After Party and Talks of Firsts

Rebelling Heart

“Why is she here?” Jenny snaps at me while Miyoung-Unnie and I get the boys ready. “I thought she would be left in Korea.” She grumbles under her breath while sitting in front of the table with all the accessories, hair products, essentially the prep table.

Rolling my eyes I keep my attention trained on Chansung’s shirt, he has too look nice when he walks out on stage. I know he’s glaring in the direction of Jenny, and I know he isn’t happy judging from how tight his jaw is clenched, so I can only imagine how the others are. “Noona you should say something.” He mumbles at me, glancing at him I shrug me shoulders. “Noona!” He whines a bit more forcibly.

Rolling my eyes I turn to face Jenny who is still pouting like a spoiled brat. “Look, we’re all working hard here, and you’re getting in the way.” I tell her sharply as she narrows her eyes at me, making my point I grab the accessories for Chansung behind her, I purposely knock against her to prove this.

“Do you have any idea why you’re even here?” She asks me glaring, obviously trying to intimidate me, she really doesn’t have anything on Nichkhun’s glare. Now that is scary.

Sighing I hold my hand out for Chansung’s wrist. “I work for 2PM, it makes sense to believe that if they’re in Japan that I’ll be there too. What I don’t understand is why you’re here. Have you even debuted yet?” This seems to make the boys happy as they all smile at me before skipping out of the room, Wooyoung and Chansung tugging me to follow so I can watch them run off onto stage.

Watching from the side I get to see them at one of their highest moments. As the boys perform and do tricks for the crowd, their beaming smiles enough to make me forget about Jenny, and to remember why I’m always so awestruck when they perform, practice or do anything. Well anything other than laze around their apartment. I think that’s a different kind of awestruck.

“You know you won’t lose your job for speaking your mind to her.” Minjae-sshi says from next to me. The boys must have talked to him, ridiculous. “She really shouldn’t be talking to you or about you like she does.” He comments patting my back lightly. “Or anyone for that matter.”

Shaking my head I smile at him. “It really doesn’t bother me, so long as she doesn’t have coffee in her hand. But it bugs the boys.” I murmur glancing back out on stage and then to the crowd going crazy over them. It bugs them whenever anyone says anything about me that they don’t like. They’re so protective. It makes me smile at the thought, because I’d jump at the same chance to defend them.

“It’s how fragile they think you are.” He chuckles. “The boys really like you, you know when I found out about you and Jay I was worried they’d pull back but you all just kept getting closer. You’ve been a constant for them, for us.” Minjae-sshi says glancing back, following his gaze I see Jenny talking with a man, probably her manager or something. “She’s here to see what it takes to be an idol. To see if she can actually make it.”

“That’s why she came?” I ask him quietly. I’ve met a lot of idols and she isn’t anything like them, even on a bad day. “She’s…difficult.” I comment innocently, it really isn’t a secret about me hating her, but I still should try to seem diplomatic about it, right? Well maybe not, but it won’t hurt to try a little, after all civility is nice, at least in theory.

“She got her debut pushed back because of how rude she’s been. Jinyoung-sshi is considering dropping her for her attitude.” He explains watching as Jenny glares at the man in front of her. “The same thing almost happened to Junho.”

My eyes flash to the dancing boy, well man really, on stage having a great time with his friends. It makes me think about his slight attitude towards me when he gets upset, but he apologizes quickly. “Jenny could learn to be a little bit more polite.” I decide turning away from her entirely. “The boys don’t seem to like her.”

“It’s how she treats you.” Minjae-sshi comments chuckling. “They don’t like anyone who doesn’t like you for whatever reason you know?” He laughs a bit harder this time, probably because of my shocked expression. “It gets me how you don’t notice how much they really care for you.”

“It gets me that they care about me like they do.” I say over the roar of the crowd, I smile as the boys all stat singing ‘Thank-you’. “This is one of my favorite songs.” I whisper swaying with the music. “I better go help Miyoung.” I comment before the song is over. “Oh, Minjae-sshi, thank you for everything.” I tell him smiling. “It means a lot to me that I’m still here.”

Shaking his head he points for me to go. “You’re a good kid, and they like you. We couldn’t go wrong with having you around.” Smiling at him I pass Jenny, who is scowling at me, ignoring her I step in to help Miyoung gather everything up.

“Ah, the show almost over?” She asks me as soon as I enter, nodding my head I quickly go to helping her put everyone’s clothes out, water on the table for everyone so when they come in they’ll be ready to leave quickly. “These concerts seem to just fly by.” She murmurs. I hadn’t even realized how much time had gone by between watching them and talking with Minjae-sshi is felt like a blink of the eye.

Nodding my head I smile at her. “It’s watching them have so much fun.” I tell her laughing, “They deserve it though with how hard they’re always working.” I say putting up the makeup.

“I got to say though they looked more than pleased when you finally said something to her.” Miyoung says smirking. “Who finally got you to bite back?”

Rolling my eyes I face Miyoung. “Chansung but I still think I should just ignore her.” I mutter sitting on the couch to wait with her for everyone to filter in from the stage.

Pushing me she smiles. “No, Jenny was pretty shocked when you said that. Her face was priceless, sputtering like a moron.” Miyoung says happily. “We’re having an after party at the hotel, you’ll be there right?” She asks me suddenly. “Nothing special.”

Scoffing I roll my eyes. “Like the boys would let me just go to sleep?” I ask her smiling back at her. “Besides it’s not like I have to worry about being there, more like will you be there?”

Blushing she turns away from me. “I’m always at the parties. It isn’t my fault if you can’t find me!” She says laughing, turning to me she just smiles. “Oh, Namyoung and I can’t help it.”

Grinning I nod my head. “I don’t need the details, it’s just nice to finally hear it coming from your lips.” I say cheekily. “Unnie we better get up, it sounds like everyone is coming.” I comment hearing a buzz of talking and happy voices coming closer to the room.


Getting back to the hotel Miyoung pulls out a sheer black dress with a black fabric stopping short and teal heels, “I’m not going to let you go back downstairs in a t-shirt and skinny jeans.” She says grinning. “Besides I haven’t gotten to dress you up in such a long time.” She says seeing me sigh. Giggling happily she hands me the dress. “Shower and I’ll do your hair and makeup.”

“I thought this was a small get together.” I whine taking the dress in defeat, though I have to admit the dress is a nice change from what she normally dresses me in. I fight off a shudder at what my dress could have been.

“Well silly JYPE doesn’t do small after parties.” She says waving her hand. “Don’t worry you won’t be the most done up girl there.” She says smiling at me while ushering me to the bathroom. “Quickly.”


Stepping out in what Miyoung deems appropriate, the dress was shorter than I thought it’d be. “Oh stop sulking you look fabulous!” Miyoung giggles happily. “See the boys won’t be too upset either!” She cheers happily.

“Says you, I get the lecture.” I tell her brightening up as she hooks arms with me; I’m more than pleased she hasn’t abandoned me as she has done at previous parties, but then again the night is still young. “Come on I’m thirsty.” I tell her gliding over to the refreshments. Skipping the alcohol I settle for water, I rather not wake up with a hangover.

Frowning I realize that while I was fishing the water out of a cooler Miyoung disappeared, though I suppose I should have expected it. Namyoung probably saw her and just swept her away.

“Noona!” Chansung says bounding over to me, “Well I suppose this is better than other times.” He comments hugging me. “You’re not nearly as as the last time we were having a party.”

“Hey! Miyoung dresses me for these!” I pout crossing my arms. “How is it my fault if I can’t beat the woman?!” I ask him leaning into his embrace.

Chuckling he leaves his arm around my waist leading me to where the guys are, all freshly showered, and sort of dressed like me, Miyoung was right, there were girls overdressed, I’m suddenly thankful for my casual dress. “Hey guys.” I say smiling at them as Chansung’s arm drops from me.

“I guess Miyoung couldn’t resist.” Taecyeon says hugging me. “You look nice as always.” He comments kissing the top of my head. He still towers over me, even in the five inch heels. “What?”

Smirking I poke his chest. “You’re much too tall.” I comment before going to hug Junho before he can comment on anything. “You guys were fantastic!” I beam quickly making my way around to hugging them all.

“I’m glad you think so, you had a lot of fun right?” Wooyoung asks happily as I hug Nichkhun.

Nodding my head I hold Nichkhun tighter as he spins me around a little. “Careful!” Junsu frets as I’m set back on the ground. “Aish, all this stress.” He mutters as I turn to face him. “I’m an old man you can’t go scaring me like that. I still have plans!”

“What?” I ask confused, I look at Nichkhun, who shrugs. “What happened oppa?” I ask him chuckling.

Pointing at me accusingly, well my feet to be more accurate. “Your foot! That’s a dangerous weapon!” You almost hit me!” He wails grabbing my arm, in what I’m assuming is dramatic effect.

“The key word being almost.” Nichkhun says brushing his hand off of me. Causing the rest of the group to either chuckle or shudder, probably from the thought of what was almost hit. It gets me how indifferent Nichkhun can be; well maybe more intrigues me.

Shrugging it off I head off with the boys to enjoy the party, well as much as you can when sober. I like parties as much as the next girl, but I’m not too fond of the after effects. I rather just have a safe, fun night then a wild and drunken escapade.

Smiling at the guys we enjoy drinking, well water for me. “Noona normally you’re drunk by now.” Chansung chuckle drinking a beer, Wooyoung and Junho both nod in agreement.

Pouting I down the last of my water. “Despite what you boys think, I do not enjoy hangovers. I rather just have water besides at least I’m well aware of what I’m doing.” I tell them sighing. “Don’t we have a schedule tomorrow anyways?” I ask them suspiciously as they continue to drink, getting head shakes I nod my head. “Well I think I’m going to head to bed.” I tell them getting up anyways.

“I’ll walk with you, I’m tired too.” Nichkhun says getting up from his spot, eager to leave the arms of drunk Taecyeon. “Come on.” He says grabbing my hand. Nichkhun easily leads me through the waves of people, dragging me outside, the cold air biting at my exposed flesh. “I thought so fresh air might be nice.”

Smiling at him I rub my arms. “You’re right.” I comment look around, Japan is pretty and different. Something new. I hadn’t realized when I became 2PM’s personal assistant that it’d entail me traveling with them. Everyone is so excited to go out and explore. Feeling hands on my arms I twist around to see Nichkhun smiling at me, “Thanks.”

“I forgot you’re not in your normal attire.” He says quietly. “We’re all happy you finally told Jenny off.” He says barely a whisper. “We were all worried you’d just let her bully you.” The concern etched on his face makes my heart beat faster, blinking I smile at him. “You do that a lot. Smile to calm us, it can only work so much you know?”

Chuckling I poke his chest. “It’s because you all worry so much about me. I use to think that with time it’d stop, but if anything it’s only gotten more so. I’m thankful for it.” I confess.

“Can I ask you something?” Nichkhun asks pulling his arms back, I feel my heart do that weird flip, my stomach suddenly drop as Nichkhun pulls away. Nodding my head I let out sigh, every time someone asks that I end up regretting letting them ask.

“Why do you have such a hard time believing that we care about you?” He asks me seriously. “I mean it’s obvious that you like being around us, so why wouldn’t it be obvious that we like being around you?” I don’t have to look at him to know that he’s staring at me seriously with a darker look; his tone is enough for me to know. “It can’t be that hard to believe.”

Sighing I take a deep breath letting the cold air fill my lungs before blowing out the air, glancing at him I quickly become captivated by Nichkhun’s dark look, the way his eyes seemed to be void of all light. “For me having people like you guys in my life is new to me. Something that I haven’t had before. It really is a first to have someone to care about me as a person.” I mumble quietly. “I know you guys consider me part of your family, and honestly you all are the only family I’ve known in such a long time.”

“You must have parents…” Nichkhun says quietly, the kinder part of his personality showing.

Looking away from him I fight the urge to flee, to run away. After all we can’t all just run away every time something doesn’t go our way or as planned. “My dad has been in a coma for years now. As for my mother she’s been…she took it hard.” I whisper quietly feeling tears pooling, I wasn’t sure what else to say, I wasn’t sure how to even explain it.

I’m surprised when I feel Nichkhun pull me out of my seat and into his arms, even more when he hugs me tightly. “That must have been hard on you.” He whispers in my hear my head.

Throwing my arms around Nichkhun I hug him tightly. We don’t say anything for a while, Nichkhun and I just hug each other. Finally I pull away from him. “Thanks.” I whisper awkwardly nudging the ground with my teal colored heel.

Hearing him chuckle made me look up at him. “Come on let’s get you back to your room so you can get some sleep.” He mumbles pressing his hand against my back, leading me back inside and into the elevator before he drops his hand. The whole while I was trying desperately trying to get my heart to racing, to get my stomach to stop flipping and to calm the butterflies from his delicate touch. “You alright?”

Nodding my head I look up at him “Thank-you Nichkhun for listening. I haven’t…I haven’t been able to say that to anyone.” I tell him ignoring my heart still racing in my chest. I feel like it’ll just burst. “It feels better now that I’ve finally been able to say even something about it.” I whisper looking down at my shoes.

“I’ll always be there for you.” Nichkhun finally says as we reach my room. “Remember what I told you before; I’ll give all the time in the world.”

“But I shouldn’t use it all up.” I add watching him carefully. “I’m still not sure what that means.” I pout leaning on the door frame.

Nichkhun just smirks at me. “You’ll understand eventually. Goodnight, sleep well sleeping beauty.” He jokes walking down the hall to his room.

Aish these boys and their cryptic conversations. What does it even mean? He’ll give me all the time in the world, but not to use it all?! Closing the door I glance back at my door, feeling the teardrop necklace eases me a bit, but not much. I’ll understand soon, so everything should make sense eventually.

Lying on the bed I stare at the covers, intricate designs flowing into each other, focusing on following a path I eventually nod off.


Waking up the next morning to someone jumping on me, I glare at whoever it is and mumble something about attack hippos, well the best that one can glare and mumble while someone is on their back. “Oh please Noona like that’ll make us go away.” Woo says beaming at me while choosing to ignore my hippo comments. “Besides you need to get up, everyone arrives today!”

Glaring at him I promptly hide my head in my pillows. “Why?” Obviously my mind hasn't quite woken up yet. After all I really didn't have any intention of leaving me bed today. I'm tired, and I still am trying to figure out what Nichkhun had meant.

“Noona, you’re still in your dress.” I hear Chansung say quietly. “And you’re grumpy.” This is due to me thinking non-stop about last night, me telling Nichkhun something I haven't been able to say to anyone, then of course there is that cryptic message. And since when am I always  thinking about Nichkhun and the things that he says?! I need to wake up.

Sighing I peek out to see him sitting on the other side of my bed. “How did you three get in?” I ask them pulling my head out from under the pillows.

Apparently Junho decides he’ll take this one up. “We asked Minjae-hyung for your room key.” In a very matter-of-fact kind of tone. Cheeky boys, very cheeky boys indeed.

Fighting a laugh as Wooyoung gets off, I flip over to stare at them. “I thought you introduced me to everyone already.” I groan running a hand through my hair. “Besides no schedules why are you guys even up?”

“Noona it’s nearly two in the afternoon.” Chansungie says smirking at me. “I guess we know you’re a late sleeper!” He beams happily. “More importantly, we haven’t introduced you to two new artists that debuted a little while ago.”



I'm not sure what my thing with hippos are with this story.
But I keep mentioning them (And will probably continue to).

I've had most of this chapter ready, but trying to write the ending was difficult. Nothing seemed to fit
in the end I just decided to let Nichkhun get to know a little bit more.
As for JYPNation Tour for Japan, let's just pretend it's happened.
I don't exactly like following along with a lot of events.
It messes up my storyline, even though it really shouldn't.
Annnd there is a reference to an earlier chapter, no?



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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..