just fell out of my mouth and before I could even say anything Taec is jumping up and pointing at me.

“I KNEW IT!” He says excitedly still jumping and pointing might I add. “I thought you two were acting different!” Which makes other things fire off in his head. “Junsu and Chansung know!”

“Whoa, whoa back up.” I say confused. “What are even talking about?” I ask the excited Taec.

Calming down he sits next to me. “We were all talking while you were away, I happen to comment on how you and Nichkhun seem extremely close, more than when we went to Japan that one time.” He says all on one breathe. “And then there was that one time you kicked me out of my room very early to talk to Junsu. I caught the last bit of the conversation.” Taecyeon explains quite pleased with his deductions. “Then Junsu and Chansung were acting all indifferent so they have to know.” He concludes rather smartly.

Rolling my eyes at him I knock his shoulder. “Why do you all have to be so damn observant?” I ask him.

“Because we’re all so close, but Noona…” Taecyeon says quietly suddenly.

Biting my lip I touch his shoulder lightly. “I know, it is Nichkhun, and I have gotten lecture after lecture from Junsu and Chansung. But everything is okay. We’re both figuring it out, though I guess now there isn’t a point in hiding it.” I say slightly worried. Wooyoung and Junho will be angry.

“Why were you two?” Taec asks fixing the buy pile.

Smiling at him I fold my hands on my lap. “Because this won’t affect you all like it did when I was dating Jay. This is more direct, more there for the six of you. I don’t want to damage anything the six of you have. I am more than happy being here with you guys and spending so much time with you like we do.  But I’m even happier when I see you all together.”

“So if something doesn’t work out with you two what happens?” Taec asks; his tone serious. “No one will be happy if you leave, it’ll be awkward if you stay…”

Sighing I smile at him. “That’s why we were just letting it happen for a bit, to see how things would be.” I say quietly. “Nichkhun and I aren’t exactly sure how anything will work with us; we’re both concerned for different reasons. It’ll be bad if Jinyoung-sshi finds out, I work for you guys, it’ll be bad if the media finds out, and it’ll hurt Nichkhun’s image and yours. We’re worried how you all will react, and we’ll have to tell you guys when we get back to the apartment. Though I’m sure Wooyoung and Junho now have solid suspicions.”

Watching me Taec hugs me tightly. “You’re happy. We like seeing you happy.” He mumbles kissing the top of my head. “Come on we better get back before we get in trouble.”


Before we get to the dorm I take a deep breath before entering, when I get in I see Victoria. Why is it whenever I least need to see her she is here? Ignoring her as much as possible I take a seat at the table with Junsu and Junho who are playing some kind of card game. I quickly grab my phone to distract me from my newest irritation.

“I’m excited to do the show too!” Nichkhun says happily, Radio Star, I had to tell him, and I couldn’t exactly refuse without it reflecting bad on me.

I now decide to completely tune out his voice and hers unfortunately the only way to do that is to get out of earshot, getting up from the table with my purse I catch a glimpse of them leaning in, turning my head abruptly I make my way around the sitting room where they are to the terrace where Chansung is talking with Wooyoung.

“You’re back from shopping?” Wooyoung asks taking notice to me first. “Why the angry face?” He asks seeing me take a seat next to Chansung.

“Probably Victoria.” Chansung murmurs, apparently Wooyoung understands it. “Anyways how was shopping?”

“Ok. Taecyeon just surprised me.” I say forgetting about two people. “Apparently you all are much more in tuned with each other than I had anticipated.” I elaborate while I text Junho to come to the terrace.

“What do you mean?” Wooyoungie asks me confused. “What does that even mean…?” He says as I tell him to wait for Junho.

“I am dating Nichkhun.” I state quietly to them. “Before you even say anything, I am sorry we kept it a secret. I didn’t want it to end badly and have you all in the middle.” I explain rubbing my temples. “Right now though I would just like to get this whole conversation over with, so if you’re mad please just be mad.” I tell them looking up to see Junho and Woo giving me sympathetic looks.

“You know, you don’t always have to worry about us, it is okay to just be happy.” Junho says rubbing my back. “And I guess this explains your hostility towards her.” He jokes taking a seat with Junsu following.

“So what’s going on out here?” Junsu asks as he joins us.

Setting my head on the table I decide to ignore the pointed looks the boys are all giving me. “Everyone knows, well everyone that should know knows.” I say muffled through my arms. “I would like to take a nap.” I complain lightly pounding my head on the table as they all begin discussing things. At this point I’m too tired to translate anything I don’t already understand, so I’m only catching bits and pieces.

“Why is everyone up here?” Says a voice I am not too pleased with, though I can’t exactly justify my anger towards him. “Even Taecyeon?” Nichkhun jokes.

“Hyung you’re in trouble.” Wooyoung says snickering with the others. “But the cost must be clear now Noona.”

Getting up I thank him silently by squeezing his hand. “I’ll see you guys at the company party tonight.” I say leaving, avoiding Nichkhun’s gaze. Though I never seem to take in account for how much his jealousy can do to him.

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He asks grabbing my arm, tight enough that I can’t escape. “Something obviously happened.”

Looking up at Nichkhun I push his hand until he lets go of me. “I just…I don’t like seeing you talk to Victoria; I don’t like you being close to her.” I say finally. “I know I really am not in a place to even say that.” I add frustrated.

“Then you must know how I just felt.” Nichkhun says quietly, leading me to his room we sit opposite of each other. “I feel just like that when you’re with the others. I don’t like how close you are to them; I wish you’d be like that with me.” He says expectantly.

Closing my eyes I rub my temples again before looking over at Nichkhun. “Then I suppose it wouldn’t bother you so much that they all know.” I say slowly.

Nichkhun looks confused for a moment before he nods his head understanding the sentence. “Does it upset you?”

“No.” I tell him honestly, best to be direct. “It really doesn’t, I just. I want to know where we stand with each other. That’s what bugs me most right now.” I tell Nichkhun staring at him waiting for him to tell me where we are to him.



This is a special update for basically two reasons.
Christmas is tomorrow. c:
AND you guys are amazing, and supportive, and have been so understanding.
I know I tell you guys that a lot, but seriously you guys rock. <3


So a lot happened in this chapter, and I spend things up a bit...



Comment Answers:

Since this chapter is late and I've gotten some input, some messages, some comments, I will
not be adding Nichkhun's accident. I got more saying 'no' to the option, so there we are. > w <

Anyways onward!
Eventually the OC will have to confront the issue of telling 2PM why she is in Korea.
Don't fret too much about it, well not seriously at least. (:

As for me coming back so soon (before > n >)
A lot of it had to deal with how a lot of things fell in place and
I'll be on break for the next week from school. Stuff is still crazy, but my dad came home early to
help out with everything which took a lot off of what I'd been doing to help.

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Thank you!
Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..