
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

Days turned into weeks, weeks to months and nothing really happened. Until one seemingly random day in the summer. I had been working late into the night with a team of artists to work on the concept for the music video and each girls concept once they decided and recorded the songs for their first mini album. Every morning around the same hours I would stop into the Starbucks near Stardom and get a drink to help me wake up. The workers had come to recognize me and would greet me happily, except one who seemed to hate me. 

This morning I had stopped in to get my iced coffee just like normal and while I was paying I noticed the girl glaring at me while starting on my drink. As I started conversation with the cashier like normal I didn't notice the girl pour something into my drink quickly before putting a lid on it and writing my name on the side. I thanked them for my drink and left while sipping on the cool liquid. Although I didn't think much of it, the coffee had an off taste, but I figured that it was a change in ingredients or something and didn't think about it as I continued with my normal day. It wasn't until my stomach started to ache and my breathing started to hurt did I start to worry about anything. 

"Excuse me please." I said between coughs to the team of people who were working with me. I quickly found my way to the bathroom and saw some red splotches starting on my neck. I tugged the collar of my shirt down to see that the redness was spread down my chest, while I continued to cough I found my way to the main office where the security guard turned around to greet me.

"What's wrong Olivea?" He asked when he noticed my condition. 

"I don't know." I stuttered between coughs, I felt my throat starting to close and breathing became harder. 

"I think you need to go to the hospital, here let me call you a cab." He said leading me to the door and out to the street. I tried to say something but my throat was swelling quickly and breathing was a bit more important than thanking him. He told the taxi driver to take me to the hospital and paid before closing the door and the driver sped off. 

At the hospital I was rushed into the emergency room and before the anesthesia took effect, I heard something about having an allergic reaction. What could I have had a reaction to? The only thing I've had today was my iced coffee and then some water a couple minutes ago. Maybe it has something to do with the funny taste in my coffee. I quickly drifted off to sleep as breathing became nearly impossible. When I woke up my throat was extremely sore and still felt swollen, I had a mask on that I'm guessing was helping me breathe and I was hooked up to different machines. When I tried to breathe my throat ached and I was tempted to stop because of the pain. 

"Welcome back. I'm going to guess that your in pain?" She asked sympathetically. I nodded and continued to let the machine that was pumping air into my lungs do most of the work for me. 

"Well, I'll keep it to yes or no questions then. Do you know if you ate or drank anything you might be allergic to today? Did you try anything new or something like that?" She asked in which I replied by shaking my head no. 

"Nothing at all?" She asked again looking down at her clipboard with a worried look. I thought for a few seconds and made a gesture of writing with my free hand, she nodded and handed me a pen and the back of on of the papers on the clipboard. I wrote down that I had had my normal iced coffee but it tasted funny thins morning.

"Did you drink all of it?" She asked and I nodded, after she asked me to tell her what kind of taste the drink had that wasn't normal. After a few more questions she thanked me and told me that a doctor will be in soon enough. I layed quietly looking up at the ceiling for a little while before I got bored. I found my purse sitting near me on a table so I reached over a grabbed my phone which surprisingly didn't have any messages yet. I was about to text Key to see if he was too busy to come pick me up later or not when I heard someone come in. 

"So we have a nearly fatal allergic reaction in here? How are you feeling now?" A younger look man asked a little too cheerfully. I just pointed to my throat to signal that I couldn't talk. He continued to ask a couple basic questions like the nurse had asked, I wrote down the answers that needed more then a yes or know. 

"Well, I think the thing that caused this was that funny taste in the coffee. I think it might be wise for you to have someone come pick you up. You will still be a little out of it for a couple more hours until everything settles back down. But other then that you are free to go. It's a good thing you got here when you did, if you would have waited any longer you could have easily died from suffocation. Oh, and your throat might hurt for a couple more hours to a few more days, I suggest just drinking water and eating yogurt or things like that. And also not talking too much. But if you need anything don't hesitate to come in and ask, or if you start to have shortness of breath or you start feeling funny again, come back. Thank you." He said before leaving the room with a jolly little skip to his step. The nurse that came in earlier came back in after he left and started to take off the mask and everything. She helped me out of the bed and into the main lobby where they gave me some water while I waited for my ride.

'Key I need you to come pick me up if you aren't busy. Please don't be busy. -Oli' I texted Key once I had drank some water. He was quick in his reply, which made me feel a lot better. 

'Where are you? What's wrong? -Ki'

'I'm at the hospital. I'll explain what happened when you come get me. -Oli' I replied hoping he wouldn't call me and make me talk. Which he didn't but I knew he was worried, angry, and frustrated when he came into the hospital lobby clad in his mask and hat pulled down and in his normally fashionable clothes.

"Olivea?" He called looking around the lobby before seeing me in the corner.Once we were in his car all his emotions came out.

"What the hell where you doing back in the hospital? That Jiho guy hasn't done anything to hurt you has he? If he did I'm going to have to show him exactly what he's done to the wrong girl." He continued to ramble on about how worried he is and how badly he will hurt Jiho if he hurt me. Since I couldn't really tell him to be quite and listen to me I just pulled out my phone and typed out what I wanted to tell him.

"Ok, what happened?" He asked once he got inside SHINee's dorm. I handed him my phone with the message and as he read it I went into the kitchen and found myself a cold glass of water to help sooth my throat. 

"Wait, wait, wait. You think someone poisoned you?" He asked coming in the kitchen looking down at my phone before looking up at me. I just nodded and held my hand out for my phone, once he handed it back I quickly typed out another message. 

"'I had my normal coffee this morning and the girl that made it for me never acted like she like me at all. I ended up drinking it even though it tasted weird.' Why in the world...Crap, what is today?" He read out loud, then quickly looked at his phone for the date. He cursed under his breath and started yelling for Jonghyun. I let them battle things out over it while I searched through the kitchen for something to eat.

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!