
Rebelling Heart

“Wait so you told them all?” Minho asks staring at me in slight shock. “That’s guts.” Rolling my eyes, Minho smiles at me patting my hand. “Really though I’m happy you seem more at ease than the last time I saw you and Jay together. Even if you are moping a bit.”

“Yeah, so much for the rematch. Faker!” I mutter playfully, sighing I smile at him. “How’s the new job?” I ask him brightly, Min and I have been so busy between crazy shows in parts of Korea I wouldn’t have ever thought of, to Minho spending hours upon hours cooped up in a room doing what he loves.

“It’s been great, I get to work at my own pace, with artists with different visions and everything.” He says excitedly. “Ian was right; I needed to get out of JYPE to get my own feel for the industry. Plus you know everyone at work is impressed with my skill.” Hearing how happy Minho is about everything is good; the passion that is burning in him is nice. “Anyways how are the guys handling?”

Sighing I glance at the sidewalk before replying. “I think they’re all a little peeved.” I say carefully. “They aren’t all quite mad, but two are.” I say sighing. “Junho and Nichkhun are particularly moody.”

“Well Junho and Jaebeom shared rooms while he was part of 2PM,” I hate how that sounds, part of 2PM; Jay is still part of 2PM. Maybe not as direct as people would think or like, but Jay is just as much 2PM as Junho, Chansung, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junsu or Nichkhun is. “Nichkhun, Taecyeon and he were all close. But I really don’t see why Nichkhun would be upset.”

“Same here, and I tried talking to the guys but I get all these double meanings. It’s difficult to tell what exactly they all mean.”

“Maybe you should try making friends with some other people that work there. Ian and Miyoung say you’ve started to only socialize within 2PM.” He says concernedly, “And I know from Jay that you both spend an awful lot of time together.”

“What upset the delicate balance I’ve gotten with 2PM, Jay and you?” I ask Minho as though it was totally out of the question. “Besides most of the other interns, and workers don’t like me.” I whine glaring at my cup of water. “I’ve tried making friends, but I’m not good at it. Besides I like the people I know.”

“Maybe you could make a friend in your apartment complex or something. They all won’t be free to be around forever, they’ll be going abroad on different projects and what not.” Minho says exasperated. “Really you can’t spend all your time with us. Look at you; you’re getting a little run down as it is.” Picking my hair up he inspects it. “When was the last time you did something for yourself on your own?”

Groaning I lean back in my chair and glare at him, “What take a spa day?”

“Yeah, go shopping, get a haircut, do something for yourself.” He says sighing. “Even Jay is getting worried about you.”

Sighing I swish my cup of water, people and wanting me to do something for myself, my leaving was for me.  “I get it, I need to sleep more, look nicer on a regular basis.” I whine covering my face in my arms on the table.

Hearing him chuckle I kick his leg. “Ow, I was just agreeing! Besides is that any way to treat your best friend?”

“Yes!” I call, muffled from my arms. “Besides you should be consoling me!”

Again he chuckles, I really need to find a friend that won’t laugh. “Look just because your boys are out of the country doesn’t mean you should be moping, besides when will they be back?” He asks me I in a mocking tone.

“Two more days, but it’s torture.” I whine peeking at him. “I have nothing to do. I don’t have anything to keep me busy while you’re at work, and Jay is busy with his schedules until next week. Ian is stuck in the recording room; Miyoung is busy with Miss A’s comeback. My whole social circle is busy.”

“Most would find this a blessing; you have free time, paid free time, to finally get some shopping done for your apartment.”

Groaning I lean back in my chair, “Why are you and Jay so obsessed with my apartment’s lack thereof kitchen appliances?” I ask him interested in their argument for their ever so abundance of complaints towards my empty kitchen.

“I don’t know how you survive with so little.” He says rolling his eyes. “Really just go buy some stuff, it’s not like you’re poor.” He says smirking; obviously he’s in the loop with 2PM’s theories on my origins and such. “What did you do in America?”

“Nothing.” I tell him smirking this time. “My money is old money, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Ah, so your parents inherited the money?” He asks genuinely engrossed. “This is the most you’ve really hinted about your family.”

“It’s a little hard to hide my wardrobe, not to mention my class that you and Jay are always going on about.”

“What? You’re fun to talk about.” He says laughing. “Come on I’ll pay and then we can buy you some pots!” He says excitedly getting up. Walking behind him I roll my eyes, I have missed hanging out with him. “So you’re upper class obviously.”

“Yeah,” I mutter thinking about my social circles, class and all. “Besides the point why don’t we talk about something else?” I ask him rolling my eyes.

Sighing Minho looks at me as we walk down the streets. “You know I’m not the only curious one. Ian is intrigued by you too. Done with college, well to do, and then you suddenly come to Korea and play personal assistant to a bunch of rowdy guys.” Min says puzzled by me. “You really can’t be that surprised that we’re all so interested in you.”

“Well I wouldn’t be if I was still new. I’ve been here for how long now?” I ask him frankly “Nearly seven months.”

“Seven months and all we know is that you come from a wealthy family, you lived in L.A. and that this is your first and only job you’ve ever had.” Min says just as bluntly. “Really we can’t be blamed; we don’t even know when you were born, where and finding anything personal about you we have to observe.”

“I was born here in Seoul; I lived here for five years before my parents moved our family to America, L.A. specifically. I was born December tenth.” I tell him haughtily. “I’m not an enigma. I just keep to myself, I always have.” I tell him shrugging my shoulders calming down.

Min smiles at me patting my back “That wasn’t so hard was it?” He asks me smiling. “Come on I know a place where we can get some great kitchen supplies and such.” He says brightly. “You need a rice cooker, I’m not sure how you’re living off of ramen, but you need something a bit healthier.”


Chuckling I look at my now decorated apartment, courtesy of 2PM, specifically Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung. They took it upon themselves to completely decorate. As promised they brought posters of themselves, those put up strategically on my bedroom walls, and a poster of the seven of them on my door to my room. So basically I look like some crazed 2PM fangirl favoring the younger three. Wooyoung also suggested that they give me something less fangirl and to get me other pictures and such. Deciding that it wasn’t good enough for me to just get any picture so they took me out painting and we made four ‘master pieces’.

Sighing I look around and smile, I’ll admit it was fun having those three over during the day to relax and hang out while they put things up. It was even more fun going to paint pictures with them.

Stepping into my now, fully stocked kitchen, I sit at the table and stare at my bowl of fruit. Getting a phone call I stare at my phone, Junho.


“Noona!” He says excitedly. “How are you?”

Chuckling I put the phone on speaker. “Good, I went shopping.”

“Clothes?” He asks me confused. “Noona your closet has more clothes than all of ours combined.” The oldest three must be out of ear shot, we’ve kept it to ourselves that they visit my apartment frequently.

“Kitchen, fully stocked now.” I tell him peeling an orange. “I can now feed you guys properly next time you are over.”

“Noona that’s good, Wooyoungie and I were talking about your bare kitchen.” He says jokingly. “We miss you.” He says quietly.

“I miss you guys too. I’ve had to spend all day with Minho.” I say jokingly. “Are you all being careful?”

“Of course!” He says offended. “Noona we were careful before we met you, you know?” he says laughing, ah I can imagine his eye smile and him smiling at me. I really miss them and it’s only been a couple of days I don’t know what I’ll do when they all go on separate schedules and I’ll have to be dispersed to them all. “We wish you could have come with us.” He whines slightly.

“Junho you know that I couldn’t.” I tell him sadly, my passport happens to be expired, so I’m waiting for me new one. “We’ll get to go on a trip like that another time so don’t you even worry about it.”

“Noona Chansung wants to talk.” He whines, obviously pushing the maknae away from the growls and other sounds I’m hearing.

“Then put me on speaker you goof.” I chide Junho gently.

Hearing the beep I’m met with “Hello noona!”

“Hey Chansungie and Wooyoungie!” I cheer happily. “What are you guys doing right now?” I ask hearing them all cheer.

“We’re at the hotel resting for now, hyungs went to the pool.” Wooyoung says happily. “Noona Junho says your kitchen is fully stocked.”

“Really?!” Chansung voices in excitedly.

“Yeah, Min took me shopping today. Apparently me scraping by like I was is unacceptable to normal human beings.” I tease. “You all sound tired.” I say worriedly, I hate hearing their fatigue, but being unable to really do anything about it.

“Noona we’re fine, don’t worry.” Chansung says happily. “We miss you though. Are you spending time with hyung?” He asks me carefully.

“No, he’s busy with his own schedule.” I tell him back just ask tactful. “I’m spending a lot of time with Minho though, and some time with Ian too.” I tell them trying to reassure them all.

“Are you resting?” Wooyoung voices in concernedly. “Noona you are sleeping in, right?”

Chuckling I smile to myself, they all care so much. “More so than I normally do.” I confess, “But don’t worry I’m going to bed early.”

“That’s good to hear, Junsu says you need to sleep and rest before we get back.”Junho says pleasantly.

“I am, but I’ll rest easier when I get to see you guys again,” I say “Hey I’m going to get a haircut tomorrow. Minho says I need to pamper myself a bit.”

“Don’t cut all your hair off!” The three of them all shout together, “We like your hair longish!”

Giggling I shake my head while I eat my orange slices, nearly forgotten from my conversation with them. “Alright, I won’t get too much taken off. No need to shout.” I tell him happily.

“Why are you all huddled around the table?” I hear Junsu question.

“We’re talking with Noona.” Junho says simply.

“HI!” Junsu yells his voice sounding less distant now. “What are you up to?”

“Sitting around eating an orange before I go to bed.” I tell them yawning. “What about you?”

“We just got back from the pool.” Nichkhun says sort of quietly. “You would have loved it.”

“Oh?” I ask him interested. My mind flashes back to the night we filmed for 2PM’s show, how Nichkhun and I spent the majority of the free time given playing around. How that night I felt closer to him, how we bonded over the simple body of water.

“Yeah, it was big and it was a really nice night,” Nichkhun says brightly. “We’ll have to take you swimming again; it was a lot of fun last time.”

“For you, you hogged Noona!” Taecyeon says sourly. “Ick, I can’t get used to calling you that.”

“I’m only seventeen days older.” I tell him casually. “I don’t see why you even try calling me Noona.” I say jokingly. “Anyways it’s getting a little late here, I’m going to go to sleep, and I’ll talk to guys soon.”

“Kay!” They all chorus saying goodnight, and I the same.


Laying in bed I think about all the time I’ve spent here and how much of it has been taken up with Chansung, Wooyoung, Junsu, Nichkhun, Taecyeon and Junho. Compared to the last few days without them I’ve spend it doing nothing important. I find it a little funny how much of my time seems to revolve around being with them. How much my time really is devoted to being with 2PM.

Waking up I look around and check the clock, 10AM. Stretching I check my phone for messages, it being bombarded by the guys. All asking if I’m up, pictures of them and things they saw that they thought I might like. Going through the pictures I text the guys thank you and to work hard and of course to be careful before I get dressed and head to get my makeover that I apparently deserve.


Staring into the mirror I scrutinize how much my appearance has changed since I came here to Seoul. My hair has grown out and lost the shape of the cut I’d had, not to mention how tired I do look. Sighing I relax as the stylist snips away at my hair giving me layers, shortening it up a little and giving me bangs, and dying my hair a slightly lighter brown, while assuring me that this is the newest look. “There you are sweetie, you look so adorable!” She coos smiling at me.

Examining my hair I smile happily, I do look nicer now, “Thank you Auntie!” I cheer to her, “I really like it!”

“It suits you,” She says happily, fixing a couple of strands, pushing them into place. “Such a young beautiful girl,” She says happily, “Come let’s get your nails done now.”

Following obediently I sit back in the chair as she draws water for my feet and begins to massage my hands to loosen them up. “So tense.” She mutters quietly.


By the end of my spa day I walk out refreshed, I hadn’t felt that pampered since L.A., my mother had been sure that I’d had my hair styled perfectly, that I looked the part of her daughter. That of course was a perk, clothes, hair, makeup, all the things that a girl could want all the latest.

Heading home I stare contently at the car parked in front of my apartment, running in I see Jay sitting on my couch waiting patiently for me.

“You got your hair done?” Jay asks smiling at me, running his fingers through it the moment I get into his arms. “You look nice with this new cut, why the sudden change?” He asks me noticing my entire appearance. “Did Minho finally talk you into that pamper day?”

Laughing I nod my head. “He was right too, I needed it.” I say rolling my shoulders to relax them a bit. “I forgot how nice it felt to do those kinds of things. Nails, hair, massages it’s all so nice.” I chuckle sitting with my knees to my chest. Studying my toes, the pale sky blue on them and my fingers, “I miss relaxing a little bit.”

Glancing up I see Jay studying me, “You look so happy.” He says walking over to me, sitting next to me he admires me closer. “I wish I could give this to you.” He says chuckling, giving him a perplexed face he elaborates. “I mean your happy demeanor; you look beautiful when you look this happy.”

Blushing I look down at my feet again, clean and cut my fingers too. “It’s only nice because I don’t get it every week.” I comment innocently. “I think I might commit to a day a month.”

“You get so quiet when you start to talk about the past. It makes me worried.” He mumbles my face gently. “I wish I could make it so you’d remember it happily.” He whispers moving closer to run his nose against my cheek. “I want you to be happy.”

“I am happy, I’m happy here, now with you, with my life I’ve made here.” I mumble turning to face him I smile at him, running my fingers gingerly through his freshly cut hair as well. “I like this cut on you.” I whisper admiring his concept change, the simple attire he has on. “I like the casual you.”

“The same for you.” He chuckles taking my hand in his, sighing he takes my hand and holds it against his face. “I wish I could spend all day with you tomorrow, I know it’s your last day before they get back.”

“It’s alright; it’s nice seeing you when I can. Honestly I’m happy with the little time I can get.” I tell him leaning in closer to him.

Jay chuckles. “It’s so you don’t get all your gentleman callers mixed up,” He jokes smiling at me. “Yeah I know about them.” He says smiling at me. The absurdity of it is enough to laugh about.

“Yeah, I like to keep them to certain times of the day.” I whisper back. “Are you hungry?”

Jay laughs, getting up he pulls me close to him, waddling together we make it to the kitchen safely. “My god it looks like you went shopping.”

“Minho, he couldn’t stand me living on ramen at the house.” I tell him simply. “I bought fruit, I love fruit.” I tell him happily leading us to the kitchen table, sitting Jay down I cut up a honey dew into little cubes, setting them on a plate I hand feed Jay a few before I eat some myself.

“Minho is quite the good influence on you.” Jay jokes plopping one into his mouth. “Oh these are good,” He says eating more. “Do you have actual pots?”

“Yeah, and plates, utensils, everything,” I brag as he pushes himself up to inspect my kitchen, nodding approvingly at my array of items now stocked in my kitchen. “Happy?”

“Yeah, now it’s like you’re committed to being here now.” Jay says quietly. “Like you won’t just leave on the fly.”

“I doubt I could.” I whisper eating the last slice. “I like it here too much.”

“Then you’re happy in Seoul?” He asks me turning, nodding my head he grins at me. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been worried that you put off buying things for your apartment is because you’ll leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere soon.” I tell him happily, glancing at my apartment I smile at the decorations, the paintings in particular.

“You really like them?” He asks motioning towards the paintings. “You made them with Woo, Junho and Chansung right?” Jay asks walking over to them, he inspects them chuckling at our crazy ‘masterpieces’. “You four have quite the eye.” He jokes.

“Hey, they’re awesome.” I say giggling. “Don’t diss the artists; I happen to be fond of the four of them.” I say getting up to wrap my arms around Jay. He hums happily; turning to look down at me he kisses the top of my head. “Something up?” I ask him quietly.

“No, I’m just glad to be here, to know you.” He whispers quietly. “I’m glad that you’re so happy.”

I started out thinking I haven't had Minho mentioned in a while, at least not in-depth, he still isn't but at least I have him back, so I wrote him in a bit. I have no idea how you guys feel about him, but he'll be reoccurring as far as I'm concerned so I hope you like him. Alright so I read the couple of comments that answered my questions from the last chapter (hint hint). Addressing the name thing, I really started out with nameless to give the impression that the main character [O.C.] is in fact you, I just can't stand to use the fill in or anything like that, plus I get around addressing the O.C using kennings [phrases/ nicknames that describe a character]. Honestly it isn't a really big deal when I'm in the O.C's POV, but when I switch I have to be more aware and to work around it so it sounds less awkward. And I am currently working on trying to shape a chapter in Nichkhun's POV, and I have maybe...five lines written out. So I'm not sure how that will go. I'm sorry it took me a bit longer to get this chapter out then I intended (Friday). I'm trying to update Fridays, but apparently with my graduation coming up, eleven more days total, and eight more school days left, I'm busy with projects and such. But never fear I am updating, and since I haven't really decided on college and everything I'll have a bit more time, unless I get a job, I'm hoping. I know long, long, long author note. Anyways, please continue to tell me what you like about the story, what you don't, what you want me to work on and such.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..