Operation 2B

You Betrayed Me, You Regret It
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It was Sunday night and I was getting ready to go out with the girls. They were right on time. I heard them about to go in my room when I just finished curling my hair. I was in my robe and my dress was on my bed. They all looked gorgeous and I did my make up with white and black eyeshadow and I put my mascara on and lipgloss. 

I got dressed not sure how they will react to my dress because I think it's too short. When I went out of my closet, all of them gasped and shouted that I looked beautiful. (http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=256g1ds&s=6) My heels was waiting for me beside my head and I took my trench coat and we were ready. Bom had her red hair staright down and she was wearing a a tube black dress and black heels. Dara had her hair up to an up-do and she was wearing a red dress with laces on top, it was really beautiful. She was also wearing red heels with ruffles on it. Minzy on the other hand was wearing a similar patterned dress like mine, hers wasn't a spaghetti strap though. It made her look cute and she was wearing blue stilettos. CL had a tube blue dress that showed her curves, she looked stunning and she wore heels with a flower form on the top. (http://oi49.tinypic.com/29g08qx.jpg)

I got my white purse and we went downstairs. My parents were watching TV with my sister and brother. My brother gasped when he saw us, he said while walking, "Well well, you girls look gorgeous, especially you Christine. It's very unusual to see you wear a dress." I just laughed. He kissed the top of Dara's forehead and everyone of us said 'aww'.

"Wow, that was the first time  you guys didn't say ew." We all laughed including my parents and my sister. I asked my sister if she wanted to come along and she didn't want to. That was a first. She would be excited to go on parties or to dress up. 

I nodded and kissed my parents goodbye. They waved at us as we go to Dara's car. There were no things today, I guess she cleaned her car.

As she was driving, someone texted her. She told CL to look over it since CL was at the passenger seat beside her. CL showed her the text since the stoplight was at a stop sign. She nodded and she drove faster than ever. 


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benniben #1
Chapter 81: Awesoooooooome!
great story
mehmehme #3
Meh Likey!!
Chapter 81: aww. it's a great story unnie! ♥
love it!
Chapter 83: ANOTHER ONE!! NOONA! OMG... I will never be able to catch up, to all the updates i have missed, ever again! Yah! But for you Noona i will read it!
Chapter 81: OMG!! Soooo beautiful!! And anyways if you did end it on that 2nd to last chapter i would have told you to make 1 more bc its not an even number! Haha lol! such a GREAT ending Noon!!!
SlaveOfLunacy #7
Chapter 81: Such an incredibly awesome story and the ending was beautiful! If you decide to do a sequel I'm sure it'll be a great one! ^^
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 81: Wow the ending is really nice, gonna be daebak sequel:D
valeriemillenia #9
Chapter 80: I like the story :) it's a great one ;)
Chapter 80: AWWWWW!!! NOONA!! I just lllooovveee it!! Its sooo adorable!!