Birthday Surprises

Rebelling Heart

It was like we were in a rut. Fight, fight and fight. It seems to be all we do so I keep putting off going home to my apartment in fear that Jay is there waiting for me. All the fighting makes me wonder why, why are we fighting, but more importantly why am I fighting? I may be in love with him, but I still have my level head right? Or maybe not…Is that why I'm hiding out here at 2PM's dorm?

It’s now four days until my birthday and the guys are scrambling with Minjae-sshi to make sure that I have it off. “I told you guys you don’t have to worry about it.” I tell him watching Wooyoung and Junho clean their rooms, this being the second time. “I don’t mind coming in early the day after or something.”

Wooyoung shakes his head, “Noona we want you to enjoy your birthday without worrying about us.” He says gallantly. Sighing I get up to help Woo make his bed, and then Junho; obviously I won’t win this one. “Noona you aren’t supposed to help.” He complains, although not denying my help.

“Yeah!” Junho says quickly stopping me, pushing me out of their room, down the hall and into Nichkhun’s room. “Hyung keep her in here.” Junho says watching me.

“What?” Nichkhun asks confused, turning he sees me. “Oh. Alright.” He says turning back around to hang up some shirts.

Junho closes the door behind him. “I was banished.” I mutter amazed that I’d been exiled from Junho and Wooyoung’s room. “Banished, exiled, out casted.”

Nichkhun chuckles, “If you want you can help me,” He says gesturing to his closet, “I’m just hanging up some laundry.” He says shrugging his shoulders, laughing lightly. “Oh come on it isn’t so bad; at least my room is clean.”

Walking over to Nichkhun I start hanging shirts with him, “You’re right.” I mumble hanging up shirts. “So how’s it going?” I ask him awkwardly.

Khun laughs, “It’s going good, you?” Nichkhun hardly gives me anything to build at. All I know is that I feel slightly uncomfortable around him for whatever reason, I always have.

“Good.” I mumble placing a shirt up.

“Are you and Jay ok?” He asks me quietly, as though he rather find something else to talk about. “I mean you seem to be happy again...some days at least.”

Sighing I continue to put clothes up, “Honestly we still have fights.” I tell him quietly; mostly we fight about my time spent with 2PM and about his music videos now. The stress of all the fighting with him has taken its toll; I just sleep as soon as I get home if Jay’s not there. We don’t text each other as much or call. In fact we rarely eat together. I’m blaming our hectic schedules but really I know it’s us.

“Is that why you’ve been staying late?” He asks me quietly. Always so observant, placing another shirt in the closet something catches my eye, a particular shirt, and one that I’ve seen somewhere. Plucking it from the rack my eyes widen in shock. “Jay and I got them together.” Nichkhun says after a moment. It’s the same shirt that I have in my closet that Jay keeps at my place, a change of clothes, we both have some.

“You know I have the shirt?” I ask him quietly. I was trying to figure out when he would have known. He’s never been to my apartment, and as far as I know the boys haven’t raided my closet telling each other what garments I keep.

Sighing he steps back, “I saw it when you tripped and dropped your bag.” Of course, Nichkhun had been the one to pick up my bag. “That’s when I found out.” He whispers quietly. Looking at him I hold my breath, he’d been the first then. He’d been the first to know I was seeing Jay. “Are you angry?”

Shaking my head I place the shirt back where I’d seen it. “No, I’m not.” I tell him calmly, “He wears it still.” I tell him quietly.

Nichkhun smiles, rubbing the fabric between his fingers, I’ve never seen Nichkhun wear it. “I used…” He starts to say while smiling fondly at it. “But for me it doesn’t hold many fond memories; just that I got it with Jay.” He says releasing it. I can’t even begin to imagine what the memories are that seem to plague him, not just Nichkhun but the others as well. All the pent up anger that they have. Not just towards Jay but almost like to the event that triggered it all itself. Turning his back on the shirt, on what it had once represented. “Anyways are you excited about your birthday?” A subject change, something we both want…

Looking down I shrug my shoulders, “I guess. No more than I normally would be.” I tell him talking over to Chansung’s bed. “Should I be?”

Nichkhun laughs at me, openly before taking a seat on his bed, sitting crossed legged. “Of course,” Sighing he smiles at me, “Do you have found birthday memories?” He asks me gently now.

I open my mouth, but I settle for a nod, that is until Nichkhun his head to the side. “I do, but none too recent.” I tell him turning onto my back. “It’s been a long time.”

“It’s hard for me to imagine you like that.” He says quietly. “I mean we’ve seen you upset, cranky, happy, and even drunk. Just never so unhappy, at least I haven’t.”

I smile at him, “Well since I met you goons it’s hard for me to really be sad.” It’s true; I haven’t really been per say unhappy. I’ve been angry with them, but never unhappy, at least not in the sense. They make me really happy, thankful and most of all they make me feel like it isn’t the end of the world all the time, like running away hadn’t been the worst choice in the world. Maybe add in Jay and it’s the best choice I’ve made for myself.

Nichkhun and I sit in his room, sometimes in silence or talking until dinner, and then again until I really have to go home, when I have to possibly face Jay or the immense loneliness that seems to be seeping in during Jay’s absence.


The days pass quickly until it’s the day before my birthday. Jay had been begging me to get off early, to finish and make my way to my apartment as soon as I could. So I got to work even earlier than I normally do, to do so though I got up at an even more ungodly hour.

“You’re quite early.” Minjae-sshi whispers seeing me, since I started working Minjae-sshi would leave early with Taecyeon or someone to a drama shoot or he’d leave before us and we’d meet him at JYPE. Not only was I working for 2PM, but also to make Minjae-sshi’s life a little easier. The boys are a handful so really I don’t blame him for taking off for dinner with his family now instead of staying every night here with them.

“I wanted to get an early start.” I whisper smiling, “I’m going to try and leave early.” I tell him setting my purse down and finally entering the dorm. Since I started to clean every day or at least try, I don’t have to worry too much about house work. It’s the laundry and cooking, that’s the real constant problem. “Besides I figured you wouldn’t turn down me making breakfast a little early.”

“You’re right on that.” He says smiling at me. “Happy early birthday kid.” He says clapping me on my shoulder. “Enjoy your break.” Minjae-sshi moves to leave, before telling me that they want me to wake up Chansung, at least Junsu does.

“I will.” I say smiling at him, “Thank you.” I whisper as he heads out, probably to eat breakfast with him own family, Minjae-sshi isn’t around in the mornings much anymore, and I’m sure he’s happy to spend more time with his family. In the kitchen I take out everything for their breakfast, and with their diet restrictions gone, I’ve been able to branch out a bit more.

Waking up the guys I smirk at their resistance to my wake up calls. “Yah.” I say to Wooyoung and Chansung. “Wake up.”

“Why?” I hear a grumble from Chansung, “We don’t have a schedule; at least I don’t.” His defiance is adorable, well at least today it is, any other day and I might not show mercy.

Smiling at him I rub his head, “Junsu said you needed to be woken up according to Minjae-sshi.”

Sighing he opens his eyes, “You got here early,” He mumbles grabbing my hand. “You made breakfast.”

Nodding my head I smile at him, “I did, so get up and get to the table.” I whisper to him, I kiss his forehead. “Up and at the table.”

The process is about the same for Wooyoung, but once I got him up he pulled me into a tight hug. Taecyeon, Nichkhun and Junsu were easy to wake up, the difficult one was Junho. He was buried under all of his covers with his headphones on. Rough night, when I’d finally left the boys were all tense about something and tight lipped. The concerning part to me was that they wouldn’t tell me anything to help out a little; they all just shook their heads, even Chansung. Normally I can sneak a little information out of him if I’m really curious, but not this time.

“Junho-ah.” I whisper sliding his headphones off, “Time to wake up.” I whisper gently brushing his hair out of his face. “Come on, you’ll miss breakfast.”

“Noona…” He whines sitting up, looking at me he smiles, “Five more minutes?” Shaking my head I nod towards the door, “Come on. I’m going to be leaving early, well technically.”

“Technically?” He asks confused, probably because of the time, early morning never a good time to drop something on someone.

“I came in early, breakfast is done.” I tell him getting up. “Hurry up.”


At the table the boys all liven up, sleep aside they’re excitedly telling me happy early birthday. They tell me how there isn’t any real house work to be done, which I found to be true, that all I have to do today is to accompany them on their various schedules.

“That’s all?” I ask them smiling, nodding their heads Chansung collects the dishes, beckoning Taecyeon to help. “Well what am I going to do while you guys get ready?” I ask them listening carefully to the running water.

“Watch TV” Junho suggests. “You know, relax a little bit Noona.” He says smiling at me sassily, getting up they all head to get ready leaving me to sit at the table with the coffee Taecyeon had made a run for.

I listen to them all walking around calling each other for their various shirts another member had stolen or asking if they’d seen some article of clothing. It’s relaxing listening to them, somehow they ease my mind.

“You look content.” Taecyeon says; opening my eyes I smile at him. “What?”

Shaking my head I sip my coffee, “Thank you for the coffee.”

“Coffee makes you this happy?” He asks smirking at me; he knows it’s not the coffee.

Laughing I shake my head, “You know it’s you guys.” I whisper to him, “Just being here and listening to you guys is like a happy song, a happy memory.” I explain to the taller male. Taec smiles again, wider this time. “Thank you.” I whisper to him, more than just this, than the coffee.

“Come on let’s get you suited up, it’s cold outside.” Taecyeon says standing, walking to the coat rack he helps me get all my layers on, laughing at me as I twirl around as he carefully puts my scarf on. By the time I’m done the guys are all ready to go and smiling at me as well.

“Noona you look really pretty.” Chansung compliments me as we all walk to the parking garage, a wonderful start to a hopefully wonderful next couple of days.

“So tell me again why we’re out shopping.” I say to Taecyeon, his schedule is apparently just shopping. “Taec.”

“Christmas shopping!” He cheers happily. “It’ll be Christmas in sixteen days.” He says excitedly.

Rolling my eyes I follow Taec as he picks his way through stores trying to fide the perfect gift for everyone. “So you and Jay huh?” He says suddenly.

“Yeah…” I whisper smiling.

Taecyeon turns around, a serious look on his face, “How long did you know he was our leader?” He asks me.

“I didn’t know until Minho told me, the first day of filming.” I tell him quietly.

Taec smiles at me, “Jay, Khun and I used to go shopping together for Christmas, back when we were trainees.”

“The three of you must have been close…When it all happened…” I stop unsure of what I was going to say, but Taec sighs stopping me.

“When it all happened we were shocked, Jay leaving was fast. We hadn’t even got to really talk to him. He was moved away from us, and then we were all hoping he’d come back you know?” He says quietly, I hadn’t realized but we’d switched to English, at least he had. “The hardest part was that we depended on Jay, we were all expecting him to come back. So when he didn’t it was like we got punched in the gut right after getting back up.” The seriousness of his voice was hurting me, Taec sounds so angry, sad and disappointed, “Then of course everyone was saying we had been alienating Jay, making him separate from us, bullied him, rumors started up that we really didn’t like each other, the we’d bullied each other…It’s taken us a while to move on from Jay.” He says finally looking at me, “But then you come along and it was like it didn’t matter all the hard work we’d done. You cheer us on, around when we really need someone, but…”

“Then I started dating Jay.” I finish for him. Looking down I bite my lip.

Taecyeon holds my shoulder for a moment, “We’re not mad.” Looking up he’s smiling again, he’s the goofy friend that keeps me smiling. “Come on let’s get back to JYPE, I’m sure the guys are back by now.”


Walking into the room I’m surprised to see Minjae-sshi with a cake, surrounded by, Miyoung, Ian, Chansung, Junsu, Nichkhun, Junho, Wooyoung and even Minho. As soon as they see me they start singing happy birthday to me, I turn to look at Taecyeon, him smiling at me happily, leading me in he stops me right in front of the cake.

“Make a wish!” They all cheer, blowing my candles out they all cheer for me.

Hugging everyone and saying thank you I’m sat down between Chansung and Wooyoung, both throwing an arm over my shoulders. “Thank you everyone.” I say smiling at them.

“Like we’re done.” Miyoung says rolling her eyes, “Present time!” She cheers, walking over to a table on the side of the room; on the table are gifts, not a lot but enough for me to burry my face into Chansung’s shoulder.

“You guys.” I mumble happily. “You guys are too good to me.” I say hugging Chansung, then Wooyoung, Ian, Miyoung, Minjae-sshi, Junsu, Taecyeon, Nichkhun and Junho. Miyoung hands me the first gift. Reading the card that everyone signed, laughing at them for saying I can’t say that I’m not loved when I have a family like them.

Ian made me a song, my own personal song, featuring 2AM, Miss A and of course 2PM. Junho got me a stuffed tiger, on the spot I named the tiger Coco. Wooyoung and Chansung made me another painting, for my room. The picture features the six members according to the pair who painted it, although I suppose they sort of look like the six of them. Taecyeon bought me a customized jacket with two chibi caricatures, one throwing a spoon. I smile happily, quickly trying it on. Miyoung gave me a gorgeous pair of Doc Martin boots, ones I’d been looking at for ages in the coordinators’ room. Minho gave me a phone case saying ‘My Fair Princess’, a little crack at the joke that started the whole princess thing with us. Junsu a necklace he’d bought for me while they were in Singapore. Nichkhun gave me a necklace with a hippo figurine on it, causing me to laugh. And Minjae-sshi gave me a charm bracelet with a key and a 2PM on it.

Thanking everyone again, and hugging them I’m shooed off by Minjae-sshi saying I’m done for the day, to go home and enjoy my time off.


Arriving at my apartment I see Jay’s car already there, so stepping inside with all my gifts I smile at the sight of Jay standing there, a white long stemmed rose in hand. “Hey sweet heart.” He whispers smiling at me, “Happy early birthday.” Smiling at him I set my gifts down and walk over to him. “Thank you for coming into my life.” He whispers once I’m in his arms, kissing my cheek.

Smiling at him I sigh happily, all the fights we’d had seemed to have melted away for now, all the angry words we’d yelled gone.

“Jay, thank you.” I whisper kissing his cheek.

This of course was only the start of the night. Jay smiles at me taking my hand he leads me back out to his car. Arriving at Jay’s place he surprises me by the table being set for two, candles, everything just perfect. “I know your birthday is tomorrow, but I figured I could start tonight, and then come December eighteenth you’ll be blown away, and hopefully listen.

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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..