
Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Olivea Kim! I haven't seen you in forever! Come here you little cutie!" I heard Ho Dong yell as Amber and I walked over to our seats. 

"Ho Dong! It's been what a whole 2 weeks! Goodness I don't think their are words to tell you how much I have missed you!" I said turning around and giving him a hug. Last time when Taemin, Jonghyun, and Key were on the show I tagged along and helped out when I was needed, and then enjoyed the show. And after they were done filming Ho Dong was wondering who I was, so he came over and demanded that Key tells him who "This cute little cupcake" was. And after that, we talked and laughed about random things while I waited for the guys to change.

"You little cupcake! I heard you fell and hurt yourself, you need to be more careful!" He said once he let me go. 

"I don't know if I could do that. I think Onew rubbed off on me a little to much." I said, causing Ho Dong to burst into his really loud laugh. And Onew to look around at the mention of his name, and then almost trip over his feet. 

"Olivea!" I heard someone yell. I glanced around and noticed Amber waving at me to come sit with her.I gave Ho Dong another hug then went over to sit next to Amber. 

Once we got started I forgot about how grumpy I was with everyone and laughed at everything and had a great time. A few time I was called out on the stage to do different things. First they tried to get me to dance, in which I did, until I had to move my legs, then I stopped. Another time Ho Dong called me down to have a bit of a competition with Key, Kevin, and Jessica in a American pop song contest. Since I came from America they figured I knew a lot of American songs. So they would play a bit of a song and you had to say the next line. At first it was really easy, songs I knew really well. When we all knew most of them, they started to get harder. That's when we all started making things up. It was great. 

Then once we were done with the show, I talked with Ho Dong while he got his makeup removed. 

"Olivea, I have heard two stories about what happened to your eye. One about you falling in dance, and another about a fan attacking you. I figured to get the answer, asking you would be the best idea." He asked after awhile of talking.

"Uh, well I have been telling people that I fell, but to be honest, I was hit by a group of fans." I said quietly, biting my lip. 

"My poor cupcake! Come here, give me a hug. Now don't let this happen again, ok? If someone hits you, I want you to hit them back as hard as you can! You have shown me how strong you are before, and if you get in trouble for it, tell them that I told you too! And if they still don't believe you, call me!" He said nearly strangling me in a hug. 

"I.. Can't... Breathe!" I mumbled trying to push him away. 

"Oh, sorry! But be safe! I gotta go, see you again cupcake?" He said letting me go and patting my head.

"I will. See you later!" I said waving as he went off to the stage. Why does he always call me cupcake? Because he met me when I ate the last cupcake on set. So from now I'm called cupcake. Since the guys haven't finished changing yet, I decided to sit on the couch and text Becca.

'Olivea. You have a lot of explaining to do. You're staying at my place tonight. No questions.'  Was the message I had gotten after I shut my phone of too film. 

'Gladly. I'm just waiting for them to finish changing then I will come over.' I replied then amused myself by looking at my hurt eye in the mirror. It was really gross now. One of those bruises that was black and blue with the green hue that hurt really, really bad. 

"What are you doing? Doesn't that hurt?" I heard someone say from behind me. I stopped trying to open my eye and looked behind me. Taemin was sipping on another bottle of Banana Milk. 

"Yea. I guess it does. Are you guys about ready?" I said looking back at him. When I turned around his mouth fell open and he almost choked on his milk.

"Olivea. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." He said quietly setting the bottle of milk down and grabbing my face. I felt the anger that had built up inside me start to melt away. He was carefully tilting my head examining the discolored swollen mass that should be my eye. 

"I'm so sorry. It looks really painful. I knew something like this would happen, but nobody listens to the youngest." He said lightly tracing his finger around my eye. 

"Taemin. It wasn't your fault. But are the rest of the guys about done? I"m getting tired. And I have to meet up with Zico tomorrow." I said lightly pushing his hand away.

"Here, I'll take you home. I got to drive today!" He said picking up his bottle again. I agreed, and followed him out to his car that he had gotten a few days ago, and quietly watched as he carefully drove back to the dorm. 

"So are you staying at Becca's tonight?" He asked as he helped me out of his car.

"Yep. She has given me no choice." I said with a bit of a chuckle, letting him help me walk back into the dorm. 

"When we get up to our room, I'll gather your things for you. Because you really should have ice on your knee. And ice would help your eye too." He said holding me closer, so I didn't have to put as much weight on my leg. 

"How do you know so much about this stuff?" I asked once we got in the elevator. 

"I was bullied a lot back in high school. When I first debuted and I went to a regular high school. But when I transferred to an art school, that stopped. Onew-hyung would take care of me when I would come home with cuts and bruises. He only knew all that because he is so clumsy." He said making he laugh. Once the door opened he offered to carry me again, but I declined, and so he settled with and arm around my waist supporting me. 

"Here now you stay here, and I will get you some ice for your knee. Then I'll help you over to Becca's." He said leading me into my room and setting me on my bed. Then before I could get back off my bed he was back with a bag of ice and a smile. 

"Here let me see it. Key-hyung said it was really bad. But with the way you have been walking on it." He said pulling off my boots and rolling up my leggings. I didn't object as he carefully unwrapped the bandage from my knee. 

"And you have been moving your knee like this? I shouldn't have let you walk! It must have hurt really bad. It looks like she almost broke your knee!" He said in amazement. I glanced down at my knee, which was now swollen even more and it had the same green-ish hue that my eye did. 

"It wasn't easy." I mumbled looking away from him. 

"Olivea, if it hurt you should have told someone. You could hurt yourself even more not doing anything about it." He said sounding a little irritated. 

"Why? So you would have another reason to baby me? Another reason to think I can't handle anything? I it up to prove to you guys that I didn't need you guys to do everything for me. I don't like having people do everything for me. It's starting to get out of control." I said, blowing up on him, not exactly on purpose, but because he was the only one here. 

"Olivea. What do you expect us to do? After what happened last year, we don't know what we should do. We never want anything like that to happen. That's half the reason we are doing what we are. The other half is this. We are keeping fans from hurting you. Keeping tabs on where ever you are, and making sure someone is with you to help if something happens to you. We have never had to deal with anything like this. We don't know what to do." He said quietly as he wrapped my knee back up and placed the bag of ice over top. He looked up at me with his normally sweet eyes now hooded in sadness. 

"Taemin. I'm sorry. It's just, I'm not use to people taking care of me like this. But I know I don't like all the attention. But I really should get ready so I can get to Becca's." I said starting to move, but being stopped by Taemin. 

"Nope, you don't move. Tell me what to get and I will get it." He said jumping off my bed. 

"My bag is hanging on my door. Pajamas are in the second drawer, you can pick which ones." I said and he did everything I told him.

"But you really shouldn't wear these tight leggings with your knee like that. You should wear a pair of sweats or something." He said once my bag was filled with everything I needed. 

"You wont let me move. So I guess I can't." I said with a little smile. 

"Well, if you need some help..." He said with an evil smirk playing on his lips.

"TAEMIN! I can do it myself!" I said flicking his nose. 

"I know, I know. I was just kidding. I'll go get your contact case and cleaner from the bathroom." He said with a chuckle and started towards the bathroom. I waited until he was out of my room and the door was closed to actually move. I pulled with bag of ice off my now numb leg and slowly pulled myself off my bed and hobbled over to my dresser to find a pair of sweat pants. Then once I found a pair I carefully changed out of my leggings and into the loose fitting pants. And I guess he was right, it did hurt a little less with loose pants on. Then once I got some pants on Taemin wondered back in and put my contact things in with my bag then asked if I was ready to go. 

This time he refused to let me walk so he carried me, piggy back, down to his car. The whole way there we were both laughing and just being the dork's we are. And once we got to Becca's apartment, he carried me up to her floor and set me down at her door, but before I could knock he gently tilted my face up to his and gave me a sweet kiss. 

"I'll talk to you later tonight,ok? Now don't have too much fun without me!" He said once he let me go. 

"Ok, see ya!" I said before knocking on Becca's door. 

"Olivea! Finally! I was starting to think Taemin was keeping you captive. But you look horrible, so you better get to talking. Sit." Was what greeted me. Gotta love Becca.


Ah, Taemin and Olivea are on good terms now! That's always good! ^.^ But next you'll get some Olivea and Becca! Ah, how I have missed Becca. I have been waiting for a good time to bring her out! I love writing about her and Olivea together. It's really easy to picutre it. ^^

But what do y'all think? Is Olivea being really hard-headed about this? Or where Taemin's hyungs being too hard-headed in not listening to him? 

And now is the sad news, Thanksgiving break is now over, so I have school. And my One Acts team has a really good chance at making it to state, so the casts lives are basically dedicated to making it perfect. So I will work on this when I can. But once the One Acts season is over, I have a little time to catch up on here before speech season! And once that starts, yea, I will be dedicated to speech. And with that, if y'all have any good speech topics,  you should tell me, I need ideas! 

Oh, I still need ideas for the band. I will be introducing them next chapter! In the next one there will be a huge dose of Becca and Olivea. Then you'll get some Olivea and Zico. Then you'll learn about the memebrs! ^.^ So then you can help me with a band name!(:

Oh, and one more thing! I had this dream last night, of Olivea and Taemin, it was kinda scary that it was them >.<, but it gave me a story idea. And I was wondering if y'all would like it? It would just be a story about them raising a family! ^.^ And I would have it as a little side project when I get writers block over here. Which is a lot, to be honest. And thinking of soemthing else always helps. So I was just wondering what y'all would think of it! ^.^

Just like normal, my love for you guys never stops growing with each view, suscriber, and comment. Everything I see one of those, it makes my day. You have no idea. I just love you so much. ^.^

Hugs and Kisses,
Becca ♥♥♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!