
You Betrayed Me, You Regret It
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My brother, sister and I went back home and spotted both my parents sitting on the couch cuddling watching TV. I shouted, "We're home mom and dad!" My mom walked over us and asked where we went. She kissed our foreheads and asked us if we were hungry.

All three of us nodded with a big smile on our faces. Our parents noticed our smiling faces and asked what happened.

"Well, we are a certified YG trainees! Isn't this wonderful?" Christian said.

I just couldn't help but squeal and my sister too. My mom's eye widened and said congratulations to us. 

My dad on the other hand said, "I knew you guys were going to be trainees there, YG doesn't pick the wrong people you know." He winked and added, "Thanks for the good words of daddy?" We laughed and all of us hugged our dad because without him we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be trainees for YG. 

My siblings and I went up to our separate rooms happily. I sat down on my bed. I immediately thought that I was sweaty and I should shower quickly. I headed into my shower and dressed up in my pajamas. I was very tired yet happy.

When I woke up, it was monday again and I would be going to school. I headed to shower and put myself into a robe. I blowdried my hair and curled just the ends of it and left the upper part straightened. I clipped my bangs up because it was really annoying me today. I put my usual mascara on and was ready to choose my attire for the day. Since it was hot t

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benniben #1
Chapter 81: Awesoooooooome!
great story
mehmehme #3
Meh Likey!!
Chapter 81: aww. it's a great story unnie! ♥
love it!
Chapter 83: ANOTHER ONE!! NOONA! OMG... I will never be able to catch up, to all the updates i have missed, ever again! Yah! But for you Noona i will read it!
Chapter 81: OMG!! Soooo beautiful!! And anyways if you did end it on that 2nd to last chapter i would have told you to make 1 more bc its not an even number! Haha lol! such a GREAT ending Noon!!!
SlaveOfLunacy #7
Chapter 81: Such an incredibly awesome story and the ending was beautiful! If you decide to do a sequel I'm sure it'll be a great one! ^^
valeriemillenia #8
Chapter 81: Wow the ending is really nice, gonna be daebak sequel:D
valeriemillenia #9
Chapter 80: I like the story :) it's a great one ;)
Chapter 80: AWWWWW!!! NOONA!! I just lllooovveee it!! Its sooo adorable!!