
Rebelling Heart


“Can I ask why exactly you’re packing for me?” I ask as Miyoung starts folding shirts, shorts, dresses, and placing shoes into my suitcase, she’d previously shown up at my door randomly with a couple shopping bags and emptied my once packed bag.

“Well you’re going away for a week with your boys, Nichkhun’s birthday happens to be in a few days.” She says dreamily. “I wish I could dress you up right for it, but I’m working.” She says pouting. “Though Nichkhun promises to tell me when he takes you out on a real nice date so I can dress you all up.” She coos hugging one of my shirts to her chest with a far off look on her face.

As Miyoung begins placing bathing suits in my bag I grab one. “This is not mine.” I state firmly, it’s a bikini, and as cute as it is I’m not exactly sure I want to wear this around six masculine guys. “None of these are mine, where did you get them?!” I whine as she places even more in my bag, the only things back in there I’d packed are my undergarments, toothbrush and toothpaste, my hair brush and finally my makeup bag. “Unnie” I whine as she continues to organize my bag.

“Hush, you will thank me.” She says smiling at me. “You remind me a lot of my little sister, so let me baby you a bit, kay?” She says sweetly. “She’s off in Paris studying fashion right now, so let me do this ok? I miss it.” She says brightly as she zips my bag up.

“Well I can’t say ‘no’ when you say that!” I whine taking the bag. “Unnie thank you.” I mutter setting the suitcase down on the ground to throw my arms around her. “I’ll tell you all about it when we get back.”

Miyoung just hugs me tightly. “I know, you better hurry you need to meet the guys in soon.” She says pushing me off her. “I’ll drive you, come on.” She says happily taking my hand to tug me to follow.




We all wave Miyoung goodbye as pile our bags into the trunk of the van we’re taking, Taec has volunteered to drive the first leg of the drive and then Junsu to the house, on the way back Nichkhun and I’ll switch.

“Remember to behave yourselves.” Minjae-sshi says pointing at us. “Kid, you may not be working, but please make sure they don’t get in too much trouble.” He says in a begging manor.

Nodding my head I smile at him. “They’ll be fine.” I say happily getting in the car after Chansung, who is happily munching on some candy, and Junho. “We’ll be back in a week.” I tell him waving him goodbye and for him to hopefully rest with his family.

Wooyoung beats Nichkhun in to claim the seat next to me, who happily sticks his tongue out at Nichkhun. “Please, you’ll be with her practically all week.” Wooyoung says sassily. “You can deal with a few hours.”

Chuckling I shake my head at them “Chansung, what are you doing?” I ask seeing him dig around in my purse. “Did you drop a sandwich in there?” I joke amusedly.

“No, I dropped my candy in it.” He whines searching frantically, I take note that his hands are indeed candy-free. “Help me look for it.” He whines handing me the bag to look as well.

Puffing my cheeks up I dive my hands in to feel for the candy, I would have simply looked, but Chansung’s head is in the way. Rolling my eyes I feel the bar of whatever it is he’s looking for, pulling it out I hand it to him. “You’re pretty clumsy.” I smiling.

“Well yeah.” He says after a while only causing me to laugh.

The rest of the drive consists of me poking Chansung or Wooyoung for amusement and them poking me back. “I told you ‘no’.” I murmur resting my head on Chansung’s shoulder. “You cannot go through my bag.” I tell the boys for what seems like the billionth time. “Why do you even want to go through it?” I demand peeking an eye open.

“Well…Miyoung brought you so I’m assuming she packed it.” Wooyoung says shrugging his shoulders. “Just tell us if you can actually wear it without having one of us wrap you up in a towel.” He says pouting. “Noona we care about you, I don’t want you getting too much sun exposure.” He says smiling at me.

I close my eyes again, slightly shaking my head. “Miyoung packed plenty of clothes for me to wear, so stop worrying you big baby.” I tell him kicking him lightly. “I’m sure that you all have other things to do than worrying about my wardrobe.” I say yawning. “Let me take a nap.” I whine feeling Wooyoung poke me.

“That’s what I said an hour ago.” Woo says playfully, I bet he’s smirking, it sounds like he’s smirking. “Noona let’s play a game.”

“The quiet game or the don’t bother Noona game.” I suggest smugly smiling at my suggestions because I know they won’t want to play.

“Those are boring.” Woo states poking me again. “Besides we’re almost there.” He says poking me harder.

Sighing I open my eyes to see that he’s right; we’re driving up a two-way street, “How much longer?” I ask sitting up partly so I can hit Wooyoung with a bit more force and partly so that I can be alert.

Nichkhun turns around with a smirk on his face. “We got on the property about half an hour ago; we’re going to get to the beach house in another half-hour or so, depends on how fast Junsu drives.” He says sticking his tongue out at me.

Smiling I poke his cheek. “Well then I think that when we get there I’m taking a nap.” I say excited to get out of the car. “Then I’ll wake up and take another nap.” I say sighing happily at the idea of taking a nap, to be able to sleep all day.

“Noona you’re too lazy.” Chansung says flatly. “You should at least nap in two different rooms.” He says smiling at me.

Laughing I agree with him. “I’ll do that then, I’ll take a nap in the living room and then in wherever I’m sleeping.” I tell him nodding my head agreeing with the notion.


As we pull up to the rather big beach house, all of us staring at it slightly taken aback by just how nice it is and for the next week this is where we’ll be staying. “Well dibs on the nicest room.” I call as we grab our bags to head into the house.

The others jet passed me as I walk at a leisurely pace, Nichkhun joins me. “So if we play this right I can get a room next to you.” He says smirking.

Nodding my head I follow Nichkhun to the upstairs to find that all the taken rooms are shut, and that there are two rooms left across from each other. “Well I think that went well.” I say smiling as I take the one Nichkhun pushed me towards, the one with a view.

Setting my bag down I walk over to the window to open it, the fresh breeze relaxes me, the salty air and hot air reminding me of the endless days I used to spend at the beach. “You look rather happy.” Nichkhun says entering my room, shutting the door he comes to stand next to me, while I sit on the window sill. “I love the beach, it’s so nice.” I murmur looking at the blue water off in the short distance from the backyard. “I’m gonna get changed and explore.” I state getting up, pecking his lips before I step over to my bag.

“That sounds good” He murmurs stepping behind me to hug me. “Maybe we can go for a walk?” He asks me quietly resting his head against mine.

“That sounds good, we should hurry.” I whisper smiling to myself, feeling my heart race as he rubs my arms slightly. “We can maybe even get that birthday present, alone time was it?” I ask him chuckling.

Nichkhun kisses the top of my head before he leaves; smiling at me as he opens the door, he just smiles. He looks peaceful, happy and completely worry-free.

Pulling out a pink striped bikini, a white tank and shorts rolled at the bottom, quickly changing and grabbing a pair of sandals I find Nichkhun waiting in just his trunks and a tank. Biting my lip I accept the hand being offered to me, I glance at his arms they are nice.

“You know when you were staring at Woo’s I went and worked out, I felt a bit jealous.” Nichkhun says teasing me. “Though I must say I think it was worth it.” He says smirking at me.

Blushing I turn my head to the side, I find myself agreeing, it was definitely worth it. “Well trust me I think it was well worth the effort, though you know you don’t have to.” I tell him looking at him still blushing. “I like you.” I mumble feeling my cheeks redden as I continue to talk while stepping outside.

Nichkhun grins happily. “I like hearing you say it.” He whispers as we leave the veranda and into the very green backyard, walking on the path hand in hand towards the gate at the back of the yard that we spotted while in my room. “You look pretty.” He whispers nudging me as we walk quietly to the gate, stopping in the garden that boarders the very back of the fence.

Smiling I kiss his shoulder affectionately. “You look handsome.” I whisper blushing at our sudden eye contact and compliments.

Pushing the gate open we’re met by the sight of a lone beach, the waves gently rolling up and a long expanse of just the beach without anyone or anything in either direction; stepping out we close the gate before we venture out.

Quietly walking just holding hands and enjoying the time alone and the fresh air I feel myself relaxing and wanting to get in the water. I tug Nichkhun towards the water with the corners of my mouth tugging up, kicking my sandals off I tilt my head to the side.

Dropping his hand I run into the water with him following behind, as I get waist deep and completely soaked from the waves rolling passed me I can’t help but smile feeling his arms snake around me. “I like your bikini.” He mumbles in my ear, looking down I realize now, and should have sooner, that my shirt is completely see through now, the pale rose pink stripes showing quite vividly through the white material of my shirt.

“I’m glad; Miyoung quiet happily packed me a number of bathing suits.” I say placing my hands over his. Feeling the sand beneath my feet and the water moving constantly back and forth I leave Nichkhun’s arms and run to shore to strip my shirt off. Wriggling out of my shorts I smirk at Nichkhun’s growing smile his eyes that are glued to me. Running back to him I smile playfully. “Come on I want to go further out.” I tell him nodding out to the open waters.

Nichkhun nods his head, obviously wanting to take advantage of the moment his hands slowly rub around my stomach to my back to tug me close to him. “After I get something.” He whispers leaning down, as his lips press against mine I find myself pressing even closer to his body and him holding me tighter. I open my mouth slightly and Nichkhun happily takes this moment to deepen our kiss, one of our first of this kind. Pulling apart, me breathless at the sheer amazement of the kiss I lean against his body, the sun shining down on this rather gloriously happy day. “Come on.” He whispers tugging me by my hand to deeper waters.


On our way back I have my shirt and shorts in my arms, Nichkhun’s shirt is tossed over his shoulder as we enter the confines of the yard again, the guys are all enjoying the veranda and the shade.

“THERE YOU ARE!” Chansung says getting up with the others following. “You could have at least said you were going out.” He whines as we step out in the open.

“Whoa.” Is all I hear from the remaining five boys as Nichkhun pulls a chair out and then me on his lap, then proceeding to wrap his arms around me. “Noona that’s…”

“A bikini.” I state smiling. “Miyoung packed me a ton of them.” I say leaning against Nichkhun’s warm chest. “Anyways it’s getting a bit late, what are we doing for dinner?” I ask them contently.

Eventually Taec answers. “Well the kitchen is fully stocked, we’re thinking about a BBQ.” He says smiling. “So how was the beach?” He asks smirking at us.

“Very nice, the water isn’t cold.” Nichkhun answers happily. “Though from the looks of your guys you went out on your own too.” He says contently.

“The pool is really nice.” Junsu says motioning to the other side of the yard with a large pool, all the works with it, waterfall, huge palm trees, and other summery plants. “BBQ and a pool.” He says nodding his head while rubbing his stomach.




Sorry it's taken me so long to get this chapter out.
I actually finally got a job type of thing.
I've gone in most of the week, and when I wasn't I was battling the flu or at
school, so I haven't exactly had time to write.
= n =
But I'm kinda figuring out a time to, I'm going to try to update over the weekends.
My normal writing time has been taken away with the job/internship/jobshadowing.
Anyways yeah...
If this chapter seems weird...I'm going to defend myself with...
I'm still sick, and I wrote this for the most part at like four in morning without sleep.
> n >


Comment Answers:
The beach wear, it'll get a bit more reactiony soon.
I'm thinking this will actually go past 60 chapters now
So I suppose that's good XD

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..