Lies Aren't Nice

Rebelling Heart

Walking in I pull myself away from Junsu, sitting on the couch talking with Nichkhun is Victoria. I thought they’d finished their variety program months ago. Since when should I care though? I mean it’s just Nichkhun and Victoria. I need to stop thinking about this, besides it’s not like I really like Nichkhun at all. I mean aside from the fact he's one of my boys, and a really good friend, (so obviously in that way I love him and care deeply) I should be happy a girl is here to see him, right? It is hard to ignore how close they are sitting, but it really isn’t any of my business so I make a beeline for the table in the other room.

Quickly setting the table I ignore the not-too-subtle looks from Junsu, walking away I point to chair for Junsu to sit, quickly making my way to wake the boys up, one by one I get them.

“Chansung” I mutter pushing him over in his bed. “Wake up there’s food.” I mutter poking his face maybe not too gently, but I’m only trying to wake him up, not per-say get some stress or anger out. Definitely just trying to wake him up.

“Noona that hurts and I’m up.” He whines grabbing my hand, watching me carefully he pulls me into a hug. “What happened? You don’t normally assault me when you’re waking me up.”

Puffing my cheeks up I shrug my shoulders. “Nothing really.” I mumble hugging him back tightly.

“Liar” Chansungie says pulling away looking me in the eyes he tilts his head. “What happened?”

Pursing my lips I let out a sigh, it’s going to be one of those days. Great. “Jay called…he was more or less tipsy-drunk.” Chansung waits for me to elaborate; because obviously this isn’t enough to make me ‘assault’ him (poking him with some ‘umph’ isn’t assault). “We just talked, it was nice.”

“But, Noona something else must have happened, you just look” Pausing he searches my face as if the answer will be right there for him to see plain as day. “Hurt.”

Blinking I stare at him full of wonder, hurt? I wouldn’t say hurt. No, maybe a little wound up, but hurt? Over what? Nichkhun can be intimate with Victoria, I mean why not? He said so himself that they have relationships. “Come on lunch is on the table.” I say tugging him up from his bed. “Then we can talk more about my ‘hurt’.” I say rolling my eyes.

Walking through the living room past Nichkhun and Victoria I squeeze his arm a little tighter. “Just think about it ok, please?” Victoria asks; I fight the urge to look, “For me?”

“Yeah, I’ll think about it.” Nichkhun says sighing. “Are you staying for lunch?” He asks her, at this I squeeze Chansung’s arm even more, I don’t care if he’s giving me a funny look or poking me back trying to get me to let go.

“No, I only came by to ask.” She says getting up. “Thank-you for hear me out Khunnie.” She says.

As soon as we make it to the table I release Chansung and take my seat next to Wooyoung. “Bye everyone” She says waving to us as she leaves.

“Bye Victoria,” They all chorus looking up from their meal. I however opt to put food in my mouth.

Quietly we all eat while Nichkhun walks Victoria to the door.  “Thank-you for the food Noona.” Wooyoung says pleasantly pulling my close to give me a hug. “Did you sleep well?”

Nodding my head I poke his cheek lightly. “I did, but who moved me last night?” I ask them curiously. All five heads turn to look in Nichkhun’s direction before getting back to lunch. As Nichkhun sits down I bite down my questions as to why she was here and say “Thank you.”

It registers quickly in his head. “It’s no problem, though I think you should eat more. You’re a little too light.” He comments smiling at me.

“Hyung maybe you’re a little too strong.” Chansung intervenes jokingly. “Though I do agree.” He mutters so I can only hear him.

Them and their brother complexes, honestly I think I’m just fine, besides I eat with them all the time, one would think that they’d know I wasn’t skipping meals or anything. Aish.


Sitting on the roof alone with Chansung, him nudging me every so often, “Noona that hurt earlier,” He mumbles poking me lightly. “Is that why you were so rough when waking me up? Hyung was talking to Victoria-sshi?” Chansung asks in a curious sort of way.

Shrugging my shoulders I settle for resting my head on his shoulder. “I really don’t see why it would bother me; after all I’m still a mess from Jay.”

“There you are!” Junsu says joining us with Wooyoung trailing behind. “Junho and Taecyeon are keeping Nichkhun busy.” He says waving off a look from Chansung.

“You saw too?” Chansung asks wrapping an arm around me. “The look that they gave each other?”

“Nichkhun isn’t going to spend any more time with Victoria than he has to.” Wooyoung says rolling his eyes. “She may like him a lot, but Hyung isn’t exactly interested.”

“Well we all know that.” Junsu says sitting in front of Chansung and I with Wooyoung taking a seat next to him. “Well most of us.”

Shrugging my should I content myself with the warm day and the cooling breeze rather than get caught up in whatever they’re discussing. “Noona is dense.” Wooyoung concludes watching me carefully.

“That or she just doesn’t want to buy it.” Chansung muses glancing at me. “Though I am leaning more towards dense.”

Ignoring them I concentrate on the clouds how nice it is outside. “What did you and Jay talk about?” Chansung asks me. This silences Wooyoung; he turns to look at me.

“Hyung called you?” He asks with this face of awe. “I thought…What did he say?” He asks leaning closer.

Sighing I glance at the three of them, Junsu is staring at me just waiting for me to say what I told him, I want to tell them how they’re acting like a bunch of girls, but I don’t think it’s exactly appropriate. No, definitely not. “We just talked; he wanted to hear my voice.” I mumble blinking back tears, hearing how desperate he sounded. “I told him I wear what he bought me; that I forgive him…” I mumble moving away from Chansung, standing up I dust my shorts off. “I told him that I love him back.” I say quietly hoping that they didn’t hear.

“You love him…” Wooyoung mumbles getting up, walking over to me he grabs my hand. “But he left…”

Holding my breath I turn to face them, I see Nichkhun standing there, with Junho and Taecyeon all standing there frozen with Junsu and Chansung. The looks on their faces are similar; pained, hurt, confused, betrayed even. “He left because I wouldn’t go with him.” I finish for Wooyoung. “I want to be here with you guys, I wouldn’t leave to go with him.”

“But you love him.” Nichkhun says watching carefully. “What does it matter? Why wouldn’t you just go? If you both were so serious and in love why didn’t you get on that plane with him?” He asks me, not in Korean but English. He looks furious. “Is it really worth it?” His tone isn’t too friendly either, I’d forgotten about this Nichkhun; I’m so used to the pleasant one, the happy one, polite and caring Nichkhun that I’ve spent time with since Japan.

my lips I look away from him, I couldn’t look into his eyes; I didn’t want to look at him. I couldn’t. When I finally look back up I see Junsu watching me carefully, getting up he walks over to me. “It’s ok. He’s just venting.” He mumbles kissing my temple. “Don’t let it hurt.”

“Khun that was out of line” Taecyeon says blocking the way. “It couldn’t have been easy.” He says as Nichkhun looks back at me.

Walking over to me the others leave, leaving me with the moody Thai Prince. “He’s right.” Nichkhun breaths taking a seat next to me, “I’m sorry for saying that.”

“It’s ok.” I mumble watching him carefully. “I’m going to get some laundry done.” I whisper passing him. “Nichkhun.” I say turning around to find him watching me with a funny look on his face, one I can’t exactly describe; it looks pained or maybe I’m completely wrong. “It wasn’t easy, but I stayed because I wanted to, I wanted to stay with everyone here…I still do, I want to stay for as long as I can.” I tell him before turning to run down the stairs to do some chores.




Just like before all the other concerts they do a press conference before they head on stage. Answering questions, thanking everyone for everything and for helping them get this far and to ask for continuous support from their fans. Standing on the side with the rest of JYPE employees I chuckle seeing the cameras flashes intensify as each one of them takes their turn to say something about the tour.


The deafening screams of hundreds of fans, the sea of metallic grey, their proclaimed fan color, I feel my heart swell with pride for the boys. All this is for them, no one else and anyone who dares to try and strip if from them can go through their fans and me. I’m sure they’ll find the feat impossible.

How hard they work for everything that they have now is a testimony to how much they deserve and what they will accomplish in the future. I can only imagine how they feel themselves getting to live their dreams every single time they get on a stage, meet a fan, practice a song, and getting a new album together. It must be breathtaking even now after so long.


Watching the boys perform brings a smile to my face because I can see how happy they are, with my time with them I can honestly say I am a fan, it’d be hard not to be, especially with how often they pester me about it.

Watching them carefully perform the numerous stunts leading up to their opening, grudgingly I watch the dances with the girls, a bit of me is a little territorial about them; though I’ll die before I ever admit that aloud to any living soul.

“Enjoying the show?” Minjae-sshi asks coming to my side. “It must be a bit of a relief to get a little break.” He comments watching as they joke with the crowd throwing items at random probably make their night to those few lucky fans that catch said items.

Chuckling I nod my head. “It is. I’ll be glad to get a little bit more sleep. At least well I’m hoping to get more sleep.”

“I hear you.” He says smiling proudly to the six men (boys) on stage singing their hearts out to their devoted fans.




Collapsing on my bed (Junho’s) I grin at the sleeping boys on Wooyoung’s bed. Getting up I mentally thank myself for not drinking last night. I can only imagine the hangover I could have had. Happily I tip-toe out of Woo and Junho’s room, stepping into the living room I’m met by a semi-aware Chansung (Most likely extremely hung over too). “How are you?” I ask him gently walking over to him to rub his back comfortingly.

“Noona” He whines resting his head on me. Chuckling I stay there with Chansung just comforting the recovering member.

Hearing a cough I look up to see Nichkhun standing there leaning against a wall just watching us. Pursing my lips I look back at Chansung, since Nichkhun’s little temper tantrum he threw on the roof last week I’ve been avoiding him (I’ll admit I’ve been slightly immature about it). Our bond we’d had while on tour seemed to dissolve after Jay called and with Victoria visiting him.

It just felt awkward around him again. Like everything that we talked about suddenly was null and void. Slowly I help Chansung up and get him to the table to make a light breakfast for him and the others.

“Are you mad at me?” Nichkhun asks me, surprising me; he’d suddenly entered the kitchen. “You’re avoiding me again…” The dark haired man before me says quietly.

“No.” I mumble turning around to make some toast, “Why would I be mad at you?”

Nichkhun forces me to turn around to look at him, he stares at me, holding me to face him, his hands grasping my arms tightly. “Then why are you avoiding me? What did I do wrong?” He asks me in a monotone. “Why is it always me that you ever avoid?”

“That’s not true.” I squeak out, though I know he’s right. I’ve never outright ran out of a room because of the others. Only ever Nichkhun and honestly I really can’t say why I do that.

A flash of anger passes Nichkhun’s face before a knock comes to the door; neither of us turn to look at the door we both just hold our stare. “Don’t lie about that.” He says darkly before releasing me to go answer the door.

Shocked I shakily turn back to the task at hand, breakfast. Setting back to work I try to fight off the image of Nichkhun’s face, his tone everything, I do not need to be thinking of him right now. Turning to look at the door my stomach drops, there at the door hugging his Nichkhun and Victoria, them happily talking about whatever; just moments after the conversation Nichkhun and I just had.

“Please Khunnie, it’d mean a lot to me.” Victoria whines. “It’d be fun, I promise!” She says in a somewhat high pitched tone.

“I don’t know; I’m going to be busy with helping Wooyoung out.” He says in a sadden tone, shaking my head I head to the table setting a glass of water and medicine down for Chansung.

Coming back into the kitchen I place the food out for the guys, hoping Chansung won’t eat everything, on the plates to move to the table. Quickly walking back to Wooyoung and Junho’s room I gather my bag before slipping down the hall to the entry hall.

Awkwardly I slip my shoes on and bow to Victoria and Nichkhun. “Excuse me, Nichkhun tell the others I made breakfast.” I tell him before waving him off before he can say anything. Rushing down the hall leaving him to his conversation with Victoria, dialing Minho’s number I try to sort out why I felt so irritated.

“Min can you meet me at my apartment?” I ask him tying my hair up before hailing a cab. “I need to talk to you.”

“Oh, hi there too.” He says chuckling in a happy mood. “Yeah, I’ll meet you there. You alright?”

Sighing I shake my head trying to throw my headache off. “I just need to vent a little and besides I know that you’re just dying to see me anyways.” I tell him quietly.


Upon showering and changing I hear a knock at my door; opening it I greet Minho with a tight hug. “I missed you so much!” I tell him contently.

“Aw I missed you too princess, so what’s on your mind?” He asks as we settle on the couch.  Playing with my hands I look down at them, honestly I’m not sure how to even explain to Minho what I want to explain. “Well?”

“It’s just…Jay called me last week.” I tell him in a somewhat hushed tone, glancing up he gives me an intrigued look. “He was pretty much drunk.”

“What did he say?” Minho asks me quietly.

Biting my lip I take a deep breath before I finally work up the nerve. “That he loves me still, misses me, he’s sorry… I told him I love him back still.”

“Ah, wait weren’t you still technically ‘on call’ last week, with the tour I know you’ve been pretty much living with them.”

“I was getting lunch with Junsu for the rest when Jay called. Of course though I told Chansung and we talked about it, Wooyoung was there when Chansungie asked so of course he heard, and then Taecyeon, Junho and Nichkhun of course over hear.” I whine frustrated, “Then Nichkhun is moody and yells at me in English mind you.”

“Nichkhun, wait I thought you like him.” Minho teases me nudging me lightly. “I mean you texted me saying you and him were getting along great.”

“Well we were up until he sort of got all mad or whatever. Then this morning he was just… I don’t even know how to explain it.” I tell Min resting against him. “It’s all so frustrating, and stupid Victoria or whatever isn’t helping by whining.”

“Victoria? Wait a minute, hold up.” Minho says pulling away to look at me. “Are you jealous of her?”

“Jealous?” I scoff looking away, so maybe I didn’t tell anyone about my slight crush on Nichkhun. “Of what? Nichkhun can be friends or whatever with her; I just don’t like her voice.” I say simply.

“No, no I think you are.” He sings smugly. “I think you like Nichkhun or at least starting to.”

Blinking at Minho I punch him roughly in the arm. “Don’t say stupid things.”



I know I said the concert would be in more detail, but I'm lazy ;^;
and I was just excited to write.
I know it's been a while but I do have good news. I've decided on a day to update finally.
Mondays, though I'm not sure if I'll do it weekly again or not. I'm still thinking about it.
Though I want to update at least two (possibly three) more times before October 5.
I'll be out of town, and more than likely without an internet connection (GASP),
until the following Monday or Tuesday, but I'll just have gotten back from a trip
so I can't say if I'll update when I get home or not, a lot of it depends on how I feel when I get back.



I know I have a ton of Pro-Jay readers, and some Pro-Khun readers, semi-indifferent readers and then
of course the silent readers (I love you all and can't thank you enough for reading this) but you'll just have to keep
reading to see who exactly the OC ends up with. I still have a bunch of stuff planned, albeit I am sort of taking my time
and I plan on speeding the plot up a notch for a little and to add a little spice in. So wait and see. I really am hoping you
guys will just be patient with me and of course enjoy the story. That's my main goal, to tweak my writing so that people
like to read it and want to read more from me.


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Rebelling Heart: Posted the sequel today, New Beginnings!


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Chapter 12: im a bit confused, why does she keep getting shaky at the wheel? did i miss something? BTW really loving this fic :)
Chapter 71: I know that I made a freakishly long comment line, but I just wanna say that this story gave me an incredible amount of feels that ugh...I love this fic!!!:) your writing is amazing too.
Chapter 71: Damn. A sad ending....I'm definitely reading the sequel.
Chapter 65: I love isobel lol
Chapter 62: OMFG YES YES you have no idea how happy I am...\(^_^)/
Chapter 60: Oh my f-ing god (sorry for f bomb) I had a strong feeling that this would happen. It just seems that the story would seem lost without that horrible part:'( ugh I really hope she ends up with nichkhun, although the feeling is telling me otherwise.
Chapter 51: Oh my friggen god that was so friggen hotXD
Chapter 46: I want friends like minho, miyoung, and ian:)
Chapter 41: The whole reason I'm reading this fic is because of nichkhun, so this chapter definitely had
Chapter 29: Yes omg yes, so it'll be nichkhun *dances in room* I'm so frraking happy omfg...I always wanted her to end up with him..