The maknae being serious

You Betrayed Me, You Regret It
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Seungri's POV

The members and I except for Seunghyun hyung were decorating the house for Seunhyun hyung's dinner date with Christine. Before I continued decorating and doing these cheesy stuff, I decided to call YG to ask for Chrisa's number since I didn't have the opportunity to ask her number or I was too shy rather.

"Hi YG!" I said enthusiastically. 

"Seungri? This is very unusual of you to call me at this time, or even call me actually." I just laughed because it is true. I just call him when I need something. 

"Ohh, sorry about that. But I have to ask something."

"What is it? By any chance, are you going to ask me what Chrisa's number is?" I was shocked because he knew.

"Uhmm, yes? How did you know?" I heard him laugh on the other line and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well, alright then. I'll text you her number."

"Arasso, but you still didn't answer my question, hyung!" I exclaimed.

"Because you always ask the numbers of the noonas working here." I was shocked because I didn't know that I did.

"Really? Wow. I did not! By the way, ok hyung. Thank you!" I ended the call and immediately got the text. I rapidly texted Chrisa. "Hey, it's Seungri, you know how TOP hyung and Christine is on a date? Well, I'm kinda decorating their date right now and after this, do you want to go with me? On a date maybe.. If it's ok with you. ^^"

I was nervous because I didn't know what she would say, I don't even know what her reaction will be if she knew that I was serious with her. I really do like her, this is like the first time again for me to have a serious feeling towards girls. Wow, I can't believe myself. I am a playboy but I would never play around Chrisa. 

She's too precious to be played around just like that Tae Hyun jerk did. Good thing I held on my anger that time, If I didn't, I would have deformed his face right on the spot. I don't care if people around me say bad things about me. It makes me mad how he would cheat on a beautiful and smart girl like Chrisa but the good thing is, she knows how to stand up for herself. She's so charming, I like that about her. 

I finally felt my phone vibrate and looked at the text immediately, it was Chrisa. She said, "Seungri? Wow, where did you get my number? And oh yeah, I know about their date but TOP didn't really say any details about their date though, ate didn't know anything. Uhmm, that's great. Alright, what time will you be finished so that I can get ready." I was shocked because she agreed to go on a date with me.

"That's awsome! Alright, I'll probably be finished here around 5 PM. Is that alright? I'll pick you up maybe 7 PM? I still need to get ready as well. And oh, i got your number from YG hyung. I asked for it. Hehe. ^^~" I was really happy. I started to work fast and kept on decorating because it was 3 PM now and we're still not done.

I didn't mind the other members because I really want to get everything done before 5 PM so that I could get ready and pick Chrisa up. However, I don't know what to wear! Oh no! I don't know where to go! I have to ask the hyungs then.. I was planning on hiding it but whatever. I can't plan on hiding my feelings forever anyways.

"Ya, hyungs, I kinda asked Chrisa to go on a date and I don't know where we'll go. Any suggestions?" I scratched my head as they were intensely looking at me, stopping what they are doing and giving me a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

"You? Have a date? With Chrisa? Are you serious about this? Really?" Ji yong hyung asked me and I nodded. 

They all laughed and said, "You've got to be kidding me, Ri." Young bae hyung said.

"No, I'm not. I'm really serious about Chrisa. I can't even get her out of my mind. Whenever I space out, it's her I think about. Every morning that I wake  up, it's her that I think of. Everything I do, she's my motivation. Don't you guys get it? This is the first time again for me again in a long time that I loved someone and not attempting on playing with them. I'm done with being a playboy, hyungs. Just help me, will you?" I begged and made a pouty face.

They all groaned and said, "You are growing up man, you're being cheesy too. Just like big Seunghyun." Daesung hyung said.

"More like being a big panda bear having to find it's panda mate." I looked up at Ji yong for that comment because I hate it when they call me panda because of my big circles under my eye. I need to get rid of it.

As we were finishing decorating the house for Seunghyun hyung's date later today, Ji yong called me and said, "You should get ready for your date, Ri. We'll handle this. What time are you picking Chrisa up?" I was shocked because he was really supporting me. Maybe they realized that I was really serious about Chrisa. I hope so.

"I'll pick her up at 7 PM." I looked at the time and it was already 6 PM. Oh no, there's 1 hour left. I hurried to my room and I didn't know what to wear nor where to go. I asked Ji Yong, "Hyung, where can I bring Chrisa at night time?"

"At the Han River, maybe? Remember when you told me that you wanted to be there with the girl you love? Anyways, for dinner, ask her what she likes and just tell me what she likes and I'll do reservations for you." I nodded and said my thanks to my hyung. I didn't realize that I always thought back then that I will bring a girl I love to the Han River and confess my love for her. I guess it's time. 

I got ready and wore a white shirt, a blue collard jacket, black jeans and adidas shoes that matched with the colour of my outfit. ( I went out my room and saw my hyungs stting on the L-shape couch on our living room watching TV and they looked at me smiling. 

"Ya, you're looking good. Have fun at your date! Just tell me what she likes and I'll do the reservations, arasso?" Ji yong hyung told me. I nodded and smiled. I went out and rapidly went to my car and drove to Chrisa's place. I got off my car and rang the bell.

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benniben #1
Chapter 81: Awesoooooooome!
great story
mehmehme #3
Meh Likey!!
Chapter 81: aww. it's a great story unnie! ♥
love it!
Chapter 83: ANOTHER ONE!! NOONA! OMG... I will never be able to catch up, to all the updates i have missed, ever again! Yah! But for you Noona i will read it!
Chapter 81: OMG!! Soooo beautiful!! And anyways if you did end it on that 2nd to last chapter i would have told you to make 1 more bc its not an even number! Haha lol! such a GREAT ending Noon!!!
SlaveOfLunacy #7
Chapter 81: Such an incredibly awesome story and the ending was beautiful! If you decide to do a sequel I'm sure it'll be a great one! ^^
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 81: Wow the ending is really nice, gonna be daebak sequel:D
valeriemillenia #9
Chapter 80: I like the story :) it's a great one ;)
Chapter 80: AWWWWW!!! NOONA!! I just lllooovveee it!! Its sooo adorable!!