We need to talk.

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"Woo Jiho? Yes. This is the nurse at Seoul University. Yes, Olivea's collage. Well, it seems as if Olivea has gotten injured, so would you mind coming over here and picking her up. She's not in a state to get herself home. Yes, thank you." I heard the nurse talking on the phone with Zico. After a long talk of trying to figure out who she should call to come get me, I decided that he would be the best bet. Since Becca is in school until at least 9 at night on weekdays, she would be helpless. 

"Did Jackie go home already? Did her host family come get her?" I asked the nurse once she came back in to where I was laying down.

"Yes. In fact, she carried you back to the front of the building, and then your other friends Tyson and Antonie brought you two in here. After I got her all cleaned up, her host mother came and picked her up. Don't worry, she's not hurt to much. Just a few cuts and bruises. But you on the other hand, I'm a bit worried about. Your lip looks like it's been split open, I'm guessing they hit you pretty hard to get it here." She said dabbing some horrid tasting liquid on my lips that stung making me flinch. I wonder what I even looked like now. I was still numb for the most part, but I was out of my wet uniform and into what I'm guessing is one of the schools PE uniforms. It was warm, but not very. But I'd rather it then my wet uniform. 

The nurse carefully cleaned the cuts on my face before we heard Block B down the hall. Might I say, they are really loud. 

"Is this the nurses?" Zico asked, peeking in. With the way the room was arranged he couldn't see me because the nurse was standing in front of me. 

"Yes, this is. Now please be a little quieter please. You can take Olivea once I finish cleaning the cuts." She said calmly, not looking away from what she was doing. From what I have gathered, I have a split lip, three cuts on my cheek from someone scratching me, and then a gash above my right eye from what the nurse thinks of a key. But I'm guessing that one happened after I was knocked out. But on top of those, I have another black eye that can hardly open, and a nearly broken nose. And then what ever else is on the rest of my body. 

"There you go sweetie. I'd say that should feel better, but it wont. Just be careful. I suggest you don't go to school for a few days. But your a stubborn girl, so I'm guessing I'll see you and Jackie tomorrow." She said with a smile as she gave me a tissue for my bleeding nose. 

"You're probably right. Thank you." I said with a bit of a chuckle, but once she moved away from in front of me, the guys saw what happened to me and heard them gasp and then start mumbling.

"Oh my. Olivea, what happened to you!?" Jaehyo asked clearly in shock, as he came over closer to were I was sitting. I didn't really say anything as he lightly turned my face to see the cuts that ran down my neck, and the only reason I knew they were there is because of the sting I felt when she tried to make it stop bleeding.

"I was attacked." I mumbled now starting to feel the pain in my lips. I could tell they were a good three times bigger then normal. None of them said anything right away but only looked at me in shock. Well, until I started shivering. My hair was still wet, but the nurse had nicely pulled it off my skin so it wouldn't make me colder.

"Are you cold? Here, take this. Let's get you into some warmer clothes. Our manager's car is outside, we can take you to your dorm and call your brother." Zico said shrugging off his winter coat and carefully placing it on my shoulders and then helping me off the cot I had been sitting on. 

"No. You can't bother him. I'm fine, he doesn't need to worry about me more then he is." I said quickly, which got me worried looks from each of them.

"Ok, we wont tell him. But here let me help... You." Zico said leading me towards the door, but then catching me before I feel down. Once I had stood up, I felt light headed and woozy, but I tried to take a step anyway. And so now I'm being carried carefully by Zico while Kyung is wearing my backpack and carrying my books for me. They had asked me questions about what had happened but I was starting to feel really cold and wasn't really paying attention to anything except for trying to keep heat in my body. I had completely lost focus on what I was doing until I found myself hearing one of the guys asking someone to let us in SHINee's dorm. Which Kevin did happily, seeing the state I was in. 

"Olivea, come back to Earth please. You're freaking us out. Do you want to change into something other then that?" I heard someone ask me making me force my focus on how was talking to me. Once I processed what they were saying I nodded to answer their question.

"Do you need any help? I can go ask one of the girls around here to help you." They asked another question making me think about each word they were saying. Why is this thinking thing so hard now?

"I can do it myself." I mumbled blinking a couple of times and forcing myself to move from my position on my bed. 

"Ok. I'll be right outside your door if you need anything." Zico said helping me up the rest of the way and then quietly closing my door behind himself. I blinked a couple times and then felt another shiver slide through my body. I made my feet move towards my closet and find my sweaters, fleece pants, fuzzy socks, sweatshirts, and so on. Once I found my warmest outfit, I carefully changed into the loose but warm clothes, and noticed all the cuts and discolored skin that covered my body. Before I opened my door to let them back in, I glanced at what I looked like in my mirror. It wasn't pretty. My lips were just as big as I had thought, the cut by my eye was deep and red along with the three across my cheek.

"Olivea, are you doing ok in there?" I heard Zico ask. So I pulled myself from my reflection and waddled over to my door and opened it. Once I saw the look on his face, just the level of fear and worry etched plainly into his features, I felt a huge wave of different emotions splash down on me, causing the water works to start. The physical and mental pain, the abuse I had been through, the fear I had, and the fact that they were so worried about me; just washed over me and I found myself bawling and then Zico carefully wrapping his arms around me telling me that it will be fine. Honestly, it felt as if my entire world was crashing down on me right then, and the only reason I hadn't been crushed to the ground, was because of Zico holding me up. But in the back of my mind, however faintly, it felt a bit wrong. That little voice that's always' back there, was telling me I shouldn't let them see me like this, that I should just call Key and tell them to come back and protect me from the world again.

"OLIVEA KIM! Where are you!?" I heard someone yelling from the front room. It didn't sound like a guy, but I don't know any girls that would yell at me like that. Well except the one and only Becca.

"Olivea! What are you doing? Your brother is all but killing himself trying to find out if your fine or dead right now and you don't even pick up your phone!? But instead your here bawling your eyes out over getting beat up. You have been hurt worse. I know that's not why your so depressed. You have done worse then this to yourself. Man up. Pull yourself together and your going to call you brother and talk to him to be him at ease. So that means get up and blow your nose and take a few deep breaths." Becca said making me stop crying instantly from utter shock. I was wrapped up in my blanket and seating on Zico's lap crying onto his shoulder, and feeling miserable.

"Seriously. Here. Call him. Zico, thank you for getting her and for this, I can handle her from here. Thank you so much." Becca said holding out my phone then turning from me to Zico, her face changing completely. From her stern almost annoyed look softened to her sweet smile. I blinked a couple times, with my last tears slipping from my eyes as he nodded and pulled himself off my bed.

"Uh, you're welcome. Olivea, get to feeling better. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." He said with a weak smile before herding the rest of Block B out of the dorm. 

"Call your brother, now. One of those girls who hurt you posted a picture of you and your friend on the ground before they ran off, and Key saw it once one of those K-pop news sites wrote about it. Once he saw that, he was freaking out. Your family is worried about you and all your doing is crying over here, in Zico's arms. What do you think Taemin would think about that? You do remember these guys right? You haven't forgotten your boyfriend, brother, or your friendly bully? Because they haven't forgotten about you. Look at this, 50 unread messages, 20 missed calls, 15 new voicemails. What are you even doing? Are you just going to let your head fill up with all this crap these jealous girls have been telling you? Are you just waiting to snap again? Because from what I see, you're getting pretty close."


Ooooh, what's gotten into Becca? O.o Poor Olivea, she can't even have a pity party without someone yelling at her. >.< But maybe we'll see a little more into what Becca's been going through...^^

I just want to thank you all for your comments! I love seeing how y'all react to the things going on in the story! And I just want to say thank you to all the people who are reading this. And to my subscribers, y'all are amazing! ^^

Lots of love,

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!