Alarm Clock

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

"There we go! I think I can sleep now!" I said to myself once I double checked to make sure my alarm was set to the right time. I crawled up under the fancy blankets and reached over and turned the single lamp on the nightstand off. Which threw the room into almost total darkness except the night light I had brought with me from home. Key laughed at me, but then helped me wrap it up carefully before I put it in my suitcase. 

I laid there for about a good hour, not moving, but not sleeping either. It's too quiet. So to solve that problem, I found my iPod and put in my cute little orange fruit headphones that Jackie had made for me in and turned it on to whatever I had been listening to before. Which was 'Alarm Clock' by SHINee. It brought a bittersweet smile to my face and a sweet sense of clam to me. This time I started to drift off into a peaceful dreamland.

'Baby I'm sorry we got the better
Ijen bonaelge love together
Modeunge byeonhaetjiman oh neoneun eobjiman
Every night every night you.'

How in the world did that wake me up? I pulled myself up from my bed and located my phone and hit the snooze button to make it stop ringing. Wow, headphones in and my alarm still got me up. Anyway, time to get ready for court. I sound like a criminal. I kept my headphones in as I sorted through my suitcase to find an outfit. I need to put this stuff into the drawers before it gets all wrinkly. Why didn't I do that yesterday? Well, I'll do that when I get back, it'll give me something to do. Once I was dressed and had my makeup done like I would if I was going somewhere with SHINee I figured it was time for breakfast. So I gathered my jacket and purse and ventured back downstairs and outside. I've never been in New York before, so I don't think I should venture too far. I have a good hour before I have to be in the lobby for my ride.
I found a little cafe only a couple of buildings down from the hotel. It was really warm and inviting too. Well, until I started acting like I was in Korea again. This will be the death of me. But once I told the lady that I have been living in Korea for 3 years now, she stopped looking at me weirdly. After the awkward mission of ordering my food, I finally got it and started happily munching. Ah, this is so different then what Key makes for breakfast. I still haven't gotten used to the Korean breakfast. I started reading through all my messages and all that good stuff as I sipped on my tea. It was interesting to say the least. Key was right, people think I'm running away from the break up, but others are wondering what I'm doing over here. So just to see what happens exactly, I tweeted a quick little message. 

'Meeting with my parents in New York. Working out family issues.'  Now lets see what happens. Hopefully no one comes and try's to hurt me here too. Then I would have to go into hiding. Living only on room service. I think I would go crazy. Well, more crazy. Anyway, I should be heading back to the hotel, my ride should be here in about 20 minutes. So I got my tea refilled and started back towards the hotel. Once I got there, I found a seat close to the window and parked myself there and waited quietly with my headphones in for that man to get me. 
It took about 15 minutes for us to get from the hotel to the court room where I was meeting up with my parents. I started t feel extremely nervous once we pulled up to the building and I saw cameras and reporters sitting around waiting for something to happen.
"You ok? You look scared." I heard the guy say taking my attention from the mass of people in front of this building.
"Maybe a bit. I'm not that great with crowds, and to add to that, I'm not on the best terms with my parents." I said looking over at him. He didn't look too much younger then me and reminded me a lot of one of my old classmates.
"Really, they have been talking a lot about you. Well, now that their daughter was brought up. They seem like they really love you." He said with a bit of an awkward smile.
"They love me? HA! I don't think they even know what love is. They had me change my last name and everything I think two years ago so I wouldn't be associated with them anymore. I used to be Olivea Waters. Kim is Key's last name." I said with some bitter laughter. This should be great. Everyone thinks they love me? I guess this will be a rude wake up call for them.
"Oh, well. We better get going. I think they are waiting on you." He said climbing out of the car and then opening mine before I could get it open. I pulled myself from the comfort of the tinted windows into direct view of the people sitting on the steps of the building I needed to get into. He lead the way towards the brick building and made sure I stayed close behind him. Once we got in front of the building people were up and talking. I heard tons of things all at once.
"What is your name?"
"How old are you?"
"What happened to your face?"
"Who is your brother?"
This guy just kept my close behind him and pushed through the crowd. For being so surprised yesterday, he really seemed to know exactly what to do today. I'm really starting to regret my choice of outfit now. My little sundress might look cute, but walking upstairs in it and matching heels with tons of people taking pictures is making me really self-conscious. (I just love looking up pictures of her, here is a picture of almost exactly what she would look like. The model and everything, just not the hair color.^^) But once we got through all the people he let go of my wrist and I noticed his cheeks looked a little pinkish, but he politely opened the door for me and lead the way to the room where my parents were talking with two older looking men. 
"Mr. Mrs. Waters, Olivea is here." My said gesturing for me to go towards them. I sort of just stood there not really wanting to go over towards them. Each of the people present in the room stopped talking and looked over towards me. 
"Olivea, darling! Oh, how much I have missed you! I'm so sorry you have to be dragged into this sweetie. I know, this must be really hard for you to go through. I'm sorry, but don't worry, your mommy still loves you." Jessica said running towards me and wrapping her tiny arms around me and placing a kiss in my cheek right on top of one of my many bruises, while her arms sent sharp pains through my body. 
"Don't touch me. I'll only talk or do whatever you want if you promise not to touch me or call me any of those names you just did. My name to you is Olivea Kim. Not sweetie." I said evilly, I watched the smile on her face fall and along with the grin on the man she had been talking with do the same. I glanced at my father and the man next to him and they both seemed to be happy I wasn't being kind to Jessica.
"Honey, why are you being like this? Did that boy you have been living with fill your head with things? You have never talked to me like this before! Your breaking my heart, honey." She continued making me scoff. Never talked to her like this before? I've never talked to her.
"You never talked to me before. You have never been around to have me talk to you. Stop with the lies. Why am I even here?" I asked pushing her arms off my shoulders and looking towards the men at the table.
"Well, it's nice to finally meet the famous Olivea. What is it now? Is it still Olivea Waters?" The man that had been on my mothers side of the table said with just as fake smile as the one pasted across Jessica's face. How badly I wish this Jessica was the one I enjoy. 
"Olivea Kim." I said just like I had said to anyone who had asked that question in Korea. He nodded and moved over to look at some papers in front of the seat where Jessica sat. We were in what looked like a meeting room off the main court room, the walls were a boring grey and the windows were closed and black blinds were pulled sharply over them, so not to let anyone see in at all. A large table took up most of the room and my parents and who I'm guessing are their lawyers sat on opposite sides of the table looking towards each other. My father looked almost bored with almost no expression sliding across his features while on the side my mother had that false look of happiness to see me across hers.
"Well, Olivea, my name is Henry. I'm defending your father. Your here to take a bit of a test for us. Jessica here says your not really his daughter, and you are another mans child. So we need to see if she is lying or not." The man on my fathers said and stood up and shook my hand.
"But I'm 20 years old now. I'm a legal adult in the states, why should it matter?" I asked, that's the one thing I have been wondering, if I'm a legal adult, why do they need to know who's kid I am?
"Well, the man she claims is you actual father is the president of another large company and they are accusing her of stealing their information. And then using you as a way to keep them for squealing." He answered surprising me. I looked over at Jessica and she was sneering at Henry and was shaking her head. I could see it.
"So will I have to talk at all?" I asked, my other biggest worry.
"Depends on what the results of the test are." He said gesturing for me to have a seat.
"If I'm not actually related to you by blood what would that make Kibum to me? We would be related wouldn't we?" I asked hoping for them to say he would still be my brother in some way. 
"Who's Kibum?" The man on Jessica's side asked. 
"Who I have been living with Korea. I was told he is my brother. But with the story he told me about how he is yours, I don't know how I would be related to him if I'm not actually your child." I explained still looking at my father. I don't know the news of me not being directly related with him would affect him.
"I would say you would be distantly related to him through marriage. It wouldn't be right to call him your brother though." Henry said answering my fears. I think I could get Key in a lot of trouble with just that. People wouldn't be happy to say the least. Well, it can't get any worse then this. 
"Great. Well, lets get this going. When do I have to take that test?" I said running my hand through my hair. This is going to be a long day. 
Well, hello you you awesome people! What  do you think is going to happen? Is Quincy gonna be here daddy or the other guy? Which would you rather?? 
What do you think will happen to Key once this all gets out? Well, I'll give you a hint, it can't be good if Q isn't her dad...
I hope y'all are enjoying this. I figured I could update without getting in trouble with my friend about breaking my fast from Korea. Not that you guys will mind...^^ 
Rebecca ♥
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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!