Prove It!

Surviving As The Diva's Sister...

(Just so you know, the conversations between Becca and Olivea are all in English! ^^)

"So what exactly happened to you? I was texting Key, and then he told me you had gotten hurt. But then he didn't reply to any of my texts after that. So then I went over to Taemin, and he didn't know anything. I was going crazy!  So, start talking. Don't leave anything out." Becca said once I had gotten settled onto the couch. 

So I told her the whole story of everything that happened up until I went home with Taemin. She listened to the story and with each word anger carved itself into her features. She had never liked how calmly I could talk about things like this. She seemed to want me to throw a fit, or break down crying. But my emotionless recounting of my incidents seemed to anger her even more every time. So once I was finished with my story, I carefully watched what she did so I could stop her from diving out the door and killing someone. Don't get me wrong, normally she is really nice, calm, and sweet. But when something has to do with me, she turns into a horrible monster that will rip some ones throat out. 

"So you didn't fight back? At all?" She asked quietly after about a minuet of silence.

"I couldn't see." I told her, just like I had told everyone else. Why does everyone ask that? I don't look that helpless do I?

"Well then you should have just started swinging! That's what I would have done! Just kept trowing punches until I hit something!" She said hitting her fist in her other hand. 

"I would have hurt myself more Becca. Think about it." I said calmly, trying to get her to settle down. She rattled on about how I should have sent Key to attack them, but then I pointed out how much trouble he would get in. And for about a good half hour she went on about the whole thing. But was interrupted when Zico texted me. 

'Hey! I hope I'm not bothering you! Just wondered how your doing, you looked pretty beat up last time I saw you.' And the moment my phone rang in the middle of her little rant, she wanted to know who it was, and when I told her she about had a spazz attack. Yes, she might just be a little fan of Block B. Ok, I lied, she is a bigger fan then me. 

"How in the world do you know him!?" She basically yelled in my ear upon me saying who texted me. So I finally got to tell someone the exciting news about what I get to do. I started from Lee Soo-Man telling me about it, to Zico coming in, then to him walking me to my classes. Then entire time her eyes grew bigger and bigger with each mention of Zico and or Block B. And then once I was done she went into full fangirling mode, jumping around while squealing, and flailing her arms, and looking dumb. So I just ignored her and diverted my attention to my phone. 

'Of course your not bothering me! I'm fine now. Just bruised and swollen.' I replied back and was trying to decide if I should text Taemin telling him about this whole thing, but decided against it, because it's too long to describe over a text.

"Ok, ok, I think I'm done. So what do you want to do now?" Becca said after taking some deep breaths to calm herself. 

"I don't care. But I would like some ice for my eye. It's starting to hurt a bit." I said with a little smile. She sighed and then went off to get me a bag of ice just like Taemin had. and once she got back, I layed down and carefully set the bag over my eye. And since I couldn't really move after that, we decided to just talk. Since we hadn't seen each other for about 4 days now, we had a a lot of catching up to do. Through the conversation Zico would reply and Becca would squeal a little bit. But that's about how the rest of the night went. Just girl talk, until we fell asleep. Becca on the recliner and I sprawled about the couch. And we wouldn't have woken up if it wasn't for Taemin basically breaking in when Becca and I wouldn't answer any of their texts or calls. 

"Oh, they are just sound asleep. But wait, doesn't Becca have classes to go to or something? Ah, here lets get that off her before it makes a mess." I heard someone say and I felt the weight on my eye lifted. 

"I think she does, we should at least wake them up and check. Plus they don't look that comfy anyway." I heard someone else say. I peeled open my one eye and looked around. 

"Hey, Olivea's awake. I think." Jonghyun said bending over my face and poking my side. 

"I'm awake. Now stop touching me you dinosaur. What are you guy's doing here?" I asked rubbing my eye and yawning.

"Well, neither of you would answer our texts or calls, so we got worried. And then you know what happens when Key gets worried." Taemin said sweetly while pushing Jonghyun away from me. 

"What do you expect? After what happened yesterday, I half expected Becca to be out there murdering someone for what they did to her, so I figured you two might be sitting in jail." Key whined with an apologetic expression. 

"I really wanted to. But I do have classes to get to and she has someone to meet up with soon. So we need to get ready." Becca said in her it's-morning-I-shouldn't-be-awake-and-I-want-to-kill-you-right-now voice. And with that they nodded and said goodbye and left. Maybe I should start sounding like that in the morning and they will leave me alone. 

Once they left Becca told me to go get in the shower and hurry up. So I got up and waddled over to the bathroom and carefully took a quickl shower. Then once I was done Becca went in a took a shower and then went into her room to get dress for her classes. Just so you know, Becca now teaches her own class. Her students love her, not only because she is a really good teacher, but because she is almost 19 now. And because she is super beautiful. I once got the honor of going to one of her classes. It was great, watching the way her students oggle over her, it was priceless. 

"Are you about ready to go?" I heard her ask as she open her room while adjusting her hair. 

"Uh, yea! Just gotta get my shoes on." I said once I finished adjusting my leggings. I was wearing another cute little out fit made up of leggings and a oversized long sleeve sweater. I love the winter time because I get to wear stuff like this. 

"Do you need help with that? Or can you do it yourself? Wait come here real fast." She said motioning me towards her. 

"Yes?" I asked once I got up to her. She just pulled the glasses I was wearing off and then looked at my eye. I had found another pair of my old glasses to wear, because I don't like wearing my contacts that much. But that ice did wonders for my eye just like it had done for my knee. Because when I took the bandage off this morning, I could actually open my eye. So that was a nice little suprise. 

"Your eye looks better today. What about your knee." She said flatly. Everytime I would get hurt in high school, she would be the one to take care of me until I was back to perfect health, and she still is continuing that over here too. 

"It looks better then it feels. It still hurts." I said looking down from her gaze. 

"Don't hurt yourself today, please. For my sake. If someone hits you, hit them back ten times harder. You hear me?" She said putting her hands on her hips and giving me the same look Key does when he is telling me soemthin important. 

"Ok, I promise." I told her with a smile and nodded. After that we grabbed a little breakfast, because neither of us were extreamly hungry. But with the little time we had to get to our detinations, we had to hurry. So Becca helped me to where I was meeting Zico, and then hurried over to her class. 

"Hey! You do look a lot better then the last time I saw you!" Zico said once he saw me. We had decided to meet about halfway between the school Becca teaches at and BNS, and since Becca dosn't want me alone on the streets in my conditition, Zico happily agreed to walk the rest of the way with me.

"I'll take that as a compliment, agreeing that I couldn't really have looked much worse then when you saw me." I said with a smile. He laughed and we started walking, and when he noticed my limp, he carefully slipped his arm around my waist and helped me walk to rest of the way. Which I didn't mind, because it really helped a lot. And we talked about random things up until we got into the BNS building and he was helping me with my coat when I got the honor of meeting the rest of Block B. 

"Here, let me help you with that." Zico said with a small smile as I was ing my coat. I nodded and let him take my coat and hang it on the wall with the rest of the winter coat. I looked around and noticed how nice this place was. It wasn't as grand as SM's buliding, but this one was smaller and less intiminating. All the colors were warm and inviting, mixes of light and dark wood floors and orange, red, and yellow walls. It seemed like the perfect building for me. Since SM was colder colors and sleek modern designs, and this place had a comfy, warm, and homey feel to it. 

"It's not as modern and big as SM, but it's a nice studio." I heard Zico said from beside me. I looked over at him with a smile.

"I like it a lot. Orange is my favorite color." I said with a chuckle. 

"Really? I guess it suits you. It stands out with it's bright beauty and uniquness." He said philiophocally.

"Wow Jiho, that was deep." I heard someone say from a little hallway in front of us.

"I am that deep. Just another good thing about me. Here hop on and I'll carry you into meet the rest of the guys." He said kneeling down in front of me and pointing to his back.

"Are you sure? I can walk." I said hesitently.

"You can't be that heavy. I'm stronger then I look." He said, so I carefully latched my arms around his neck and let him carry me piggy-back down the hallway I had heard the voice from.

"How about a bit of a game. Your a fan right? Who do you think was the voice you heard a moment ago?" He asked stopping before we went into one of the rooms.

"Hm, well, they had a deeper voice, but not as deep as P.O's. It wasn't Kyung, or Jaehyo. My guess is B-Bomb." I said mentaly thinking of each of their voices. 

"Wow, so you really can tell our voices apart?" He said, sounding impressed. 

"Well, it's not that hard. There are 7 of you, and I can tell the difference between all of Super Junior. But that was a long and annoying processes. They wouldn't let me sleep until I could point each of them out." I said remembering one of the few nights I stayed over with them while SHINee was out of the contry along with SNSD.  

"Really? That's impressive! I'm honestly impressed." He said as we came to an open doorway. 

"What are you impressed with?" I heard someone else ask, my guess, Kyung. 

"Wow! Is this that girl you and Jaehyo-hyung were talking about?" P.O asked once they noticed me on his back. 

"Guy's I'd like you too meet Olivea Kim. And get use to her, you'll be seeing a lot of her." Zico said once I crawled off his back. I politely bowed to each of them and waved.

"She so cute and pretty! No wonder Jaehyo-hyung won't shut up about her." Kyung said walking over to me. 

"Hey! I'm right here!" Jaehyo said looking really embarresed. 

"What happened to your face? And your leg?" U-Kwon asked noticing the way I was leaning on Zico. 

"U-Kwon! That wasn't very nice! There isn't anything wrong- Oh wait, I guess you do look hurt. What did you do to her Zico?" Taeil said pushing U-Kwon. 

"I just got in a fight with a few girls at school yesterday." I said quietly. 

"Why would you think I hurt her!? I just met her yesterday! But anyways you guys should introduce yourself. Oh wait, nevermind, she knows who we are. She's a big fan! She can even tell the difference between our voices!" Zico said making me blush. Everytime I mention that I'm a fan, everyone gets excited. So I think I will stop saying that, it always leads to...

"Really? Prove it!" Jaehyo said with a big smile. 


Ah, I finally updated! >.< But all of Block B is here! ^.^ Oh my, I'm going to have so much fun with each of their characters...^.^ Oh it's gonna be great! 
But you can be looking forward too, Olivea and the rest of SHINee making up, a brillant plan for Olivea's safety by the one and only (Person yet to be picked), anddd Becca getting caught up in some relationships.

But I want to thank y'all so much! You have no idea how much I love the fact that the veiws counter thingy goes up when I post a new update! ^.^ It warms me up, with that warm fuzzy feeling that's just so nice to get in this horrible Nebraskan weather. So I want to thank you guys so much, just so much! 

And still, y'all are so silent... I didn't diable comments on accident, did I? I don't think I did... But I just want to hear from you. I still need help for the band name. But I guess meeting the girls first would be smart...>.< 


Hugs and Kisses,
Rebecca ♥♥♥

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And that's a wrap everyone. The final chapter is finished and I've finally got everything together and finished 'Surviving As the Diva's Sister'! Thank you!


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Chapter 79: Aww, everything's coming to an end. :(
Chapter 78: Who rescued her? TAEMINNIE???
Chapter 76: Beautiful. *wipes tears from eyes* Just beautiful.
Chapter 76: HA! Payback's are so SWEET (SHINee Style).
Chapter 75: SHINee revenge!!! Can't wait to see what they have planned.
Chapter 74: Poor Olivea!!! Don't worry! SHINee will kick his for you. You can bet Key-umma will go crazy after he hears what Jiho did to you.
Chapter 73: I hate it when I have the perfect ending without anyway to get to it, so I'm glad you at least have a plan. :) Fighting!
Chapter 72: Tsk, tsk. Underage drinking...although I've done plenty myself. XD
Chapter 71: Cute!!! :)
Chapter 70: In just 2 days i have read all 68 chapters! Now that just proves how awesome your story actually is!! Update soon i'll be waiting so pali pali!! Fighting!!!