Playing Around

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Ok, but here let me help you with that this time."

Once I was wrapped up in gloves, ear muffs, and my coat we made our way outside and into the snow. I may hate snow, but I have to admit that it is beautiful. Even though it was still freezing. And since we had a public relationship, Taemin didn't have to wear a crazy disguise to hid who he is. But since it was the first snow to the year, everyone seemed pretty wrapped up with each other, that i don't think he would get noticed to much. So we skipped along the street hand in hand until we found a park that already had a lot of snow on the ground. So being the children we are, we went over and started playing around. MAking snow angels, snow balls, and snowmen. 

"YOU MISSED!" I yelled as he threw a fairly large ball of snow at me. 

"I have hit you more then you hit me!" He hollered back from behind the slid. He was right, he has hit me a lot more times then I have actually hit him. This little war had been going on for about a half an hour now. It have been pelted with snow from my head to my feet, and Taemin had only been hit in that time, about 5 times. I was starting to give up on hitting him now. 

"I GOT YOU!" I yelled once I hit him on the back of his head.

"You little!" He said stomping over with a lot of snow in his hands.  I was giggling and running away from him, until his finally caught me. He ended up catching me and pulling me to the ground and rubbing snow on my head. Once he stopped I did the same and in the end we both had messed up, wet hair, and were cold.

"Here, we should go to a cafe and get something to warm us up!" Taemin said as he helped my adjust my ear muffs. 

"That sounds perfect! I'm freezing!" I said jumping up from the ground and brushing more snow off myself. TAemin then lead the way to a cute little cafe that was a few blocks away. The way there I was pulled close to Taemin and had my arms wrapped around his waist. A few people walked by and seemed to notice Taemin, but didn't stop us at all. Actually, it seemed like everyone was really happy about our relationship. I haven't gotten much hate for being with him since we went public, and I have to say, I was really thankful for that. I don't know how I would have handled people sending my threatening messages, or trying to hurt me. Ok, I guess I have been yelled at and almost attacked by a few fans, but since I'm never alone, no one really tries anything. So because of all that, Taemin and I are still together and haven't been happier. 

"Get whatever you want! But not anything cold. I wont let you get that." Taemin said once we entered the cafe. 

"I want some apple cider!" I said noticing that on the menu. Goodness, I love hot apple cider. He smiled and went up order our drinks as I found our seat. 

"Here you go, lovely." Taemin said as he sat down next to me. 

"Ah, thank you darling!" I said wrapping my cold hands around the steaming cup. We drank our drinks and talked about random things that have been going on, and really just enjoyed each others presence. And since this cafe was basically empty, except for us, we asked the only waitress that was working to come over and join in our conversation. Turns out she is a huge SHINee fan and it was her birthday. So we sang her happy birthday, and bought her a drink, so she could warm herself up too. Then she had to get back to work or she would get in trouble, so we got a picture and I told her to keep in touch with me. She seemed to be extremely happy as we left. 

We then walked around laughing and messing around. Catching snowflakes on our tongues and all that fun stuff you do in the snow.

"Your cheeks are so red! Are you cold?" Taemin asked once we got to the top of the Namsan Tower overlooking the city, which was now coating in a think layer of snow. We were pointing out places we had been and just looking at the beauty. I was peering out over the city, and Taemin was behind me with his arms wrapped protectively around my waist and had his chin resting on my shoulder.

"Well, it's really cold outside. Did you expect me to be sweating?" I asked sarcastically.

"Do you want me to warm you up a little?" He asked quietly in my ear.

"How would you do that?" I asked with a little smile. I am just playing stupid, I knew exactly what he was going to do.

"Maybe like this." He whispered and turned me around to face him. I felt my breath hitch at how close he was to me, and he smiled and placed his lips on mine. And might I say that it did warm me up, a lot. As my lips moved along with his, I felt a warm fuzzy feeling spread through my body. Then all too soon he pulled away with a smile. 

"Did that warm you up a bit?" He asked still really close to me, close enough for his breath to sent tingles across my skin. 

"Maybe just a little." I said biting my lip. He chuckled and then wrapped his arms around me again, pulling me even closer. I layed my head against his chest and s my arms around his waist. 

"I remember back when we couldn't do this because of your cast. Oh my, those day's were horrible! I hardly got to enjoy hugs from you." He said with a chuckle.

"Those day's for me too." I said snuggling closer to him. 

"Hmm, are you warm?" He asked playing with my hair. 

"Very." I said sighing with content. We stayed like that for about another 10 minuets. Not really talking, just being close, and staying warm. Taemin seemed to like stuff like this more then anything. Just holding me, sometimes we talk, other times we just snuggle. Not that I don't like it, actually I love it then most things we do. It's calming, if one of us had a hard day, we will just sit in my room and talk, listen to music, or mess around, together and will end up on my bed, just talking. I have fallen asleep many times like that, and he has too. But it's really been helpful. Like on the day's that I actually go over to the collage and attend some of my classes in person, I get really stressed and worried. So once I get home, Taemin is normally the first on to greet me and ask how things went. And even though I'm 'healed' with my people problems, I still have troubled with a tons of people. So I only go over to the collage to attend my art and dance class, and take my other courses over the computer, mainly so I can concentrate. 

"You know your phone is vibrating?" Taemin asked pulling from my little dreamland. To be honest, I wouldn't have felt it if he didn't tell me. 

'Love birds, soup is waiting for you two. Get your butts home now! -Love, Kibum' I read his message and laughed. He is always breaking up whatever Taemin and I are doing. 

"Is it Key-hyung?" Taemin asked, without even looking at my phone.

"How did you know?" I chuckled and told him that we were to go home. Sadly we trudged our way back home.


I know, I know. These updates are a lot shorter then the last time. But just wait, over the weekends I will post longer ones. Hopefully. But I'm really busy with school and junk through out the week, so just keep with me! >.< I'm already apologizing and it's only the second chapter...>.<

But what do you think? I thought starting this story with a little Olivea Taemin might be nice. I will get into the good stuff in the next chapters! I promise! ^.^ But I kinda like these chapters. >.< 

But what do you think of the pictures? I had to change Becca, because the one I had before looked too much like the Olivea. So I found a new one! ^^ But I think that the Key, Minho, and Taemin pictures are my favorites! ^^

So don't be afraid to comment, I love them! And I love you guys! Thank you for subscribing, and if I didn't post a thank you on your wall, I'm sorry! I get posting on there and lose track of who I was on...>.< BUT I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!! 

Hugs and kisses, 
Becca ♥♥♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!