
You Betrayed Me, You Regret It
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Jane kept us busy, both my brother and I. She taught us the choreography since YG has told us that there is no need to have a separate instructor and choreographer because Jane is great. Jane also asked me to help her to choreograph but I refused. This is still new to me. I freestyle most of the time but I have never choreographed before.

"C'mon Christine! This will be a new thing for you! Plus, this is your debut. It's going to be great if you were the one to choreograph it!" I graoned and kept on refusing, suddenly, Chrisa spoke up and said, "Christine, just give it a shot. You might enjoy it, who knows?" She has a point. I do enjoy dancing and it won't hurt if I give it a shot. Since my exams are this week, I could help Jane choreograph it after my exams.

"Arasso arasso, I give up! I'll help you after my exams though." Jane nodded and clasped her hands with a bright smile.

"Yay! That's good, now, let's start again from the top, ok?" I snorted, hearing the word 'top'. Gosh, I'm so weird. 

So as we danced to 'I am the best' of 2NE1, my brother is a really good dancer but the dance for this doesn't really suit him. He looks gay, no offense. 

"Kuya, no offense, but you look gay." He glared at me and Jane, Chrisa and I started to laugh at him. 

"You are a good dancer though. Keep it up." Jane tried to ease him up and my brother scoffed adn replied, "Yeah yeah whatever. This is what is like to have a girl choreographer and instructor." I started to laugh again and I stopped when Big Bang went in, along with 2NE1.

I smiled when I saw Seunghyun, I ran to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry if I'm sweaty but I missed you!" Ever since last night, I felt closer to him and more attached. I guess doing IT makes you closer with one another. 

"That's ok babe. You still smell good and I missed you too." He winked at me and I giggled. Chrisa was having her mood swings right now and it's not the best time for Seungri and her to argue but here they are, arguing over nothing.

"Ya! Don't touch me." Chrisa said.

"Wae? How come I can't be sweet to you?" Seungri was being cheesy again. He's actually more cheesier than Seunghyun, I admit.

"If you don't want your arms to be broken, don't touch me." I just snorted and said, "Seungri, leave her alone. Little mommy is having her mood swings. She'll come around." Seungri sighed and just sat down on the floor while Chrisa was sitting on the couch.

"Why are you sitting on the floor and not at the couch? What's the use of the couch then?" All of us in the room laughed and Ji Yong stated, "Oh, maknae. I pity you already. Your fiance is very fierce." It caused us to laugh even more while Seungri kept silent.

Chrisa looked at me and smiled, "Ahhh, Seungri. Don't worry. Chrisa will come around." I winked at Chrisa. I knew what she was doing, she was testing Seungri, but she did snap at me today. 

As the practice room was filled with laughters and good talks, the door busted open and we all looked who it was and shockingly it was Rile. How did she know that we were here?


Three of us groaned while the others are very amused by her. Of course, who wouldn't be? She's our battery, she lights up our environment anyways.

"RILE!" My two other siblings and I shouted at the same time while hugging her tight.

We pulled out of the hug and Rile hugged each of us and she turned to me, "Ate Christine! I missed you! You look more beautiful! You look skinny now, oh my god!" I giggled and said, "Well, hard work does pay off, you know?" She smiled and she turned to Chrisa.

"Ohmy! You have a baby bump already ate! Can I touch your tummy?" Chrisa nodded with her smiling face. Rile touched Chrisa's tummy and she looked amazed, it was kinda weird how she's only 1 month and 1 week long and she already has a big tummy. I  guess it's a big baby. 

"Wow, this feels fantastic! You have a big baby bump, ate. I think there are more than one baby there." Chrisa laughed and said, "Don't be silly. I can't handle two." Rile smiled at her and she turned to our brother.

"My handsome kuya! I missed you!" My brother hugged her.

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benniben #1
Chapter 81: Awesoooooooome!
great story
mehmehme #3
Meh Likey!!
Chapter 81: aww. it's a great story unnie! ♥
love it!
Chapter 83: ANOTHER ONE!! NOONA! OMG... I will never be able to catch up, to all the updates i have missed, ever again! Yah! But for you Noona i will read it!
Chapter 81: OMG!! Soooo beautiful!! And anyways if you did end it on that 2nd to last chapter i would have told you to make 1 more bc its not an even number! Haha lol! such a GREAT ending Noon!!!
SlaveOfLunacy #7
Chapter 81: Such an incredibly awesome story and the ending was beautiful! If you decide to do a sequel I'm sure it'll be a great one! ^^
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 81: Wow the ending is really nice, gonna be daebak sequel:D
valeriemillenia #9
Chapter 80: I like the story :) it's a great one ;)
Chapter 80: AWWWWW!!! NOONA!! I just lllooovveee it!! Its sooo adorable!!