Bad Chanyeol

You Don't Know Him


"Where are we? Where's Heeyoung?? And Chanyeol?" Sehun asked.

"Who's that girl?" Tao asked.

"I thought He's going to Heeyoung and Chanyeol?" Kai asked.

"Yeah... Where are we now?" Kris asked.

"Stop asking! " Xiumin shouted.

"Maybe Mr. Hwang caught us... That's why he didn't go to Chanyeol's place..." Xiumin said.

"What are we going to do now? " Baekhyun asked.

"We're going back to school. We need to find their forms." Xiumin said.

"Yeah... Maybe Chanyeol's new address is there..." Chen said.

     They all went back to the school and went to Mr. Hwang's office. They search for the forms of the students and Kris spotted it inside the drawer. He quickly open the folder iand look for your form. A smile formed on Kris' face and he raised it up. Everyone look at it and they all smile.

"I found it!" He said and Xiumin took it.

"So... It says here... That they're in... Daegu... DAEGU?!" Xiumin said.

"W-wait... What do you mean Hyung? Why're you screaming?" 

"We're in daegu Earlier..." He said and Kyungsoo bit his lower lip.

"I'm going back there..." Kyungsoo said.

"Woah! Yoora is watching us Kyungsoo! We need to be careful!" Xiumin said.

"I don't care if she can kill or what... I need to fine Heeyoung... Now!" Kyungsoo said.

"We should call police..." Tao said.

"No... It's going to be complicated... " Luhan said.

"Then what're we going to do? Heeyoung is in trouble." Sehun said.

"I know... I know... We just need to go there... And we need to make sure... That no one is following or watching us..." Xiumin said.

"Let's go..." He said.

"But we should not use the van now... Yoora might notice us..." Luhan said and they all agreed.




"Heeyoung? Please stop..." Chanyeol said and you wipe your tears.

"Shut up Chanyeol... Go away ..." You said and he sighed.

"Heeyoung... --"

"! Can't you understand me? I said go away!!" You shouted.

"Ya! Are you going to be like this forever?" He shouted and you stand up.

"Wae? I said i don't love you! How many time should i repeat that??" 

"Heeyoung! You're mine now! You're in my place! You are mine! Understand?" He said and push you against the wall.

"You are not going back to Kyungsoo... " he whispered and brush your hair with his fingers.

"You're going to stay here with me..." He whispered on your ear. You bit your lower lip and tears roll down on your cheek.

"Is it clear Heeyoung? " he asked.

"Kyungsoo will never stop--" 

"Shut up Heeyoung! Kyungsoo will never find you... Noona is fixing our papers. We're going to my aunt okay? In US. Do you hear me? Kyungsoo can't find you there... " he said.

"You can't take me there Chanyeol..." You said and he smirked.

"You can't stop me Heeyoung... I'm going to make sure that you and i are going to live there... " he said and he press his lips on yours.

"Is it clear sweetie?" Hmm?" He said and he smiled.

"Anyway... Prepare yourself tomorrow... " he said.

"What for?" You asked.

"Because... You're going to marry your new prince... " he said and you bit you lower lip.

"Kyungsoo is my only prince ... Park Chanyeol..." You said and he smirked.

"Well... Let's see Heeyoung... " he said and shut the door.

     You fell on your knees and you burry your face on your palms and started to cry. You lay on the bed and notice something hard under the pillow. You didn't move and you think about something... You recall eveything about Chanyeol. And there. *lightbulb*

"He always place his phone under his pillow..." You whispered and you quickly stand up and took it. Good thing you memorized Kyungsoo's phone number and you quickly dialed it and wait for himto answer it.

"Hello? Who's this?" He said as he answer the phone.

"Hyung... It's Chanyeol's number..." You heard sehun's voice and you smiled.

"O-oppa! Help me! Help me please!!" You said half whispering.

"Heeyoung?! Wait for Oppa... Everything will be fine.." He said and you started to sob.

"Oppa... I miss you..." You said.

"I miss you too baby... Is he hurting you?" He asked.

"Ani... But he's going to take me away... Please be quick oppa... " you said and the door opened.

"Heeyoung! What the are you doing? Do you really want to die??" Chanyeol shouted and slap your face hard. He took his phone and end the call. 

"Chan-chanyeol... Je-jebal! Let me go home!" You said and he slapped you again.

"I said no! I'm not going to let you go home Heeyoung!" He shouted and push you.

"Don't let me punch your face heeyoung..." 

"Do you want to punch me?? Punch me if you want Chanyeol! " you shouted and he sighed.

    His phone vibrated and he answered the call. He went outside and lay on the bed and hug the pillow. You sobbed and the pillow soaked with your tears. The door opened again and Chanyeol walked towards you. You look at him and he his lip.

"It's noona... She want to talk to you..." He said and he hand his phone to you.

"I will never ever talk to that witch!" You shouted and pull you up and press the looudspeaker button.

"Go ahead Noona..." Chanyeol said.

"Heeyoung... I have a surprise ..." She said.

"I don't want to know it..." You said and she laughed.

"Hmm... I'm following someone now... And... I know you're interested to know who is it..." She said.

"Right heeyoung?" She asked and you covered your mouth.

"Kyungsoo?" You said and he laughed.

"Yes heeyoung... I think he's looking for you... But don't expect too much Heeyoung... I have my boys here... They can easily take Kyungsoo and his friends down..." She said.

"Don't!" You said and she end the call.

"Tsk. I told you Heeyoung..." Chanyeol said and he sit down beside you.

"Don't worry... I'm going to make you happy..." He whispered and nuzzle on your neck.

"Chanyeol... Stop it..." You said and he smirked.

"I'm not starting yet... " he said and continued what he's doing. You stand up and he look at you and grab your wrist violently.

"Heeyoung... You're going to be my wife tomorrow... So shut up..." He said and pull you down.

"Chanyeol!! " you shouted and slap him. He frowned and push you on the floor and and give you a hard slap on your face.




      A car stopped infront of Their van and Luhan quickly stopped. Everyone was shock and a girl step outside the car and wave her hands. Everyone look at her and she walked towards the van.

"Who the is she?" Luhan asked.

"Woah... hyung... Who are THEY??" Tao asked and point at the group of boys standing outside.

"Calm... " xiumin said and he opened the door and he stepped outside.

"Oh... Minseok..." Yoora said and peek inside the van.

"Sehun-ah... You already grown up eh?" 

"Where's Heeyoung?" Sehun asked and she laughed.

"I don't know where my brother take her now... Where's Heeyoung's prince?" She said.

"Oops... Big mistake... Chanyeol is her new prince... They're going to marry each other tomorrow Kyungsoo..." She said and Kyungsoo's eyes widened.

"Aigoo... They really fit each other... Right Minseok?" She asked and Minseok slapped her face.

"Boys... Now." She said and snap her finger.

     Everyone helped Xiumin and Kai can't help anymore and take out his pocket knife. Tao catched Yoora and place her inside the van and shut the door. Blood started to drip from Kyungsoo's forehead and but he ignored it. 

"Where's my cousin you mother er!" Kai shouted and stab the guy with his knife.

    Yoora opened the door and circle her arm around kyungsoo's neck and point the gun on his head. Tao break the arm of the last guy and yoora shouted.

"Stop or i'll make his brain explode!" She shouted and everyone stopped.

"Noona!!" Sehun shouted and took a step closer.

"Don't! " Yoora shouted and pull kyungsoo closer to her.

"Don't you dare to come closer Sehun...." She said and everyone look at her.

"Sehun... Don't..." Xiumin said and grab his wrist.

"I have a plan..." Xiumin whispered and everyone look at him.

"Aigoo... Yoora... Park Yoora... " Xiumin said.

"Don't go near Minseok..." She said and Xiumin smirked.

"What happened to my Yoora?" He said and Xiumin walked closer to her.

"I said don't go closer!!" She shouted and Xiumin quickly grabbed her hand and point the gun on her.

"Yoora... I knew it... This gun is mine... Hahahaha~ i didn't put any bullets Yoora... Mianhae..." He said and he chuckled.

"And now... I'm going to put a bullet..." He said and Xiumin did. Xiumin pointed the gun on her and she lean her back on the van.

"Now... Tell me where's Heeyoung or i'll forget my feelings for you Yoora..." He whispered.

"Ppali... I'm waiting..." He said and Yoora didn't move.

"Fine..." Xiumin raised the gun up and pull the triger. Yoora screamed and xiumin laughed.





"Chanyeol... Stop it please!" You cried as he try to take off your top.


"Chanyeol!!" You shouted.

"Ch-chanyeol!" You shouted as he rip your top. You covered yourself but it doesn't help. He pinned you under him and continued kissing you.

"Hajima! Je-jebal!!" You shouted and you heard him chuckle.

"Sshhh... Be quiet heeyoung..." He whispered and you cried.

"Chanyeol! Please stop!!" You shouted.

      You tried to push him but you can't. You slapped him but he just look at you and you started to sob. 

"Chanyeol... Hajima... Hajima!" You shouted and pull down you skirt.

"Heeyoung-ah... You're so beautiful..." He whispered and you push him and try to escape but he quickly grab you wrist and pull you down.

"Where are you going ?" He asked and pin you again under him. You shouted and shouted but it doesn't help anymore.

"Chanyeol!!!" You shouted and kick him but he didn't let you go.




"Go on yoora... Speak up... Or i'll break your bones... You know me..." Xiumin said and yoora gulped.

"He's not going to talk Hyung.. Let's just look around... We're here... It's easy to find her..." Tao said.

"Let's go Hyung..." Kyungsoo said and Xiumin push Yoora inside the van.

"Yoora... Just tell us!" Luhan said.

"Aigoo! You're making me mad stupid!" Xiumin said and slap Yoora.

"Hyung! Calm down!" Lay said.

     They started to look around and Yoora stopped walking infront of the house. Yoora felt sorry and she felt guilty... Everyone looked at her and Minseok smirked.

"I'm sorry... Tell heeyoung that i'm sorry... I'm going home..." She said.

"Why're you going home?" Xiumin asked.

"I-i can't face Heeyoung anymore..." She said and tears roll on her face.

"Okay... Run now... Or i'll kill you..." Xiumin said and Kyungsoo quickly opened the door.

"Heeyoung?" He shouted.

"Heeyoung?? Are you here??" Kyungsoo shouted.

"Oppa?" You whispered and your tears formed.

"Heeyoung! Where are you??" You heard kai's voice.

"Oppa!! I'm here!! Help me!!" You shouted and Chanyeol look at you.

"What are saying ?" He asked.

"Help me!!" You shouted and the door opened.


"Oppa!" You said and tears rolled down.

"Ya! Get off of her you idiot!" Kai shouted and started punching Chanyeol.

"Oppa... " you whispered and he ran towards you.

"Heeyoung..." He said and wrap you in his warm embrace. You feel safe and you started to tear up.

"What did he do to you? Heeyoung? Are you alright?" He asked and Kai throw his shirt on you.

"Wear that... " he said and wear his hoodie back. You nodded and wore his shirt.

"What's this ? huh?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly and caress your cheek.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked and you nodded.

"Ya! Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo shouted and strated beating Chanyeol. You hugged Kyungsoo from the back and thank him. He turned around and hug tightly.

"Oppa... I miss you..." You whisper and he smile.

"Nado..." He said.

"Jongin Oppa... Thank you..." You said and hug him.

"It's okay... No one will hurt you again heeyoung... I promise..." He said and caress your back. All of them entered inside and you spotted sehun. You quickly ran towards him and hug him tightly.

"Sehun... Thank you ..." You said and he smile.

"Are you okay? Did Hyung hurt you?" Sehun asked and you just shook your head.

      You thanked them all and hug Kyungsoo again. Kyungsoo press his lips on your and your tears rolled down. He wiped it and he started to get teary.

"Everything is fine now Heeyoung... Oppa will protect you always..." He said and you smile.

"I love you Oppa... " you said and he hugged you tighter.

"I love you too Heeyoung..." He said.




     You all entered the van and ask them to leave Chanyeol there... They agreed with you and Luhan started the engine. Luhan stopped infront of your house and you saw your father outside with your stepmom. You bit your lower lip. Luhan smiled at you and Kai opened the door.

"I texted your father..." Luhan said and you smiled.

"Thank you Luhan..." You said.

"You can all call us Oppa... Right??" Tao asked and everyone nodded.

"Thank you ..." You said and you stepped outside and ran towards your father.

"Heeyoung!" He said and you hug him tightly. He did the same and your father wipe our tears.

"Did he hurt you? Ar-are you alright? Did you eat--" 

"Appa... Calm down Okay?? I'm here..." You said and he smiled.

"Heeyoung... I missed you darling..." He said and he started to het teary.

"Eomma..." You said and your stepmom look at you.

"What is it?" 

"Eomma..." You said and hug her tightly.

"I'm sorry to all..." You said and she smiled.

"It's okay..." She replied.

"Uncle! Can i stay here?" Kai asked and your appa smiled.

"Anytime Jongin!" He said and jongin smiled.

"Thank you all for saving my daughter..." He said and everyone bowed.

"You're welcome sir!" They said and you smiled.

"We're leaving now sir!" Luhan said and your father nodded and they all entered the van.

"Kyungsoo!" You said and he turned around.


"Kyungsoo...  Stay here ..." You appa said.

"My daughter wants you to stay..." He said and Kyungsoo nodded.

"Yes sir--"

"Call me Appa..." You said and he smiled.

"Ne appa!" He said and your father smiled.

"Let's go inside! It's getting cold!" Your eomma said and you nodded.

"Kaja!" You said happily and you all entered inside.


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coff_ee #1
Chapter 64: it's my 4th time reading this.. But I nvr get bored.. <3
_Crystal_ #2
Chapter 7: Everyday i shock - BeeeeAST! I love this already hehe ^_^
diniramadanti #3
Chapter 14: I hate heeyoung, she is so arrogant, but I love ur story
Chung_yeol88 #4
Chapter 32: The girl gets on my nerves like.. Agdisbaobxbwosnx
XxheartsxX #5
Chapter 83: Awwww the ending is so sweet!! Heheh i enjoyed reading!
Chapter 83: I love the girl's character haha because she's sweet to Kyungsoo only. Yeah, she's a bit annoying at first, but it's funny at the same time how everyone is scared of her even her parents
reeson #7
Chapter 21: Why is Hee young so slappy;D
Chapter 83: Soo sweet daebak author-nim